Кук, Мордехай

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Мордехай Кук
англ. Mordecai Cubitt Cooke
Дата рождения12 июля 1825(1825-07-12)
Место рожденияНорфолк, Англия
Дата смерти12 ноября 1914(1914-11-12) (89 лет)
Место смертиПортсмут, Хэмпшир, Англия
Род деятельностиботаник, миколог, иллюстратор
Научная сфеработаник, миколог
Награды и премииМедаль Линнея (1903)
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе
Систематик живой природы
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Мордеха́й Кук (англ. Mordecai Cubitt Cooke; 12 июля 1825 — 12 ноября 1914) — английский ботаник и миколог.

Его сын стал иллюстратором книг и художником.


В 1903 году награждён Медалью Линнея за продолжение линнеевских традиций в современной биологии.


  • The Seven Sisters of Sleep. Popular history of the seven prevailing narcotics of the world (James Blackwood, London, 1860).
  • A Manual of Structural Botany: for the use of classes, schools, & private students … With upwards of 200 illustrations by Ruffle (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1861, второе издание 1877)
  • A Manual of Botanic Terms … With illustrations (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1862, второе издание1873).
  • A Plain and Easy Account of British Fungi: with descriptions of the esculent and poisonous species … With twenty-four coloured plates (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1862, другие издания 1866, 1876, 1884, 1898).
  • Index Fungorum Britannicorum. A complete list of fungi found in the British Islands to the present date, etc. (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1863).
  • Our Reptiles. A plain and easy account of the lizards, snakes, newts, toads, frogs, and tortoises indigenous to Great Britain. With original figures of every species, and numerous woodcuts (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1865, второе издание 1893 W.H. Allen & Co., London).
  • Rust, smut, mildew, & mould. An introduction to the study of microscopic fungi (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1865, другие издания 1870, 1878, 1886).
  • A Fern Book for Everybody. Containing all the British ferns. With the foreign species suitable for a fernery (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1867).
  • One Thousand Objects for the Microscope, etc. (Robert Hardwicke, London, 1869, другие издания 1895, 1900 Frederickk Warne & Co., London et New York).
  • Handbook of British Fungi, with full descriptions of all the species and illustrations of the genera (2 т., Macmillan & Co., London & New York, 1871, второе издание 1883).
  • Report on the Gums, Resins, Oleo-Resins, and Resinous Products in the India Museum, or produced in India. Prepared under the direction of the Reporter on the Products of India (London, 1874).
  • Fungi: their nature, influence, and uses (London, 1875, другие издания 1883, 1894, 1920 K. Paul).
  • Report on the Oil Seeds and Oils in the India Museum, or produced in India. Prepared under the direction of the Reporter on the Products of India (London, 1876).
  • The Woodlands (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1879).
  • Mycographia, seu Icones fungorum. Figures of fungi from all parts of the world, drawn and illustrated by M. C. Cooke (Williamsz & Norgate, London, 1875, 1879).
  • Ponds and Ditches (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1880).
  • Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life; or, Curiosities of vegetation (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1881).
  • Illustrations of British Fungi… To serve as an atlas to the «Handbook of British Fungi» (8 т, Williams & Norgate, London, 1881 à 1891).
  • British Fresh-Water Algæ. Exclusive of Desmidieæ and Diatomaceæ, etc. (2 т, Williams & Norgate, London, 1882—1884).
  • British Desmids. A supplement to British Fresh-Water Algæ, etc. (Williams & Norgate, London, 1887).
  • Toilers in the Sea. A study of marine life (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1889).
  • Introduction to Fresh-Water Algæ with an enumeration of all the British species … With thirteen plates, etc. (London, 1890).
  • British Edible Fungi: how to distinguish and how to cook them, etc. (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., London, 1891).
  • Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms. A popular history of entomogeneous fungi or fungi parasitic upon insects… With… illustrations (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1892).
  • Romance of Low Life amongst Plants. Facts and phenomena of cryptogamic vegetation (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1893).
  • Handbook of British Hepaticae, etc. (W. H. Allen & Co., London, 1894).
  • Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1894, переиздание 1902).
  • Down the Lane and back, in search of wild flowers. By Uncle Matt (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1895).
  • Through the Copse. Another ramble after flowers with Uncle Matt (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1895).
  • Around a Cornfield, in a ramble after wild flowers. By Uncle Matt (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1895).
  • Across the Common, after wild flowers. By Uncle Matt (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1895).
  • A Stroll on a Marsh, in search of wild flowers. By Uncle Matt (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1895).
  • Introduction to the Study of Fungi: their organography, classification, and distribution. For the use of collectors (Adam & Charles Black, London, 1895).
  • Object-Lesson Handbooks to accompany the Royal Portfolio of Pictures and Diagrams (T. Nelson & Sons, London, 1897—1898).
  • Introduction to fresh water algae (K. Paul, 1902).
  • Fungoid Pests of Cultivated Plants (Spottiswoode & Co., London, 1906).


  • English, Mary P. (1987), Mordecai Cubitt Cooke: Victorian naturalist, mycologist, teacher & eccentric. Biopress, Bristol, ISBN 0-948737-02-6