ProPedia — первая из трёх частей 15-го издания однотомной Британской энциклопедии, задуманной как собрание и современная организация 12-томной Микропедии и 17-томной Макропедии, расположенных в алфавитном порядке. Представленные в 1974 году вместе с 15-м изданием, Пропедия и Микропедия были призваны заменить указатель 14-го издания; однако после широкой критики Britannica восстановила Индекс в двухтомном формате в 1985 году. В основе ProPedia лежит План Знаний, цель которого — обеспечить логическую основу для всех человеческих знаний. Однако у ProPedia также есть несколько приложений со списком сотрудников, консультантов и участников всех трех частей «Британники».
Последнее издание Britannica вышло в 2010 году.
Очерк знаний
Как и «Британника» в целом, «Схема» преследует три типа целей:[1]
- Эпистемологическая: обеспечить систематическую, иерархическую категоризацию всех человеческих знаний, аналог 20-го века [[Великой цепи бытия|Великой цепи бытия] ] и наброски Фрэнсиса Бэкона в Instauratio magna.
- Образованиеal: составить курс обучения по каждой основной дисциплине, «дорожную карту» для изучения всей области.
- Организацияal: служит расширенным оглавлением для Micropædia и Macropædia.
По словам Мортимера Дж. Адлера, создателя «Пропедии», все статьи в полной версии «Британники» были разработаны так, чтобы вписаться в «Очерк знаний».
«Контур» состоит из десяти частей, каждая из которых содержит от 2 до 7 разделов, которые, в свою очередь, содержат от 2 до 11 разделов. Каждая часть имеет вводное эссе, как указано ниже в последнем столбце Таблицы 1, каждое из десяти эссе написано одним и тем же человеком, ответственным за разработку плана этой части, что было сделано в консультации и сотрудничестве с несколькими другими учеными. ; Всего в разработке «Очерка знаний» приняли участие 86 мужчин и одна женщина (см. Таблицу 2 ниже).
Похожие работы
Другие энциклопедии предоставили аналогичные сведения. В предисловии к знаменитой «Энциклопедии» (опубликованной в 1751—1772 гг.) д’Аламбер представляет собой дорожную карту знаний своего времени. Вдохновленный этим примером, в письме от 15 ноября 1812 года Дугалд Стюарт предложил Арчибальду Констеблу, владельцу и издателю «Британники», чтобы дополнение к 5-му изданию должно начаться с серии диссертаций, обрисовавших и систематизировавших знания своего времени.
Авторы «Очерка знаний»
Name | Date of birth | Date of death | Part of Outline | Description | Index |
Mortimer J. Adler | 1902 | 2001 | All Parts | Editor | 1 |
Charles Van Doren | 1926 | 2019 | All Parts | Associate editor; Editorial Vice President of Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. (1973—1982) | 2 |
William J. Gorman | 1982 | All Parts | Associate editor; Senior Fellow of the Institute for Philosophical Research | 3 | |
A. G. W. Cameron | 1925 | 2005 | Matter and Energy | Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University | 4 |
Farrington Daniels | 1889 | 1972 | Matter and Energy | Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison | 5 |
Morton Hamermesh | 1915 | 2003 | Matter and Energy | Professor of Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1975—1986) | 6 |
Vincent E. Parker | Matter and Energy | Emeritus Professor of Physics, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Dean, School of Science (1967—1977) | 7 | ||
Richard J. Chorley | 1927 | 2002 | The Earth | Professor of Geography, University of Cambridge; Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge | 8 |
William Stelling von Arx | The Earth | Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1968—1978) | 9 | ||
Peter John Wyllie | 1930 | The Earth | Professor of Geology and Chairman, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology | 10 | |
N. J. Berrill | 1903 | 1996 | Life on Earth | Strathcone Professor of Zoology, McGill University (1946—1965) | 11 |
Vincent Dethier | 1915 | 1993 | Life on Earth | Gilbert L. Woodside Professor of Zoology, University of Massachusetts Amherst (1975—1993) | 12 |
Louis S. Goodman | 1906 | 2000 | Life on Earth | Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City | 13 |
Garrett Hardin | 1915 | 2003 | Life on Earth | Emeritus Professor of Human Ecology, University of California, Santa Barbara | 14 |
Ernst Walter Mayr | 1904 | 2005 | Life on Earth | Alexander Agassiz Professor Emeritus of Zoology, Harvard University | 15 |
John Alexander Moore | 1915 | 2002 | Life on Earth | Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of California, Riverside | 16 |
Theodore T. Puck | 1916 | 2005 | Life on Earth | Professor of Biology, Biophysics and Genetics; Distinguished Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center; Director, Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Research | 17 |
Birgit Vennesland | 1913 | 2001 | Life on Earth | Head, Vennesland Research Laboratory, Max Planck Society (1970—1981); Director, Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin (1968—1970) | 18 |
Paul B. Weisz | 1919 | 2012 | Life on Earth | Professor of Biology, Brown University | 19 |
Ralph H. Wetmore | 1892 | 1989 | Life on Earth | Emeritus Professor of Botany, Harvard University | 20 |
Emil H. White | Life on Earth | D. Mead Johnson Professor of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University | 21 | ||
Wilfrid Edward Le Gros Clark | 1895 | 1971 | Human Life | Professor of Anatomy, University of Oxford | 22 |
Russell S. Fisher | 1985 | Human Life | Chief Medical Examiner, State of Maryland; Professor of Forensic Pathology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore | 23 | |
F. Clark Howell | 1925 | 2007 | Human Life | Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley | 24 |
Gregory A. Kimble | 1917 | 2006 | Human Life | Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Duke University | 25 |
Erich Klinghammer | 1930 | 2011 | Human Life | Associate Professor of Psychology, Purdue University | 26 |
Warren Sturgis McCulloch | 1899 | 1969 | Human Life | Staff member, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT (1952—1969) | 27 |
William J. McGuire | 1925 | 2012 | Human Life | Professor of Psychology, Yale University | 28 |
Peter Medawar | 1915 | 1987 | Human Life | Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 1960; Jodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University College London (1951—1962); Director, National Institute, Mill Hill, London (1962—1971); Scientific staff member, Medical Research Council, England (1971—1984) | 29 |
William J. Baumol | 1922 | 2017 | Human Society | Professor of Economics, New York University; Emeritus Professor of Economics, Princeton University | 30 |
Daniel Bell | 1919 | 2011 | Human Society | Henry Ford II Professor Emeritus of Social Science, Harvard University | 31 |
Guiliano H. Bonfante | Human Society | Former Professor of Linguistics, University of Turin | 32 | ||
Kenneth E. Boulding | 1910 | 1993 | Human Society | Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder | 33 |
Lewis A. Coser | 1913 | 2003 | Human Society | Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology, SUNY, Stony Brook | 34 |
Sigmund Diamond | 1920 | 1999 | Human Society | Giddings Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Columbia University | 35 |
Carl J. Friedrich | 1901 | 1984 | Human Society | Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, Harvard University (1955—1971) | 36 |
Paul Mundy | Human Society | Professor of Sociology and Chairman, Department of Criminal Justice, Loyola University Chicago | 37 | ||
Kenyon E. Poole | 1909 | 1988 | Human Society | Professor of Economics, Northwestern University | 38 |
C. Herman Pritchett | Human Society | Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara and University of Chicago | 39 | ||
Sol Tax | 1907 | 1995 | Human Society | Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago (1948—1976); Director, Center for the Study of Man, Smithsonian Institution | 40 |
Charles Raymond Whittlesey | 1900 | 1979 | Human Society | Emeritus Professor of Finance and Economics, University of Pennsylvania | 41 |
Rudolf Arnheim | 1904 | 2007 | Art | Emeritus professor of Psychology of Art, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University | 42 |
Robert Jesse Charleston | 1916 | 1994 | Art | Keeper, Department of Ceramics, Victoria and Albert Museum (1963—1976) | 43 |
Clifton Fadiman | 1904 | 1999 | Art | Member, Board of Editors, Encyclopædia Britannica | 44 |
Francis Fergusson | 1904 | 1986 | Art | Professor of Comparative Literature, Rutgers University (1953—1969); Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University (1973—1981) | 45 |
John Gloag | 1896 | 1981 | Art | Novelist and writer on architecture and industrial design | 46 |
Richard Griffith | 1912 | 1969 | Art | Curator, Museum of Modern Art Film Library (1951—1965); Lecturer on Motion Pictures, Wesleyan University (1967—1969) | 47 |
Richard Hoggart | 1918 | 2014 | Art | Professor of English, University of Birmingham (1962—1973); Warden, Goldsmiths' College, University of London (1976—1984) | 48 |
Edward Lockspeiser | 1905 | 1973 | Art | Officier d’Académie, Paris; Writer and broadcaster on music. | 49 |
Roy McMullen | 1984 | Art | Author, critic, and art historian | 50 | |
Leonard B. Meyer | 1918 | 2007 | Art | Benjamin Franklin Professor of Music and Humanities, University of Pennsylvania | 51 |
Michael Morrow | 1929 | 1994 | Art | Music editor, Encyclopædia Britannica; Director, Musica Reservata, London | 52 |
Beaumont Newhall | 1908 | 1993 | Art | Director, Eastman Kodak House (1958—1971); Visiting Professor of Art, University of New Mexico (1971—1984) | 53 |
Herbert Read | 1893 | 1968 | Art | Watson Gordon Professor of Fine Art, University of Edinburgh (1931—1933); editor, The Burlington Magazine (1933—1939); Charles Eliot Norton professor of Poetry, Harvard University (1953—1954) | 54 |
Richard Roud | 1929 | 1989 | Art | Program Director, London (1959—1963) and New York (1963—1987) Film Festivals; Film critic, The Guardian (1963—1969) | 55 |
George Savage | 1982 | Art | Art consultant; author of Porcelain Through the Ages, Pottery Through the Ages, and other works | 56 | |
Wolfgang Stechow | 1896 | 1974 | Art | Professor of Fine Arts, Oberlin College (1940—1963) | 57 |
Joshua C. Taylor | 1981 | Art | William Rainey Harper Professor of Humanities and Professor of Art, University of Chicago (1963—1974); Director, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution | 58 | |
Everard M. Upjohn | 1903 | 1978 | Art | Professor of Fine Arts, Columbia University (1951—1970) | 59 |
Pierre Verlet | 1908 | 1987 | Art | Chief Curator, Cluny Museum (1945—1965); Chief Curator, National Museum of Sèvres Porcelain (1945—1965); Chief Curator of Art Objects from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period, Louvre Museum (1945—1965) | 60 |
René Wellek | 1903 | 1995 | Art | Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature, Yale University (1952—1972) | 61 |
Glynne William Gladstone Wickham | 1922 | 2004 | Art | Emeritus Professor of Drama, University of Bristol; Dean, Faculty of Arts (1970—1972) | 62 |
Raymond (Henry) Williams | 1921 | 1988 | Art | Professor of Drama, University of Cambridge (1974—1983); Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge (1961—1988) | 63 |
Paul S. Wingert | 1900 | 1974 | Art | Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University | 64 |
Bruno Zevi | 1918 | 2000 | Art | Professor of Architectural History, University of Rome (1963—1979) | 65 |
Konstantinos Apostolos Doxiadis | 1914 | 1975 | Technology | Chairman, Doxiadis Associates International; Chairman, Board of Directors, Doxiadis Associates, Inc.; Washington D.C. Chairman, Board of Directors, Athens Technological Organization; President, Athens Center of Ekistics | 66 |
Eugene S. Ferguson | 1916 | 2004 | Technology | Emeritus Professor of History, University of Delaware; Curator of Technology, Hagley Museum, Greenville Delaware | 67 |
Melvin Kranzberg | 1917 | 1995 | Technology | Callaway Professor of the History of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology (1972—1988) | 68 |
Harvey G. Mehlhouse | Technology | Vice President, Western Electric Company, New York City (1965—1969); President (1969—1971); Chairman of the Board (1971—1972) | 69 | ||
Robert Smith Woodbury | 1983 | Technology | Professor of the History of Technology, MIT | 70 | |
Arthur Llewellyn Basham | 1914 | 1986 | Religion | Professor of Asian Civilizations, Australian National University | 71 |
James T. Burtchaell | 1934 | 2015 | Religion | Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; Provost (1970—1977) | 72 |
J. V. Langmead Casserley | 1909 | 1978 | Religion | Professor of Apologetics, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary | 73 |
Ichiro Hori | 1974 | Religion | Professor of the History of Religions, Seijo University and Kokugakuin University | 74 | |
Jaroslav Jan Pelikan | 1923 | 2006 | Religion | Sterling Professor of History, Yale University; President, American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 75 |
Jakob Josef Petuchowski | 1925 | 1991 | Religion | Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati (1981—1991) | 76 |
Jacques Barzun | 1907 | 2012 | The History of Mankind | University Professor Emeritus, Columbia University; Dean of Faculties and Provost (1958—1967) | 77 |
Otto Allen Bird | 1914 | 2009 | The Branches of Knowledge | Emeritus Professor of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame | 78 |
Wing-Tsit Chan | 1901 | 1994 | The Branches of Knowledge | Professor of Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Dartmouth College (1942—1966); Anna R. D. Gillespie Professor of Philosophy, Chatham University (1966—1982) | 79 |
William Herbert Dray | 1921 | 2009 | The Branches of Knowledge | Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and of History, University of Ottawa | 80 |
Norwood Hanson | 1924 | 1967 | The Branches of Knowledge | Professor of Philosophy, Yale University (1963—1967) | 81 |
J. H. Hexter | 1910 | 1996 | The Branches of Knowledge | Charles L. Stillé Professor of History, Yale University, (1967—1978); Distinguished Historian in residence, Washington University in St. Louis (1978—1986) | 82 |
Ernan V. McMullin | 1924 | 2011 | The Branches of Knowledge | Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame | 83 |
Karl Menger | 1902 | 1985 | The Branches of Knowledge | Professor of Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology (1946—1971) | 84 |
Arthur Norman Prior | 1914 | 1969 | The Branches of Knowledge | Fellow, Balliol College, University of Oxford; Professor of Philosophy, Manchester University (1959—1966) | 85 |
Nicholas Rescher | 1928 | 2024 | The Branches of Knowledge | University Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh; editor, American Philosophical Quarterly | 86 |
Seymour Schuster | 1926 | 2020 | The Branches of Knowledge | Professor of Mathematics, Carleton College | 87 |
Section 4.2.1 uses transparencies of organ systems originally commissioned by Parke-Davis. Similar in design to the three-dimensional Visible Man and Visible Woman dolls designed by sculptor Marcel Jovine, successive plastic sheets reveal different layers of human anatomy.
См. также
- History of the Encyclopædia Britannica
- PropaedeuticsШаблон:Dash A historical term for an introductory course into an art or science
- Threshold knowledge
- Outline of knowledge
- Outline of academic disciplines
- List of academic fields
- ↑ Adler, Mortimer J. (2007). "Circle of Learning". The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th edition. Vol. Propædia. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. p. 5-8.
- ↑ The dates of death in Table 2 were taken from the 2007 version of the Propædia, except recent (post-1999) deaths which were not noted.