Библиографические коды источников по клинописям
Библиографические коды источников по ассириологии
Расшифровка типовых сокращений, используемых в библиографии научных трудов по ассириологии и, в целом, ориенталистике. Приводимые ниже аббревиатуры (иногда слова) выделяются жирным в справочном аппарате: сносках, списках литературы, источников и т.п.
Составлено на основании справочных материалов проекта по истории CDLI[англ.], совместно реализуемого Университетом Калифорнии и Институтом Макса Планка[1].
A | tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute. — Univ. of Chicago. |
AAA | Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology. — Liverpool, 1908–1948. |
AASF | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Reihe B. — Helsinki, 1909 ff. |
AASOR | Annual of the American School(s) of Oriental Research (in Jerusalem). — New Haven/Cambridge, Mass., 1919/1920 ff. |
AAT | J.A. Craig. Astrological-Astronomical Texts (Assyriologische Bibliothek 14). — Leipzig. |
AB | Assyriologische Bibliothek (Leipzig 1881–1933); NF = Neue Folge, 1-2 (1933). |
aB | Old Babylonian ( < altbabylonisch). |
ABAA | Weidner, Ernst F. Alter und Bedeutung der babylonischen Astronomie und Astrallehre = KAO 4. — Leipzig. |
AbB | Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift und Ubersetzung. — Leiden, 1964 ff. |
ABC | A.K. Grayson. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. |
AbhBerlin | Abhandlungen… |
ABK | Winckler, H., Böhden, E. Altabylonische Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. — Leipzig, 1892. |
ABoT | K. Balkan. Ankara Arkeologji Muzesinde bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri = Bogazkoy Tablets in the Archaeological Museum in Ankara. — Istanbul, 1948. |
Abr-N | Abr-Nahrain. Continued by: Ancient Near Eastern studies. — Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne. — Melbourne, 1961-1999. |
ABRT | Craig, J. Assyrian and Babylonian religious texts, 2 vols. — Hinrichs. — Leipzig, 1895-1897. |
AbS-T | Field numbers of texts excavated at Tell Abu Salabikh. |
ABSA | Annual of the British School at Athens. — London, 1894/95 ff. |
ABTR | Arnold, William Rosenzweig, Ancient-Babylonian temple records in the Columbia university library, ed. with transcriptions into Neo-Assyrian characters., by William R. Arnold (New York, 1896). |
ABZ | Borger, R. Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste. — 1986. |
ACh | Virolleaud, Ch. L'astrologie chaldeenne: le livre intitule Enuma Anu Enlil, 5 vols.: S(in); Shamasz; Isht(ar); Adad; S/Supp. = Supplement; SS / 2.Supp. = Second Supplement. — Paul Geuthner. — Paris, 1905–1912. |
achE | Achaemenid Elamite (< achamenid-elamisch). |
Ackerbau | B. Hruska. Tradicni obilnarstvi stare Mezopotamie = Der traditionelle Ackerbau im alten Mesopotamien. — Prague, 1990. |
AcOr | Acta Orientalia (Budapest). |
ACT | Neugebauer, O. Astronomical Cuneiform Texts. — London, 1955. |
ActOr | Acta Orientalia, Societates Orientales Batava, Danica, Norvegica, Svecica. — Leiden, 1923 ff. |
ADAJ | Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan. — Amman, 1951 ff. |
ADD | Johns, C.H.W. Assyrian deeds and documents recording the transfer of property, including the so-called private contracts, legal decisions and proclamations preserved in the Kouyunjik collections of the British Museum, chiefly of the 7th century B.C., 4 vols. — Deighton, Bell. — Cambridge, 1898–1923. |
ADFU | Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. — Berlin…, 1936 ff. |
ADOG | Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. — Berlin, 1956 ff. |
Adoption in Nippur | E.C. Stone and D.I. Owen. Adoption in Old Babylonian Nippur and the Archive of Mannum-mesu-lissur. |
AegFo | Agyptologische Forschungen. — GIuckstadt, 1936 ff. |
Aegyptus | Rivista italiana di Egittologia e di Papirologia. |
AEJ | C.F. Lehmann-Haupt. Armenien einst und jetzt, I-Ill. — Berlin, 1910–1931. |
AEM | Archives epistolaires de Mari. — Paris, 1988 ff. |
AFD | J. L. Gautier. Archives d'une famille de Dilbat. — Kairo, 1908. |
AGH | Ebeling, E. Die akkadische Gebetsserie „Handerhebung”. — Berlin, 1953. |
Agricultura | Salonen, A. Agricultura Mesopotamica nach sumerisch-akkadischen Quellen. — Heidelberg, 1981. |
AHamI | Adda-Hamiti-Insushnak, Elamite king, reigned 653-648 BCE. |
AHw | W. von Soden. Akkadisches Handworterbuch. — Wiesbaden, 1959–1981. |
AIA | tablets in the collections of the Australian Institute of Archaeology. — Melbourne. |
AiFF | Walter Hinz. Altiranische Funde und Forschungen. — Berlin, 1969. |
AIPHOS | Annuaire de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves. — Universite libre de Bruxelles. — Bruxelles, 1936. |
AJ | Antiquaries Journal. — London/Oxford, 1921 ff. |
AJA | American Journal of Archaeology. — Princeton/Baltimore, 1897 ff. |
AJSL | American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. — Chicago, 1895–1941. |
AKA | King, L. W. The Annals of the Kings of Assyria, I. — London, 1902. |
Akkadica | Akkadica. Periodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin (Brussels 1977 ff.); Suppl. = Supplement (Leuven 1983 ff.). |
AKT | Ankara Kultepe Tabletleri / Ankara Kultepe Tablets or Texts (vol. 1-2, Ankara 1990/1995, vol. 3 = FAOS Beih. 3, 1995). |
AL | F. Delitzsch. Assyrische Lesestucke, mit grammatischen Tabellen und vollstandigem Glossar; Einfuhrung in die assyrische und babylonische Keilschriftlitteratur bis hinauf zu Hammurabi, fur akademischen Gebrauch und Selbstunterricht, 4. durchaus neu bearb. Aufl. Assyriologische Bibliothek 16. — Leipzig. |
Aleppo | M. Touzalin. [Aleppo]. |
AlHeth | H.A. Hoffner. Alimenta Hethaeorum (AOS 55). — 1974. |
Altertumskunde | V. Christian. Altertumskunde des Zweistromlandes von der Vorzeit bis zum Ende der Achamenidenherrschaft, Bd. I (Leipzig 1940). |
Altmesop. Weihplatten | J. Boese. Altmesopotamische Weihplatten. Eine sumerische Denkmalsgattung des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (Berlin-New York 1971). |
Alu | Akk. omen series Summa Alu. |
AM | A. Goetze. Die Annalen des Murshilish. |
AM | G. Cardascia. Les archives des Murashu. — Paris, 1951. |
AM | Museum sigla: Collection Albert Maignan. |
AMI | Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (Berlin 1929- 1938); Erg.-Bd. = Erganzungsband (1929 ff.); NF = Neue Folge (1968 ff.); Erg.-Bd. (NF.) = Erganzungsband (Neue Folge). — Berlin. |
Ammann-Festgabe | Oberhuber, K. [Ammann-Festgabe]. — 1953. |
Amorites | Buccellati, G. [Amorites]. — 1966. |
AMT | Thompson, R. C. Assyrian Medical Texts. — Oxford, 1923. |
Anatolia | Anatolia. Revue annuelle d'archeologie (until 1961/62), Journal of the Institute for Research in Near Eastern Civilizations and Languages (1963), Anadolu (since 1964, Ankara 1956 ff.). |
Anatolica | Anatolica. Annuaire international pour les civilisations de l'Asie anterieure. — Leiden, 1967 ff. |
AncMesArt | Porada, E. [AncMesArt]. — 1976. |
ANEP | Prichard, J. B. The Ancient Near East in Pictures. — Princeton. |
ANEP | Prichard, J. B. The Ancient Near East in Pictures. — Princeton. |
ANES | Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Centre for Classics and Archaeology) Continues: Abr-Nahrain. — University of Melbourne, Peeters Press. — 2000 ff. |
ANESS | Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series (Centre for Classics and Archaeology). — University of Melbourne, Peeters Press. — Louvain, 2000 ff. |
ANET | Prichard, J. B. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (1950-1; 1955-2; 1969-3). — Princeton. |
Animal Husbandry | Marek Stepien. Animal Husbandry in the Ancient Near East: A Prosopographic Study of Third Millennium Umma. — CDL Press. — 1996. |
Ann. Rost | TigI. III. |
AnnNap | Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli. |
AnOr | Analecta Orientalia. — Rome, 1931 ff. |
AnSt | Anatolian Studies. — London, 1951 ff. |
Anthropos | Anthropos. — Internationale Zeitschrift fur Volker- und Sprachenkunde. — Salzburg/Modling/Posieux/ Freibung, Switzerland, 1906 ff. |
AO | Der Alte Orient. — Leipzig, 1900 ff. |
AO | Museum siglum Louvre (Antiquites orientales). |
AoF | Altorientalische Forschungen (Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients) = Древний Ближний Восток (Труды по истории и культуре древнего Ближнего Востока. — Berlin, 1974 ff. |
AOS | American Oriental Series. — New Haven, 1925 ff. |
AOTb | museum sigla, Louvre (Antiquites Orientales, Tello). |
AOTc | museum sigla, Louvre (Antiquites Orientales, Tello). |
APA | Acta praehistorica et archaeologica. — Berlin, 1970 ff. |
ApI | Ernst Herzfeld, Altpersische Inschriften (AMI Erg. Bd. 1). — Berlin, 1938. |
APN | K. Tallqvist. Assyrian Personal Names. — 1914. |
ARAB | D. D. Luckenbill. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. — Chicago, 1926/27. |
Archaeology | Archaeology (Archaeological Institute of America). |
ArchBibel | nd. |
Archeology | Archeology. A magazine dealing with the Antiquity of the world. — Cambridge, Mass.-New York. |
Archives of Drehem | Langdon, S. Tablets from the Archives of Drehem. — 1911. |
ARES | Archivi reali di Ebla. Studi. — Rome, 1988 ff. |
ARET | Archivi reali di Ebla. Testi. — Rome, 1985 ff. |
ARI | A.K. Grayson. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. — Wiesbaden, 1972/1976. |
ARM | Archives royales de Mari. |
ARMT | Archives royales de Mari, traduction. — Paris, 1950 ff. |
ARN | Cig, M.; Kizilyay, H.; Kraus, F. R. Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur = Старовавилонские правовые документы из Ниппура. — Istanbul, 1952. |
ArOr | Archiv Orientalni (Prague). |
ARRIM | Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project. — Toronto, 1983 ff. |
Art de la Mesopotamie | Ch. Zervos. L'art de la Mesopotamie de la fin du quatrieme millenaire au XVe siecle avant notre ere. — Paris, 1935. |
ARV | D. Arnaud. Altbabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden. |
AS | Assyriological Studies (Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago). |
ASA | M. Hofner. Altsudarabische Grammatik, Porta Linguarum Orientalium 24,. — Leipzig, 1943. |
ASAW | Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philologisch-Historische Klasse. |
Asb. | Assurbanipal, A = Prisma A following M. Streck, VAB VII/2 (1916) 2 ff. |
Asb. | Assurbanipal, B = Prism B following A. C. Piepkorn, AS 5(1933). |
Asb. | Assurbanipal, C = Prism C following M. Streck, VAB VII/2, S.138 ff. |
Asb. | Assurbanipal, F = Prism F following J.-M. Aynard, Le prisme du Louvre. — Paris, 1957. |
Ash. | Borger, R. Die Inschriften Asarhaddons. |
ASKT | P. Haupt. Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte. — 1881. |
AssCapp | P. Garelli. Les Assyriens en Cappadoce. — Paris, 1963. |
ASSF | Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (Helsinki). |
AssLaws | Driver, G.R.; Miles, J.C. The Assyrian Laws. — Oxford, 1935. |
Assur | Assur. Monographic Journals of the Near East. — Malibu, 1974 ff. |
Assyriological Miscellanies | Assyriological Miscellanies (Institute of Assyriology, Copenhagen). |
AST | Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi. |
Astrolabe B | E. Weidner. Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie 63ff.; E. Reiner and D. Pingree, BiMesop. 2/2, 151-152; G.,Cagirgan, Belleten 48, 399- 416. |
AT | Tel Atshana (Alalakh) Text, excavation sigla for 1937 (see also ATT). |
ATHE | B. Kienast. Die altassyrischen Texte des Orientalischen Seminars in Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer. |
Athenaeum | Athenaeum. Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichita; (Pavia 1913–1922); NS = nova series (1923 ff.). |
Atiqot | Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities. |
ATR | H. Torczyner. Altbabylonische Tempelrechnungen. — Vienna, 1913. |
Atra-hasis | W.G. Lambert and A.R. Millard. Atra–hasis: the Babylonian Story of the Flood; with the Sumerian Flood Story by M. Civil. |
ATT | Tel Atshana (Alalakh) Text, excavation sigla. |
ATU | Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 1, A. Falkenstein. |
ATU | Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 2, M. Green/H. Nissen, Zeichenliste der archaischen Texte aus Uruk. |
ATU | Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 3, R. Englund/H. Nissen, Die lexikalischen Listen der Archaischen Texte aus Uruk. |
ATU | Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 5 = R. Englund, Archaic Administrative Texts from Uruk: The Early Campaigns. |
ATU | Archaische Texte aus Uruk: vol. 7, R. Englund/H. Nissen, Archaische Verwaltungstexte aus Uruk: Die Heidelberger Sammlung. |
AU | Sommer, F. Die Ahhijava-Urkunden. |
AUCT | Andrews University Cuneiform Texts. — Berriens Springs, Michigan, 1984 ff. |
AuOrS | Aula Orientalis Supplements. |
AUWE | Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka. Endberichte. — Mainz, 1987 ff. |
AVAM | Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archaologie des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts Bonn, Materialien. — Munich. |
AWAS | G. J. Selz. Altsumerische Wirtschaftsurkunden Sammlungen, 2 vols. — Franz Steiner Verlag. — 1993. |
AWL | J.Bauer. Altsumerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagasch. |
Aynard | Jeanne-Marie Aynard, Le prisme du Lourvre AO 19.939. — Bibliothe de l'Ecole des Hautes Ecole des Hautes Etudes, IVe section, sciences historiques et philologiques. |
B. Rhode Island | Davidson, A. [B. Rhode Island]. — 1939. |
BA | Beitrage zur Assyriologie (und semitischen Sprachwissenschaft). — Leipzig, 1890 ff. |
BabLaws | Driver, G.R.; Miles, J.C. The Babylonian Laws. — Oxford, 1955. |
Babyl. | Babylonian. |
Babylonian Genesis | A. Heidel. The Babylonian Genesis. — 1963. |
Babylonisches Schrifttum | E. Unger. Babylonisches Schrifttum. — Leipzig, 1921. |
BAD | G. A. Barton. Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty of Agade. — UMBS, vol. 9, no. 1. — Philadelphia, 1915. |
BAfO | Beihefte zum Archiv fur Orientforschung. — Berlin-Graz, 1933 ff. |
BagF | Bagdhader Forschungen. — Mainz, 1979 ff. |
BAH | Bibliotheque archeologique et historique, Institut Francais d'Archeologie de Beyrouth. — Paris, 1921 ff. |
BAK | H. Hunger. Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone. — Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1968. |
BAL | Borger, R. Babylonisch-assyrische Lesestucke (Rome 19631; 19792 [= AnOr.54)]. — 1963. |
Balag | Cohen, M.E. An Analysis of the Balag-Compositions to the god Enlil (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania). |
BAOM | Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum. — Tokyo, 1979 ff. |
BAP | B. Meissner. Beitrage zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht. — 1893. |
BAR | British Archaeological Reports. IS = International Series (London). |
BASOR | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. — New Haven, 1919 ff. |
BAU | E. Burrows. Archaic Texts (UET 2). — London. |
Bauer | Theo Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals. — Leipzig, 1972. |
BAW | Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. |
BB | A. Ungnad. Babylonische Briefe aus der Zeit der Hammurapi-Dynastie. Vorderasiatische Bibliothek. — Leipzig. |
BBR | H. Zimmern. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion. |
BBVO | Berliner Beitrage zum Vorderer Orient = Вклад Берлина в ближневосточные исследования. — Berlin, 1982 ff. |
BBVOT | Berliner Beitrage zum Vorderer Orient Texte = Вклад Берлина в исследования состочных текстов. — Berlin, 1989 ff. |
BC | C. Bezold. Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik collection in the British Museum (5 vols.). |
BCH | Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, Ecole Francaise d'Athenes. — Paris…, 1877 ff. |
BDHP | L. Watermann. Business Documents of the Hammurapi Period. — London, 1916. |
BDTNS | Base de Datos de Textos Neosumerios (Madrid). |
BE | The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania = Вавилонская экспедиция Пенсильванского университета. — Series A: Cuneiform texts. — Philadelphia, 1893 ff. |
Behrens | T. Fish. The "Behrens" Collectlon of Sumerian Tablets in the Manchester Museum. |
Beschworungen | M. Krebernik. Die Beschworungen aus Fara und Ebla. — 1984. |
BHLT | A. K. Grayson. Babylonian historical-literary texts. — Toronto, 1975. |
BHT | S. Smith. Babylonian Historical Texts. — London, 1924. |
BID | W. Farber. Beschworungsrituale an Ishtar und Dumuzi. — Wiesbaden, 1977. |
Bier | W. Rollig. Das Bier im alten Mesopotamien. — Berlin, 1970. |
BIFAO | Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale au Caire, Le Caire. |
Bildatlas | M. A. Beek. Bildatlas der assyrisch-babylonischen Kultur. — Gutersloh, 1961. |
Bilingual | Bilingual reference(s). |
Bilinguismo | Il bilinguismo a Ebla, ed. L. Cagni. |
BIN | Babylonian lnscriptions in the Collection of J. B. Nies = Вавилонские надписи из коллекции J. B. Nies. — New Haven, 1917 ff. |
BiOr | Bibliotheca Orientalis. — Leiden, 1943/44 ff. |
Bismya | E. Banks. Bismya of The Lost City of Adab. — New York-London, 1912. |
Bit rimki | ritual series; see R. Borger, JCS 21, lff. |
Bit Rimki | J. Laessoe. Studies on the Assyrian Ritual and Series bit rimki. |
BIWA | Borger, R. Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals. — Wiesbaden, 1996. |
BJRL | Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. — Manchester, 1903 ff. |
BKR | U. Seidl. Die babylonischen Kudurru-Reliefs. |
BL | Langdon, S. Babylonian Liturgies; coll. R. Borger. — 1913. |
BL | A. Ungnad. Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period. UVBS 7. — Philadelphia, 1915. |
BLMJ | Museum siglum of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem. |
BM | Museum siglum of the British Museum = Музейная сигла в Британском музее. — London. |
BMHBA | David, A. [BMHBA]. |
BMQ | British Museum Quarterly. — London. |
BMRAH | Bulletin des Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. — Bruxelles. |
BMS | King, L. W. Babylonian Magic and Sorcery. — London, 1896. |
BN | Biblische Notizen. Beitrage zur exegetischen Diskussion. — Bamberg, 1976 ff. |
BNYPL | Bulletin of the New York Public Library. — New York. |
Bo. | Tablet siglum of (unpublished) texts from Bogazkoy. |
Bogh. | Boghazkoy. |
BoHa | Bogazkoy-Hattusha. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (1-8 in WVDOG). — Stuttgart/Berlin, 1952 ff. |
Borger | Rykle Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste. — Kevelaer, 1978. |
Bork, Zeughausurkungen | Ferdinand Bork, Die Zeughausurkunden von Susa, Teil I ( = Altkaukasische Studien, Heft III, Leipzig 1941). |
BoSt | Boghazkoi-Studien. — Leipzig, 1917 ff. |
Boyer Contribution | Contribution a L'histoire Juridique = Бойер. Вклад в историю юриспруденции. |
BPOA | Biblioteca del Proximo Oriente Antiguo. — Madrid,, 2006 ff. |
Br | R.E. Brunnow. A Classified List of Cuneiform ideographs. — Leyden. |
BRAD | J. Augapfel. Babylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der Regierungszeit Artaxerxes l. u. Darius II. (Vienna 1917). |
BRM | Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan. — New Haven, 1917 ff. |
Brockmon | R. Kutscher. The Brockmon Tablets at the Univ. of Haifa: Royal Inscriptions. |
BSA | Bulletin On Sumerian Agriculture. — Cambridge, England,, 1984 ff. |
BSL | Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris (Paris). |
BSWSAS | Sejnen Aja Kenkyu (Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies, Kyoto University. — Kyoto, 1958 ff. |
BT | Brockman Tablets. |
BTT | Babylonian Topographical Texts (George). |
BuA | B. Meissner. Babylonien und Assyrien. — Heidelberg, 1920/25. |
Buccellati Amorites | G. Buccellati. The Amorites of the Ur III Period. |
Buffalo SNS | Hussey, M. [Buffalo SNS]. — 1915. |
BWL | W.G. Lambert BWL W. Lambert. Babylonian Wisdom Literature. — Oxford, 1959. |
BzN | Beitrage zur Namenforschung (Heidelberg). |
bzw. | respectively (< beziehungsweise). |
CA | Current Anthropology. — Chicago, 1960 ff. |
CAD | The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago. — Chicago, 1956 ff. |
CAH | The Cambridge Ancient History. — Cambridge, England, 1970 ff.3. |
Calendars | Cohen, M.E. The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East. |
Camb. | Strassmaier, J. N. Inschriften von Cambyses, Konig von Babylon. |
CANES | E. Porada. Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections, I: The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library (Washington 1948). |
CanLam | M. E. Cohen. The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia. — Potomac, Maryland, 1988. |
Cat. | Clercq, L. de; Menant, J. Collection de Clerq, catalogue …, I (Paris 1885/ 1888), II (1890/1903). — Paris. |
Cat. | K. Bezold. Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection. — 1896. |
CAT | A. F. Rainey. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets, HdO I 25, 1-4. — Leiden. |
Cat RSM 1907.690-50 5 | Dalley, S. Cat RSM 1907.690-50 5. — 1979. |
Catalogue 3 | Auction nd. |
Catalogue Louvre | L. Heuzey. Musee National du Louvre, Catalogue des Antiquites Chaldeenes, sculpture et gravure a; la pointe. — Paris, 1902. |
CatBM | H.H. Figulla. Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. |
CB | C.E. Keyser. Cuneiform Bullae of the Third Millennium B.C. Bab. Records in the Library of J.P. Morgan, part III. (New York, 1914). |
CBS | Museum siglum of the University Museum in Philadelphia (Catalogue of the Babylonian Section). |
CCT | Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum. — London, 1921-75. |
CDA | Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. |
CdC II | Clercq, L. de; Menant, J. Collection de Clercq, Bd. II (Cachets, briques, bronces, bas-reliefs). — Paris, 1903. |
CDLI | Cuneiform Digital LIbrary Initiative (Los Angeles/Berlin). |
CDLB | Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin. — Los Angeles/Berlin, 2002 ff. |
CDLJ | Cuneiform Digital Library Journal. — Los Angeles/Berlin, 2002 ff. |
CDLN | Cuneiform Digital Library Notes. — Los Angeles/Berlin, 2003 ff. |
CE | Codex Eshnunna. |
CGSL | S. Moscati. A. Spitaler, E. Ullendorff and W. von Soden, An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages, Wiesbaden 1964; 3d edition, 1980. |
CH | Codex Hammurabi. |
CHD | The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. — Chicago, 1980 ff. |
CHJ | G. Boyer. Contribution a; I'histoire juridique de la 1re Dynastie Babylonienne = Бойер. Вклад в историю юриспруденции времён 1-й вавилонской династии. — Paris, 1928. |
Chronicles | King, L. W. Chronicles Concerning Early Babylonian Kings. |
ChS | Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmaler. — Rome, 1984 ff. |
CICh | C. F. Lehmann-Haupt. Corpus inscriptionum chaldaicarum. — Berlin, 1928/1935. |
Circulation of Goods | Circulation of Goods in Non-palatial Context in the Ancient Near East. — Rome. |
CL | Codex Lipit-Ishtar. |
Clerge | D. Charpin. Le clerge d'Ur. |
CM | Cuneiform Monographs. — Groningen, 1992 ff. |
CMH | Museum sigla: Serie H du Cabinet des Medailles. |
CNIP | Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications. |
CNRS | Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris. |
Commentaires | Labat, R. Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les presages. |
Comptabilite | Virolleaud, Charles, Comptabilite Chaldeenne 1903. |
Copper and Tin | J.D. Muhly. Copper and Tin: The Distribution of Mineral Resources and the Nature of the Metals Trade in the Bronze Age. — 1976. |
COS | W. W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger. The Context of Scripture, 3 vols. — Brill, 1997, 2000, 2002. |
CPN | A.T. Clay. Personal Names of the Cassite Period. YOS 11, no. 2. |
Craft Archive | D. M. Loding. A Craft Archive from Ur (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania 1974). |
CRAI | Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. — Paris, 1857 ff. |
CS | H. Frankfort. Cylinder Seals (Reprint 1965). — London. |
CT | Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum = Клинописные тексты вавилонских табличек Британского музея. — London, 1896 ff. — ISBN 0714110795. Архивная копия от 7 ноября 2010 на Wayback Machine |
CT Metropolitan | see CCTM. |
CTH | L. Laroche. Catalogue des textes hittites (Paris 1966, Reprint 1971); premier supplement, RHA 30, 1972, S. 94-133. — Paris. |
CTM | see CCTM. |
CTMMA | see CCTM. |
CTN | Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud. — London, 1972 ff. |
CU | Codex Ur-Nammu. |
CUSAS | Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology. — Bethesda,, 2007 ff. |
Cyr. | Strassmaier, J. N. Inschriften von Cyrus, Konig von Babylon. — 1892. |
DA | A. Boissier. Documents assyriens relatifs aux presages. — Paris, 1894-99. |
DamM | Damaszener Mitteilungen. — Mainz, 1983 ff. |
Dar. | Strassmaier, J. N. Inschriften von Darius, Konig von Babylon. — 1892. |
DAS | B. LaFont. Documents Administratifs Sumeriens, provenant du site de Tello et conserves au Musee du Louvre. — Paris, 1985. |
Das Sumerische | A. Falkenstein. Das Sumerische. Handbuch der Orientalistik. — Leiden, 1959. |
DAT | B. Lafont. Documents administratifs sumeriens provenant du site de Tello. |
Date Palm | B. Landsberger. AfO Beiheft 17. |
DeZ | Museum siglum Dein ez-Zor. |
DMOA | Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui. — Leiden, 1947 ff. |
DP | M. F. Allotte de la Fuye. Documents presargoniques. — Paris, 1908-1920. |
Dreams | A.L. Oppenheim. The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East. |
Drehem | M. Sigrist. Drehem. |
DSGl | F. Delitzsch. Sumerisches Glossar. — Leipzig, 1914. |
DSGr | F. Delitzsch. Sumerische Grammatik. — Leipzig, 1914. |
DTA | A.T. Clay. Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur. UMBS 11, nos. 1 and 2. (Philadelphia, 1913). |
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EA | J. A. Knudtzon. Die El-Amarna-Tafeln. |
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Early Rulers | see Sumerian Poem 4. |
Eblaitica | Eblaitica: Essays on the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language. — Winona Lake,, 1987 ff. |
Economic History | Economic History / Hospodarske Dejiny, Praha, vol. 15. — Prague, 1986. |
ECTJ | A. Westenholz. Early Cuneiform Texts in Jena. |
ED Proverbs | B. Alster. AfO 38/39, 1-51. |
EDA | H. Limet. Étude de documents de la période d'Agade appartenant a l'Université de Liège. |
Ee. | Enuma elish (Babylonian creation myth). |
EE | Stolper, Matthew W., Entrepreneurs and empire: the Murasu Archive, the Murasu Firm, and Persian rule in Babylonia. Leiden & Istanbul 1985: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul. |
EEN | N. Veldhuis. Elementary Education in Nippur (Ph.D. dissertation). |
EG | A. Dillmann. Ethiopic Grammar, 2d edition, 1899, Translated by J. A. Crichton. — London. |
EI | Enzyklopadie des Islam. — Leiden, 1913-1934. |
ELA | Cohen, S. Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta (diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania). |
Elementary Education | N. Veldhuis. Elementary Education at Nippur: the List of Trees and Wooden Objects. |
Ellil | F. Notscher. Ellil in Sumer und Akkad. |
En. el. | Akk. lit. comp.; Enuma elish. |
Enc. phot. | M. Rutten. Encyclopedie photographique de l'art, Tome II. — Paris, 1936. |
Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta | Cohen, S. Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta ht. comp.; rev. ms A.W. Sjoberg. — diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania. |
ePSD | Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project (Philadelphia). |
Equids | R. H. Meadow. H.-P. Uerpmann, Equids in the Ancient World, Beihefte zum Tubinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A 19/1. — Wiesbaden, 1986. |
ERC | Edition Recherche sur les Civilisations, Cah. = Cahiers Mem = Memoire (Paris). |
Eridu | M.W. Green. Eridu in Sumerian Literature (diss., Univ. Of Chicago). |
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Ershemma | Cohen, M.E. Sumerian Hymnology: The Ershemma. — 1981. |
ESA | Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua. — Helsinki, 1926/1927 ff. |
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ESEM | tablets in the collections of the Archaeological Museums, Istanbul. |
Essays Gordon | The Bible World: Essays in Honor of Cyrus H. Gordon. |
ETCSL | Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. — Oxford. |
EvM | Evil-Merodach…, in: B.T.A. Evitts, Inscriptions of the reigns of Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar and Laborosoarchod. |
Exaltation | W.W. Hallo and J.A. van Dijk. The Exaltation of Inanna (YNER 3). |
Expedition | Expedition. Bulletin of the University Museum of the University of Pensylvania. — Philadelphia, 1958 ff. |
FAOS | Freiburger Altorientalische Studien (Freiburg 1975 ff.); Beih. = Beihefte: Altassyrische Texte und Untersuchungen (1984 ff.). |
FARG | Forschungen zur Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte. |
Fauna | B. Landsberger. Die Fauna des Alten Mesopotamien. |
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FLP | Museum siglum, Free Library of Phildadelphia. |
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Fruhdyn. Beterstatuetten | E. Braun-Holzinger. Fruhdynastische Beterstatuetten. — Berlin, 1977. |
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GEN | A. Shaffer. Sumerian Sources of Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh (Univ. of Pennsylvania, diss., 1963). |
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Hiring | M. Weitemeyer. Some Aspects of the Hiring of Workers in the Slppar Region in the Time of Hammurabi. |
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Holma-Salonen Cuneiform Tablets | H. Holma and A. Salonen. Some Cuneiform Tablets from the Time of the Third Ur Dynasty. |
House Most High | A.R. George. House Most Hlgh: The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia. |
HPN | E. Huber. die Personennamen in den Keilschrifturkunden aus der Zeit der Konige von Ur und Nisin. Assyr. Bibliothek, vol. 21. — Leipzig. |
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HUCA | Hebrew Union College Annual (Cincinnati 1924 ff.); Supp. = Supplement (1976 ff.). |
HZL | C. Ruster and E. Neu. Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon (Harrassowitz Verlag 1989). |
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Ideogramme | B. Meissner. Seltene assyrische Ideogramme. |
IEJ | Israel Exploration Journal. — Jerusalem, 1950 ff. |
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Ishtar | W.F. Leemans. Ishtar of Lagaba and her Dress. — 1952. |
Isin crafts | Marc van de Mieroop. Crafts in the Early Isin Period: A Study of the Isin Craft Archive from the Reigns of Isbi-Erra and Su-Illisu. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta - OLA 24. — Peeters Publishers. — 1987. |
ISL | Innsbrucker Sumerisches Lexikon des Instituts fur Sprachen und Kulturen des Alten Orients an der Universitat Innsbruck, Abt. I: Sumerisches Lexikon zu den zweisprachigen literarischen Texten; Band 1: Sumerisches Lexikon zu G. Reisner SBH. |
JA | Journal asiatique. — Paris, 1822 ff. |
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Jagd | Salonen, A. Jagd und Jagdtiere im alten Mesopotamien. |
JAGS | Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven/Ann Arbor 1843 ff.); Suppl. = Supplement (1935 ff.). |
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JAOS | Journal of the American Oriental Society. |
JBL | Journal of Biblical Literature. — Philadelphia, 1890 ff. |
JCS | Journal of Cuneiform Studies = Журнал исследований клинописи. — New Haven, Baltimore, 1947 ff. |
JEA | Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. — London, 1914 ff. |
JEN | Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi. |
JEOL | Jaarbericht van het Voor-Aziatisch-Egyptisch-Gezelschap (from 1945: Genootschap) Ex Oriente Lux. — Leiden, 1933 ff. |
Jerusalem | M. Sigrist. Inscriptions Cuneiformes Jerusalem. |
JESHO | Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. — Leiden, 1958 ff. |
JFA | Journal of Field Archaeology. — Boston, Mass., 1974 ff. |
JHS | Journal of Hellenic Studies. — London, 1880 ff. |
JIES | Journal of Indo-European Studies. — Hattiesburg, Missouri, 1973 ff. |
JMEOS | Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society (1912-1933/34). |
JMS | Journal of Magan Studies Vol 1 (2006). Discontinued? |
JNES | Journal of Near Eastern Studies. — Chicago, 1942 ff. |
JRAS | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London 1834 ff.); Suppl. = Supplement; Cent. Suppl. - Centenary Supplement (1924). — London. |
JRGS | Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (London). |
JRGZ | Jahrbuch des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Bonn. — Mainz, 1954 ff. |
JSOR | Journal of the Society of Oriental Research. |
JSOT | Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. — Sheffield, 1978/79 ff. |
JSS | Journal of the Semitic Studies. — Manchester, 1956 ff. |
JTVI | Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute… — London, 1865-1957. |
K | Museum siglum of the British Museum in London (Kuyunjik). |
KADP | F. Kocher. Keilschrifttexte zur assyrisch-babylonischen Drogen- und Pflanzenkunde. — Berlin, 1955. |
KAH | Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts (I: L. Messerschmidt, WVDOG 16, 1911; II: O. Schroeder, WVDOG 37, 1922). — Hinrichs. — Leipzig, 1911-1922. Архивная копия от 5 ноября 2010 на Wayback Machine |
KAI | Donner, H.; Rollig, W. Kanaanaische und aramaische Inschriften. — Wiesbaden, 1962-64. |
KAJ | Ebeling, E. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts. |
Kalender | W. Sallaberger. Der kultische Kalender der Ur III-Zeit, 2 vols. |
KAM | A. Moortgat. Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien (Koln 1967). |
KAO | P. Amiet. Die Kunst des Alten Orients (Freiburg 1977). Архивная копия от 4 ноября 2010 на Wayback Machine |
KAR | Ebeling, E. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiosen Inhalts I/II. |
KAV | Schroeder, O. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts. — Hinrichs. — Leipzig, 1920. Архивная копия от 5 ноября 2010 на Wayback Machine |
KBo. | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi (Bd. 1-22 in WVDOG). — Leipzig/Berlin, 1916 ff. |
KEWA | M. Mayrhofer. Kurzgefa?tes etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen (Heidelberg 1956-1980). |
Kish | tablets excavated at Kish, in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford). |
Kisurra | B. Kienast. FAOS 2. |
KL | Tablet siglum, texts from Kamid el-Loz. |
KlF | Kleinasiatische Forschungen, I (Weimar 1927-30). |
Klio | Klio. Beitrage zur Alten Geschichte. — Leipzig/Berlin, 1906-1943. |
KLL | Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon (Zurich 1965-1974; Munich 1974). |
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Konst. | Assur tablets In the collections of the Archaeological Museums (Istanbul). |
KTS | Keilschrifttexte in den Antiken-Museen zu Istanbul [, Bd. 1]:J. Lewy (Konstantinopel 1926); Bd. 2: V. Donbaz. |
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MIO | Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung. — Berlin, 1953 ff. |
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TAVO | Tubinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients; Beihefte: Reihe A, Naturwissenschaften (1977 ff.); Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften (1972 ff.). — Wiesbaden, 1977 ff. |
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TBP | F. R. Kraus. Texte zur Babylonischen Physiognomatik, AfO Beih. 3, Berlin 1939. |
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TEBA | M. Birot. Tablettes d'epoque babylonienne ancienne (Paris nd [1969]). |
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TIM | Texts in the Iraq Museum = Тексты в музее Ирака. — Baghdad/Wiesbaden, 1964 ff. |
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TJDB | E. Szlechter. Tablettes juridiques de la Ire dynastie de Babylone conservees au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire de Geneve. — Paris, 1958. |
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Topfer | W. Sallaberger. Der babylonische Topfer und seine Gefase. |
Topographical | A.R. George. Babylonian Topographical Texts. — 2002. |
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Treasures | Th. Jacobsen. The Treasures of Darkness. — 1976. |
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TRS | Genouillac, Henri de. Textes religieux sumeriens du Louvre. |
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UAVA | Untersuchtungen zur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie. Erganzuingsbande zu ZA. — Berlin, 1960 ff. |
UCLM | tablets in the collection of the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology of the Univ. of California at Berkeley. |
UCP | University of California Publications in Semitic Philology (Berkeley 1907 ff.); s. NESt. |
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Uruanna | pharmaceutical series u2-uru-an-na = mashtakal. |
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VAS | Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler = Письменные памятники Ближнего Востока. |
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VBoT | A. Gotze. Verstreute Bogbazkoy-Texte. — Marburg, 1930. |
VDI | Vestnik drevnej istorii. — Moscow, 1937 ff. |
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VIO | Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung (Berlin). |
VM | Museum siglum: Collection de M. Valère Mabille. |
VN | В. К. Силейко. Вотивные надписи шумерских правителей. — СПб. |
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WF | A. Deimel. Wirtschaftstexte aus Fara. |
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WMAH | H. Sauren. Wirtschaftsurkunden aus der Zeit der III. Dynastie von Ur im Besitz des Musee d'Art et d'Histoire in Genf (Naples 1969). |
WO | Die Welt des Orients. Wissenschaftliche Beitrage zur Kunde des Morgenlandes. — Wuppertal … Gottingen, 1947/1952 ff. |
WZUH | Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. |
WVDOG | Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. — Leipzig… Berlin, 1900 ff. |
WZJ | Wissenschftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena. — Jena, 1951 ff. |
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Xenia | Xenia. Konstanzer Althistorische Vortrage und Forschungen (Constance). |
Yale Messenger | McNeil, Robert C. The 'Messenger Texts' of the Third Ur Dynasty (diss., Yale University, 1970). |
YBC | Tablet siglum, Yale Babylonian Collection = Сигла таблички, вавилонское собрание Йельского университета. — New Haven. |
Year-Names | M.J.A. Horsnell. The Year-Names of the First Dynasty of Babylon: with a Catalogue of the Year-Names from Sumuabum to Samsuiluna (diss., University of Toronto). |
YNER | Yale Near Eastern Researches. — New Haven, 1967 ff. |
YOS | Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts = Восточная серия Йельского университета, вавилонские тексты. — New Haven, 1915 ff. |
ZA | Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, (from 1939) und Vorderasiatische Archaologie (Leipzig … Berlin 1886 ff.); s. UAVA. |
ZapKlass | Lichacev, N. . — 1907. |
ZATU | Green, M. W.; Nissen, H. J. Zelchenliste der archaischen Texte aus Uruk, cf. ATU. |
ZAW | Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (1924-1935: und die Kunde des nachbiblischen Judentums, Berlin 1881 ff.). |
ZDMG | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. — Wiesbaden… Stuttgart, 1847 ff. |
ZDPV | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins. — Stuttgart/Wiesbaden, 1878 ff. |
ZfE | Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie. — Braunschweig, 1869 ff. |
ZIF | Zeitschrift fur Indogermanische Forschungen. |
Zinbun | Zinbun. Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies. — Kyoto, 1957 ff. |
ZK | Zeitschrift fur Keilschriftforschung. |
ZSN | Cig, M.; Kizliyay, H.; Landsberger, B. Zwei altbabylonische Schulbucher aus Nippur. |
ZSS | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte. Romanist. Abt. — Weimar, 1880 ff. |
ZVO | Записки восточного отделения Русского археологического общества. — СПб. |
ZVS | Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiet der indogermanischen Sprachen. — Berlin/Gottingen, 1852 ff. |
- ↑ Abreviations for Assyriology Архивировано 30 декабря 2010 года.