Виды рода Хиптис
- Список составлен на основе данных сайта The Plant List[1].
- Знаком × отмечены виды, имеющие гибридное происхождение.
- Синонимика видов в данном списке не приводится.
- Hyptis actinocephala Griseb.
- Hyptis adamantium A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis adpressa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
- Hyptis albida Kunth
- Hyptis alpestris A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis althaeifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis alutacea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis amaurocaulis Briq.
- Hyptis americana (Poir.) Briq.
- Hyptis ammotropha Griseb.
- Hyptis ampelophylla Epling
- Hyptis angulosa Schott ex Benth.
- Hyptis angustifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis anitae Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis apertiflora Epling
- Hyptis arborescens Epling
- Hyptis arenaria Benth.
- Hyptis argentea Epling & Mathias
- Hyptis argutifolia Epling
- Hyptis argyrophylla Harley
- Hyptis armillata Epling
- Hyptis asperifolia Standl.
- Hyptis asteroides A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis atrorubens Poit.
- Hyptis australis Epling
- Hyptis bahiensis Harley
- Hyptis balansae Briq.
- Hyptis bicolor Epling
- Hyptis bombycina Epling
- Hyptis brachiata Briq.
- Hyptis brachypoda Epling
- Hyptis brevipes Poit.
- Hyptis caduca Epling
- Hyptis caespitosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis calida Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis capitata Jacq.
- Hyptis caprariifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis cardiophylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis carpinifolia Benth.
- Hyptis carvalhoi Harley
- Hyptis chacapoyensis Briq.
- Hyptis chyliantha Urb. & Ekman
- Hyptis coccinea Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis colligata Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis collina Brandegee
- Hyptis colombiana Epling
- Hyptis colubrimontis Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis compacta Rusby
- Hyptis complicata A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis conferta Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis coriacea Benth.
- Hyptis corymbosa Benth.
- Hyptis crassifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis crassipes Epling
- Hyptis crenata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis cretata Epling
- Hyptis crinita Benth.
- Hyptis cruciformis Epling
- Hyptis cubensis Urb.
- Hyptis cuneata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis cuniloides Epling
- Hyptis cymulosa Benth.
- Hyptis decipiens M.E.Jones
- Hyptis delicatula Harley
- Hyptis deminuta (Epling) Epling
- Hyptis desertorum Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis dictyodea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis diffusa Epling
- Hyptis digitata Harley
- Hyptis dilatata Benth.
- Hyptis ditassoides Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis divaricata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis diversifolia Benth.
- Hyptis domingensis Urb.
- Hyptis dubia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis dumetorum Morong
- Hyptis duplicatodentata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis elegans Briq. ex Micheli
- Hyptis elongata Benth.
- Hyptis emoryi Torr.
- Hyptis eriocauloides A.Rich.
- Hyptis eriocephala Benth.
- Hyptis eriophylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis erythrostachys Epling
- Hyptis escobilla Urb.
- Hyptis eximia Epling
- Hyptis fallax Harley
- Hyptis fasciculata Benth.
- Hyptis ferruginosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis floribunda Briq.
- Hyptis florida Benth.
- Hyptis foliosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis frondosa S.Moore
- Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth.
- Hyptis gardneri Briq.
- Hyptis glomerata Mart. ex Schrank
- Hyptis goyazensis A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis guanchezii Harley
- Hyptis gymnocaulos Epling
- Hyptis hagei Harley
- Hyptis halimifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis hamatidens Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis hassleri Briq.
- Hyptis havanensis Britton ex Epling
- Hyptis heterodon Epling
- Hyptis heterophylla Benth.
- Hyptis hilarii Benth.
- Hyptis hirsuta Kunth
- Hyptis hispida Benth.
- Hyptis homalophylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis huberi Harley
- Hyptis humilis Benth.
- Hyptis hygrobia Briq.
- Hyptis imbricata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis imbricatiformis Harley
- Hyptis imitans Epling
- Hyptis impar Epling
- Hyptis incana Briq.
- Hyptis indivisa Pilg.
- Hyptis inodora Schrank
- Hyptis intermedia Epling
- Hyptis interrupta Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis involucrata Benth.
- Hyptis iodantha Epling
- Hyptis irwinii Harley
- Hyptis laciniata Benth.
- Hyptis lacunosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lacustris A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lagenaria A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lanata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lanceolata Poir.
- Hyptis langlassei Fernald
- Hyptis laniflora Benth.
- Hyptis lantanifolia Poit.
- Hyptis lanuginosa Glaz. ex Epling
- Hyptis lappacea Benth.
- Hyptis lappulacea Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis laurifolia A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lavandulacea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis leptoclada Benth.
- Hyptis leptostachys Epling
- Hyptis leucocephala Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis linarioides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lippioides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lobata A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis loeseneriana Pilg.
- Hyptis longifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lorentziana O.Hoffm.
- Hyptis lucida Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lutescens Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis luticola Epling
- Hyptis lythroides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis macrocephala M.Martens & Galeotti
- Hyptis macrostachys Benth.
- Hyptis macrotera Briq.
- Hyptis madrensis Fernald
- Hyptis malacophylla Benth.
- Hyptis marrubiifolia Epling & Mathias
- Hyptis marrubioides Epling
- Hyptis martiusii Benth.
- Hyptis maya Harley
- Hyptis melissoides Kunth
- Hyptis microphylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis microsphaera Epling
- Hyptis minutifolia Griseb.
- Hyptis mixta Epling
- Hyptis mollis Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis mollissima Benth.
- Hyptis monticola Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis muelleri Briq.
- Hyptis multibracteata Benth.
- Hyptis multiflora Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis multiseta Benth.
- Hyptis muricata Schott ex Benth.
- Hyptis mutabilis (Rich.) Briq.
- Hyptis nepetifolia R.Br.
- Hyptis nigrescens Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis nitidula Benth.
- Hyptis nivea Epling
- Hyptis nubicola Harley
- Hyptis nudicaulis Benth.
- Hyptis oblongifolia Benth.
- Hyptis obtecta Benth.
- Hyptis obtusata Benth.
- Hyptis obtusiflora C.Presl ex Benth.
- Hyptis odorata Benth.
- Hyptis orbiculata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis origanoides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis ovalifolia Benth.
- Hyptis ovata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis pachyarthra Briq.
- Hyptis pachycephala Epling
- Hyptis pachyphylla Epling
- Hyptis paludosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis parkeri Benth.
- Hyptis passerina Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis paupercula Epling
- Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit.
- Hyptis pedalipes Griseb.
- Hyptis peduncularis Benth.
- Hyptis penaeoides Taub. ex Ule
- Hyptis perbullata Fern.Alonso
- Hyptis personata Epling
- Hyptis petiolaris Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis petraea A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis pilosa Benth.
- Hyptis pinetorum Epling
- Hyptis pinheiroi Harley
- Hyptis piranii Harley
- Hyptis pittieri Briq.
- Hyptis platanifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis plectranthoides Benth.
- Hyptis plumosa Benth.
- Hyptis poliodes Briq. ex Micheli
- Hyptis propinqua Epling
- Hyptis proteoides A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis pseudoglauca Epling
- Hyptis pseudolantana Epling
- Hyptis pseudosinuata Epling
- Hyptis pulchella Briq.
- Hyptis pulegioides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis purdiei Benth.
- Hyptis pycnocephala Benth.
- Hyptis pyriformis Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis racemulosa Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis ramosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis recurvata Poit.
- Hyptis remota Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis rhypidiophylla Briq.
- Hyptis rhytidea Benth.
- Hyptis riparia Harley
- Hyptis rivularis Britton
- Hyptis rondonii Epling
- Hyptis rotundifolia Benth.
- Hyptis rubicunda Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis rubiginosa Benth.
- Hyptis rugosa Benth.
- Hyptis salicina J.A.Schmidt
- Hyptis sancti-gabrielii Harley
- Hyptis saxatilis A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis scandens Epling
- Hyptis scoparioides Urb.
- Hyptis selaginifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis selloi Benth.
- Hyptis septentrionalis Epling
- Hyptis sericea Benth.
- Hyptis shaferi Britton
- Hyptis sidifolia (L'Hér.) Briq.
- Hyptis silvestris Epling
- Hyptis silvinae Harley
- Hyptis similis Epling
- Hyptis simulans Epling
- Hyptis sinuata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis siphonantha Harley
- Hyptis spicata Poit.
- Hyptis spicigera Lam. — Хиптис колосоносный
- Hyptis stachydifolia Epling
- Hyptis stricta Benth.
- Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. — Хиптис пахучий
- Hyptis subrotunda Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis subtilis Epling
- Hyptis subviolacea Briq.
- Hyptis × sylvularum A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis tacianae Harley
- Hyptis tafallae Benth.
- Hyptis tagetifolia Harley
- Hyptis tenuifolia Epling
- Hyptis tephrodes A.Gray
- Hyptis tetracephala Bordignon
- Hyptis tetragona Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis thyrsiflora Epling
- Hyptis tomentosa Poit.
- Hyptis tricephala A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis trichopes (Epling) Harley
- Hyptis tripartita Briq.
- Hyptis tumidicalyx Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis turnerifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis tweediei Benth.
- Hyptis velutina Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis verticillata Jacq.
- Hyptis viatica Harley
- Hyptis vilis K.Koch & C.D.Bouché
- Hyptis villicaulis Epling
- Hyptis villosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis viminea Epling
- Hyptis violacea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis virgata Benth.
- ↑ Hyptis (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Дата обращения: 10 сентября 2016. Архивировано 5 сентября 2017 года.