Гулиев, Вагиф Сабирович
Вагиф Гулиев | |
азерб. Vaqif Sabir oğlu Quliyev | |
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Дата рождения | 22 февраля 1957 (67 лет) |
Место рождения | Сальян, АССР, СССР |
Страна | ![]() ![]() |
Род деятельности | математик |
Научная сфера | математика |
Место работы | |
Альма-матер | Бакинский Государственный Университет |
Учёная степень | доктор физико-математических наук |
Учёное звание | Член-корреспондент Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана |
Гулиев, Вагиф Сабирович (азерб. Vaqif Sabir oğlu Quliyev, род. 22 февраля 1957, Сальян, Сальянский район) — азербайджанский математик, доктор физико-математических наук (1994), профессор (1997). Член-корреспондент Национальной академии наук Азербайджана (2014)[1].
Вагиф Сабир оглы Гулиев родился 22 февраля 1957 года в городе Сальян. В 1978 году с отличием окончил механико-математический факультет Бакинского государственного университета. В 1983 году на совете защиты механико-математического факультета Бакинского государственного университета защитил кандидатскую диссертацию «Исследование анизотропного сингулярного оператора». В 1987 и 1991 гг. проходил научную стажировку в Институте математики им. В. А. Стеклова. 19 марта 1993 года Высшей Аттестационной Комиссией Азербайджанской Республики был удостоен учёного звания доцент. В 1994 году на специализированном совете защиты Института математики им. В. А. Стеклова защитил докторскую диссертацию «Интегральные операторы в пространствах функций на однородных группах и на областях в». С 1983 по 1995 гг. работал в должности старшего преподавателя, доцента, ассистента кафедры «Математический анализ» БГУ, с 1995 по 2008 гг. работал в должности профессора, с 2008 и по сей день по совместительству работает в должности профессора кафедры «Математический анализ» БГУ. С 1995 по 1998 гг. по совместительству работал в отделе «Уравнения математической физики» ИММ, в 1998 г. в этом отделе руководил группой «Применение аппарата гармонического анализа к уравнениям математической физики». В 1999—2001 гг. руководил лабораторией «Гармонический анализ» в отделе «Математический анализ», в 2001—2003 гг. работал заместителем руководителя отдела «Математический анализ». С 2005 по 2008 гг. по совместительству работал в отделе «Математический анализ». С 2008 по 2014 год был в должности главного научного сотрудника отдела «Математический анализ» ИММ, с 2014 года и по сей день является руководителем отдела «Математический анализ». С 7 мая 2015 года работает заместителем директора Института математики и механики НАНА по научной работе. 30 июня 2014 года стал членом-корреспондентом Национальной академии наук Азербайджана[1].
В 1973—1978 гг. — студент механико-математического факультета Азербайджанского государственного университета (ныне БГУ).
В 1980—1983 гг. — аспирант механико-математического факультета Азербайджанского государственного университета (ныне БГУ).
В 1987—1991 гг. — докторант Института математики им. В. А. Стеклова.
Учёная степень, учёные звания
1983 год Бакинский государственный университет, кандидат физико-математических наук (01.01.01-Математический анализ)
Название диссертации: «Исследование анизотропного сингулярного оператора».
1994 год — г. Москва, Институт математики им. В. А. Стеклова, доктр физико-математических наук (01.01.01. — Математический анализ)
Название диссертации: «Интегральные операторы в пространствах функций на однородных группах и на областях в Rn»
1997 год профессор по специальности- «Математический анализ»
2014 год — Член-корреспондент Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана
Трудовая деятельность
1978—1983 гг. старший лаборант Института кибернетики АН
1983—1995 гг. ассистент, старший преподаватель, доцент кафедра «Математический анализ», механико-математический факультет, Бакинского государственного университета.
С 1995 по 2009 год профессор кафедры «Математический анализ», механико-математического факультета, Бакинского государственного университета.
С 2008 года и по сей день по совместительству профессор на кафедре «Математический анализ» БГУ.
1995—1998 гг. по совместительству в отделе «Уравнения математической физики», Института математики и механики НАН Азербайджана
В 1998 г. руководитель группы, отдел «Уравнения математической физики», Института математики и механики НАН Азербайджана, группа «Применение аппарата гармонического анализа к уравнениям математической физики»
1999—2001 гг. руководитель лаборатории, отдел «Математический анализ» Института математики и механики
2001—2003 гг. зам. руководителя, отдел «Математический анализ» Института математики и механики
с 2005 по 2008 год по совместительству отдел «Математический анализ» Института математики и механики
с 2008 по 2014 год главный научный сотрудник, отдел «Математический анализ» Института математики и механики
с 2014 года по настоящее время руководитель отдела, отдел «Математический анализ» Института математики и механики
с 2015 года по настоящее время заместитель директора по научно работе, Институт математики механики НАНА.
Общественная деятельность
- Ответственный секретарь журнала Khazar Journal of Mathematics
- Член редакции журнала «Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics»
- Главный редактор журнала «Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics»
• Председатель экспертного совета по математике и механике Высшей Аттестационной Комиссии при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики
• Член редакционной коллегии международного журнала «Eurasian Mathematical Journals»
• Член правления Общества математиков Азербайджана
• Член редакционной коллегии журнала «Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan»
• Главный редактор журнала «Transaction Issue mathematics and mechanics Series of physicaltechnical and mathematics science Azerbaijan National Academy of Science»
• Рецензент Фонда развития науки при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики
• Член Президиума Высшей Аттестационной Комиссии при Президенте Азербайджанской Республики
Круг научных интересов
• Абстрактный гармонически анализ
• Функциональные пространства
• Теория потенциалов
• Аналитические и гармонические пространства
• Дифференциальные уравнения
Основные научные достижения
• Занимает особое место среди учёных занимающихся исследованиями в области актуальных задач гармонического анализа в одномерных Ли группах.
• Его научные работы посвящены теории интегральных операторов функциональных пространств определённых в области n- мерного Эвклидового пространства и одномерных Ли группах, в пространствах типа одномерных, теории теорем вложения для пространств многомерных дифференцируемых функций, теории приближения для функциональных пространств определённых в группах Гейзенберга, теории функциональных пространств с банаховой оценкой, теории голоморфных и гармонических функциональных пространств определённых в многомерных комплексных областях, применениям различных задач гармонического анализа в гиппергруппах Чебли-Тримече и Данкла, Гегенбауэра, Лагера, Бесселя.
• Результаты полученные в результате исследований теории теорем вложения и свойств параболических интегральных операторов показали, что интегральные операторы интегрального и потенциального типа определённые в некоторых математических задачах обладают не только свойствами классических интегральных операторов, но и новыми качественными свойствами.
• Этот факт был оценен специалистами как новый эффект теории весовых неравенств для вышеназванных интегральных операторов
• При помощи этих исследований были получены теоремы вложения в принципе в более обобщённых условиях в весовых пространствах Соболева.
• В частности проф. Г. Трибелин (Германия) дал положительный ответ на вопрос: «Можно ли получить теоремы вложения для весовых функций экспоненциального типа в весовых пространствах Соболева»
Членство в редакционных коллегиях научных журналов по математике
• Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics
• Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics
• Transactions of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
• Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
• TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
• International Journal of Mathematical Analysis
• Advances in Analysis
Научные труды
Статьи по математике
Основные научные достижения В. С. Гулиева были опубликованы в статьях нижеследующих журналов с импакт-фактором и других престижных международных журналах:
- A. Akbulut, V.S. Guliyev, Y. Sawano, T. Noi, Generalized Morrey spaces, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen,Volume 36 (1) (2017), 17-35. DOI: 10.4171/ZAA/1577 (impact factor 0.510)
- A. Akbulut, V.S. Guliyev, Y. Sawano, T. Noi, Generalized Hardy Morrey spaces, Z. Anal. Anwend, 36 (2017), no. 2, 129—149. (impact factor 0.510)
- F. Deringoz, V.S. Guliyev, S. Samko, Fractional maximal and potential operators and their commutators in vanishing Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 90 (1-2) (2017), 125—147. (impact factor 0.503)
- V.S. Guliyev, K. Koca, R.Ch. Mustafayev, T. Unver, Norm estimates of a class of operators arising from Schwarz BVP in complementary local Morrey-type spaces on the unit disc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 8 (1) (2017), 130—142.
- F. Deringoz, V.S. Guliyev, S.G. Hasanov, A characterization for Adams type boundedness of the fractional maximal operator on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 28 (4) (2017), 284—299. (impact factor 0.528)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, S.G. Hasanov, Riesz potential and its commutators on Orlicz spaces, J. Inequal. Appl. 2017, 2017:75.
- V.S. Guliyev , E.J. Ibrahimov, S.Ar. Jafarova, Gegenbauer Transformations Nikolski-Besov Spaces Generalized by Gegenbauer Operator and Their Approximation Characteristics, Advances in Analysis, 2(3) (2017), 167—195
- C. Aykol, V.S. Guliyev, A. Kucukaslan, A. Serbetci, The boundedness of Hilbert transform in the local Morrey-Lorentz spaces, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 27 (2016), no. 4, 318—330. (Impact Factor-0.723) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Parabolic oblique derivative problem with discontinuous coefficients in generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Open Matematics, 14 (2016), 49-61. (Impact Factor 0.578) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Corrigendum to: Parabolic oblique derivative problem with discontinuous coefficients in generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Open Matematics, 14 (2016), 283—285. (Impact factor 0.578) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, J.J. Hasanov, -admissible potential operators and their commutators on vanishing Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Collectanea Mathematica, 67 (2016), no. 1, 133—153. (Impact Factor 0.843) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, S. Samko, Maximal operator in variable exponent generalized Morrey spaces on quasi-metric measure space, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 13 (2016), 1151—1165. (impact factor 0.656) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh. Muradova, M.N. Omarova, L. Softova, Generalized weighted Morrey estimates for the gradient of divergence form parabolic operators with discontinuous coefficients, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 32 (8), 2016, 911—924. (impact factor 0.386) (TR)
- R.A. Bandaliyev, V.S. Guliyev, I.G. Mamedov, A.B. Sadigov, The optimal control problem in the processes described by the Goursat problem for a hyperbolic equation in variable exponent Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed derivatives, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 305 (2016), 11-17. (Impact Factor 1.266) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, V.H. Hamzayev, Rough singular integral operators and its commutators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 19 (3) (2016), 863—881 (Impact Factor 0.645) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, S.G. Hasanov, Y. Sawano, T. Noi, Nonsmooth atomic decomposi-tions for generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces of the third kind, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 145 (1) (2016), 133—174 (Impact Factor 0.853) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, C. Aykol, A. Kucukaslan, A. Serbetci, Maximal operator and Calderon-Zygmund operators in local Morrey-Lorentz spaces, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 27 (11) (2016), 866—877. (Impact Factor-0.723) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, S.G. Hasanov, Characterizations for the Riesz potential and its commutators on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2016) 2016:248 (Impact factor 0.630) (TR)
- V.S. Guliyev, Ali Akbulut, V. H. Hamzayev, Okan Kuzu, Commutators of marcinkiewicz integrals associated with Schr’odinger operator on generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Journal of Mathematical, Inequalities, 10(4) (2016), 947—970 (Impact factor 0.632) (TR)
- C. Aykol, V.S. Guliyev, A. Gogatishvili, Characterization of associate spaces of generalized weighted weak-Lorentz spaces and embeddings, Studia Mathematica, 228 (3) 2015, 223—233. (impact factor 0.610)
- V.S. Guliyev, L. Softova, Generalized Morrey estimates for the gradient of divergence form parabolic operators with discontinuous coefficients, Journal of Differential Equations, 259 (6) (2015), 2368—2387. (impact factor 1.680)
- V.S. Guliyev, L. Softova, Generalized Morrey regularity for parabolic equations with discontinuity data. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 58 (1) (2015), 199—218. (impact factor 0.543)
- V.S. Guliyev, I. Ekincioglu, Sh.A. Nazirova, The boundedness of rough multilinear fractional integral operators in the Lorentz spaces. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2015), 2015:71. DOI 10.1186/s13660-015-0584-9 (impact factor 0.770).
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Y. Sawano, Boundedness of intrinsic square functions and their commutators on generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 9 (2), (2015), 44-62. (impact factor 0.967)
- V. Guliyev, A.S. Balakishiyev, Parabolic fractional maximal and integral operators with rough kernels in parabolic generalized Morrey spaces. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 9 (1) 2015, 257—276. (impact factor 0.704)
- V.S. Guliyev, A.F. Ismayilova, A. Kucukaslan, A. Serbetci, Generalized fractional integral operators on generalized local Morrey spaces. Journal of Function Spaces, (2015), Article ID 594323, 8 pages (impact factor 0.656)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, Boundedness of Fractional Maximal Operator and its Commutators on Generalized Orlicz-Morrey Spaces, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, (2015) 9:1249-1267 (impact factor 0.545)
- V.S. Guliyev, Stefan Samko, F. Deringoz, Boundedness of the maximal operator and its commutators on vanishing generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica, 40 (2), (2015), 535—549 (impact factor 0.656)
- A.S. Balakishiyev, V.S. Guliyev, F. Gurbuz and A. Serbetci, Sublinear operators with rough kernel generated by Calderon-Zygmund operators and their commutators on generalized local Morrey spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2015) 2015:61. (impact factor 0.770)
- V.S. Guliyev, T. Karaman, R.Ch.Mustafayev, A. Serbetci, Commutators of sublinear operators generated by Calderon-Zygmund operator on generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 64 (139), No. 2, 2014, 365—386. (Impact Factor — 0.294)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Akbulut, M. Dziri, Weighted norm inequalities for the g-Littlewood-Paley operators associated with Laplace-Bessel differential operators, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, vol. 17, no. 1 (2014), 317—333. (Impact Factor — 0.588)
- Y. Sawano, H. Tanaka, V.S. Guliyev, H. Gunawan, Morrey spaces and related function spaces, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2014, Article ID 710542, 3 pages, (Impact Factor — 0.656)
- V.S. Guliyev, T. Karaman, A. Serbetci, Boundedness of sublinear operators generated by Calderon-Zygmund operators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces. Scienti c Annals of «Al.I. Cuza» University of Iasi, vol. LX, 2014, f.1, 227—244. (Impact Factor — 0.108)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, On the Riesz potential and its commutators on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2014, Article ID 617414, 11 pages. (Impact Factor — 0.656)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, J.J. Hasanov, -admissible singular operators and their commutators on vanishing generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 2014:143. (Impact Factor — 0.820)
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Multilinear commutators of vector valued intrinsic square functions on vector-valued generalized weighted Morrey spaces. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 2014:258. (Impact Factor — 0.770)
- V.S. Guliyev, F.Ch. Alizadeh, Multilinear commutators of Calderon-Zygmund operator on generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2014, Article ID 710542, 9 pages. (Impact Factor — 0.656)
- V.S. Guliyev, F.A. Isayev, The two-weighted inequalities for sublinear operators generated by B singular integrals in weighted Lebesgue spaces, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 127 (1), 2013, 1-16. (Impact Factor — 0.899).
- A. Akbulut, V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Muradova, Boundedness of the anisotropic Riesz potential in anisotropic local Morrey-type spaces. Complex variables and elliptic equations, 58 (02) 2013, 259—280. (Impact Factor — 0.650) .
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, S. Samko, Maximal, potential and singular operators in the local «complementary» variable exponent Morrey type spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401 (1) 2013, 72-84. (Impact Factor — 1.233)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Eroglu, Y.Y.Mammadov, Riesz potential on the Heisenberg group and generalized Morrey spaces, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 189, No. 3, March, 2013, 365—382. (Impact Factor — 0.260)
- V.S. Guliyev, L. Softova, Global regularity in generalized weighted Morrey spaces of solutions to nondivergence elliptic equations with VMO coefficients, Potential Analysis, 38 (3) 2013, 843—862. (Impact Factor — 1.048).
- V.S. Guliyev, Y.Y. Mammadov, Boundedness of fractional maximal operators on generalized Morrey space in Heisenberg group, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 44, Issue 2, 2013, 185—202. (Impact Factor — 0.294)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Akbulut, Y.Y. Mammadov, Boundedness of fractional maximal operator and their higher commutators in generalized Morrey space in Carnot groups, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2013, 33 B (5): 1329—1346. (Impact Factor — 0.460)
- V.S. Guliyev, C. Aykol, A. Serbetci, Local Morrey-Lorentz spaces and the boundedness of maximal operator in these spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2013, 2013:346. (Impact Factor — 0.820).
- V.S. Guliyev, Y. Sawano, Linear and sublinear operators on Generalized Morrey spaces with non-doubling measures, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, vol. 83, 2013, no. 3, 303—327. (Impact Factor — 0.519).
- V.S. Guliyev, Stefan Samko, Maximal, potential and singular operators in the generalized variable exponent Morrey spaces on unbounded sets, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2013, vol. 193, No. 2, 228—248. (Impact Factor — 0.260)
- V.S. Guliyev, C. Aykol, A. Serbetci, O’Neil inequality for Hankel convolution operator and some applications, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 4 (3) 2013, 8-19. (Impact Factor — 0.328)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Akbulut, Sh.A. Muradova, On boundedness of the anisotropic fractional maximal operator from anisotropic complementary Morrey-type spaces to anisotropic Morrey-type spaces, Eurasian Mathematical Journal 4 (1) 2013, 7-20. (Impact Factor — 0.328)
- V.S. Guliyev, Generalized local Morrey spaces and fractional integral operators with rough kernel, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2013, vol. 193, No. 2, 211—227. (Impact Factor-0.260).
- V.S. Guliyev, K. Rahimova, Parabolic fractional integral operator in modified parabolic Morrey spaces, Proc. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, vol. 163, 2013, 85-106. (Impact Factor- 0.120).
- V.S. Guliyev, N. Garakhanova and I. Ekincioglu, Pointwise and integral estimates for the fractional integrals on the Laguerre hypergroup. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 12 (3) 2012, 513—524. (Impact Factor — 0.588)
- V.S.Guliyev, Y.Y.Mammadov, Riesz potential on the Heisenberg group and modified Morrey spaces. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica, 20 (1) 2012, 189—212.
- V.S. Guliyev, S.S. Aliyev, Boundedness of parametric Marcinkiewicz integral operator and their commutators on generalized Morrey spaces. Georgian Mathematical Journal, vol. 19 (2012), 195—208. DOI 10.1515/gmj-2012-0008. (Impact Factor — 0.253)
- A. Akbulut, V.S. Guliyev, R. Mustafayev, On the boundedness of the maximal operator and singular integral operators in generalized Morrey spaces. Mathematica Bohemica, 137 (1) 2012, 27-43. (Impact Factor — 0.300)
- V.S. Guliyev, Generalized weighted Morrey spaces and higher order commutators of sublinear operators, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 3 (3) (2012), 33-61.
- V.S. Guliyev, K. Rahimova, Parabolic fractional maximal operator and modified parabolic Morrey spaces, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 2012, Article ID 543475, 20 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/543475. (Impact Factor — 0.656)
- A.D. Gadjiev, V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci and E. V. Guliyev, The Stein-Weiss type inequality for B-Riesz potentials. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 5 (2011), no. 1, 87-106. (Impact Factor — 0.704)
- V.I. Burenkov, A. Gogatishvili, V.S. Guliyev, R.Ch. Mustafayev, Boundedness of the Riesz potential in local Morrey-type spaces. Potential Analysis, 35 (2011), no. 1, 67-87. (Impact Factor — 1.048)
- V.S. Guliyev, S.S. Aliyev, T. Karaman, P. Shukurov, Boundedness of sublinear operators and commutators on generalized Morrey spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 71 (3) (2011), 327—355. (Impact Factor — 0.713)
- V.S. Guliyev and R. Mustafayev, Boundedness of the anisotropic maximal and anisotropic singular integral operators in generalized Morrey spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica-English series, 27 (12), 2011, 2361—2370. (Impact Factor — 0.480)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci and I. Ekincioglu, On the boundedness of the anisotropic potentials with rough kernels associated with the Laplace-Bessel diffeerential operator in the Lorentz spaces. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 22 (12) 2011, 919—935. (Impact Factor — 0.730)
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, Yusuf Zeren, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the Riesz potential in modified Morrey spaces. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 5 (4) 2011, 491—506. (Impact Factor — 0.704)
- V.S. Guliyev, S.S. Aliyev, T. Karaman, Boundedness of commutator of sublinear operators generated by Calderon-Zygmund operators on generalized Morrey spaces. Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2011, Art. ID 356041, 18 pp. (Impact Factor — 1.102)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci, Ali Akbulut, Y.Y. Mammadov, Besov and Lizorkin-Triebel spaces for the multidimensional Fourier-Bessel transform. Eurasian Mathematical Journals, 2 (3) 2011, 42-66. (Impact Factor — 0.328)
- V.I. Burenkov, V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci and T.V. Tararyakova, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of genuine singular integral operators in local Morrey-type spaces. Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 1 (2010), no.1, 32-53. (Impact Factor — 0.328)
- V.S. Guliyev, R.Ch. Mustafayev, A. Serbetci, Stein-Weiss type inequalities for the fractional integral operators in Carnot groups and applications. Complex variables and elliptic equations, 55 (2010), Issue 8 — 10, 847—863. (Impact Factor — 0.500)
- V.S. Guliyev and Y.Y. Mamedov, boundedness of the fractional maximal operator associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 21 (2010), Issue 8, 629—639. (Impact Factor — 0.730)
- V. Burenkov, A. Gogatishvili, V.S. Guliyev, R. Mustafayev, Boundedness of the fractional maximal operator in local Morrey-type spaces. Complex variables and elliptic equations, 55 (2010), no. 8-10, 739—758. (Impact Factor — 0.500)
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, Stefan Samko, Boundedness of the maximal, potential and singular operators in the generalized variable exponent Morrey spaces. Mathematica Scandinavica, 197 (2010), Issue 2, 285—304. (Impact Factor — 0.521)
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, Stefan Samko, Boundedness of the maximal, potential and singular integral operators in the generalized variable exponent Morrey type spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 170 (2010), no. 4, 423—443. (Impact Factor — 0.260)
- V.S. Guliyev and Y.Y. Mammadov, On fractional maximal function and fractional integral associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 353 (2009), Issue 1, 449—459. (Impact Factor — 1.001)
- V.S. Guliyev, N.N. Garakhanova, Sobolev-Ilyin theorem for B-Riesz potentials. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 50 (2009), 1, 49-59. (Impact Factor — 0.285)
- V.I. Burenkov, V.S. Guliyev, Necessary and sufficient condi-tions for boundedness of the Riesz potential in the local Morrey-type spaces, Potential Analysis, 30 (2009), no. 3, 211—249. (Impact Factor — 0.943)
- V.S. Guliyev, Two-weight inequalities for singular integral operators satisfying a variant of Hormander condition. Journal of Function spaces and applications, 7 (2009), no. 1, 43-59. (Impact Factor — 0.500)
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, Yusuf Zeren, On limiting case for boundedness of the B-Riesz potential in the B-Morrey spaces. Analysis Mathematica, 35 (2009), no. 2, 87-97. (Impact Factor — 0.333)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci, E. Guner and S. Balci, Meda inequa-lity for rearrangements of the convolution on the Heisenberg group and some applications. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 864191, 13 pages. (Impact Factor — 0.820)
- V.S. Guliyev and Y.Y. Mamedov, Pointwise and integral esti-mates for the Riesz potentials associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line. Indian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (2009), 2, 239—254. (Impact Factor — 0.328)
- V.S. Guliyev, Boundedness of the maximal, potential and singular operators in the generalized Morrey spaces. Journal of inequalities and applications, Volume 2009, Article ID 503948, 20 pages doi:10.1155/2009/503948. (Impact Factor — 0.820)
- V.S. Guliyev, A.Serbetci, Z.V. Safarov, Meda inequality for rearrangements of the B-convolutions and some applications. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2 (2008), no. 4, 437—447. (Impact Factor — 0.704)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci, And Z.V. Safarov, Inequality of O’Neil-type for convolutions associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator and applications. Math. Inequal. Appl., 11 (2008), no. 1, 99-112.
- V.S. Guliyev and M. Omarova, boundedness of the fractional maximal operator on the Laguerre hypergroup. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 19 (2008), no. 9, 633—641. (Impact Factor — 0.730)
- V. I., Burenkov, V. S., Guliyev, T. V., Tararykova, A. Serbetci, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of genuine singular integral operators in local Morrey-type spaces. Doklady Mathematics, 78 (2008), no. 2, 651—654. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, N.N. Garakhanova, Y. Zeren, Pointwise and integral estimates for B-Riesz potentials in terms of B-maximal and B-fractional maximal functions. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 49 (2008), no. 6, 1008—1022. (Impact Factor — 0.285)
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci, And Z.V. Safarov, On the rearran-gement estimates and the boundedness of the generalized fractional integrals associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 119 (2008), no. 3, 201—217. (Impact Factor — 0.348)
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Nazirova, O’Neil inequality for multilinear convolutions and some applications. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 60 (2008), 4, 485—497. (Impact Factor — 0.713)
- V.S. Guliyev and E. Ibrahimov, Equivalent normings of spaces of functions associated with the generalized Gegenbauer shift. (Russian) Analysis Mathematica, 34 (2008), no. 2, 83-103. (Impact Factor — 0.333)
- V.S. Guliyev, J. Hasanov, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of B-Riesz potential in the B-Morrey spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 347 (2008), 113—122.
- V.S. Guliyev and E. Ibrahimov, On estimating the approxi-mation of locally summable functions by Gegenbauer singular integrals. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 15(2008), 2, 251—262. (Impact Factor — 0.253)
- V.S. Guliyev and M.N. Omarova, On fractional maximal function and fractional integral on the Laguerre hypergroup. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 340(2008), Issue 2, 1058—1068.
- V.I. Burenkov, H.V. Guliyev and V.S. Guliyev, Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the fractional maximal operator in the local Morrey-type spaces. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 208 (2007), no. 1, 280—301.
- V.I. Burenkov, H.V. Guliyev, V.S. Guliyev, On boundedness of the fractional maximal operator from complementary Morrey-type spaces to Morrey-type spaces. Contemporary Mathematics, 424, 2007, 17-32.
- V.S. Guliyev, E. Ibrahimov, Calderon reproducing formula associated with the Gegenbauer operator on the half-line. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 335 (2007), no. 2, 1079—1094. (Impact Factor — 1.001)
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Nazirova, A rearrangement estimate for the generalized multilinear fractional integrals. Siberian Mathematical Journal, (48) 2007, no. 3, 463—470. (Impact Factor — 0.285) Translated from Sibiriskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal, 48 (2007), no. 3, 577—585.
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Şerbetçi and İ. Ekincioğlu,, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of rough B-fractional integral operators in the Lorentz spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 336 (2007), 425—437. (Impact Factor — 1.001)
- V. S. Guliyev, A. Serbetci and I. Ekincioglu, On boundedness of the generalized B-potential integral operators. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 18 (2007), no. 11-12, 885—895. (Impact Factor — 0.730)
- V.I. Burenkov, H.V. Guliyev and V.S. Guliyev, Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the Riesz potential in the local Morrey-type spaces. Dokl. Ross Akad. Nauk, (412) 2007, no. 5, 585—589. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.I. Burenkov, H.V. Guliyev and V.S. Guliyev, Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the fractional maximal operator in the local Morrey-type spaces. Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk, 409(2006), no. 4, 441—447.
- V.S. Guliyev, Y. Zeren, Two-weight norm inequalities for some anisotropic sublinear operators. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2006), no. 3, 329—350. (Impact Factor- 0.457)
- V.S. Guliyev, Boundedness of generalized multilinear fractional integrals. Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 139 (2005), 107—110. (Impact Factor — 0.120)
- V.S. Guliyev, F. M. Mushtagov, Parabolic equations with VMO coefficients in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 137 (2005), 1-27. (Impact Factor — 0.120)
- V.S. Guliyev, R. A. Bandaliev, Two-weight inequalities for integral operators in Lp-spaces of Banach space-valued functions and their applications. (Russian) Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 243 (2003), 194—212. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, On maximal function and fractional integral, associated with the Bessel differential operator. Math. Inequal. Appl. 6 (2003), no. 2, 317—330. (Impact Factor — 0.588)
- V.S. Guliyev, Some properties of the anisotropic Riesz-Bessel potential. Anal. Math. 26 (2000), no. 2, 99-118. (Impact Factor — 0.333)
- V.S. Guliyev, Sobolev’s theorem for the anisotropic Riesz-Bessel potential in Morrey-Bessel spaces. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 367 (1999), no. 2, 155—156. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, R.Ch. Mustafaev, Fractional integrals in spaces of functions defined on spaces of homogeneous type. (Russian) Anal. Math. 24 (1998), no. 3, 181—200. (Impact Factor — 0.333)
- V.S. Guliyev, Sobolev’s theorem for Riesz -potentials. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 358(1998), no. 4, 450—451. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, R. Ch. Mustafaev, Integral operators of potential type in spaces of homogeneous type. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 354 (1997), no. 6, 730—732. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, To the theory of multipliers of Fourier integrals for Banach-space-valued functions. (Russian) Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova 214 (1997), 164—181. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, Multipliers of Fourier integrals and estimation of mixed derivatives for Banach-valued functions. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 341 (1995), no. 1, 7-9. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, P. I. Lizorkin, Spaces of Banach-valued analytic and periodic functions. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 210 (1995), 101—119. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, Boundedness of singular integral operators on the Heisenberg group in weighted generalized Holder spaces. (Russian) Anal. Math. 21 (1995), no. 4, 245—268. (Impact Factor — 0.333)
- V.S. Guliyev, Embedding theorems for weighted Sobolev spaces of B-valued functions. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 338 (1994), no. 4, 440—443. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, Two-weighted Lp-inequalities for singular integral operators on Heisenberg groups. Georgian Math. J. 1 (1994), no. 4, 367—376. (Impact Factor — 0.253)
- V.S. Guliyev, Two-weight inequalities for integral operators in -spaces and their applications. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 204 (1993), 113—136. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, P. I. Lizorkin, Classes of holomorphic and harmonic functions in a polydisk in connection with their boundary values. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 204 (1993), 137—159. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, Embedding theorems for spaces of UMD-valued functions. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 329 (1993), no. 4, 408—410. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- P.I. Lizorkin, V.S. Guliev, Function spaces and problems of approximation on the Heisenberg group. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 201 (1992), 245—272. (Impact Factor — 0.277)
- V.S. Guliyev, P. I. Lizorkin, B-and L-classes of harmonic and holomorphic functions in the disc, and classes of boundary values. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 319 (1991), no. 4, 806—810. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, On the boundedness of singular integral operators on the Heisenberg group in weighted generalized-Holder and weighted -spaces. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 316 (1991), no. 2, 270—278. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
- V.S. Guliyev, Some classes of anisotropic integral operators and weighted embedding theorems in a domain with a nonsmooth boundary. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 304 (1989), no. 6, 1289—1293. (Impact Factor — 0.376)
Другие престижные иностранные журналы
- V.S. Guliyev, F. Deringoz, Stefan Samko, Boundedness of maximal and singular operators on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 242, 2014, 139—158.
- V.S. Guliyev, P. Shukurov, On the boundedness of the fractional maximal operator, Riesz potential and their commutators in gene-ralized Morrey spaces, Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, The Stefan Samko Anniversary, Vol. 229, 2013, 175—194.
- V.S. Guliyev, Zhijian Wu, Strong type estimates and Carleson measures for weighted Besov-Lipschitz spaces. Proceedings ISAAC 07, Vol. I, 2009, 132—141.
- V.S. Guliyev and M. Omarova, Integral characteristics of maximal functions on the Laguerre hypergroup. Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 146 (2008), 45-55.
- A.D. Gadjiev and V.S. Guliyev, The Stein-Weiss type inequality for fractional integrals, associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 11 (2008), no. 1, 77-90.
- V.S. Guliyev, J.J. Hasanov, The Sobolev-Morrey type inequality for Riesz potentials, associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 9 (2006), no. 1, 1-15.
- V.S. Guliyev, Miloud Assal, On maximal function on the Laguerre hypergroup. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 9 (2006), no. 3, 1-12.
- V.S. Guliyev, Zhijian Wu,Weighted holomorphic Besov spaces and their boundary values. Analysis in Theory and Application, 21:2, 2005, 143—156.
- V.S. Guliyev, Some inequalities for integral operators, associated with the Bessel differential operator. Function spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysis (Teistungen, 2001), 317—328, Birkhauser, Basel, 2003.
- V.S. Guliyev, Weighted effects of some integral operators and their applications. Progress in analysis. Vol. I, II (Berlin, 2001), 31-84. World Sci/ Publ/ River Edge, NJ, 2003.
- V.S. Guliev, A.M. Najafov, The imbedding theorems on the Lizorkin-Triebel-Morrey space. Progress in analysis. Vol. I, II (Berlin, 2001), 23-30, World Sci/ Publ/ River Edge, NJ, 2003.
- V.S. Guliev, A.Kh. Narimanov, Limits imbedding theorems on the anisotropic Sobolev-Bessel space. Progress in analysis. Vol. I, II (Berlin, 2001), 37-43, World Sci/ Publ/ River Edge, NJ, 2003.
- V.S. Guliyev, Spaces of Banach-valued holomorphic functions in the polydisk in connection with their boundary values. Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 214(2000), 109—124.
- V.S. Guliyev, Some aspects of B-harmonic analysis. Proc. of the Second ISAAC Congress, Vol. 2 (Fukuoka, 1999), 1223—1240, Int. Soc. Anal. Appl. Comput., 8, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2000.
- V.S.Guliev, D.D.Gasanov, Some properties of anisotrop Riesz-Bessel-Fourier potentials. Vestnik Russian Peoples Friendship University, 6 (1999), no. 1, 63-82.
- V.S. Guliyev, Integral operators on function spaces on the homogeneous groups and on domains in Rn. Doctor’s dissertation, Moscow, Mat. Inst. Steklov, 1994, 1-329. (Russian)
Местные журналы
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Multilinear singular and fractional integral operators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, vol. 5, no. 1 (2015), 104—132.
- V.S. Guliyev, M.N. Omarova, Higher order commutators of vectorvalued intrinsic square functions on vector-valued generalized weighted Morrey spaces. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, vol. 4, no. 2 (2014), 64-85.
- V.S. Guliyev, Zhijian Wu, Ying Xiao, Morrey type Banach spaces, maximal operator and Fourier multipliers. Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb., Vol. 40, no. 1, 2014, 3-13.
- V.S. Guliyev, F.A. Isayev, Z.V. Safarov, Two-weighted inequality for admissible singular operators in weighted Lebesgue spaces, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb., Vol. 40, no. 1, 2014, 122—146.
- V.S. Guliyev, K.R. Rahimova, M.N. Omarova, Commutators of intrinsic square functions on vector-valued generalized Morrey spaces. Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 34 (2014), no. 1, Mathematics and Mechanics, 35-50.
- V.S. Guliyev, K. Rahimova, Parabolic fractional integral operator and its commutator on parabolic generalized Morrey spaces, Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics, 2 (2) (2014), 22-41.
- V.S. Guliyev, A.F. Ismayilova, Marcinkiewicz integral and their commutators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces. Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 34 (2014), no. 4, Mathematics and Mechanics, 53-64.
- V.S. Guliyev, A.F. Ismayilova, Multi-sublinear fractional maximal operator and multilinear fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 40, 2014, no. 2, 22-33.
- V.S. Guliyev, A.F. Ismayilova, Multi-sublinear maximal operator and multilinear singular integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces . Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 40, 2014, no. 2, 65-77.
- V.S. Guliyev, Function spaces and integral operators associated with Schrodinger operators: an Overview. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Special Issue-In memory of M.G. Gasymov on his 75th birthday, vol. 40, 2014, 178—202.
- V.S. Guliyev, Local generalized Morrey spaces and singular integrals with rough kernel. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 2 (2013), 79-94.
- V.S. Guliyev, A.S. Balakishiyev, Parabolic fractional integral operators with rough kernel in parabolic generalized Morrey spaces. Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 38 (2013), 47-56.
- V.S. Guliyev, P. Shukurov, Commutators of Intrinsic Square Functions on Generalized Morrey Spaces. Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb., vol. 39, 2013, 33-46.
- V.S. Guliyev, K. Rahimova, Parabolic fractional integral operator in modified parabolic Morrey spaces, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 163 (2013), 85-106.
- V.S. Guliyev, Parviz Shukurov, Adams type result for sublinear operators generated by Riesz potentials on generalized Morrey spaces. Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 32 (1) 2012, 61-70.
- V.S. Guliyev, T.S. Gadjiev, S.S. Aliyev Interior estimates in generalized Morrey spaces of solutions to nondivergence elliptic equations with VMO coefficients. Dokl. Acad. Nauk Azerbaijan, 68 (6) 2012, 3-10.
- V.S. Guliyev, K.R. Rahimova, Parabolic fractional maximal operator in parabolic generalized Morrey spaces. Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2012, vol. 37 (XLV), pp. 61–76.
- V.S. Guliyev, S.S. Aliyev, Boundedness of sublinear operators and commutators on generalized Morrey spaces, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Azerbaijan, 67 (1) 2011, 3-11.
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Muradova, On the boundedness of anisotropic Riesz potential in anisotropic local Morrey-type spaces, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Azerbaijan, 67 (3) 2011, 3-13.
- V.S. Guliyev, P. Shukurov, Boundedness of sublinear operators and commutators generated by Riesz potentials on generalized Morrey spaces, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Azerbaijan, 67 (4) 2011, 3-11.
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Muradova, Parabolic fractional maximal operator in parabolic local Morrey-type spaces, Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 31 (4) 2011, 59-72.
- V. Burenkov, A. Gogatishvili, V.S. Guliyev and R. Mustafayev, Boundedness of the fractional maximal operator in local Morrey-type spaces. Preprint, Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Prague. 2008-7-14, 20 pp.
- V.S. Guliyev, A.Serbetci, Z.V. Safarov, Nikolskii-Besov spaces associated with the Fourier-Bessel transforms. Trans. of NASA. Embedding theorems. Harmonic analysis. Issue XIII, 2007, 194—211.
- V.S. Guliyev, Y.Y. Mammadov, Some estimations for maximal function, fractional maximal function and Riesz potential, associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line. Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 27 (2007), no. 7, 71-76.
- V.S. Guliyev, Sh.A. Nazirova, Two-weighted inequalities for some sublinear operators in Lebesgue spaces . Khazar Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2 (2006), no. 2, 3-22.
- V.S. Guliyev, R. Ch., Mustafaev, On generalized fractional integrals on spaces of homogeneous type. Khazar Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2 (2006), no. 2, 49-60.
- V.S. Guliyev, Polar coordinates in Laguerre hypergroup. Khazar Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2 (2006), no. 3, 3-11.
- V.S.Guliyev, Y.Y.Mammadov, Function spaces and integral operators for the Dunkl operator on the real line. Khazar Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2 (2006), no. 4, 17-42.
- V.S. Guliyev, Mushtagov F.M. Parabolic equations with VMO coe_cients in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 137 (2005), 1-27.
- V.S. Guliyev, Boundedness of generalized multilinear fractional integrals. Proceedings of A.Razmadze Math. Institute, 139 (2005), 107—110.
- V.S. Guliyev , N.N. Garakhanova, Sobolev-Il’in theorems for -Riesz potentials. Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2005, Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 25-38.
- V.S. Guliyev , A.I. Gadjiyev, Two-weighted inequality for Riesz potential, associated with the Bessel di_erential operator. Science and Pedagogical Trans. University Odlar Yurdu, No. 13(2005), 19-23.
- V.S. Guliyev, The fractional maximal function on Chebli-Trimeche hypergroups. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci., 23 (2003), no. 1, Math. Mech., 51-58.
- V.S. Guliyev, R. A. Bandaliev,Weighted imbedding theorems for anisotropic Sobolev spaces. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 22 (2002), no. 1, Math. Mech., 85-96.
- V.S. Guliev, Z.V. Safarov, On generalized fractional integrals, associated with the Bessel di_erential expansions. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 22 (2002), no. 4, Math. Mech., 75-90.
- V.S. Guliyev, R.Ch. Mustafaev, Two-weight inequalities for potentials defined on spaces of homogeneous type. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 21 (2001), no. 1, Math. Mech., 52-67.
- V.S. Guliyev, R. Ch., Mustafaev, On generalized fractional integrals. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 21 (2001), no. 4, Math. Mech., 63-71.
- V.S. Guliyev, Z.V. Safarov, Bk;n-Bessel potentials and certain imbedding theorems in Bk;n-Sobolev-Liouville spaces. Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 15 (2001), 68-80.
- V.S. Guliyev, A. Kh. Narimanov, On the -boundedness of the anisotropic Fourier-Bessel singular integrals. Translated by E. T. Aliyeva. Trans. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. 19 (1999), no. 5, Math. Mech., 32_41 (2000).
- V.S. Guliyev, R. Ch. Mustafaev, Inequalities of Sobolev and Poincare type on Heisenberg group. Proc. Inst. Math. Mech. Acad. Sci. Azerb. 10 (1999), 36-41.
- D.D. Gasanov, V.S. Guliyev, A. Kh. Narimanov, Certain inequality for anisotropic B-maximal functions and for anisotropic B-Riesz potentials. Academy of Science of Azerbaijan. Proc. of İnstitute Math. and Mech. Baku. 1996, vol. 4, 18-24.
Книги по пространство функции
- В. С. Гулиев, Функциональные пространства, интегральные операторы и двухвесовые оценки на однородных группах. Некоторые приложения. Чашыоглы, Баку, 1999, 332 pp. (in Russian)
- В. С. Гулиев, Интегральные операторы, функциональные пространства и вопросы аппроксимации на группе Гейзенберга, Баку -«ЭЛМ», 1996, 199 рр. (Baku)
В 1993 году за высокий профессионализм научных работ, удостоен преимии «Soros Foundatıon» Американского Математического Общества.
В 2000 году за подготовку высококвалифицированных кадров, за плодотворную научно-педагогическую деятельность был награждён почётной грамотой Министерства Образования Азербайджанской Республики.
В 2014 году решением комиссии по наградам Издательского Дома «Европа» был удостоен золотой медали «Лучший учёный исследователь, патриот».
- ↑ 1 2 www.science.gov.az . Дата обращения: 17 мая 2017. Архивировано 28 апреля 2017 года.
1. "Объявлены результаты выборов член-корреспондентов и академиков НАНА (https://web.archive.org/web/20140702152056/http://az.trend.az/news/society/2290192.html) (az). Trend. az.trend.az. 1 İyul 2014, 12:18. https://web.archive.org/web/20140702152056/http://az.trend.az/news/society/2290192.html. İstifadә tarixi: 201409 04.
2. Эльман Ибрагимов (16 мая 2014). «Один из самых достойных претендентов на премию» (http://www.muallim.edu.az/arxiv/2014/1 (недоступная ссылка) 8/36.htm) (az). газета «Учитель Азербайджана» . muallim.edu.az. https://az.wikipedia.org/wiki/Az%C9%99rbaycan_m%C3%BC%C9%99llimi_(q%C9%99zet). İstifadә tarixi: 20140904.
- Эльман Ибрагимов «Один из самых достойных претендентов на премию», газета «Учитель Азербайджана» № 18. 16 may 2014.
- Беседа с доктором физико-математических наук Вагифом Гулиевым (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzmuUq8H3Xs) — YouTube
- Гордость региона Вагиф Гулиев (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niiRMUFH-EM&t=7s)
- Проф. Вагиф Гулиев MADEA7_Азербайджан (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3I_mTls2Gc)
- Вагиф С. Гулиев (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mIMOgTEAAAAJ&hl=ru&oi=ao)