Квандт, Ричард
Ричард Квандт | |
Richard E. Quandt | |
Дата рождения | 1 июня 1930[1][2] |
Место рождения | |
Дата смерти | 1974[2] |
Страна | |
Род деятельности | экономист |
Научная сфера | экономика |
Место работы | |
Альма-матер | |
Учёная степень | доктор философии Гарварда (1957) |
Учёное звание | эмерит-профессор Принстона |
Научный руководитель | Василий Леонтьев |
Известен как | соавтор теста Голдфелда — Квандта |
Награды и премии | ![]() |
Ричард Эмерик Квандт (англ. Richard Emeric Quandt; 1 июня 1930[1][2], Будапешт — 1974[2]) — американский экономист венгерского происхождения, эконометрик и экономист-теоретик. Доктор философии (1957), эмерит-профессор Принстонского университета, где провёл четыре десятилетия, член Американского философского общества (1991)[4]. Соавтор теста Голдфелда — Квандта.
Окончил Принстонский университет и получил степень бакалавра (B.A.) в 1952 году, затем получил магистерскую степень (M.A.) в Гарвардском университете в 1955 году. И в 1957 году там же - докторскую степень (Ph.D.)[5].
Свою преподавательскую деятельность начал ассистентом профессора экономики в Принстонском университете в 1956—1959 годах, затем ассоциирующим профессором в 1959—1964 годах там же в Принстонском университете. В 1964—1995 годах занимал пост профессора экономики в Принстонском университете. И был также заведующим кафедрой экономики в 1968—1971 годах и 1985—1988 годах, директором аспирантуры экономического факультета в 1973—1980 годах, директором Центра финансовых исследований в Принстонском университете в 1982—1995 годах[5]. Ныне именной эмерит-профессор (Hughes Rogers Professor) экономики Принстона[4].
Был приглашённым профессором колледжа Бирбек при Лондонском университете в 1981 году, членом комиссии Слоуна по базовым экономических стипендий в 1980—1985 годах, членом консультационного комитета переписи Американской экономической ассоциации в 1982—1985 годах, председателем консультативного комитета переписи Американской экономической ассоциации в 1983—1984 годах, членом совета Эконометрического общества в 1984—1988 годах, членом комитета по международным отношениям Американской статистической ассоциации[англ.] в 1992—1995 годах, членом экспертно-консультативного совета Фонда гражданского общества в 1992—1996 годах, членом комитета АЭР по обмену США/СССР в 1990—1992 годах, членом консультативного комитета по программе стипендиатов Благотворительного фонда Пью[англ.] в 1991—1996 годах, членом попечительского совета Фонда Cerge-ei в 2002—2005 годах, председателем совета Фонда Cerge-ei в 2004—2005 годах, помощником редактора журнала «Environment and Planning[англ.]» в 1973—1979 годах, журнала «Journal of Regional Science[англ.]» в 1973—1977 годах, журнала «Transportation Research» в 1973—1980 годах, «Журнала американской статистической ассоциации» в 1974—1980 годах, журнала «Econometrica» в 1975—1980 годах, журнала «Bell Journal of Economics[англ.]» в 1976—1983 годах, журнала «Review of Economics and Statistics[англ.]» в 1977—1992 годах, журнала «Journal of Comparative Economics[англ.]» в 1988—1991 годах, журнала «Empirica-Austrian Journal of Economics» в 1988—1991 годах[5].
В настоящее время является старшим научным сотрудником Принстонского университета с 1995 года, а также старшим советником Фонда Эндрю Меллона[англ.] с 1989 года, исполнительным редактором издательства Оксфордского университета с 2001 года, членом попечительского совета Фонда Корвина с 1993 года, членом совета управляющих Макроэкономических и финансовых центров обработки данных в Гданьске с 1998 года, помощником редактора журнала Applied Economics[англ.] с 1973 года[5].
Член Американской академии искусств и наук (1993), Эконометрического общества (1968) и Американской статистической ассоциации[англ.] (1979).
Среди работ - Microeconomic Theory (3rd edition, 1980) и The Econometrics of Disequilibrium (1988)
За свои достижения неоднократно был награждён[5]:
- 1958—1959 — стипендия Гуггенхайма;
- 1964 — стипендия МакКоша от факультета;
- 1967 — исследовательская стипендия Фонда Форда;
- 1971—1972 — грант от Национального научного фонда;
- 1976—1995 — профессор экономики Хьюз-Роджерс;
- 1991 — почётный доктор экономики Будапештского университета экономических наук;
- 1991 — золотая медаль от Будапештского университета;
- 1991 — самый цитируемый от Ягеллонского университета;
- 1994 — почётный доктор экономики Дебреценского университета;
- 1995 — почётный доктор сельскохозяйственных наук Сельскохозяйственого Университета в Гёдёллё;
- 1995 — медаль «За заслуги» от Университета Николая Коперника;
- 1996 — почётный доктор экономики Университета Коменского;
- 1996 — почётный доктор права Университета Куинса в Кингстоне;
- 1997 — орден «За заслуги» от правительства Венгрии;
- 1998 — медаль «За заслуги» от Ягеллонского университета;
- 2001 — премия имени Джорджа Вашингтона от Американско-Венгерского Фонда;
- 2002 — медаль Карела Энглиса от Академии наук Чехии.
- Баумоль У.Дж., Квандт Р. Э. Эмпирические методы и оптимально несовершенные решения// Вехи экономической мысли. Том 2. Теория фирмы/Под ред. В. М. Гальперина — СПб.: Экономическая школа, 2000. — с.448—476 — 534с. — ISBN 5-900428-49-4 (англ. Rules of thumb and optimally imperfect decisions, 1964).
- Quandt R.E., Thorp W.L. The New Inflation — McGraw-Hill, 1959.
- Quandt R.E., Malkiel B.G. Strategies and Rational Decisions in the Securities Options Market — MIT Press, 1969.
- Quandt R.E. The Demand for Travel: Theory and Measurement — D.C. Heath, 1970.
- Goldfeld S.M., Quandt R.E. Nonlinear Methods in Econometrics — North Holland Publishing Co., 1972.
- Goldfeld S.M., Quandt R.E. Studies in Nonlinear Estimation, 1976.
- Henderson J.M., Quandt R.E. Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach 3rd ed — McGraw-Hill, 1980.
- Asch P., Quandt R.E. Racetrack Betting: Professors' Guide to Strategies — Cambridge, MA: Auburn House Publishing Co., 1986.
- Quandt R.E., Peston M. Prices, Competition and Equilibrium — Philip Allan Publishing Co., 1986.
- Quandt R.E. The Econometrics of Disequilibrium — Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Co.,1988.
- Quandt R.E., Rosen H.S. The Conflict Between Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Theories: The Case of the U.S. Labor Market — Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute, 1988.
- Quandt R.E., Triska D. Optimal Decisions in Markets and Planned Economies, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.
- Quandt R.E., Ekman R. Technology and Scholarly Communication — Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1999.
- Quandt R.E., Lass A. Library Automation in Transitional Societies: Lessons from Eastern Europe — New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Quandt R.E. The Changing Landscape in Eastern Europe: Personal Reflections on Philanthropy and Technology Transfer — New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Quandt R.E., Lass A. Union Catalogs at the Crossroad, Hamburg University Press, 2004.
- Quandt R.E. Disequilibrium Econometrics for Centrally Planned Economies//Model of Disequilibrium and Shortage in Centrally Planned Economies/ ed. by C. Davis, W. Charemza — Chapman and Hall, 1989.
- Quandt R.E., Charemza W., Gronicki M. Modelling Parallel Markets in Centrally Planned Economies: The Case of the Automobile Market in Poland//Model of Disequilibrium and Shortage in Centrally Planned Economies/ed. by C.Davis, W. Charemza — Chapman and Hall, 1989.
- Goldfeld S.M., Quandt R.E. An Econometric Approach to Rationing as a Policy Instrument//Economic Decision Making: Games, Econometrics and Optimization, Elsevier, 1990.
- Goldfeld S.M., Quandt R.E. Output Targets, Input Rationing and Inventories//Optimal Decisions in Markets and Planned Economies/ed. by R.E. Quandt, D. Triska — Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.
- Asch P., Quandt R.E. Efficiency and Profitability in Exotic Bets//Efficiency of Racetrack Betting Markets/ Ed. by Hausch, Lo, Ziemba — Academic Press, 1994.
- Asch P., Quandt R.E., Malkiel B.G. Market Efficiency in Racetrack Betting//Efficiency of Racetrack Betting Markets/ Ed. by Hausch, Lo, Ziemba — Academic Press, 1994.
- Asch P., Quandt R.E., Malkiel B.G. Racetrack Betting and Informed Behavior//Efficiency of Racetrack Betting Markets, Ed. by Hausch, Lo, and Ziemba — Academic Press, 1994.
- Quandt R.E. Betting and Equilibrium//Efficiency of Racetrack Betting Markets/ Ed. by Hausch, Lo, Ziemba — Academic Press, 1994.
- Quandt R.E. On the Distribution of Horse Qualities at Racetracks: An Analysis of Cournot-Nash Equqilibria//Economics, Econometrics, and the Link/ Ed. by M. Dutta — Elsevier, 1995.
- Quandt R.E. Assistance for Information Systems in Eastern Europe//Planning Global Information Infrastructure/ Ed. by Ching-Chi Chen — Ablex Publishing, 1995, pp. 189—296.
- Ekman R., Quandt R.E. Introduction: Electronic Publishing, Digital Libraries, and the Scholarly Environment//Technology and Scholarly Communication/ ed. by R. Ekmand, R. E. Quandt, — California University Press, 1999, pp. 1-14.
- Quandt R.E. The Kornai Effect Revisited//Planning, Shortage, and Transformation: Essays in Honor of János Kornai/ ed. by Eric S. Maskin and András Simonovits — Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
- Quandt R.E. Management Training, Economics, and Economic Development in Eastern Europe: The Role of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ Aleksander Sulejewicz and Mahmood Zaidi (eds.)// Polish-American MBA at the Warsaw School of Economics: Lessons Learned from an International Partnership — Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Press, 2000, pp. 120—128.
- Quandt R.E., Lass A. Union Catalogs in a Changing Library World: An Introduction/ Andrew Lass and Richard E. Quandt (eds.) // Union Catalogs at the Crossroad — Hamburg, Germany: Hamburg University Press, 2004.
(with J.M. Henderson), "Walras, Leontief and the Interdependence of Economic Activity: A Comment, " Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX (1955), 626—630.
"A Probabilistic Theory of Consumer Behavior, " Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXX (1956), 507—536.
"Probabilistic Errors in the Leontief System, " Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 5 (1958), 155—170.
"The Estimation of the Parameters of a Linear Regression System Obeying Two Separate Regimes, " Journal of the American Statistical Association, 53 (1958), 873—880.
"On the Solution of Probabilistic Leontief Systems, " Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, (1959), 295—305.
"Tests of the Hypothesis That a Linear Regressions System Obeys Two Different Regimes, " Journal of American Statistical Association, 55 (1960), 324—330.
(with M. McManus) "Comments on the Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Model, " Review of Economic Studies, XXVII (2), No. 76, (February 1961), 136—139.
(with H.W. Kuhn) "On Some Computer Experiments in Linear Programming, " Bulletin de l’Institut International de Statistique, XXXIX (1962), 363—372.
(with H.W. Kuhn) "An Experimental Study of the Simplex Method, " Experimental Arithmetic, High Speed Computing and Mathematics, Proceedings of the Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 15 (1963), 107—124.
(with C.H. Frank) "On the Existence of Cournot Equilibrium, " International Economic Review, 4 (1963), 93-96.
(with H.W. Kuhn) "On Upper Bounds for the Number of Iterations in Solving Linear Programs, " Operations Research, 12, No. 1, (January-February 1964), 161—165.
(with M.L. Balinski) "On An Integer Program for a Delivery Program, " Operations Research, 12, No. 3, (March-April 1964), 300—304.
(with W.J. Baumol) "Rules of Thumb and Optimally Imperfect Decisions, " American Economic Review, LIV (March 1964), 23-46.
(with W.J. Baumol and H.T. Shapiro) "Oligopoly Theory and Retail Food Pricing, " Journal of Business, XXXVII (1964), 346—363.
"Statistical Discrimination Among Alternative Hypotheses and Some Economic Regularities, " Journal of Regional Science, 5 (1964),1-23.
"On Certain Small Sample Properties of k-Class Estimators, " International Economic Review, 6 (1965), 92-104.
(with W.J. Baumol) "Investment and Discount Rates under Capital Rationing — A Programming Approach, " Economic Journal, LXXV (1965), 317—328.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Some Tests for Homoscedasticity, " Journal of the American Statistical Association, 60 (1965), 539—547.
(with S.M. Goldfeld and H.F. Trotter) "Maximization by Quadratic Hill-Climbing, " Econometrica, 34 (July 1966), 541—551.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations: Estimation and Prediction, " International Economic Review, 9 (1968), 113—136.
(with W.J. Baumol and B.G. Malkiel) "The Valuation of Convertible Securities, " Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXX (1966), 48-59.
"On the Size Distribution of Firms, " American Economic Review, LVI, No. 3, (June 1966), 416—432.
"On the Stability of Price Adjusting Oligopoly, " Southern Economic Journal, XXXIII (1967), 332—336. (with R.E. Miller) "An Analysis of the Randomness of Air Accidents, " Journal of Royal Aeronautical Society, 71 (1967), 23-27.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Some Tests for Homoscedasticity, " Journal of the American Statistical Association, 62 (1967), 1518—1519.
"Estimation of Modal Splits, " Transportation Research, 2(1968) 41-50.
(with E.P. Howrey) "The Dynamics of the Number of Firms in an Industry, " Review of Economic Studies, 35 (1968), 349—353.
(with S.M. Goldfeld and H. F. Trotter) "Maximization by Improved Quadratic Hill-Climbing and Other Methods, " Econometric Research Program, Research Memo. No. 95, Princeton University, 1968.
(with K.H. Young) "Cross-Sectional Demand Models: Estimates and Tests, " Journal of Regional Science, 9 (1969), 189—200.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "The Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Type Functions with Multiplicative and Additive Errors, International Economic Review, 11 (1970), 251—257.
(with W.J. Baumol, P. Heim and B.G. Malkiel) "Earnings Retention and Growth of the Firm, " Review of Economics and Statistics, 52 (1970), 345—355.
(with B.G. Malkiel) "The Supply of Money and Common Stock Prices: A Comment, " Journal of Finance, XXVII (1972), 921—926.
"A New Approach to Estimating Switching Regressions, " Journal of the American Statistical Association, 67 (1972), 306—310.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "A Markov Model for Switching Regressions, " Journal of Econometrics, 1 (1973), 3-17.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "The Estimation of Structural Shifts by Switching Regressions, " Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 2 (October 1973), 475—485.
(with D.M. Jaffee and B.G. Malkiel) "Predicting Common Stock Prices: Payoffs and Pitfalls, " Journal of Business Research, 2 (January 1974), 1-16.
"A Comparison of Methods for Testing Nonnested Hypotheses, " Review of Economics and Statistics, LVI (February 1974), 92-99.
(with J.M. Litvack and B.G. Malkiel) "A Plan for the Definition of Endowment Income, " American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, LXIV (May 1974), 433—437.
"A Stochastic Model of Elections in Two-Party Sytems, " Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69 (June 1974), 315—324.
"Some Statistical Characterizations of Aircraft Hijacking, " Accident Analysis and Prevention, 6 (1974), 115—123.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Estimation in a Disequilibrium Model and the Value of Information, " Journal of Econometrics, 3 (1975), 325—348.
"Some Quantitative Aspects of the Economics Journal Literature, " Journal of Political Economy, 84 (1976), 741—756.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) «Estimation of Structural Change in Simultaneous Equation Models» in Studies in Nonlinear Estimation, Ballinger, (1976), 37-60.
(with H.S. Rosen) "Estimation of a Disequilibrium Aggregate Labor Market, " Review of Economics and Statistics, LX (August 1978), 371—379.
"Tests of the Equilibrium vs. Disequilibrium Hypotheses, " International Economic Review, 19 (1978), 435—452.
(with J.B. Ramsey) "Estimating Mixtures of Normal Distributions and Switching Regressions, " Journal of American Statistical Association, 73 (1978), 730—752.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Some Properties of the Simple Disequilibrium Model With Covariance, " Economics Letters, 1 (1978), 343—346.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Estimation in Multimarket Disequilibrium Models, " Economics Letters, 4 (1979), 341—347.
"A Note on the Tobit Likelihood Function, " Economics Letters, 4 (1979), 361—362.
"Classical and Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Compromise, " Metroeconomics, 5 (1980).
(with S.M. Goldfeld and D.M. Jaffee, "A Model of FHLBB Advances: Rationing or Market Clearing, " Review of Economics and Statistics, LXII, (August 1980), 339—347.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Single Market Disequilibrium Models: Estimation and Testing, " The Economic Studies Quarterly, XXXII (1981), 12-28.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Econometric Modelling with Nonnormal Disturbances, " Journal of Econometrics, 17 (1981), 141—156.
"Autocorrelated Errors in Simple Disequilibrium Models, " Economics Letters, (1981), 1, No. 1, 55.
"Econometric Disequilibrium Models, " Econometric Reviews, 1 (1982), 1-63.
(with M. Nishimizu and H.S. Rosen) "The Demand and Supply for Investment Goods: Does the Market Clear? Journal of Macroeconomics, 4 (1982), 1-21.
(with W. Charemza) "Models and Estimation of Disequilibrium in Centrally Planned Economies, " Review of Economic Studies, LXIV (1982), 109—116.
(with P. Asch and B.G. Malkiel) "Racetrack Betting and Informed Behavior, " Journal of Financial Economics, 10 (1982), 187—194.
(with P. Asch and B.G. Malkiel) "Market Efficiency in Racetrack Betting, " Journal of Business, 57 (1984), 165—175
"Computational Methods and Problems, " in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. I, North-Holland, (1983), 699—759.
(with J. Eaton) "A Model of Rationing and Labor Supply: Theory and Estimation, " Economica, 50 (1983), 221—234.
"Switching Between Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, " Review of Economics and Statistics, LXV (1983), 684—687.
"The Welfare Effects of Complexity and Variability in Regulations, " Economics Letters, 13 (1983), 259—262.
"Complexity in Regulation, " Journal of Public Economics, 22 (1983), 199—214.
(with R. Portes, D. Winter and S. Yeo) « Planning the Consumption Goods Market: Preliminary Disequilibrium Estimates for Poland 1955—1980,» in Contemporary Disequilibrium Modelling, P. Lagrange and P.A. Muet (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell, (1984).
(with R. Portes, D. Winter and S. Yeo) "Estimation de la taille des erreurs de planification, " Annales De L’INSEE, No. 55/56, (1984), 245—255.
(with H.S. Rosen) "Is There Chronic Excess Supply of Labor? Designing A Statistical Test, " Economics Letters, 19 (1985), 193—197.
(with S.M. Goldfeld) "Effects of Multiple Uncertainty on Rationing, " Economics Letters, 22, Nos. 2-3 (1986), 127—132.
(with P. Asch and B.G. Malkiel) "Market Efficiency in Racetrack Betting: Further Evidence and A Correction, " Journal of Business, No. 1, 59 (1986), 157—161.
(with H.S. Rosen) "Some Further Results on Rosen and Quandt’s Labor Market Model: Queries and Disagreements, " European Economic Review, 30 (1986), 457—459.
"Betting and Equilibrium, " The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 101, (1986), 201—207.
"A Note on Estimating Disequilibrium Models With Aggregation, " Empirical Economics, 11 (1986), 223—242.
"Enterprise Purchases and the Expectation of Rationing, " Economics Letters, 21 (1986), 13-15.
(with H.S. Rosen), "Unemployment, Disequilibrium and the Short Run Phillips Curve: An Econometric Approach, " Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1 (1986), 235—253.
(with R. Portes, D. Winter and S. Yeo) «Macroeconomic Planning and Disequilibrium: Estimates for Poland, 1955—1980,» Econometrica, No. 1, 55 (1987), 19-41.
(with H.S. Rosen), "Unemployment, Disequilibrium and the Short-Run Phillips Curve: Correction and Extension, " Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2 (1987), 247—250.
(with P. Asch), "Efficiency and Profitability in Exotic Bets, " Economica, 54 (1987), 289—298.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Budget Constraints, Bailouts and the Firm Under Central Planning, " Journal of Comparative Economics, 12 (1988), 502—520.
(with R. Portes and S. Yeo), "Tests of the Chronic Shortage Hypothesis: The Case of Poland, " Review of Economics and Statistics, LXX, No. 2, (1988), 288—295.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Output Targets, The Soft Budget Constraint & the Firm Under Central Planning, " Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization.
(with H.S. Rosen), "Endogenous Output In An Aggregate Model of the Labor Market, " Review of Economics and Statistics, 71 (1989) 394—400.
(with M. Plant), "The Accuracy and Cost of Numerical Integration in Several Dimensions, " Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 32 (1989) 229—248
(with W. Charemza, M. Gronicki), "Modelling Parallel Markets in Centrally Planned Economies: The Case of the Automobile Market in Poland, " European Economic Review, 32 (1988), 861—883.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Input Rationing and Bailouts Under Central Planning, " Jahrbuch der Wirthschaft Osteuropas, 14 (1990) 17-37.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Output Targets, the Soft Budget Constraint and the Firm Under Central Planning, " Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization, 14, (1990), 205—222.
(with W. Charemza), "Dual Housing Markets in a Centrally Planned Economy, " Kyklos , 43 (1990) 4ll-436.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Rationing, Defective Inputs, and Bayesian Updates Under Central Planning, " Economics of Planning, 23, No.3, (1990), 161—174.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Effects of Bailouts, Taxes, and Risk- Aversion on the Enterprise, " Journal of Comparative Economics, 16, (1992), 150—167.
(with S.M. Goldfeld), "Uncertainty, Bailouts, and the Kornai Effect, " Economics Letters, 41 (1993), 113—119.
(with Karen L. Magee), "The Kornai Effect with Partial Bailouts and Taxes, " Economics of Planning, 27, 1994, 27-38.
(with Zsuzsanna Fluck and Burton G. Malkiel), "The Predictability of Stock Market Returns and the Efficient Market Hypothesis, " Review of Economics and Statistics
with S.M. Goldfeld) "The Competition for Rationed Resources, " Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 25, 1994, 53-71.
(with R. Ekman) "Scholarly Communication, Academic Libraries, and Technology, " Change, January/February 1995, 34-44.
(with S. Chadha) "Betting Bias and Market Equilibrium in Racetrack Betting, Applied Financial Economics 6 (1996), 287-92.
"Simulation Model for Journal Subscription by Libraries, " Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47, No. 8, August 1996, 610-7.
"Electronic Publishing and Virtual Libraries: Issues and an Agenda for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, " Serials Review, Summer 1996, 9-24.
"On the Optimum Number of Library Software Licenses, " Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization, 38(3), 1999, 349—356.
"Measurement and Inference in Wine Tasting, " http://www.liquidasset.com/corsica.htm Архивная копия от 3 октября 2016 на Wayback Machine, 2000.
"Testing for Significant Ability in Identifying Wines, " http://www.liquidasset.com/abilitytest.htm Архивная копия от 23 июля 2011 на Wayback Machine, 2001.
«Scholarly Materials: Paper or Digital?» Library Trends, 51/3(2003), 349-75.
"Measurement and Inference in Wine Tasting, " Journal of Wine Economics, 1/1(2006), 7-30.
"A Note on a Test for the Sum of Ranksums, " Journal of Wine Economics, 2/1 (2007), 98-102.
«On Wine Bullshit: Some New Software?», Journal of Wine Economics, 2/2 (2007), 129—135.
"Kutatási csalások, " Liget, 2008/7, 87-90.
- ↑ 1 2 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Record #107442302 // Gemeinsame Normdatei (нем.) — 2012—2016.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Richard E. Quandt // SNAC (англ.) — 2010.
- ↑ Bibliothèque nationale de France Record #121797334 // BnF catalogue général (фр.) — Paris: BnF.
- ↑ 1 2 APS Member History . Дата обращения: 21 апреля 2022. Архивировано 21 апреля 2022 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 Curriculum Vitae Richard E. Quandt. — Homepage of Richard E. Quandt. Архивировано 13 июня 2017 года.