Кол (язык)

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СтраныПапуа-Новая Гвинея
РегионыНовая Британия
Общее число говорящих4000 (1991)
Изолированный язык
Языковые коды
ISO 639-1
ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3kol

Язык кол (также известен как кола, коле) — язык, на котором говорят на острове Новая Британия. Число говорящих — около 4000 человек.

Язык кол относится к языкам-изолятам, хотя отдалённо может быть связан с языком сулка.



Пример текста

кол. Tiksanabe nging Tuume mo Lembi, ti neng tereeng ngoo skul meng sung gonong le gulang pi Iire. Oro le aa pööni ping pa ti mambay laku gonaa mono ung, ko pa ti gulang na neng gonong pel skul mo ngitawong. Oro kere mambay el yugu ting Eypril, Mey, Yun, Yulay mo Oogads ko gulang ka teaa na neng pel skul gonong a, tiiong gala rielabe kuang sung el yuguombe ngenge, rielabe buube buube a. Ko poo skul lel Këëkëëlbe ti neng ka teaa ngoo skul a, tiiong ka biksanabe ngeete a. Pa el aa yugu tang ko pa Suunggi boy pel Open Bey, ko pa mo boy.

англ. The teachers Tuume and Lembi, the two are teaching the children at Iire very well. One thing however that started at the beginning of the year is that the children were coming to school well and were many. From April on, though, in May, June, July and August the children did not come to school well, because it rained during all these months, very big rains fell. And concerning the school at Këëkëëlbe they do not teach any more because there are no teachers. Last month Suunggi went to Open Bay and went and stayed for 3 weeks.


  • Lindrud, Stellan. 1984. 'Preliminary Kol phonology.' Manuscript. SIL, Ukarumpa

