Культурный национализм

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Культурный национализм — форма национализма, в котором нация определяется общей культурой. Культурный национализм занимает среднюю позицию между этническим и гражданским[1] национализмом; национальная идентичность рассматривается как сформированная на основе единых культурных традиций, а не общего происхождения или этноса[2].

Культурный национализм не выделяется в отдельное движение, а занимает умеренную позицию в более широком спектре националистических идеологий. Таким образом, умеренная позиция во фламандском[3] и индуистском[4] национализме может характеризоваться как культурный национализм, но в то же время включать в себя элементы этнического национализма и национального мистицизма.



  1. Nielsen, Kai. (1999). Cultural nationalism, neither ethnic nor civic. In R. Beiner (Ed.), Theorizing nationalism (pp. 119-130). Albany: State University of New York Press.
  2. History of Europe: Cultural nationalism. Encyclopædia Britannica. — «The counterpart of this political idea in the 19th century is cultural nationalism. The phrase denotes the belief that each nation in Europe had from its earliest formation developed a culture of its own, with features as unique as its language, even though its language and culture might have near relatives over the frontier.» Дата обращения: 16 февраля 2008. Архивировано 18 сентября 2007 года.
  3. Kymlicka, Will. (1999). Misunderstanding nationalism. In R. Beiner (Ed.), Theorizing nationalism (pp. 131-140). Albany: State University of New York Press, p. 133; Nielsen, Kai. (1999). Cultural nationalism, neither ethnic nor civic. In R. Beiner (Ed.), Theorizing nationalism (pp. 119-130). Albany: State University of New York Press, p. 126
  4. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, one of the main votaries of Hindutva has stated that it believes in a cultural connotation of the term Hindu. "The term Hindu in the conviction as well as in the constitution of the RSS is a cultural and civilizational concept and not a political or religious dogma. The term as a cultural concept will include and did always include all including Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Muslims, Christians and Parsis. The cultural nationality of India, in the conviction of the RSS, is Hindu and it was inclusive of all who are born and who have adopted Bharat as their Motherland, including Muslims, Christians and Parsis. The answering association submit that it is not just a matter of RSS conviction, but a fact borne out by history that the Muslims, Christians and Parsis too are Hindus by culture although as religions they are not so." Quoting RSS General Secretary's reply to the Tribunal constituted under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 to hear the case on the RSS, Organiser, June 6, 1993


  • David Aberbach, 2008, Jewish Cultural Nationalism: Origins and Influences, ISBN 0-415-77348-2
  • Kosaku Yoshino, 1992, Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary Japan: A Sociological Enquiry, ISBN 0-415-07119-4
  • J. Ellen Gainor, 2001, Performing America: Cultural Nationalism in American Theater, ISBN 0-472-08792-4
  • G. Gordon Betts, 2002, The Twilight of Britain: Cultural Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and the Politics of Toleration, ISBN 0-7658-0731-9
  • Yingjie Guo, 2004, Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary China: The Search for National Identity under Reform, ISBN 0-415-32264-2
  • Mike Featherstone, 1990, Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity, ISBN 0-8039-8322-0
  • Starrs, Roy, 2004, Japanese Cultural Nationalism: At Home and in the Asia Pacific (англ.). — London: Global Oriental[англ.]. — ISBN 1-901903-11-7.

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