Медаль Джеймса Крейга Уотсона

Медаль Джеймса Крейга Уотсона (англ. James Craig Watson Medal) — награда, присуждаемая раз в два года Национальной академией наук США за вклад в астрономию. Названа в честь канадско-американского астронома Д. К. Уотсона, на средства которого учреждена. Вместе с бронзовой медалью лауреату вручаются $25 000 и $50 000 направляются на поддержку его исследований[1].
Награждённые медалью Джеймса Крейга Уотсона
Год | Лауреат | Формулировка обоснования |
1887 | Гулд, Бенджамин Апторп | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his valuable labors for nearly forty years in promoting the progress of astronomical science. |
1889 | Шёнфельд, Эдуард | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his services in cataloguing and mapping the stars visible in our latitudes, and especially for his recently published southern Durchmusterung. |
1891 | Ауверс, Артур Юлиус Георг Фридрих фон | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his researches in sidereal astronomy, including the reduction of Bradley's observations. |
1894 | Чандлер, Сет Карло | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his researches on the variations of latitude. |
1899 | Гилл, Дэвид | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his work in perfecting the application of heliometer to astronomical measurements, which has resulted in an important advance in astronomy of precision, especially in the determination of parallaxes of the sun and stars and of the position of the planets. |
1913 | Каптейн, Якобус Корнелиус | Оригинальный текст (англ.) In recognition of his bold and penetrating researches in the problem of the structure of the stellar universe. |
1916 | Лейшнер, Армин Отто | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For the skill and ability shown in supervising the preparation of the tables of the Watson asteroids, involving original methods, and leading to results of value to celestial mechanics. |
1924 | Шарлье, Карл | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his outstanding contributions to astronomical science concerning motion and distribution of the stars, and in celestial mechanics. |
1929 | Ситтер, Виллем де | Оригинальный текст (англ.) In recognition of his research in astronomy. |
1936 | Браун, Эрнест Уильям | |
1948 | Митчелл, Самуэль Альфред | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his observations of solar eclipses, in particular a detailed study of the spectrum of the chromosphere which has contributed notably to our knowledge of the sun's atmosphere. |
1951 | Герберт Р. Морган | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his distinguished contributions to fundamental astronomy, more specifically his interpretation of transit circle observations. |
1955 | Честер Б. Уоттс[англ.] | |
1957 | Бисбрук, Жорж ван | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his noteworthy contributions to astronomy. |
1960 | Хагихара, Юсукэ | Оригинальный текст (англ.) In recognition of his noteworthy contributions to astronomy. |
1961 | Хекман, Отто | |
1964 | Лейтен, Виллем Якоб | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his outstanding contributions to the understanding of "white-dwarf" stars. |
1965 | Хергет, Поль[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his scientific accomplishments in celestial mechanics and orbit computation, and particularly for his contributions to the knowledge of the orbits of asteroids. |
1966 | Уоллес Д. Эккерт[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering contributions to scientific computing and to the theory of the motion of the moon. |
1969 | Мозер, Юрген | |
1972 | Депри, Андре[итал.]* | Оригинальный текст (англ.) In recognition of his resolution of the problem of lunar motion around the earth through his adaption of modern computing machinery to algebraic rather than arithmetic operations. |
1975 | Клеменс, Джералд | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his long and distinguished career in Dynamical Astronomy and his independent determination of a completely new and more accurate Theory of the Motion of Mars. |
1979 | Коваль, Чарльз Томас | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his noteworthy astronomical discoveries, particularly of Chiron, Leda, and numerous supernovae. |
1982 | Стэнтон Д. Пил[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions to the dynamics of solar-system bodies, especially for calculations leading to the prediction of volcanic action on Io, dramatically verified by Voyager photography. |
1985 | У. Кент Форд[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his work in the area of image enhancement and galactic dynamics, which has contributed greatly to the characterization of the unseen matter in galaxies. |
1986 | Роберт Б. Лейтон[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his work as creator and exploiter of new instruments and techniques that have opened whole new areas of astronomy to us all--solar oscillations, infrared surveys, spun telescopes, and large millimeter-wave reflectors. |
1991 | Шмидт, Мартен | Оригинальный текст (англ.) First to grasp the extraordinary distances and luminosities of quasi-stellar sources and a pioneer in their use to probe the outer limits of our universe. |
1994 | Ясуо Танака[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his leadership in X-ray astronomy since its beginning, and his crucial role in enabling the U.S./Japanese collaboration in the ASCA mission, a beautiful example of international cooperation in sciences. |
1998 | Шумейкер, Кэролин Шумейкер, Юджин | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For their painstaking research, which led to the discovery of more than 800 asteroids and 32 comets, including their co-discovery of Comet Shoemaker-Levy, the first comet observed colliding with a planet. |
2001 | Уилкинсон, Дэвид Тодд | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For elegant precision measurements by Wilkinson, his students, and their students, of universal radiation that is close to blackbody yet wonderfully rich in evidence of cosmic evolution. |
2004 | Рубин, Вера | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her seminal observations of dark matter in galaxies, large-scale relative motions of galaxies, and for generous mentoring of young astronomers, men and women. |
2007 | Майкл Скруцки Р. Кутри | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For their monumental work in developing and completing the Two Micron All-Sky Survey, thus enabling a thrilling variety of explorations in astronomy and astrophysics. |
2010 | Маргарет Геллер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her role in critical discoveries concerning the large-scale structure of the Universe, for her insightful analyses of galaxies in groups and clusters, and for her being a model in mentoring young scientists. |
2012 | Джереми Острайкер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his seminal contributions to the theory of the interstellar and intergalactic medium, his cosmological simulations that help illuminate the formation and evolution of structure in the universe, his theoretical contribution to the existence of Dark Matter halos around galaxies, and his dedication to the scientific and academic communities through service as provost, builder of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and as a mentor of generations of young astronomers. |
2014 | Роберт Киршнер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) His work, with students using supernova light curves as calibrated standard candles, has provided evidence for an accelerating expansion of the universe. The dark energy inferred from this result is one of the deepest mysteries of modern science. |
2016 | Тимоти Браун | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his visionary scientific and technical advancements that have been critical to the fields of helioseismology, asteroseismology, and the emerging field of spectroscopy of transiting exoplanets, and for his critical role in helping a new generation of scientists and facilities to succeed. |
2018 | Ewine van Dishoeck[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her many important contributions to the field of molecular astrophysics and astrochemistry. Bringing together theoretical chemistry, laboratory studies, and astronomical observations with many instruments, Ewine van Dishoeck has advanced our knowledge of interstellar processes, and of the physical conditions in star-forming regions and protoplanetary disks. |
- ↑ Ewine van Dishoeck Receives James Craig Watson Medal | American Astronomical Society . Дата обращения: 25 февраля 2018. Архивировано 26 января 2021 года.