Медаль Чарльза Дулиттла Валькота

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Медаль Чарльза Дулиттла Валькота
Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal
СтранаФлаг США
Кому вручается учёным
Кем вручаетсяНациональная академия наук США
Основания награждения за выдающиеся достижения в области изучения докембрийского и кембрийского периодов
Параметры присуждается раз в 5 лет
Дата учреждения1934

Медаль Чарльза Дулиттла Валькота (англ. Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal) — научная награда Национальной академии наук США за выдающиеся достижения в области изучения докембрийского и кембрийского геологического периода.


Награда была учреждена в 1934 году на средства Мэри Во Валькот[англ.] в честь американского палеонтолога Чарльза Дулиттла Валькота (1850−1927), и присуждается раз в пять лет.

Список награждённых

Год Лауреат Обоснование награды
1934 Дэвид Уайт[англ.]
1939 Anton H. Westergård[нем.]For researches on the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cambrian formations of Sweden.
1947 Вологдин, Александр ГригорьевичFor his studies of Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian algae and his researches on the Archaeocyatha, a distinctive group of Cambrian organisms.
1952 Франко Разетти[англ.]For his contributions to Cambrian paleontology.
1957 Pierre Hupé[англ.]For his monumental work entitiled Contribution a l'etude du Cambrien inferieur et du Precambrien III de l'Antiatlas marocain.
1962 Армин Александр ЭпикFor his contributions to Cambrian geology and paleontology.
1967 Allison R. Palmer[англ.]For his research in pre-Cambrian or Cambrian life, in recognition of his eminence as a specialist in the studies of the Cambrian.
1972 Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn[англ.]For his outstanding contributions in pre-Cambrian paleobiology.
1977 Престон КлаудIn recognition of eminence and distinguished achievement in the advancement of sciences in pre-Cambrian paleontology and the early history of life on the primitive earth.
1982 Martin Glaessner[англ.]For his perceptive, worldwide biological and paleoecological analyses of the earliest Metazoa, which have extended over a quarter century and have illuminated the beginnings of Phanerozoic evolution.
1987 Эндрю Нолл
Simon Conway Morris[англ.]
For their meticulous and insightful research on plant evolution from its microbial roots to vascularization, especially during the transition from Proterozoic to Phanerozoic.
1992 Stefan Bengtson[нем.]For his leadership in studies of the enigmatic faunas of the Cambrian radiation, evidence for a major evolutionary event that his meticulous research has illuminated.
1997 Михаил Александрович ФедонкинFor his meticulous and insightful documentation of the body fossils, tracks, and trails that record the earliest evolution of animals.
2002 Hans J. Hofmann[англ.]For his pioneering discoveries of fossils that have illuminated life's early evolution, from Archean stromatolites and Proterozoic cyanobacteria, to the rise of multicellular organisms.
2007 John P. Grotzinger[англ.]For the insightful elucidation of ancient carbonates and the stromatolites they contain, and for meticulous field research that has established the timing of early animal evolution.
2013 J. William Schopf[англ.]For his pioneering studies of Precambrian microfossils and for his generous and inspirational leadership of the Precambrian Paleobiology Research Groups.

