Папаниварака Хома Мантра
Папаниварака хома мантра (IAST: pāpa nivāraka homa mantra Деванагари: पाप निवारक होम मन्त्र, Мантра защиты от грехов, Mantra for expiation of sins) — одна из распространённых ведических мантр в индуизме, изначально это 59 текст из 10 раздела Тайттирия-араньяка (taittirīya āraṇyaka) (Tā.10.59), из раздела также известного как Маханараяна-упанишада.
Мантра обращена к Агни. Текст (деванагари):
- दे॒वकृ॑त॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- म॒नु॒ष्य॑कृत॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- पि॒तृकृ॑त॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- आ॒त्मकृ॑त॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- अ॒न्यकृ॑त॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- अ॒स्मत्कृ॑त॒स्यैन॑सोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- यद्दि॒वा॑ च॒ नक्तं॒ चैन॑श्चकृ॒म तस्या॑व॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- यथ्स्व॒पन्त॑श्च॒ जाग्र॑त॒श्चैन॑श्चकृ॒म तस्या॑व॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- यथ्सु॒षुप्त॑श्च॒ जाग्र॑त॒श्चैन॑श्चकृ॒म तस्या॑व॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- यद्वि॒द्वाँ स॒श्चावि॑द्वाँस॒श्चैन॑श्चकृ॒म तस्या॑व॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वाहा॑।
- एनस एनसोऽव॒यज॑नमसि॒ स्वा॒हा॥ ७७॥५९॥
- devakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- manuṣyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- pitṛkṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- ātmakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- anyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- asmatkṛtasyainaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- yaddiva ca naktaṃ cainaścakṛma tasyāvayajanamasi swāhā
- yathsvapantaśca jāgrataścainaścakṛma tasyāvayajanamasi swāhā
- yathsuṣuptaśca jāgratacainaścakṛma tasyāvayajanamasi swāhā
- yadvidvān saścāvidvāncainaścakṛma tasyāvayajanamasi swāhā
- enasa enaso 'vayajanamasi swāhā
- Taittiriya Aranyaka 10.57
Переводы и толкования
Свами Вималананда (Swāmī Vimalānanda), в книге "Mahanarayanopanishad (with accent text). Introduction, Translation, Interpretation in Sanskrit, and Critican and Explanatory notes" приводит следующий перевод:
О, Агни! Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков по отношению к Богам (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков по отношению к людям (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков по отношению к почившим Предкам (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков по отношению к нам самим (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков других по отношению к нам (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия недостойных поступков наших родичей (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков наяву и во сне (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков в сознании и неосознанно (swāhā); Ты устраняешь последствия наших недостойных поступков грешников. [1]).
Оригинальный текст (англ.)Oh Agni! You are the remover of offences we have committed against Gods; Swāhā (Hail)! You are the remover of the offences we have committed against men; Swāhā. You are the remover of offences we have committed against departed ancestors; Swāhā. You are the remover of offences we have committed to ourselves; Swāhā. You are the remover of the offences committed by others connected to us; Swāhā. You are the remover of offences committed by our relatives; Swāhā. You are the remover of offences committed in the state of dream and awakening; Swāhā. You are the remover of the offences committed consciously and unconsciously: Swāhā. You are the remover of the Offences Committed by contact with those who are sinners: Swāhā.
Свами Вималананда толковал этот текст так:
[1] Swami Vimalananda. Mahanarayanopanishad, Sexion Fifty Nine, p. 261.
Оригинальный текст (англ.)"Like the formulas given in the sections 3, 4, 5, 47, these eleven formulas ending with svaha are also employed for offering oblations into the consecrated fine meditating upon the Supreme Being in order to remove by means of sacrifice all the sins including those enumerated here. Broadly speaking, a human being is liable to offend others and himself in vallous relations - whether he be conscious of it or not, or whether he is engaged in usual waking activities, or drieaming or sleeping. Flaws in the acts of worship done towards gods and departed ancestors constitute sin against them. One may sin against oneself by voluntarily indulging in unworthy thoughts and deeds. Each person is not only responsible for his own sins of omission and commission, but also for the sins of other persons who belonging to him, or with whom he has relationship through blood, or over whose actions he can have legitimate control. He may further offend his own neighbours by harsh words and antisocial deeds. Even the company of a sinner is a source of sin. All these are enumerated here to kindle a person's moral consciousness and to goad him towards purity and perfection. Waking state has been mentioned twice by including it in two formulas with a view to indicate that in the waking condition there is possibility of committing more sins and so one should be specially on one's guard about it. The formulas 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11 are from the Vājasaneyisamhita VIII 13"
- Swami Vimalananda. Mahanarayanopanishad (Sri Ramakrishna Math)
См. также
- Ведизм
- Яджурведа
- Тайттирия-араньяка
- Маханараяна-упанишада
- Мантра
- Яджур-веда
- Агни
- Хома (ритуал)
- Яджна
- Свами Вималананда