Пеллоу, Дэвид Нагиб

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Дэ́вид Наги́б Пе́ллоу
англ. David Naguib Pellow
Дата рождения1969[1]
СтранаФлаг США
Род деятельностисоциолог
Научная сфераэкосоциология
Место работыКолорадский университет в Боулдере
Миннесотский университет
Калифорнийский университет в Санта-Барбаре
Калифорнийский университет в Сан-Диего
Альма-матерУниверситет Теннесси
Северо-Западный университет
Учёная степень
доктор философии (PhD) по социологии
Учёное званиепрофессор
Известен как экосоциолог и этнолог

Дэ́вид Наги́б Пе́ллоу (англ. David Naguib Pellow; род. 1969) — американский экосоциолог и этнолог.


В 1992 году получил бакалавра гуманитарных наук по социологии summa cum laude в Университете Теннесси.[2]

В 1994 году получил магистра гуманитарных наук по социологии в Северо-Западном университете, а в 1998 году там же доктора философии по социологии.[2]

В 1998—2002 годах — старший преподаватель кафедры этнологии и социологии и научный сотрудник Института науки о поведении Колорадском университете в Боулдере.[2]

В 1998—1999 годах научный сотрудник Фонда Роберта Вуда Джонсона в области исследований политики здравоохранения в Школе здравоохранения Калифорнийского университета в Беркли.[2]

Заведующий кафедрой и профессор исследований окружающей среды и директор Всемирного проекта экологической справедливости в Калифорнийском университете в Санта-Барбаре. Ранее был профессором и заведующим кафедрой социологии и адъюнкт-профессором этнологии в Калифорнийском университете в Сан-Диего.[2]

Научные труды


  • Pellow D. N., Weinberg A., Schnaiberg A.[англ.]. Urban Recycling and the Search for Sustainable Community Development. — Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. — 232 p.
  • Pellow D. N. The Silicon Valley of Dreams: Environmental Justice, Immigrant Workers, and the High-Tech Global Economy. — New York: New York University Press, 2002. — 303 p.
  • Pellow D. N., Park L. S.-H. Garbage Wars: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago. — Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004. — 256 p.
  • Pellow D. N. Resisting Global Toxics: Transnational Movements for Environmental Justice. — Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. — 358 p.
  • Pellow D. N., Gould K., Schnaiberg A.[англ.]. The Treadmill of Production: Injustice and Unsustainability in the Global Economy. — Paradigm Press, 2008. — 160 p.
  • Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. The Slums of Aspen: Immigrants vs. the Environment in America’s Eden. — New York: New York University Press, 2011. — 284 p.
  • Pellow D. N. Total Liberation: The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement. — Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press[англ.], 2014. — 342 p.
  • Pellow D. N. What is Critical Environmental Justice?. — New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2017. — 200 p.
главы в коллективных монографиях
  • Pellow D. N. “African American Labor at the Margins: Exploring the Emergence of Environmental Health Hazards in the Workplace.” // Randy Hodson (ed.), Research in the Sociology of Work. Volume 8. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 2000. Pp.95-114 (Reprinted в DES: A Journal of Ethnic Studies, Volume 1. 2000)
  • Estes C., Harrington C., Pellow D. N. Chapter 8 “The Medical Industrial Complex and the Aging Enterprise.” // Carroll L. Estes and Associates. Social Policy and Aging: A Critical Perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2001. Pp. 165-185
  • Getches D.[англ.], Pellow D. N. “Beyond ‘Traditional’ Environmental Justice: How Large a Tent?” // Kathryn Mutz, Gary Bryner, and Douglas Kenney, (Eds.), Justice and Natural Resources: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications. Washington, D.C.: Island Press[англ.], 2002. Pp. 3-30
  • Schnaiberg A.[англ.], Pellow D. N., Weinberg A. D. “The Treadmill of Production and the Environmental State.” // Arthur P. J. Mol and Frederick H. Buttel, (Eds.), The Environmental State Under Pressure. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy Series. Vol. 10. New York: JAI Press, 2002. Pp. 15-32 (перепечатано в New Developments in Environmental Sociology, edited by Michael R. Redclift.)
  • Pellow D. N. “High Tech Environmental Racism: Silicon Valley’s Toxic Workplaces.” // Curtis Stokes and Theresa Melendez, Eds. Racial Liberalism and the Politics of Urban America. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press[англ.], 2003. Pp. 249-268
  • Stockdill B., Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. “Beyond the Hollywood Hype: Using Documentary to Unmask State Oppression Against People of Color. // Lane Hirabayashi and Jun Xing (Eds.), Reversing the Lens: Ethnicity, Race, Gender and Sexuality Through Film. Boulder: University Press of Colorado[англ.], 2003. Pp. 213-227
  • Pellow D. N., Brulle R. J. Chapter 1 “Power, Justice and the Environment: Toward Critical Environmental Justice Studies.” // David N. Pellow and Robert J. Brulle (Eds.) Power, Justice, and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2005.
  • Brulle R. J., Pellow D. N. Chapter 18 “The Future of Environmental Justice Movements. “ // David N. Pellow and Robert J. Brulle (Eds.) Power, Justice, and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2005.
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 7 “Environmental Racism: Inequality in a Toxic World.” // Mary Romero and Eric Margolis[англ.], Eds. Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities. London: Blackwell Publishers[англ.], 2005.
  • Smith T.[англ.], Sonnenfeld D. A.[англ.] Pellow D. N. Chapter 1 “The Quest for Sustainability and Justice in a High-Tech World.” // Ted Smith[англ.], David A. Sonnenfeld[англ.] and David N. Pellow, Eds. Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Philadelphia: Temple University Press[англ.], 2006.
  • Pellow D. N., Matthews G. Chapter 11 “Immigrant Workers in Two Eras: Struggles and Successes in Silicon Valley.” // Ted Smith[англ.], David A. Sonnenfeld[англ.], and David N. Pellow, Eds. Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Philadelphia: Temple University Press[англ.], 2006.
  • Hawes, A., Pellow D. N. An interview and Chapter 10 “The Struggle of Occupational Health in Silicon Valley.” // Ted Smith[англ.], David A. Sonnenfeld[англ.], and David N. Pellow, Eds. Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Philadelphia: Temple University Press[англ.], 2006.
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 14 “Transnational Alliances and Global Politics: New Geographies of Urban Environmental Justice Struggles.” // Nikolas Heynen, Maria Käika, and Erik Swyngedouw[англ.] (Eds.) In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism. Routledge, 2006. Pp. 226-244
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 14 “The State and Policy: Imperialism, Exclusion, and Ecological Violence as State Policy.” // Kenneth Gould and Tammy Lewis (Eds.), Twenty Lessons in Environmental Sociology. Oxford University Press. First edition (2008) and Second edition (2015).
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 9 “The Next Revolutionary Stage: Recycling Waste or Recycling History?” // Leslie King and Deborah McCarthy (Eds.) Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action. 2nd Edition. Rowman and Littlefield, 2009.
  • Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. “The Case of the Missing Mountain: Migration and the Power of Place.” // Linda Burton, Susan Kemp, ManChui Leung, Stephen Matthews, and David Takeuchi (Eds). Communities, Neighborhoods, and Health: Expanding the Boundaries of Place. Springer, 2011.
  • Pellow D. N. “Activist Scholarship for Environmental Justice.” // Kathleen Korgen, Jonathan White, and Shelley White (Eds). Sociologists in Action: Sociology, Social Change, and Social Justice. Pine Forge Press, 2011. Pp. 221-226.
  • Pellow D. N. “Politics by Other Greens: The Importance of Transnational Environmental Justice Movement Networks.” // JoAnn Carmin and Julian Agyeman (Eds). Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices. MIT Press, 2011. Pp. 247-265.
  • Pellow D. N. “Working for Global Environmental Justice: Channeling Privilege, Producing New Knowledge.” // Philip Nyden, Leslie Hossfeld, and Gwendolyn Nyden (Eds.) Public Sociology: Research, Action, and Change. Sage Publications, 2012. Pp. 112-119.
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 6 “Activist-Scholar Alliances for Social Change: The Transformative Power of University-Community Collaborations.” // Brett C. Stockdill and Mary Yu Danico (Eds). Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in the Academy. University of Hawai’i Press[англ.], 2012.
  • ParkL. S.-H., Pellow D. N. Chapter 12 “Roots of Nativist Environmentalism in America’s Eden.” // Joni Adamson and Kimberly N. Ruffin (Eds). American Studies, Ecocriticism, and Citizenship: Thinking and Acting in the Local and Global Commons. Routledge, 2013.
  • DeMuth, S., Pellow D. N. Chapter 9 “Research, Repression, and Resistance.” // Anthony J. Nocella II and David Gabbard (Eds). Policing the Campus: Academic Repression, Surveillance, and the Occupy Movement. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2013.
  • Pellow D. N. “Teaching Anti-Racism Through Environmental Justice Studies.” // Kristin Haltinner (Ed). Teaching Race and Anti-Racism in Contemporary America: Adding Context to Colorblindness. Springer, 2014. Pp. 257-264.
  • DeMuth S., Pellow D. N. “Terrorizing Dissent and the Conspiracy against ‘Radical’ Movements.” // Jason Del Gandio and Anthony Nocella II (Eds). The Terrorization of Dissent: Corporate Repression, Legal Corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. New York: Lantern Books, 2014. Pp. 120-138.
  • Fitzgerald A., Pellow D. N. “Ecological Defense for Animal Liberation: A Holistic Understanding of the World.” // Anthony Nocella II, John Sorenson, Kim Socha, and Atsuko Matsuoka (Eds.). Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2014. Pp. 28-48.
  • Brehm H. N., Pellow D. N. “Environmental Inequalities.” // Douglas Hartmann and Christopher Uggen (eds.) Color Lines and Racial Angles. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014. Pp. 115-132.
  • Harlan S., Pellow D. N., Roberts J. T.[англ.], Bell S. E., Holt W. G., Nagel J. “Climate Justice and Inequality.” // Riley Dunlap and Robert J. Brulle (Eds.). Climate Change and Society: Sociological Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. 127-163
  • Pellow D. N. “Foreword.” // Anthony Nocella II, Richard J. White and Erika Cudworth (Eds). Anarchism and Animal Liberation: Essays on Complementary Elements of Total Liberation. McFarland & Company Publishers, Inc. 2015.
  • Pellow D. N. “Eco-terrorism.” // Joni Adamson, William A. Gleason, and David N. Pellow, Eds. Keywords for Environmental Studies. New York University Press, 2016, Pp. 82-85
  • Pellow D. N., Pengfei Guo. “Environmental Justice.” // Willis J. Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim (Eds.). Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology. Routledge, 2016. Pp. 336-344
  • Pellow D. N. “Critical Environmental Justice Studies.” // Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Manuel Vallee, and Beatrice Frank (Eds.). Resilience, Environmental Justice & the City. Routledge, 2016
  • Pellow D. N.“Foreword.” // Anthony J. Nocella II, K. Animashaun Ducre, and John Lupinacci (Eds.). Addressing Environmental and Food Justice toward Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

Энциклопедии и словари

  • Harrington C., Pellow D. N. “Health Care Financing.” // Edward Borgatta and Rhonda Montgomery, Eds., Encyclopedia of Sociology. Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group[англ.], 2000. Pp. 1140-1157 (перепечатано в Charlene Harrington and Carroll Estes (eds.). Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System. Third Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2001.)
  • Estes C., Harrington C., Pellow D. N. “The Medical-Industrial Complex.” // Edward Borgatta and Rhonda Montgomery, Eds., Encyclopedia of Sociology. Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group[англ.], 2000. Pp. 1818-1832 (перепечатано в Charlene Harrington and Carroll Estes (eds.) Health Policy: Crisis and Reform in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System. Third Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2001.)
  • Pellow D. N. “Garbage and Garbage Collection.” // David R. Goldfield (Ed.), Encyclopedia of American Urban History. Sage Publications, 2007. Pp. 292-294
  • Pellow D. N., Park L. S.-H. “Silicon Valley and the Social and Environmental Costs of High Technology.” // William Darity, Jr. (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Volume 7, 2nd Edition. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale[англ.], 2008. Pp. 510-511
  • Pellow D. N. “Toxic Waste.” // Vincent N. Parrillo (Ed). Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Sage Publications, 2008.
  • Brulle R. J., Pellow D. N. “Environmental Movements.” // G. Goreham, Encyclopedia of Rural America, 2nd Edition. University of Chicago Press, 2008.
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 18 “The Global Waste Trade and Environmental Justice Struggles.” // Kevin Gallagher (Ed.), Handbook on Trade and the Environment. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009.
  • Pellow D. N., Park L. S.-H. “The Emergence of Silicon Valley: High-Tech Development and Ecocide, 1950-2001.” // Steven H. Corey and Lisa Krissoff Boehm (Eds). The American Urban Reader. Routledge, 2010. (reprint of Chapter 4 from Pellow and Park. 2002. The Silicon Valley of Dreams. New York University Press).
  • Pellow D. N. Chapter 21 “Environmental Justice, Animal Rights, and Total Liberation: From Conflict and Distance to Points of Common Focus.” // Nigel South and Avi Brisman (Eds). Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge, 2013.
  • Brehm H. N., Pellow D. N. “Environmental Justice: Pollution, Poverty, and Marginalized Communities.” // Paul G. Harris (Ed). Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Routledge, 2013. Pp. 308-320
  • Pellow D. N. “Environmental Justice.” // Kathleen Odell Korgen (Ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press, 2017


  • Pellow D. N., Weinberg A. D., Schnaiberg A.[англ.] Pragmatic Corporate Cultures: Insights from a Recycling Enterprise. // Greener Management International: The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice. 1995. 12: 95-110.
  • Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. Washing Dirty Laundry: Organic-Activist-Research Inside Two Social Movement Organizations. // Sociological Imagination. 1996. 33:138-153.
  • Weinberg A. D., Pellow D. N., Schnaiberg A.[англ.]. “Sustainable Development as a Sociologically Defensible Concept.” // Advances in Human Ecology. 1996. 5: 261-302.
  • Pellow D. N. Popular Epidemiology and Environmental Movements: Mapping Active Narratives for Empowerment. // Humanity & Society[англ.]. 1997. 21:307-321.
  • Pellow D. N. Bodies on the Line: Environmental Inequalities and Hazardous Work in the U.S. Recycling Industry. // Race, Gender & Class. 1998. 6: 124-151.
  • Schnaiberg A.[англ.], Weinberg A. D., Pellow D. N.. Politicizing the Treadmill of Production: Reshaping Social Outcomes of 'Efficient' Recycling. // Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 1998. nos. 19 and 20: 181-222.
  • Pellow D. N. Framing Emerging Environmental Movement Tactics: Mobilizing Consensus, De-mobilizing Conflict. // Sociological Forum[англ.]. 1999. 14: 659-683.
  • Pellow D. N. Negotiation and Confrontation: Environmental Policy-Making Through Consensus. // Society and Natural Resources. 1999. 12: 189-203.
  • Pellow D. N. Environmental Inequality Formation: Toward a Theory of Environmental Injustice. // American Behavioral Scientist[англ.]. 2000. 43:581-601.
  • Pellow D. N., Weinberg A. D., Schnaiberg A.[англ.] Putting the Ecological Modernization Thesis to the Test: The Promises and Performances of Urban Recycling. // Environmental Politics[англ.]. 2000. 9:109-137. (Reprinted in Arthur Mol and David Sonnenfeld, Eds. Ecological Modernization Around the World: Perspectives and Critical Debates: UK: Frank Cass & Co., Ltd.).
  • Pellow D. N. Environmental Justice and the Political Process: Movements, Corporations, and the State. // The Sociological Quarterly[англ.]. 2001. 42:47-67.
  • Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. Racial Formation, Environmental Racism, and the Emergence of Silicon Valley. // Ethnicities[англ.]. 2004. 4(3): 403-424.
  • Pellow D. N., Weinberg A. D., Schnaiberg A.[англ.]. The Environmental Justice Movement: Equitable Allocation of the Costs and Benefits of Environmental Management Outcomes. // Social Justice Research[англ.]. 2001. 14: 423-439.
  • Gould K., Pellow D. N., Schnaiberg A.[англ.] Interrogating the Treadmill of Production: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Treadmill but Were Afraid to Ask. // Organization & Environment[англ.]. 2004. 17(3) 296-316.
  • Pellow D. N. The Politics of Illegal Dumping: An Environmental Justice Framework. // Qualitative Sociology[англ.]. 2004. 27(4): 511-525.
  • Park L. S.-H., Pellow D. N. Making the Invisible Visible: Asian American/Pacific Islander Workers in Silicon Valley. // AAPI Nexus: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Policy, Practice, and Community. 2005. 3(1) Summer/Fall.
  • Brulle R. J., Pellow D. N. Environmental Justice: Human Health and Environmental Inequalities. // Annual Review of Public Health. 2006. vol. 27: 103-124, April.
  • Pellow D. N. Social Inequalities and Environmental Conflict. // Revista Horizontes Antropológicos, the Journal of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2006. Vol 12, no. 25, January/June, Porto Alegre.
  • Pellow D. N., Brulle R. J. Poisoning the Planet: The Struggle for Environmental Justice // Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds[англ.]. — 2007. — Vol. 6, № 1. — P. 37—41. — doi:10.1525/ctx.2007.6.1.37. (перепедчатано в Elizabeth Higginbotham and Margaret Andersen (Eds.) 2009 and 2012. Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape. Wadsworth. 1st and 3rd Editions; and in Jeff Goodwin and James Jasper (Eds.) 2009. The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts. Wiley-Blackwell.) Second Edition and Third Edition (2014).
  • Mohai P., Pellow D. N., Roberts J. T.[англ.] // Environmental Justice. // Annual Review of Environment and Resources[англ.]. 2009. 34:405-430. (переработка, перепечатка и перевод на французский яз-ык в “Déchets et racisme environnemental: genèse et reconnaissance du problème aux Etats-Unis.” La Revue durable[фр.], no. 54, pp. 22-24.)
  • Pellow D. N., Brehm H. N. An Environmental Sociology for the 21st Century. // Annual Review of Sociology[англ.]. 2013. Vol. 39: 229-250.
  • Pellow D. N., Brehm H. N. From the New Ecological Paradigm to Total Liberation: The Emergence of a Social Movement Frame. // The Sociological Quarterly[англ.]. 2015. 56: 185-212.
  • Pellow D. N. Environmental Justice and Rural Studies: A Critical Conversation and Invitation to Collaboration. // Journal of Rural Studies[англ.]. 2016.
  • Pellow D. N. Toward a Critical Environmental Justice Studies: Black Lives Matter as an Environmental Justice Challenge. // DuBois Review: Social Science Research on Race[англ.]. 2016


  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Carlo Jaeger. 1995. Taming the Dragon: Transforming Economic Institutions in the Face of Global Change. // Society and Natural Resources. 1997. 10: 223-225, March-April.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: David N. Pellow. “From ‘Just Us’ to Justice: Connecting the Environment, Community, and Academy.” Review Essay of: Bunyan Bryant. 1995. Environmental Justice: Issues, Policies, Solutions; Al Gedicks. 1993. The New Resource Wars. // Sociological Forum[англ.]. 1999. 14: 347-355.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith. 1996. The Case Against the Global Economy: And For a Turn Toward the Local. // Society and Natural Resources. 1999. 12: 173-175.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Christopher Sellers. 1997. Hazards of the Job: From Industrial Disease to Environmental Health Science. // Qualitative Sociology[англ.]. 2000. 23: 369-371.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Michael Goldman, (ed). 1998. Privatizing Nature: Political Struggles for the Global Commons. // Organization & Environment[англ.]. 2000. 13: 369-372.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Bart Landry. 2000. Black Working Wives: Pioneers of the American Family Revolution. Berkeley: University of California Press. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2001. 30: 459-460.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Norma Daykin and Lesley Doyal, (eds). 1999. Health and Work: Critical Perspectives. New York: St. Martin’s Press. // Work and Occupations[англ.]. 2001. 28: 499-501.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Frank Fischer. 2000. Citizens, Experts, and the Environment: The Politics of Local Knowledge. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2002. 31: 578-579.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Riley E. Dunlap, and William Michelson, (eds). 2001. The Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2002. 32: 350-351.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Jennifer Clapp. 2001. Toxic Exports: The Transfer of Hazardous Waste from Rich to Poor Countries. // Journal of Environment and Development[англ.]. 2003. 12: 349-351.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Penelope Canan and Nancy Reichman. 2001. Ozone Connections: Expert Networks in Global Environmental Governance. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2004. 35(1): January.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Mary Grigsby. 2004. Buying Time and Getting By: The Voluntary Simplicity Movement. // American Journal of Sociology. 2005. 110 (5): 1520-21. March.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Harold L. Platt. 2006. Shock Cities: The Environmental Transformation and Reform of Manchester and Chicago. // Social Service Review[англ.]. 2006. 80 (4): 744-47. December.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Christian Zlolniski. 2006. Janitors, Street Vendors, and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2007. 36 (1): 29-31.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Sylvia Hood Washington. 2005. Packing them In: An Archeology of Environmental Racism in Chicago, 1865-1954. // Indiana Magazine of History. 2007. 104 (1): 103-105. March.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Phil Brown. 2007. Toxic Exposures: Contested Illnesses and the Environmental Health Movement. // Mobilization 2008. 13 (1): 125-6.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger. 2007. Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility. // Environmental Justice. 2008. 1(1): 57-58.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Paul Robbins. 2007. Lawn People: How Grasses, Weeds, and Chemicals Make Us Who We Are. // American Journal of Sociology. 2009. 114 (4) 1199-1200
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Stephanie Foote and Elizabeth Mazzolini. 2012. Histories of the Dustheap: Waste, Material Cultures, Social Justice. // Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal[англ.]. 2013. 41(4): 649-650.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Grace Lee Boggs with Scott Kurashige. 2012. The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2013. 42(2): 222-224.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Shannon Elizabeth Bell. 2013. Our Roots Run Deep as Ironweed: Appalachian Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice. // Social Forces[англ.]. 2014. May.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Paul Starr. 2013. Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2015. 44(2): 256-258.
  • Pellow D. N. Book Review: Rubin Patterson. 2015. Greening Africana Studies: Linking Environmental Studies with Transforming Black Experiences. // Contemporary Sociology[англ.]. 2016. 45(4): 493-495.

Научная редакция


  1. David N. Pellow // NUKAT — 2002.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 * David Naguib Pellow // University of California, San Diego
