Перакис, Джорджия
Джорджия Перакис | |
англ. Georgia Perakis | |
Имя при рождении | Γεωργία Περάκη |
Дата рождения | 9 марта 1966 (58 лет) |
Место рождения | Крит, Греция |
Страна | ![]() |
Род деятельности | математик |
Научная сфера | исследование операций |
Место работы | Школа менеджмента имени Слоуна Массачусетского технологического института |
Альма-матер | Афинский национальный университет имени Каподистрии Брауновский университет |
Учёная степень | доктор философии |
Учёное звание | профессор |
Научный руководитель | Стелла Дафермос[1] Томас Л. Магнанти[англ.] |
Награды и премии | CAREER Award[англ.] (2000) PECASE Award[англ.] (2000) |
Сайт | Личная страница на сайте MIT |
Джо́рджия Пера́кис (англ. Georgia Perakis, имя при рождении — Георги́я Пера́ки (греч. Γεωργία Περάκη); род. 9 марта 1966, Крит, Греция)[2][3] — греко-американский математик, специалист в области исследования и управления операциями, профессор Школы менеджмента имени Слоуна Массачусетского технологического института (MIT Sloan)[4], сотрудник Центра исследования операций MIT[5][6]. Член Американского математического общества, Общества по математической оптимизации[англ.], Общества промышленной и прикладной математики[англ.], Института исследования операций и управленческих наук[англ.] (2016)[2][7] и Группы греческих учёных Бостона[8].
h-индекс = 25, процитирована > 2 190 раз[9].
Родилась и выросла в Греции. Накануне Второй мировой войны отец Георгии, учившийся в Швейцарии и собиравшийся защитить диссертацию на соискание степени доктора философии, был вынужден вернуться в Грецию и вступить в армию. С детства увлеклась математикой[10].
Афинский национальный университет имени Каподистрии (бакалавр математики, 1987), Брауновский университет (магистр прикладной математики, 1988; доктор философии в области прикладной математики, 1993), постдокторантура в Центре исследования операций Массачусетского технологического института (1995—1998)[2].
1993—1995: приглашённый ассистент-профессор департамента прикладной математики Брауновского университета[2].
1998—н. в.: ассистент-профессор (1998—2002), ассоциированный профессор (2002—2009), профессор (2009—н. в.) Школы менеджмента имени Слоуна Массачусетского технологического института[2].
2008—2015: содиректорв программы Leaders for Global Operations[англ.] (MIT Sloan)[4][11].
Приглашённый ассоциированный профессор (2005—2006) и приглашённый профессор (2013—2014) Колумбийского университета[2].
Автор многочсиленных научных статей. Имеет патенты[2].
Автор нескольких статей в интернет-издании HuffPost[11].
Научная деятельность
Сфера научных интересов: динамическое ценообразование, управление доходами, запасами и цепями поставок, оптимизация, экономическое равновесие, теория контрактов, рынки электроэнергии, управление воздушным движением, цена анархии, вариационное неравенство, неподвижная точка, нелинейная оптимизация[2].
Личная жизнь
Супруга учёного-математика, профессора MIT Sloan Димитриса Берцимаса, также уроженца Греции[12].
Награды и почести
- 1982, 1983 — третье место в Греческой национальной математической олимпиаде среди учащихся средних школ
- 1984 — стипендия Национального греческого фонда научных исследований[англ.]
- 1987 — Applied Mathematics Fellowship (Брауновский университет)
- 1991 — Annual Prize in Mathematics (Брауновский университет)
- 1993, 1996, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2016 — Nice NSF Award (MIT)
- 2000 — Charles Reed Faculty Initiative Award (MIT)
- 2000 — CAREER Award (Национальный научный фонд)
- 2000 — PECASE Award (высшая награда правительства США)[13]
- 2000 — UTC Award
- 2000 — eBusiness Vision Fund Award
- 2002 — Graduate Student Council Teaching Award (MIT)
- 2005 — UTRC Award
- 2012 — Samuel M. Seegal Award
- 2014 — Jamieson Prize (MIT Sloan)
- 2014, 2015 — Best Student Paper
- 2015 — Best Application of Theory Award (Институт наук принятия решений[англ.])
- 2015 — Practice Award (Институт исследования операций и управленческих наук)
- 2015, 2016 — Faculty Award (IBM)[14][15]
- 2016, 2017 — Service Science Section Best Paper Award Competition (Институт исследования операций и управленческих наук)
- 2017 — Teacher of the Year Award (MIT Sloan)
- 2017 — Faculty Award (Adobe)[2]
- «The Impact of Linear Optimization in Promotion Planning.» Cohen, Maxime C., Ngai-Hang Zachary Leung, Kiran Panchamgam, Georgia Perakis, and Anthony Smith. Operations Research Vol. 65, No. 2 (2017): 446—468.
- «On the Effectiveness of Uniform Subsidies in Increasing Market Consumption.» Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Gonzalo Romero. Management Science Vol. 63, No. 1 (2017): 40-57.
- «Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand.» Maxime Cohen, Robert Pindyck, and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, New York, NY: July 2016.
- «Scheduling Promotion Vehicles to Boost Revenues: A Provably-Good Analytical Approach.» Lennart Baardman, Maxime Cohen, Kiran Panchamgam, Georgia Perakis, and Danny Segev. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2016, Auckland, New Zealand: June 2016.
- «Dynamic Ship Routing under Limited Foresight.» Max Biggs and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2016, Auckland, New Zealand: June 2016.
- «On a Variation of Two-part Tariff Pricing of Services; a Data Driven Approach.» Charles Thraves, Georgia Perakis, and Maxime Cohen. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2016, Auckland, New Zealand: June 2016.
- «The Impact of Consumer Subsidies for Green Technology Adoption.» Cohen, Maxine C., Ruben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 62, No. 5 (2016): 1235—1258.
- «The Analytics of Promotions: Pricing and Promotion Vehicle Planning.» Perakis, Georgia, Lennart Baardman, Maxime Cohen, Swati Gupta, Jeremy Kalas, Zachary Leung, Danny Segev, Kiran Panchamgam, and Anthony Smith. Presentation, Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Hotel, Orlando, Florida. April 11, 2016.
- «Nonlinear Pricing Competition with Private Capacity Information». Nazerzadeh, Hamid, and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 64, No. 2 (2016): 329—340.
- «The Data-Driven Newsvendor Problem: New Bounds and Insights.» Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis, and Joline Uichanco. Operations Research Vol. 63, No. 6 (2015): 1294—1306. Appendix.
- «Pricing With Limited Knowledge of Demand.» Cohen, Maxime C., Georgia Perakis, and Robert S. Pindyck, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5145-15. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2017.
- «A Data-Driven Approach to Personalized Bundle Recommendations.» Anna Papush, Pavithra Harsha, and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2015, Toronto, ON: June 2015.
- «Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand.» Maxime Cohen, Robert Pindyck, and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2015, Toronto, ON: June 2015.
- «When Graph Theory Meets Dynamic Pricing.» Swati Gupta, Maxime Cohen, Jeremy Kalas, and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2015, Toronto, ON: June 2015.
- «Improving Emergency Storm Planning using Machine Learning.» Malikarjun Angalakudati, Jorge Calzada, Vivek Farias, Jonathan Gonynor, Matthieu Monsch, Anna Papush, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad, Jeremy Schein, Cheryl Warren, Sean Whipple and John Williams. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL: December 2014.
- «Risk-Sharing Pricing Contracts in B2B Service Supply Chains.» Bravo, Fernanda, Gonzalo Romero, Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis, Working Paper. 2014.
- «The Effect of Supplier Capacity on the Supply Chain Profit.» Perakis, G., with E. Adida. Annals of Operations Research Vol. 223, No. 1 (2014): 1-52.
- «Efficiency Analysis of Cournot Competition in Service Industries with Congestion.» Perakis, Georgia and Wei Sun. Management Science Vol. 60, No. 11 (2014): 2684—2700.
- «The Impact of a Target on Newsvendor Decisions.» Chen, Lucy Gongtao, Daniel Zhuoyu Long, and Georgia Perakis. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 17, No. 1 (2014): 78-86.
- «A Continuous Knapsack Problem with Separable Convex Utilities: Approximation Algorithms and Applications.» Levi, Retsef, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero. Operations Research Letters Vol. 42, No. 5 (2014): 367—373.
- «Competition and Externalities in Green Technology Adoption.» Maxine Cohen, Georgia Perakis and Charles Thraves. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2014, Seattle, WA: June 2014.
- «Business Analytics for Flexible Resource Allocation under Random Emergencies.» Angalakudati, Mallik, Siddharth Balwani, Jorge Calzada, Bikram Chatterjee, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad and Joline Uichanco. Management Science Vol. 60, No. 6 (2014): 1552—1573.
- «Efficient Formulations for Pricing under Attraction Demand Models.» Keller, Philipp W., Retsef Levi, and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 145, No. 1-2 (2014): 223—261.
- «Improving Emergency Storm Planning Using Machine Learning.» Malikarjun Angalakudati, Jorge Calzada, Vivek Farias, Jonathan Gonynor, Matthieu Monsch, Anna Papush, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad, Jeremy Schein, Cheryl Warren, Sean Whipple and John Williams. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2014, Seattle, WA: June 2014.
- «On the Effectiveness of Uniform Subsidies in Increasing Market Consumption.» Retsef Levi, Georgia Perakis and Gonzalo Romero. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2014, Seattle, WA: June 2014.
- «Optimization Models and Insights for Promotion Planning.» Maxine Cohen, Kiran Panchamgam, Anthony Smith. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2014, Seattle, WA: June 2014.
- «Bounded Rationality in Strategic Interactions.» Basak Kalkanci and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2013, Fontainebleau, France: July 2013.
- «Business Analytics for Flexible Scheduling of Service Operations Under Random Emergencies.» Mallik Angalakudati, Siddharth Balwani, Jorge Calzada, Bikram Chatterjee, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad and Joline Uichanco. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2013, Fontainebleau, France: July 2013.
- «Designing Subsidies with Industry Response: Commitment vs Flexibility.» Maxine Cohen, Jonathan Chemama, Rueben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2013, Fontainebleau, France: July 2013.
- «The Impact of Optimization on Promotion Planning, Revenue Management.» Maxine Cohen, Zachary Leung, Kiran Panchamgam, Georgia Perakis and Anthony Smith. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2013, Fontainebleau, France: July 2013.
- «Designing Consumer Subsidies with Industry Response for Green Technology Adoption.» Maxine Cohen, Rueben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2012, New York, NY: June 2012.
- «Designing Subsidies with Industry Response Dynamics; Commitment vs Flexibility.» Maxine Cohen, Rueben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2012, New York, NY: June 2012.
- «Efficiency Analysis for Service Industries with Nonlinear Demand and Congestion Effects.» Georgia Perakis and Wei Sun. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2012, New York, NY: June 2012.
- «Efficient Scheduling of Operations Under Uncertainty: The Case of a US Gas Utility Company.» Mallik Angalakudati, Siddharth Balwani, Jorge Calzada, Bikram Chatterjee, Georgia Perakis, Nicolas Raad and Joline Uichanco. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2012, New York, NY: June 2012.
- «Generalized Quantity Competition for Multiple Products and Loss of Efficiency.» Kluberg, Jonathan and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 60, No. 2 (2012): 335—350. Appendix.
- «Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains with Partial Positive Externalities.» Perakis, Georgia and Wei Sun. Operations Research Letters Vol. 40, No. 2 (2012): 78-83.
- «Alleviating Travel Delay Uncertainties in Traffic Assignment and Traffic Equilibrium.» Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2012 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Boston, MA: 2012.
- «On the Efficiency of Price Competition.» Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 39, No. 6 (2011): 414—418.
- «Alleviating Travel Delay Uncertainties in Traffic Assignment and Traffic Equilibrium.» Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2011 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Atlanta, GA: June 2011.
- «Congestion Pricing for Service Industries.» Georgia Perakis and Wei Sun. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2011, Ann Arbor, MI: June 2011.
- «Consumer Rebates for Solar Technology Adoption.» Maxine Cohen, Rueben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2011, Ann Arbor, MI: June 2011.
- «Dynamic Pricing and Equilibrium Outcomes.» Georgia Perakis, Vivek Farias and Matthieu Monsch. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2011, Ann Arbor, MI: June 2011.
- «Markdown Pricing for a Fashion e-Tailer; the Impact of Returning Customers.» Pavithra Harsha, Ngai-Hang Leung and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2011, Ann Arbor, MI: June 2011.
- «Menu Pricing Competition and a Common Agency with Informed Principals». Hamid Nazerzadeh and Georgia Perakis. In EC’11 Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce., San Jose, CA: June 2011.
- «Menu Pricing Competition when Suppliers' Capacities are Private Information.» Hamid Nazerzadeh and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2011, Ann Arbor, MI: June 2011.
- «Price of Anarchy and its Applications.» Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2011 NSF Design and Manufacturing, Grantees Conference, Atlanta, GA: June 2011.
- «A Comparison of Bertrand and Cournot Profits in Oligopolies with Differentiated Products.» Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 59, No. 2 (2011): 507—513. Appendix.
- «Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control: Robust vs. Stochastic Uncertainty Models; a Computational Study.» Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Annals of Operations Research Vol. 181, No. 1 (2010): 125—157.
- «Dynamic Pricing with Learning — State-Space Collapse and Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme.» Levi, Ritsef, Vivek Farias, James B. Orlin, and Georgia Perakis, Working Paper. 2010.
- «A Nonnegative Extension of the Affine Demand Function and Equilibrium Analysis for Multiproduct Price Competition.» Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 38, No. 4 (2010): 280—286.
- «Congestion Pricing for Airport Efficiency.» Georgia Perakis and Wei Sun. In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromsø, Norway: June 2010.
- «Consumer Choice Model for Forecasting Demand and Designing Subsidies for Solar Technology.» Rueben Lobel and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2010, edited by Yale T. Herer, Israel: June 2010.
- «Loss of Coordination in a Competitive Supply Chain with Endogenous Pricing.» Georgia Perakis and Wei Sun. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2010, edited by Yale T. Herer, Israel: June 2010.
- «Tractable Markdown Optimization Under Uncertainty.» Georgia Perakis and Pavithra Harsha. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2010, edited by Yale T. Herer, Israel: June 2010.
- «Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with no Backorders; Uncertainty and Competition.» Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Vol. 58, No. 2 (2010): 289—302. Appendix.
- «Robust Controls for Network Revenue Management.» Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. MSOM Vol. 12, No. 1 (2010): 56-76. Appendix.
- «A Dynamic Travel Time Models for Spillback.» Kachani, Soulaymane and Georgia Perakis. Networks and Spatial Economics Vol. 9, No. 4 (2009): 595—618.
- «A Pricing Contract to Reduce Congestion and Improve Efficiency in Airports.» Georgia Perakis and Wei Sun. In Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2009, Cambridge, MA: June 2009.
- «Loss of Welfare in Deregulated Markets: An Oligopolistic Cournot Competition Model.» Georgia Perakis and Jonathan Kluberg. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2009, June 2009.
- «Network Dynamic Pricing through Scenario Based Optimization.» Georgia Perakis and Rueben Lobel. In Refereed Proceedings of MSOM Conference 2009, Cambridge, MA: June 2009.
- «Alleviating Travel Delay Uncertainties in Traffic Assignment and Traffic Equilibrium.» Perakis, Georgia. In Proceedings of the 2009 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Honolulu, HI: June 2009.
- «Price of Anarchy and its Applications.» Perakis, Georgia. In Proceedings of the 2009 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Honolulu, HI: June 2009.
- «Optimal Bidding in Online Auctions.» Bertsimas, Dimitris, Jeffrey Hawkins and Georgia Perakis. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009): 21-41.
- «Profit Loss in Differentiated Oligopolies.» Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 37, No. 1 (2009): 43-46.
- «A Generalized Cournot Competition for Multiple Products and Price of Anarchy.» Jonathan Kluberg and Georgia Perakis. In 2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, edited by Georgia Perakis, Urbana-Champaign, IL: September 2008.
- «Multiperiod Models with Capacities in Competitive Supply Chain.» Perakis, Georgia and Marina Zaretsky. Production and Operations Management JournalVol. 17, No. 4 (2008): 439—454.
- «A Comparison of Price and Quantity Competition in Oligopolies with Differentiated Products.» Amr Farahat and Georgia Perakis. In Refereed Proceedings for the MSOM Conference, College Park, MD: June 2008.
- «Regret in the Newsvendor Problem with Partial Information.» Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Operations Research Vol. 56, No. 1 (2008): 188—203. Appendix.
- «A Nonlinear Continuous Time Optimal Control Model of Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with No Backorders.» Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Naval Research Logistics Vol. 54, No. 7 (2007): 767—795.
- «The Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains; Quantifying the Efficiency of Price-Only Contracts.» Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Management ScienceVol. 53, No. 8 (2007): 1249—1268.
- «Modeling the Transient Nature of Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning in a Competitive Environment.» Kachani, Soulaymane, Georgia Perakis and Carine Simon. In Network Science, Nonlinear Science and Infrastructure Science, edited by Terry L. Friesz, 223—267. New York, NY: Springer, 2007.
- «The Anticipatory Route Guidance Problem: Formulations, Analysis and Computational Results.» Jon Bottom, Georgia Perakis and Soulaymane Kachani. In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI), Phuket, Thailand: June 2007.
- «An Analytical Model for Traffic Delays and the Dynamic User-Equilibrium Problem.» Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Operations Research Vol. 54, No. 6 (2006): 1151—1171.
- «Solving Asymmetric Variational Inequalities via Convex Optimization». Aghassi, Michele, Dimitris Bertsimas and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 34, No. 5 (2006): 481—490.
- «A Robust Optimization Approach to Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with No Backorders.» Adida, Elodie and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 107, No. 1 (2006): 97-129.
- «Competitive Multi-period Pricing for Perishable Products: A Robust Optimization Approach.» Perakis, Georgia and Anshul Sood. Mathematical Programming Vol. 107, No. 1 (2006): 295—335.
- «A Robust SQP Method for Mathematical Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints.» Liu, Xinwei, Georgia Perakis and Jie Sun. Journal of Computational Optimization and Applications Vol. 34, No. 1 (2006): 5-33.
- «Fluid Dynamics Models and their Applications in Transportation and Pricing». Kachani, Soulaymane and Georgia Perakis. European Journal of Operations Research Vol. 170, No. 1 (2006): 496—517.
- «Dynamic Pricing: A Learning Approach.» Bertsimas, Dimitris and Georgia Perakis. In Models for Congestion Charging/Network Pricing, 45-79. New York, NY: Springer, 2006.
- «Solving Variational Inequality and Fixed Point Problems by Line Searches and Potential Optimization.» Magnanti, Thomas L. and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 101, No. 3 (2004): 435—461.
- «An Analytical Model for Traffic Delays.» Georgia Perakis and Guillaume Roels. In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN V), Le Gosier, Guadeloupe: June 2004.
- «Leveraging Traffic Flow Modeling and Game Theory for Pricing and Logistical Systems.» In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN V), Le Gosier, Guadeloupe: June 2004.
- «User Equilibrium versus System Optimum in Transportation when Costs are Non-separable and Asymmetric.» Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN V), Le Gosier, Guadeloupe: June 2004.
- «Competitive Multi-period Pricing with Fixed Inventories.» Anshul Sood and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium of the Singapore, MIT Alliance Program, Singapore: January 2004.
- «The Price of Anarchy when Costs are Non-separable and Asymmetric». Perakis, Georgia. In Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 10th International IPCO Conference Proceedings, edited by Daniel Bienstock, George Nemhauser, Berlin, Germany: 2004.
- «Applications of Fluid Modeling in Distribution Systems.» Perakis, Georgia and S. Kachani. In Innovations in Financial and Economic Networks, edited by Anna Nagurney, Northampton, MA: December 2003.
- «A Fluid Model for the Anticipatory Route Guidance Problem.» Jon Bottom, Georgia Perakis and Soulaymane Kachani. In Proceedings of 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan: August 2003.
- «Fluid Dynamics Models for Traffic and Pricing.» Soulaymane Kachani and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium of the Singapore, MIT Alliance Program, Singapore: January 2003.
- «Computing Fixed Points by Averaging.» Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. In Transportation and Network Analysis- Current Trends, 181—198. New York, NY: Springer US, 2002.
- «A Fluid Model for the Anticipatory Route Guidance Problem.» Georgia Perakis and Soulaymane Kachani. In Proceedings of Conference on Pricing Research, Ithaca, NY: September 2002.
- «A Simulation Approach for Determining Path Travel Times in Dynamic Transportation Networks.» G.C. Lin, Boo Cheong Khoo, Jaime Peraire and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Symposium of the Singapore MIT Alliance Program, Singapore: January 2002.
- «Dynamic Phenomena in Transportation and Related Systems.» Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2002 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, San Juan, PR: January 2002.
- «Dynamic Pricing in a Competitive Environment.» Anshul Sood and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Symposium of the Singapore MIT Alliance Program, Singapore: January 2002.
- «Optimal Bidding in On-line Auctions.» Dimitris Bertsimas, Jeff Hawkins and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Symposium of the Singapore MIT Alliance Program, Singapore: January 2002.
- «Second-order Fluid Dynamics Models for Travel Times in Dynamic Transportation Networks.» Soulaymane Kachani and Georgia Perakis. In 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Proceedings, Oakland, CA: August 2001.
- «Travel Times in Dynamic Transportation Networks; A Fluid Dynamics Approach.» Soulaymane Kachani and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of The Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN IV), edited by Angel Corberan, Azores Islands, Portugal: June 2001.
- «A New Algebraic Geometry Algorithm for Integer Programming.» Bertsimas, Dimitris, Georgia Perakis and Sridhar Tayur. Management Science Vol. 46, No. 7 (2000): 999—1008.
- «From Frank-Wolfe to Steepest Descent; A Descent Framework for Solving Asymmetric Variational Inequalities.» Thomas Magnanti and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 1999 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Long Beach, CA: January 1999.
- «Averaging with Well-behaved Maps for Finding Fixed Points.» Marina Epelman, Thomas Magnanti and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 1998 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Monterrey, Mexico: January 1998.
- «The Orthogonality Theorem and the Strong-f-Monotonicity Condition for Variational Inequality Algorithms.» Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol. 7, No. 1 (1997): 248—273.
- «Averaging Schemes for Variational Inequalities and Systems of Equations». Magnanti, Thomas and Geogia Perakis. Mathematics of Operations ResearchVol. 22, No. 3 (1997): 568—587.
- «A Unifying Geometric Solution Framework and Complexity Analysis for Variational Inequalities.» Magnanti, Thomas and Georgia Perakis. Mathematical Programming Vol. 71, No. 3 (1995): 327—352.
- «Solving Fixed Point and Variational Inequality Problems: Complexity, Convergence Conditions, and Averaging Methods.» Thomas Magnanti and Georgia Perakis. In Proceedings of the 1995 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, La Jolla, CA: January 1995.
- «Geometric, Interior Point and Classical Methods for Solving Finite Dimensional Variational Inequality Problems.» Perakis, Georgia. 1993.[4]
- ↑ Georgia Perakis . Математическая генеалогия. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 9 августа 2018 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Georgia Perakis CV . (недоступная ссылка)
- ↑ Faculty Session: Georgia Perakis . YouTube. MIT Sloan Alumni (27 июня 2017).
- ↑ 1 2 3 Georgia Perakis . mit.edu. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 5 октября 2018 года.
- ↑ Faculty . orc.mit.edu. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 14 сентября 2018 года.
- ↑ Georgia Perakis . orc.mit.edu. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 29 сентября 2020 года.
- ↑ INFORMS Elected Fellows . informs.org. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 14 августа 2018 года.
- ↑ List of Members . The Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 1 сентября 2018 года.
- ↑ Georgia Perakis . Google Scholar. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 2 мая 2019 года.
- ↑ McCaffrey, Francesca. Georgia Perakis: On the road to better energy data . MIT News (27 января 2016). Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 30 ноября 2016 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Georgia Perakis . HuffPost. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 18 декабря 2017 года.
- ↑ Dimitris Bertsimas CV . Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 17 мая 2018 года.
- ↑ The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers: Recipient Details / Georgia Perakis . nsf.gov. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано 14 августа 2018 года.
- ↑ 2016 Faculty awards recipients . ibm.com. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано из оригинала 28 сентября 2018 года.
- ↑ 2016 Faculty awards recipients . ibm.com. Дата обращения: 5 сентября 2018. Архивировано из оригинала 14 апреля 2018 года.