Премия Алана Уотермана

Премия Алана Уотермана (англ. Alan T. Waterman Award) — награда, которой Национальный научный фонд США отмечает молодых учёных (кандидаты должны быть гражданами США или постоянными жителями, не старше 35 лет или не позже, чем через 7 лет после получения степени доктора философии) за выдающиеся достижения. Награда, названная в честь американского физика Алана Уотермана (англ. Alan Tower Waterman; 1892–1967), учреждена в 1975 году, вручается с 1976 года.
Награда состоит из медали и гранта (в настоящее время размер гранта 1 миллион долларов на 5 лет исследований, в 2000-е годы размер был 500 тысяч долларов). Несколько лауреатов премии Алана Уотермана получили Нобелевскую и Филдсовскую премии.
Год | Лауреаты премии | Область исследований | Формулировка обоснования |
1976 | ![]() | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his research in Fourier analysis, partial differential equations and several complex variables which have brought fresh insight and renewed vigor to classical areas of mathematics and contributed signally to the advancement of modern mathematical analysis. |
1977 | J. William Schopf[англ.] | палеобиология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his outstanding research on Precambrian biotas. His work on these delicate and ancient fossil microorganisms will contribute significantly to the knowledge of the origin of life and the evolution of the earliest known biotas of the world. |
1978 | Мюллер, Ричард | физика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his original and innovative research, which has led to important discoveries and inventions in diverse areas of physics, including astrophysics, radioisotope dating and optics. |
1979 | ![]() | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) In recognition of his achievements in introducing revolutionary new geometrical methods in the theory of foliations, function theory and topology. |
1980 | Roy Schwitters[англ.] | физика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions to the understanding of the basic structure of matter through experiments that discovered and explored an entirely new collection of subatomic particles. The experiments led to the interpretation of the new particles as being composed of simpler constituents, possessing a new property of matter. |
1981 | W. Clark Still[англ.] | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For showing that fundamental conformational principles can be used in organic synthesis to describe nonrigid molecular arrays and for the design of chemical reactions which use such arrays to control the three-dimensional structure of flexible molecules. |
1982 | ![]() | генетика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For devising a novel procedure for introducing virtually any gene into mammalian cells. Gene transfer now permits the analysis of the mechanisms regulating the expression of genes in an appropriate cellular environment. This information is prerequisite to a rational approach towards gene therapy. |
1983 | Corey S. Goodman[нем.] | нейробиология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions to our understanding of the development of the nervous system. His imaginative choice of model systems and modern technologies are enabling him to discover how individual nerve cells acquire their unique identities and interact with the appropriate cells during embryogenesis. |
1984 | Harvey Friedman[англ.] | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his revitalization of the foundations of mathematics, his penetrating investigations into the Godel incompleteness phenomena, and his fundamental contributions to virtually all areas of mathematical loqic. |
1985 | ![]() | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her imaginative and significant work in bioinorganic chemistry. Her use of small inorganic molecules to recognize and modify DNA sites in very specific ways has led to two major discoveries--enantiomeric selectivity in binding t DNA helices of different handedness, and Z-DNA "punctuation" at the end of genes--with important implications for drug design and for the theory of gene expression. |
1986 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | физика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For path-opening contributions to the physics of elementary particles and gravity, to the search unification, and to the imaginative pursuit of the implications for cosmology. |
1987 | Саммерс, Лоуренс | экономика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions to economic research on unemployment, taxation of capital, savings behavior and macroeconomic activity. His work combines powerful analytic insights and imaginative econometric methods aimed at subjects of fundamental National importance. |
1988 | ![]() | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For innovative research at the interface of chemistry and biology, both in the development of new approaches for the study of molecular recognition and catalysis and in the application of these studies to the design of selective biological catalysts. |
1989 | ![]() | нейробиология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his work leading to the development of recombinant DNA technologies, and for his current research which has illuminated cellular and molecular mechanisms used to regulate animal behavior. These basic studies will lead to a better understanding of the molecular basis of brain function and should, in the future, help in the understanding of major psychiatric illnesses. |
1990 | Марк Дэвис | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering work in catalytic materials, catalysis, and reaction engineering, including the first synthesis of a molecular sieve with pores larger than 1 nanometer and the invention of supported aqueous-phase catalysts; each of these accomplishments opens up a new and potentially important area in catalytic science and technology, and also has implications for separations technology and environmental control. |
1991 | Herbert Edelsbrunner[англ.] | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering research in computational geometry through which he has made fundamental contributions to the theory of computer science and to discrete mathematics. His work has solved open problems, built rich theoretical structures, developed algorithmic paradigms, produced robust implementations of geometric algorithms, and brought computational geometry in close touch with application areas in computer technology. |
1992 | Кулкарни, Шринивас[англ.] | радиоастрономия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his major contributions to the understanding of diffuse interstellar medium and the physics and evolution of neutron star pulsars and x-ray binary stars. For his leading role in the discovery of fast pulsars, a major new phenomenon, and in the development of optical and radio spatial interferometry. |
1993 | Deborah L. Penry | биохимия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her innovative applications of chemical engineering principles and chemical-reactor theory in analysis of the process of digestion in marine invertebrates, filling an important gap in existing ecological theory dealing with animals strategies for acquiring energy and nutrients. Her research is important to understanding the cycling of materials in the sea--in particular the global carbon cycle and global climate change cycles. |
1994 | Тянь Ган | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his deep understanding and penetrating insights in the field of complex differential geometry, including his solution of the problem of existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on complex surfaces, his proof that the moduli space for Kahler-Einstein metrics with zero first Chern class is nonsingular, and his proof of the stability of algebraic manifolds by using differential geometric methods. |
1995 | Matthew P.A. Fisher[англ.] | физика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his broad and original contributions to the theory of the quantum dynamics of macroscopic systems and quantum phase transitions, specifically his prediction of a vortex glass phase in high temperature superconductors, his studies of the superconductor-insulator transition and his seminal work on quantum transport in Luttinger liquids. |
1996 | Robert M. Waymouth | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his seminal contributions to the design of well-defined organometallic catalysts for the synthesis of novel polymers, including chiral cyclopolymers and stereoblock polyolefins. The development of catalysts which change their structure as they work has established a new paradigm in the synthesis of block-polymers. |
1997 | ![]() ![]() | физика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his leading role in the creation of Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas, and for innovations in the manipulation, trapping and cooling of atoms that led to the realization of this new state of matter. |
1998 | Камминс, Кристофер | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For innovative research in transition-metal activation of small molecules, including the discovery of reactions to cleave nitrogen-nitrogen multiple bonds under mild conditions. His revolutionary approach to chemical reactivity has answered key questions and furthered development in catalyst design and nitrogen fixation. |
1999 | Хосла, Чайтан | биохимия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his outstanding work in elucidating the mechanisms of enzyme biocatalysis of polyketides, thereby opening an exciting potential route to new drug discovery. |
2000 | ![]() | биохимия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For innovative research that led to the development of a technique that facilitates crystallization of large RNA molecules; for determining the crystal structures of catalytic RNA molecules and an RNA molecule that forms the ribonucleoprotein core of the signal recongition particle; and for deciphering structural features of those molecules that permit a greater understanding of the mechanistic basis of RNA function in both catalysis and protein synthesis. |
2001 | Vahid Tarokh[англ.] | беспроводная связь | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For the invention of space-time coding techniques that produce dramatic gains in the spectral efficiency of wireless digital communication systems. |
2002 | Джарвис, Эрик | нейробиология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his use of gene expression as a tool to map brain fuctional systems and to identify parts of the brain involved in perceiving, learning and producing vocal communication |
2003 | Анжелика Амон | клеточная биология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her seminal contributions to understanding how cells orchestrate the segregation of their chromosomes during cell division, the key process of life |
2004 | Кристи Ансет | биоинженерия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her research at the interface of biology and engineering, resulting in the design of innovative biomaterials that significantly facilitate tissue engineering and regeneration. |
2005 | Dalton Conley[англ.] | социология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contribution to the field of sociology as a research scientist and published author exemplified by his research on how socio-economic status is transmitted across generations. He brings methodological rigor and sophistication to deep social questions. |
2006 | Emmanuel Candes[англ.] | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his research in computational mathematics and statistical estimation, with applications to signal compression and image processing. |
2007 | Ян Пэйдун | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions in the creative synthesis of semiconductor nanowires and their heterostructures, and innovations in nanowire-based photonics, energy conversion, and nanofluidic applications. |
2008 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his surprising and original contributions to many fields of mathematics, including number theory, differential equations, algebra, and harmonic analysis |
2009 | Шарбонно, Дэвид[англ.] | астрономия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering research into the discovery and characterization of planets orbiting other stars, which has allowed, for the first time, the study of their surface conditions and atmospheres, and has revolutionized interdisciplinary research related to exoplanets. |
2010 | Субхаш Хот | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For unexpected and original contributions to computational complexity, notably the Unique Games Conjecture, and the resulting rich connections and consequences in optimization, computer science and mathematics. |
2011 | Casey W. Dunn | эволюционная биология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his gifted integration of field biology, genomics, and computational science that has led to changing our understanding of the evolutionary tree, integrating morphological and molecular perspectives on diversity, and developing new tools that are revolutionizing biology. |
2012 | Роберт Вуд[англ.] | инженерное дело | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his development of multi-scale, multi-material fabrication methods for automated monolithic assembly of high performance, innovative robots, and for his outreach efforts to make science and engineering accessible to all. |
2012 | Ааронсон, Скотт | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For numerous fundamental contributions to quantum computing and theoretical computer science and for popularization of quantum information science. |
2013 | Mung Chiang[англ.] | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For fundamental contributions to the analysis, design, and performance optimization of wireless networks. |
2014 | Чжан Фэн | нейробиология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For development and application of molecular technologies that enable systematic interrogation of intact biological systems through precise genomic manipulation. |
2015 | Andrea Alù[англ.] | инженерное дело | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his work in metamaterial theory and design, including insightful contributions to plasmonic cloaking; effective light manipulation at the nano scale; innovative ideas in breaking time reversal symmetry leading to enhanced non-reciprocity from acoustics to microwaves and optics; and for unique contributions to metamaterials. |
2016 | Mircea Dincă | химия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering contributions to the synthesis and understanding of molecular porous solids with unusual electronic properties, especially for creative synthetic design leading to microporous materials with high electrical conductivity and redox activity. |
2017 | Baratunde A. Cola[англ.] | инженерное дело | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For significant contributions in the field of innovative materials and transport phenomena through carbon nanotube arrays to include the first optical rectenna, the first thermally conductive amorphous polymer, the first practical electrochemical cell for generating electricity from waste heat, and the first evidence of thermal energy conduction by surface polaritons. |
2017 | John Pardon[англ.] | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For revolutionary, groundbreaking results in geometry and topology, including his resolution of the Hilbert--Smith conjecture in 3-manifold topology and his program for constructing virtual fundamental cycles on the moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves. His leadership and contributions have brought new insights to these central fields of mathematics, and have extended the power of tools of geometric analysis to solve deep problems in real and complex geometry, topology, and dynamical systems. |
2018 | Kristina Olson[англ.] | психология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering contributions to the understanding of children's attitudes toward and identification with social groups, early prosocial behavior, the development of notions of fairness, morality, and inequality, and the emergence of social biases. |
2019 | Браверман, Марк Леонидович | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his manifold contributions to theoretical computer science and mathematics, including development of information complexity and applications ranging from direct sum conjecture to quantum communication; his proof of the Linial-Nisan conjecture; and major advances in computational properties of dynamical systems. |
2019 | Jennifer Dionne[англ.] | материаловедение | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For development of new materials and methods that enable real-time imaging of dynamic processes in-situ and in-vivo at the nanometer scale, and for ingenious application of these tools to analyze photocatalytic reactions, probe intercellular interactions, control the synthesis of chiral molecules, and detect bacteria at low concentrations. |
2020 | Emily Balskus[англ.] | биохимия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her transformative work that integrates chemistry and microbiology to understand biosynthetic mechanisms and microbial metabolism at the molecular level, with emphasis on enzymatic processes in the human gut microbiome. |
2020 | John Dabiri[англ.] | гидродинамика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering research in fluid mechanics, with innovative applications in biology, energy, and the environment. |
2021 | Nicholas Carnes | политология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For original and innovative contributions that have demonstrated that working-class citizens are underrepresented in government, that this arises because of modern campaigns and party infrastructure, not a lack of qualified candidates, and that this underrepresentation influences government policy. |
2021 | Melanie Matchett Wood[англ.] | математика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For fundamental contributions at the interface of number theory, algebraic geometry, topology, and probability. |
2022 | Daniel B. Larremore | информатика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For foundational research in computational epidemiology, combining mathematics and computation with real-world data to create powerful new models that provide concrete, innovative, and useful answers to globally important questions in the study of epidemic dynamics, including timely research on vaccination and testing strategies for combating the COVID-19 pandemic. |
2022 | Lara A. Thompson[англ.] | биомедицина | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering innovations in rehabilitation engineering, discovering improved balance elicited by a vestibular prosthesis in primates with vestibular loss, and translation of basic science from her research towards engineering-based models and interventions to improve the lives of people suffering from balance, gait, and postural impairments. |
2022 | Jessica E. Tierney[англ.] | палеоклиматология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding advances in the reconstruction of past climate change and furthering the understanding of future climate change. |
2023 | Natalie S. King | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For groundbreaking scholarship in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education that transcends disciplinary boundaries and directly impacts local and global communities, and for demonstrating exceptional research achievements with tremendous impact on the advancement of Black girls in science, the use of research-practice partnerships to drive K-12 instruction, and the increase of STEM teacher diversity. | |
2023 | Asegun Henry[англ.] | машиностроение | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For significant contributions in new energy technologies and advanced fundamental understanding of heat transfer addressing a broad range of problems that span from the atomic scale (the physics of heat conduction) to the gigawatt scale (grid-level energy storage). |
2023 | William Anderegg | экология | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions to climate change science, particularly in advancing the understanding of the sensitivity, vulnerability, and resilience of forest ecosystems to change, and to risk analyses of forest-related climate change solutions to achieve sustainability goals. |
2024 | Muyinatu A. Lediju Bell | биоинженерия | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For developing groundbreaking techniques that are transforming the utility of medical imaging, especially in ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging, by harnessing the power of light and sound to improve diagnostic capabilities and guide surgeries. |
2024 | Katrina G. Claw | фармакогеномика | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her contributions to pharmacogenomics and for fostering cultural and bioethical research participation within Indigenous communities. |
2024 | Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio | робототехника | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For creating robots that adapt and evolve to changing conditions. |
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