Премия Юлия Эдгара Лилиенфельда
Премия Юлия Эдгара Лилиенфельда (англ. Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize) — ежегодная награда за особый вклад в развитие физики. Учреждена в честь физика Юлия Лилиенфельда в 1988 году Американским физическим обществом по завещанию супруги учёного, Беатрис Лилиенфельд. Приз включает в себя денежную сумму в размере 10 000 долларов США, сертификат с записью о научном вкладе лауреата, а также предоставляет право на чтение трёх лекций на собрании Американского физического общества и в исследовательских институтах перед студентами.
Год | Лауреат | Обоснование награды |
1989 | Дэвид Мермин | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions in resolving matters of principle in condensed matter physics, and for his remarkable clarity and wit as a lecturer to nonspecialists on difficult subjects |
1990 | Майкл Берри | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his seminal work on the unifying concept of geometric phase, and for the beauty, grace, coherence, and simplicity of his lectures on difficult matters of mathematical physics |
1991 | Дэниел Клеппнер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions to the development of the atomic hydrogen maser and other techniques for precise spectroscopy of neutral atoms, and for the clarity of his expositions of the physics involved |
1992 | Алан Гут | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his concept of the inflationary universe which has revolutionized the way in which cosmologists think about the earliest moments of the universe. The clarity of his presentations, both written and spoken, have made his important ideas accessible to expert and layman alike. |
1992 | Клод Коэн-Таннуджи | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his unique contributions to the understanding of atomic systems in electromagnetic fields and for his expository skills. He has made singular contributions to the theory of dressed atoms, optical pumping and cooling, and resonance florescence, and has experimentally verified some of his predictions. He has skillfully communicated his knowledge through his books on quantum electrodynamics. |
1993 | Дэвид Шрамм[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his manifold contributions to nuclear astrophysics and his ability to communicate the joy and excitement of science to a diversity of audiences |
1994 | Марвин Коэн | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his development and application of new theoretical techniques that have dramatically enriched our understanding of the properties of crystalline solids and provided the impetus for the experimental discovery of new properties and materials. Also for his outstanding ability to communicate to diverse audiences his deep insights into physical phenomena and his keen enthusiasm for the process of scientific discovery |
1995 | Валентин Телегди | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his ingenious experiments to determine the characteristics of the elementary particles, for his discoveries concerning the nature of the weak forces of nature as revealed by the capture and decay of muons, for his rigorous analysis of particle interactions, and for his ability to inspire and enlighten diverse audiences. |
1996 | Кип Торн | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For contributing significantly to the theoretical understanding of such topics as black holes, gravitational radiation and quantum nondemolition measurements; for advocating tirelessly the development of gravitational radiation detectors; and for conveying lucidly the excitement of these topics to professional and lay audiences alike |
1997 | Майкл Тёрнер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering contributions to the field of particle-cosmology, particularly the exploration of non-baryonic dark matter, and for his ability to communicate the excitement of the field. |
1998 | Дуглас Джеймс Скалапино[нем.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his ground-breaking work on computational approaches to the study of quantum many-body problems, particularly those involving strongly correlated electron systems, and his exceptional ability to convey the excitement of physics to diverse audiences. |
1999 | Стивен Хокинг | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For boldness and creativity in gravitational physics, best illustrated by the prediction that black holes should emit black body radiation and evaporate, and for the special gift of making abstract ideas accessible and exciting to experts, generalists, and the public alike. |
2000 | Роберт Бирдженау[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For using neutron and x-ray scattering to elucidate the structure, phase transitions, and excitations of materials that are paradigms of important statistical mechanical models, and for his ability to convey the excitement of physics to a broad range of audiences. |
2001 | Лоуренс Краусс | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions to the understanding of the early universe, and extraordinary achievement in communicating the essence of physical science to the general public. |
2002 | премия не присуждалась | |
2003 | Фрэнк Вильчек | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his role in the development of asymptotic freedom and other aspects of quantum chromodynamics, a cornerstone of the standard model; for his remarkable versatility in research in condensed matter and astrophysics as well as particle physics; and for his outstanding ability to lecture and write with clarity, profundity, and enthusiasm. |
2004 | Х. Джефф Кимбл[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering work in quantum optics, for his innovative experiments in single-atom optical experiments, and for his skill in communicating the scientific excitement of his research to a broad range of audiences. |
2005 | Роберт Остин[нем.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his pioneering and creative work in applying advanced techniques in experimental physics to significant problems in biological physics, and for his skill in communicating the excitement of his research to a wide range of audiences. |
2006 | Михаил Шифман | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For contributions to theoretical high energy physics, in particular for the understanding of strong interactions and dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories, and for communicating the excitement of science to the public. |
2007 | Лиза Рэндалл | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her pioneering work on particle physics and cosmology, and her tireless efforts to inspire and engage both specialist and non-specialist, by allegory and fact through publications and presentations. |
2008 | Юджин Стэнли[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For contributions to the deeper understanding of phase transitions and critical phenomena in complex systems; and for excellence in communicating the excitement of interdisciplinary research to a wide range of audiences. |
2009 | Рамамурти Шанкар[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his innovative applications of field theoretic techniques to quantum condensed matter systems, and his marvelous presentations of the story of physics through teaching, lectures, textbooks, and public talks. |
2010 | Дэвид Кэмпбелл[нем.] и Шломо Хавлин | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering new approaches to the study of complex systems, using the complementary approaches of nonlinear dynamics and statisical physics, and for communicating the excitement of this new field to diverse audiences |
2011 | Джеральд Габриелсе[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For novel methods that enable measurement of the electron magnetic moment and fine structure constant to unprecedented precision, and for exceptional skill in sharing the science with diverse audiences. |
2012 | Гордон Кэйн[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For important contributions to the phenomenology of elementary particle physics, especially supersymmetry, and for his accomplished record as a popularizer of science. |
2013 | Маргарет Геллер | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For her pioneering work leading to the discovery of the large-scale structure of the universe and for her extraordinary contributions to science education of diverse audiences around the world. |
2014 | Эдвард Отт | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering contributions in nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory that have been uniquely influential for physicists and scientists in many field, and for communicating the beauty and unifying power of these concepts to remarkably diverse audiences. |
2015 | Авшалом, Дэвид | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For sustained contributions to the physics of spin-coherent materials and systems, including optical discovery of the spin Hall effect and spin control in quantum nanostructures and non-magnetic semiconductors, as well as his superb lecturing on these topics to diverse audiences. |
2016 | Дэвид Пайнс | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For his contributions to our understanding of emergent behavior in quantum matter-plasmons, nuclear, celestial and unconventional superfluidity, heavy electron emergence-and for his effectiveness in communicating these discoveries and a new “emergent” paradigm to the broader scientific community. |
2017 | Мартин Джон Рис | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For very many contributions to our understanding of the universe and its high-energy contents, including quasars, pulsars, and black holes; and for broadly sharing knowledge of these in media presentations, lectures, and technical and informal writing. |
2018 | Наоми Халас | Оригинальный текст (англ.) for her pioneering research at the intersection of optics and nanoscience, and groundbreaking applications of those findings in the field of plasmonics, and for her exceptional impact communicating the excitement of scientific discoveries and their vital role in improving people’s lives. |
2019 | Кэтрин Фриз[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For ground-breaking research at the interface of cosmology and particle physics, and her tireless efforts to communicate the excitement of physics to the general public. |
2020 | Джоэл Примак[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For seminal contributions to our understanding of the formation of structure in the universe, and for communicating to the public the extraordinary progress in our understanding of cosmology. |
2021 | Уильям Морган Джексон[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions to fundamental chemical physics and spectroscopy associated with asteroids and comets, and for exemplary teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as lifelong service and inspiration to a diverse community. |
2022 | Чан Ки Чжун[англ.] | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For outstanding contributions and leadership in experimental neutrino physics, and for outstanding teaching and outreach, especially on the physics of sports. |
2023 | Альберт-Ласло Барабаши | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering work on the statistical physics of networks that transformed the study of complex systems, and for lasting contributions in communicating the significance of this rapidly developing field to a broad range of audiences. |
2024 | Эдвард Колб | Оригинальный текст (англ.) For pioneering and outstanding contributions to cosmology and particle physics, and an exceptional ability to communicate the extraordinary developments at the intersection of physics and cosmology to the general public. |
- Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Архивная копия от 26 октября 2011 на Wayback Machine