Роды цветковых растений (C)
Ниже приведён список действительных названий родов цветковых (покрытосеменных) растений, начинающихся на «C», включённых в базу данных The Plant List, открытую в декабре 2010 года как совместный энциклопедический интернет-проект Королевских ботанических садов Кью (Великобритания) и Ботанического сада Миссури (США).
Всего в базу данных The Plant List включено по состоянию на 4 марта 2015 года 951 140 названий цветковых растений в ранге вида, из которых действительными являются 304 419 названий; число действительных названий родов цветковых растений — 14 559, семейств цветковых растений — 405[1].
Список родов
В первом столбце таблицы расположены в алфавитном порядке 14 042 латинских названий родов (в разделе статистики базы данных The Plant List говорится о 14 559 родах)[1].
В втором столбце указано семейство, в которое входит данный род.
Название | Семейство |
Caatinganthus | Compositae |
Cabomba | Cabombaceae |
Cabralea | Meliaceae |
Cabreriella | Compositae |
Cacalia | Compositae |
Cacaliopsis | Compositae |
Caccinia | Boraginaceae |
Cachrys | Apiaceae |
Cacosmia | Compositae |
Cadaba | Capparaceae |
Cadellia | Surianaceae |
Cadetia | Orchidaceae |
Cadia | Leguminosae |
Cadiscus | Compositae |
Caesalpinia | Leguminosae |
Caesia | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Caesulia | Compositae |
Cailliea | Leguminosae |
Caiophora | Loasaceae |
Cajanus | Leguminosae |
Cajophora | Loasaceae |
Cakile | Brassicaceae |
Calacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Caladenia | Orchidaceae |
Caladium | Araceae |
Calamagrostis | Poaceae |
× Calammophila | Poaceae |
Calamophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Calamovilfa | Poaceae |
Calamphoreus | Scrophulariaceae |
Calamus | Arecaceae |
Calandrinia | Portulacaceae |
Calanthe | Orchidaceae |
Calantica | Salicaceae |
Calanticaria | Compositae |
× Calassodia | Orchidaceae |
Calathea | Marantaceae |
Calathodes | Ranunculaceae |
Calathostelma | Apocynaceae |
Calatola | Icacinaceae |
Calaunia | Moraceae |
Calcareoboea | Gesneriaceae |
Calceolaria | Calceolariaceae |
Calcicola | Malpighiaceae |
Calciphila | Apocynaceae |
Calcitrapa | Compositae |
Caldcluvia | Cunoniaceae |
Calderonella | Poaceae |
Caldesia | Alismataceae |
Calea | Compositae |
Caleana | Orchidaceae |
Calectasia | Dasypogonaceae |
Calendula | Compositae |
Calepina | Brassicaceae |
Calibanus | Asparagaceae |
Calibrachoa | Solanaceae |
× Calicharis | Amaryllidaceae |
Calicorema | Amaranthaceae |
Calicotome | Leguminosae |
California | Geraniaceae |
Calimeris | Compositae |
Caliphruria | Amaryllidaceae |
Calispepla | Leguminosae |
Calla | Araceae |
Callaeum | Malpighiaceae |
Callerya | Leguminosae |
Calliandra | Leguminosae |
Calliandropsis | Leguminosae |
Callianthemoides | Ranunculaceae |
Callianthemum | Ranunculaceae |
Callicarpa | Lamiaceae |
Callicephalus | Compositae |
Callichilia | Apocynaceae |
Callichlamys | Bignoniaceae |
Callicoma | Cunoniaceae |
Calligonum | Polygonaceae |
Callilepis | Compositae |
Callionia | Rosaceae |
Callipeltis | Rubiaceae |
Callirhoe | Malvaceae |
Callisia | Commelinaceae |
Callista | Orchidaceae |
Callistachys | Leguminosae |
Callistemon | Myrtaceae |
Callistephus | Compositae |
Callisthene | Vochysiaceae |
Callitriche | Plantaginaceae |
Callopsis | Araceae |
Callostylis | Orchidaceae |
Calluna | Ericaceae |
Calocephalus | Compositae |
Calochilus | Orchidaceae |
Calochone | Rubiaceae |
Calochortus | Liliaceae |
Calocrater | Apocynaceae |
Calodecaryia | Meliaceae |
Calodendrum | Rutaceae |
Calomeria | Compositae |
Caloncoba | Achariaceae |
Calonema | Orchidaceae |
Calopappus | Compositae |
Calophaca | Leguminosae |
Calophyllum | Calophyllaceae |
Calophysa | Melastomataceae |
Calopogon | Orchidaceae |
Calopogonium | Leguminosae |
Calopsis | Restionaceae |
Calopteryx | Ericaceae |
Calorophus | Restionaceae |
Calostemma | Amaryllidaceae |
Calostephane | Compositae |
Calostigma | Apocynaceae |
Calotesta | Compositae |
Calothamnus | Myrtaceae |
Calotis | Compositae |
Calotropis | Apocynaceae |
Calpocalyx | Leguminosae |
Calpurnia | Leguminosae |
Caltha | Ranunculaceae |
Caluera | Orchidaceae |
Calvoa | Melastomataceae |
Calycacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Calycadenia | Compositae |
Calycanthus | Calycanthaceae |
Calycera | Calyceraceae |
Calycobolus | Convolvulaceae |
Calycocarpum | Menispermaceae |
Calycogonium | Melastomataceae |
Calycolpus | Myrtaceae |
Calycomorphum | Leguminosae |
Calycopeplus | Euphorbiaceae |
Calycophyllum | Rubiaceae |
Calycophysum | Cucurbitaceae |
Calycorectes | Myrtaceae |
Calycoseris | Compositae |
Calycosia | Rubiaceae |
Calycosiphonia | Rubiaceae |
Calyculogygas | Malvaceae |
Calydorea | Iridaceae |
Calylophus | Onagraceae |
Calymmanthera | Orchidaceae |
Calymmanthium | Cactaceae |
Calymmatium | Brassicaceae |
Calypso | Orchidaceae |
Calyptocarpus | Compositae |
Calyptochloa | Poaceae |
Calyptostylis | Malpighiaceae |
Calyptraemalva | Malvaceae |
Calyptranthera | Apocynaceae |
Calyptranthes | Myrtaceae |
Calyptrocalyx | Arecaceae |
Calyptrocarya | Cyperaceae |
Calyptrochilum | Orchidaceae |
Calyptrogenia | Myrtaceae |
Calyptrogyne | Arecaceae |
Calyptronoma | Arecaceae |
Calyptrosciadium | Apiaceae |
Calyptrotheca | Portulacaceae |
Calystegia | Convolvulaceae |
Calytrix | Myrtaceae |
Camarea | Malpighiaceae |
Camaridium | Orchidaceae |
Camarotea | Acanthaceae |
Camassia | Asparagaceae |
Cambessedesia | Melastomataceae |
Camchaya | Compositae |
Camelina | Brassicaceae |
Camelinopsis | Brassicaceae |
Camellia | Theaceae |
Cameraria | Apocynaceae |
Camissonia | Onagraceae |
Camissoniopsis | Onagraceae |
Camoensia | Leguminosae |
Camonea | Convolvulaceae |
Campanula | Campanulaceae |
Campanulorchis | Orchidaceae |
Campbellia | Orobanchaceae |
Campestigma | Apocynaceae |
Camphora | Lauraceae |
Camphorosma | Amaranthaceae |
Campnosperma | Anacardiaceae |
Campomanesia | Myrtaceae |
Campovassouria | Compositae |
Campsiandra | Leguminosae |
Campsidium | Bignoniaceae |
Campsis | Bignoniaceae |
Camptacra | Compositae |
Camptandra | Zingiberaceae |
Camptocarpus | Apocynaceae |
Camptolepis | Sapindaceae |
Camptoloma | Scrophulariaceae |
Camptorrhiza | Colchicaceae |
Camptosema | Leguminosae |
Camptostemon | Malvaceae |
Camptostylus | Achariaceae |
Camptotheca | Cornaceae |
Camptouratea | Ochnaceae |
Campuloclinium | Compositae |
Campylandra | Asparagaceae |
Campylanthera | Pittosporaceae |
Campylanthus | Plantaginaceae |
Campylocentrum | Orchidaceae |
Campylopetalum | Anacardiaceae |
Campylosiphon | Burmanniaceae |
Campylospermum | Ochnaceae |
Campylostachys | Stilbaceae |
Campylostemon | Celastraceae |
Campylotropis | Leguminosae |
Campynema | Campyneumataceae |
Campynemanthe | Campyneumataceae |
Canacomyrica | Myricaceae |
Canadanthus | Compositae |
Cananga | Annonaceae |
Canarina | Campanulaceae |
Canarium | Burseraceae |
Canastra | Poaceae |
Canavalia | Leguminosae |
Canbya | Papaveraceae |
Cancrinia | Compositae |
Cancriniella | Compositae |
Candolleodendron | Leguminosae |
Canella | Canellaceae |
Canephora | Rubiaceae |
Canistrum | Bromeliaceae |
Canna | Cannaceae |
Cannabis | Cannabaceae |
Cannaboides | Apiaceae |
Cannomois | Restionaceae |
Canotia | Celastraceae |
Canscora | Gentianaceae |
Cansjera | Opiliaceae |
Cantharospermum | Leguminosae |
Canthium | Rubiaceae |
Cantleya | Stemonuraceae |
Cantua | Polemoniaceae |
Cantuffa | Leguminosae |
Capanea | Gesneriaceae |
Capanemia | Orchidaceae |
Capelio | Compositae |
Capeobolus | Cyperaceae |
Caperonia | Euphorbiaceae |
Capillipedium | Poaceae |
Capirona | Rubiaceae |
Capitanopsis | Lamiaceae |
Capitularina | Cyperaceae |
Capnoides | Papaveraceae |
Capnophyllum | Apiaceae |
Capparicordis | Capparaceae |
Capparidastrum | Capparaceae |
Capparis | Capparaceae |
Capraria | Scrophulariaceae |
Capsella | Brassicaceae |
Capsicum | Solanaceae |
Capurodendron | Sapotaceae |
Capuronia | Lythraceae |
Capuronianthus | Meliaceae |
Caragana | Leguminosae |
Caraipa | Calophyllaceae |
Carallia | Rhizophoraceae |
Caralluma | Apocynaceae |
Carapa | Meliaceae |
× Carapelia | Apocynaceae |
Carapichea | Rubiaceae |
Cardamine | Brassicaceae |
Cardaria | Brassicaceae |
Cardenanthus | Iridaceae |
Cardenasiodendron | Anacardiaceae |
Cardiandra | Hydrangeaceae |
Cardiobatus | Rosaceae |
Cardiochilos | Orchidaceae |
Cardiocrinum | Liliaceae |
Cardionema | Caryophyllaceae |
Cardiopetalum | Annonaceae |
Cardiopteris | Cardiopteridaceae |
Cardiospermum | Sapindaceae |
Cardopatium | Compositae |
Carduncellus | Compositae |
× Carduocirsium | Compositae |
× Carduogalactites | Compositae |
Carduus | Compositae |
Cardwellia | Proteaceae |
Carelia | Compositae |
Carex | Cyperaceae |
Careya | Lecythidaceae |
Caribea | Nyctaginaceae |
Carica | Caricaceae |
Carinavalva | Brassicaceae |
Cariniana | Lecythidaceae |
Carissa | Apocynaceae |
Carissoa | Leguminosae |
Carlemannia | Carlemanniaceae |
Carlephyton | Araceae |
Carlesia | Apiaceae |
Carlina | Compositae |
Carlowrightia | Acanthaceae |
Carlquistia | Compositae |
Carludovica | Cyclanthaceae |
Carmichaelia | Leguminosae |
Carminatia | Compositae |
Carnarvonia | Proteaceae |
Carnegiea | Cactaceae |
Carnegieodoxa | Monimiaceae |
Carolus | Malpighiaceae |
Caropsis | Apiaceae |
Carpacoce | Rubiaceae |
Carpanthea | Aizoaceae |
Carpentaria | Arecaceae |
Carpenteria | Hydrangeaceae |
Carpesium | Compositae |
Carpha | Cyperaceae |
Carphalea | Rubiaceae |
Carphephorus | Compositae |
Carphochaete | Compositae |
Carpinus | Betulaceae |
Carpobrotus | Aizoaceae |
Carpodetus | Rousseaceae |
Carpodiptera | Malvaceae |
Carpolobia | Polygalaceae |
Carpotroche | Achariaceae |
Carpoxylon | Arecaceae |
Carramboa | Compositae |
Carrichtera | Brassicaceae |
Carrierea | Salicaceae |
Carronia | Menispermaceae |
× Carruanthophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Carruanthus | Aizoaceae |
Carruthersia | Apocynaceae |
Carterella | Rubiaceae |
Carthamus | Compositae |
Cartonema | Commelinaceae |
Carum | Apiaceae |
Carvalhoa | Apocynaceae |
Carya | Juglandaceae |
Caryocar | Caryocaraceae |
Caryodaphnopsis | Lauraceae |
Caryodendron | Euphorbiaceae |
Caryomene | Menispermaceae |
Caryopteris | Lamiaceae |
Caryota | Arecaceae |
Caryotophora | Aizoaceae |
Casasia | Rubiaceae |
Cascabela | Apocynaceae |
Cascaronia | Leguminosae |
Casearia | Salicaceae |
Casimirella | Icacinaceae |
Casimiroa | Rutaceae |
Casselia | Verbenaceae |
Cassia | Leguminosae |
Cassine | Celastraceae |
Cassinia | Compositae |
Cassinopsis | Icacinaceae |
Cassiope | Ericaceae |
Cassipourea | Rhizophoraceae |
Cassytha | Lauraceae |
Castalia | Nymphaeaceae |
Castanea | Fagaceae |
Castanedia | Compositae |
Castanopsis | Fagaceae |
Castanospermum | Leguminosae |
Castanospora | Sapindaceae |
Castela | Simaroubaceae |
Castellanoa | Amaryllidaceae |
Castellanosia | Cactaceae |
Castellia | Poaceae |
Castelnavia | Podostemaceae |
Castilla | Moraceae |
Castilleja | Orobanchaceae |
Castratella | Melastomataceae |
Castrilanthemum | Compositae |
Castroviejoa | Compositae |
Casuarina | Casuarinaceae |
Catabrosa | Poaceae |
Catacolea | Restionaceae |
Catadysia | Brassicaceae |
Catalepidia | Proteaceae |
Catalepis | Poaceae |
Catalpa | Bignoniaceae |
Catamixis | Compositae |
Catananche | Compositae |
Catanthera | Melastomataceae |
Catapodium | Poaceae |
Catasetum | Orchidaceae |
Catatia | Compositae |
Catenulina | Brassicaceae |
Catesbaea | Rubiaceae |
Catha | Celastraceae |
Catharanthus | Apocynaceae |
Cathariostachys | Poaceae |
Cathayanthe | Gesneriaceae |
Cathedra | Olacaceae |
Cathestecum | Poaceae |
Cathormion | Leguminosae |
Catocoryne | Melastomataceae |
Catoferia | Lamiaceae |
Catolesia | Compositae |
Catolobus | Brassicaceae |
Catopheria | Lamiaceae |
Catophractes | Bignoniaceae |
Catopsis | Bromeliaceae |
Catostemma | Malvaceae |
Cattleya | Orchidaceae |
Catunaregam | Rubiaceae |
× Catyclia | Orchidaceae |
Caucaea | Orchidaceae |
Caucalis | Apiaceae |
Caucanthus | Malpighiaceae |
Caucasalia | Compositae |
Caulanthus | Brassicaceae |
Caularthron | Orchidaceae |
Caulinia | Hydrocharitaceae |
Caulipsolon | Aizoaceae |
Caulokaempferia | Zingiberaceae |
Caulophyllum | Berberidaceae |
Caulostramina | Brassicaceae |
Caustis | Cyperaceae |
Cautleya | Zingiberaceae |
Cavacoa | Euphorbiaceae |
Cavalcantia | Compositae |
Cavanillesia | Malvaceae |
Cavea | Compositae |
Cavendishia | Ericaceae |
Caxamarca | Compositae |
Cayaponia | Cucurbitaceae |
Caylusea | Resedaceae |
Cayratia | Vitaceae |
Ceanothus | Rhamnaceae |
Cearanthes | Amaryllidaceae |
Cebatha | Menispermaceae |
Cebipira | Leguminosae |
Cecarria | Loranthaceae |
Cecropia | Urticaceae |
Cedrela | Meliaceae |
Cedrelinga | Leguminosae |
Cedrelopsis | Meliaceae |
Cedronella | Lamiaceae |
Ceiba | Malvaceae |
Celastrus | Celastraceae |
Celerina | Acanthaceae |
Celianella | Phyllanthaceae |
Celiantha | Gentianaceae |
× Celmearia | Compositae |
Celmisia | Compositae |
Celosia | Amaranthaceae |
Celsia | Scrophulariaceae |
Celtis | Cannabaceae |
Cenarrhenes | Proteaceae |
Cenchrus | Poaceae |
Cenocentrum | Malvaceae |
Cenolophium | Apiaceae |
Cenostigma | Leguminosae |
Centaurea | Compositae |
Centaurium | Gentianaceae |
Centaurodendron | Compositae |
Centauropsis | Compositae |
Centaurothamnus | Compositae |
× Centauserratula | Compositae |
Centella | Apiaceae |
Centema | Amaranthaceae |
Centemopsis | Amaranthaceae |
Centipeda | Compositae |
Centotheca | Poaceae |
Centradenia | Melastomataceae |
Centradeniastrum | Melastomataceae |
Centranthera | Orobanchaceae |
Centranthus | Caprifoliaceae |
Centratherum | Compositae |
Centrilla | Acanthaceae |
Centrochloa | Poaceae |
Centroglossa | Orchidaceae |
Centrolepis | Centrolepidaceae |
Centrolobium | Leguminosae |
Centromadia | Compositae |
Centronia | Melastomataceae |
Centroplacus | Centroplacaceae |
Centropodia | Poaceae |
Centropogon | Campanulaceae |
Centrosema | Leguminosae |
Centrostachys | Amaranthaceae |
Centrostegia | Polygonaceae |
Centrostigma | Orchidaceae |
Cephaelis | Rubiaceae |
Cephalacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Cephalanthera | Orchidaceae |
Cephalantheropsis | Orchidaceae |
Cephalanthus | Rubiaceae |
Cephalaralia | Araliaceae |
Cephalaria | Caprifoliaceae |
Cephalipterum | Compositae |
Cephalocarpus | Cyperaceae |
Cephalocereus | Cactaceae |
Cephalocroton | Euphorbiaceae |
Cephalocrotonopsis | Euphorbiaceae |
Cephalohibiscus | Malvaceae |
Cephalomamillaria | Cactaceae |
Cephalomappa | Euphorbiaceae |
Cephalonoplos | Compositae |
× Cephalopactis | Orchidaceae |
Cephalopappus | Compositae |
Cephalopentandra | Cucurbitaceae |
Cephalophora | Compositae |
Cephalophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Cephalopodum | Apiaceae |
× Cephalorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cephalorhizum | Plumbaginaceae |
Cephalorrhynchus | Compositae |
Cephalosorus | Compositae |
Cephalosphaera | Myristicaceae |
Cephalostachyum | Poaceae |
Cephalostemon | Rapateaceae |
Cephalotomandra | Nyctaginaceae |
Cephalotus | Cephalotaceae |
Ceraria | Portulacaceae |
Cerasiocarpum | Cucurbitaceae |
Cerastium | Caryophyllaceae |
Cerasus | Rosaceae |
Ceratandra | Orchidaceae |
Ceratiola | Ericaceae |
Ceratocapnos | Papaveraceae |
Ceratocarpus | Amaranthaceae |
Ceratocaryum | Restionaceae |
Ceratocentron | Orchidaceae |
Ceratocephala | Ranunculaceae |
Ceratocephalus | Compositae |
Ceratocephalus | Ranunculaceae |
Ceratochilus | Orchidaceae |
Ceratochloa | Poaceae |
Ceratocnemum | Brassicaceae |
Ceratogyne | Compositae |
Ceratoides | Amaranthaceae |
Ceratolacis | Podostemaceae |
Ceratolimon | Plumbaginaceae |
Ceratolobus | Arecaceae |
Ceratonia | Leguminosae |
Ceratopetalum | Cunoniaceae |
Ceratophyllum | Ceratophyllaceae |
Ceratopyxis | Rubiaceae |
Ceratosanthes | Cucurbitaceae |
Ceratostema | Ericaceae |
Ceratostigma | Plumbaginaceae |
Ceratostylis | Orchidaceae |
Ceratotheca | Pedaliaceae |
Cerbera | Apocynaceae |
Cerberiopsis | Apocynaceae |
Cercestis | Araceae |
Cercidiphyllum | Cercidiphyllaceae |
Cercidium | Leguminosae |
Cercis | Leguminosae |
Cercocarpus | Rosaceae |
Cerdia | Caryophyllaceae |
Cereus | Cactaceae |
Cerinthe | Boraginaceae |
Cerinthodes | Boraginaceae |
Ceriops | Rhizophoraceae |
Ceriosperma | Brassicaceae |
Ceriscoides | Rubiaceae |
Cerochlamys | Aizoaceae |
Ceropegia | Apocynaceae |
Ceroxylon | Arecaceae |
Ceruana | Compositae |
Cervantesia | Santalaceae |
Cespedesia | Ochnaceae |
Cespedezia | Ochnaceae |
Cestrum | Solanaceae |
Ceuthocarpus | Rubiaceae |
Ceuthostoma | Casuarinaceae |
Cevallia | Loasaceae |
Chadsia | Leguminosae |
Chaenactis | Compositae |
Chaenomeles | Rosaceae |
Chaenorhinum | Plantaginaceae |
Chaenostoma | Scrophulariaceae |
Chaerophyllopsis | Apiaceae |
Chaerophyllum | Apiaceae |
Chaetacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Chaetachme | Ulmaceae |
Chaetacme | Ulmaceae |
Chaetadelpha | Compositae |
Chaetanthera | Compositae |
Chaetanthus | Restionaceae |
Chaetium | Poaceae |
Chaetobromus | Poaceae |
Chaetocalyx | Leguminosae |
Chaetocarpus | Peraceae |
Chaetolepis | Melastomataceae |
Chaetolimon | Plumbaginaceae |
Chaetonychia | Caryophyllaceae |
Chaetopappa | Compositae |
Chaetopoa | Poaceae |
Chaetopogon | Poaceae |
Chaetosciadium | Apiaceae |
Chaetoseris | Compositae |
Chaetostachydium | Rubiaceae |
Chaetostoma | Melastomataceae |
Chaiturus | Lamiaceae |
Chalarothyrsus | Acanthaceae |
Chalcanthus | Brassicaceae |
Chalema | Cucurbitaceae |
Chalepophyllum | Rubiaceae |
Chamabainia | Urticaceae |
Chamaeangis | Orchidaceae |
Chamaeanthus | Orchidaceae |
Chamaebatia | Rosaceae |
Chamaechaenactis | Compositae |
Chamaeclitandra | Apocynaceae |
Chamaecostus | Costaceae |
Chamaecrista | Leguminosae |
Chamaecytisus | Leguminosae |
Chamaedaphne | Ericaceae |
Chamaedorea | Arecaceae |
Chamaefistula | Leguminosae |
Chamaegastrodia | Orchidaceae |
Chamaegeron | Compositae |
Chamaele | Apiaceae |
Chamaeleon | Compositae |
Chamaeleorchis | Orchidaceae |
Chamaelirium | Melanthiaceae |
Chamaemelum | Compositae |
Chamaemespilus | Rosaceae |
Chamaepentas | Rubiaceae |
Chamaepericlymenum | Cornaceae |
Chamaepus | Compositae |
Chamaeranthemum | Acanthaceae |
Chamaeraphis | Poaceae |
Chamaerhodos | Rosaceae |
Chamaerops | Arecaceae |
Chamaesaracha | Solanaceae |
Chamaesciadium | Apiaceae |
Chamaescilla | Asparagaceae |
Chamaesium | Apiaceae |
Chamaespartium | Leguminosae |
Chamaesphacos | Lamiaceae |
Chamaesyce | Euphorbiaceae |
Chamaexeros | Asparagaceae |
Chamarea | Apiaceae |
Chambeyronia | Arecaceae |
Chamelaucium | Myrtaceae |
Chamelophyton | Orchidaceae |
Chamerion | Onagraceae |
Chamguava | Myrtaceae |
Chamira | Brassicaceae |
Chamissoa | Amaranthaceae |
Chamorchis | Orchidaceae |
Champereia | Opiliaceae |
Championia | Gesneriaceae |
Chandrasekharania | Poaceae |
Changiostyrax | Styracaceae |
Changium | Apiaceae |
Changnienia | Orchidaceae |
Chapelieria | Rubiaceae |
Chapmannia | Leguminosae |
Chaptalia | Compositae |
Charadranaetes | Compositae |
Charadrophila | Stilbaceae |
Chardinia | Compositae |
Charianthus | Melastomataceae |
Charpentiera | Amaranthaceae |
Chartoloma | Brassicaceae |
Chascanum | Verbenaceae |
Chascotheca | Phyllanthaceae |
Chaseella | Orchidaceae |
Chasmanthe | Iridaceae |
Chasmanthera | Menispermaceae |
Chasmanthium | Poaceae |
Chasmatophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Chasmone | Leguminosae |
Chasmopodium | Poaceae |
Chassalia | Rubiaceae |
Chaubardia | Orchidaceae |
Chaubardiella | Orchidaceae |
Chauliodon | Orchidaceae |
Chaunanthus | Brassicaceae |
Chaunochiton | Olacaceae |
Chaunostoma | Lamiaceae |
Chaydaia | Rhamnaceae |
Chazaliella | Rubiaceae |
Cheiloclinium | Celastraceae |
Cheilocostus | Costaceae |
Cheilophyllum | Scrophulariaceae |
Cheilosa | Euphorbiaceae |
Cheilotheca | Ericaceae |
Cheiradenia | Orchidaceae |
Cheiranthera | Pittosporaceae |
Cheiridopsis | Aizoaceae |
Cheirinia | Brassicaceae |
Cheirodendron | Araliaceae |
Cheirolaena | Malvaceae |
Cheirolophus | Compositae |
Cheirostylis | Orchidaceae |
Chelidonium | Papaveraceae |
Chelonanthus | Gentianaceae |
Chelone | Plantaginaceae |
Chelonistele | Orchidaceae |
Chelonopsis | Lamiaceae |
Chelyocarpus | Arecaceae |
Chelyorchis | Orchidaceae |
Chengiopanax | Araliaceae |
Chenopodiopsis | Scrophulariaceae |
Chenopodium | Amaranthaceae |
Chersodoma | Compositae |
Chesneya | Leguminosae |
Chesniella | Leguminosae |
Chevalierella | Poaceae |
Chevreulia | Compositae |
Cheyniana | Myrtaceae |
Chiangiodendron | Achariaceae |
Chiastophyllum | Crassulaceae |
Chichicaste | Loasaceae |
Chidlowia | Leguminosae |
Chieniodendron | Annonaceae |
Chihuahuana | Compositae |
Chikusichloa | Poaceae |
Chileranthemum | Acanthaceae |
Chiliadenus | Compositae |
Chiliocephalum | Compositae |
Chiliophyllum | Compositae |
Chiliotrichiopsis | Compositae |
Chiliotrichum | Compositae |
Chillania | Cyperaceae |
Chilocardamum | Brassicaceae |
Chilocarpus | Apocynaceae |
Chiloglottis | Orchidaceae |
Chilopogon | Orchidaceae |
Chilopsis | Bignoniaceae |
Chiloschista | Orchidaceae |
Chimantaea | Compositae |
Chimaphila | Ericaceae |
Chimarrhis | Rubiaceae |
Chimborazoa | Sapindaceae |
Chimonanthus | Calycanthaceae |
Chimonobambusa | Poaceae |
Chimonocalamus | Poaceae |
Chiococca | Rubiaceae |
Chionachne | Poaceae |
Chionanthus | Oleaceae |
Chione | Rubiaceae |
Chionocharis | Boraginaceae |
Chionochloa | Poaceae |
Chionographis | Melanthiaceae |
Chionolaena | Compositae |
Chionopappus | Compositae |
Chionophila | Plantaginaceae |
Chionothrix | Amaranthaceae |
Chiovendaea | Leguminosae |
Chiranthodendron | Malvaceae |
Chirita | Gesneriaceae |
Chiritopsis | Gesneriaceae |
Chironia | Gentianaceae |
Chiropetalum | Euphorbiaceae |
Chisocheton | Meliaceae |
Chlaenandra | Menispermaceae |
Chlaenobolus | Compositae |
Chlaenosciadium | Apiaceae |
Chlamydacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Chlamydocardia | Acanthaceae |
Chlamydocarya | Icacinaceae |
Chlamydojatropha | Euphorbiaceae |
Chlamydophora | Compositae |
Chlamydophytum | Balanophoraceae |
Chlamydostachya | Acanthaceae |
Chlamysperma | Compositae |
Chlidanthus | Amaryllidaceae |
Chloanthes | Lamiaceae |
Chloracantha | Compositae |
Chloraea | Orchidaceae |
Chloranthus | Chloranthaceae |
Chloris | Poaceae |
Chlorocalymma | Poaceae |
Chlorocardium | Lauraceae |
Chlorocrambe | Brassicaceae |
Chlorocyathus | Apocynaceae |
Chlorogalum | Asparagaceae |
Chloroleucon | Leguminosae |
Chlorophytum | Asparagaceae |
Chlorospatha | Araceae |
Chloroxylon | Rutaceae |
Choerospondias | Anacardiaceae |
Choisya | Rutaceae |
Chomelia | Rubiaceae |
Chondrilla | Compositae |
Chondrodendron | Menispermaceae |
Chondropetalum | Restionaceae |
Chondrophora | Compositae |
Chondropyxis | Compositae |
Chondrorhyncha | Orchidaceae |
Chondroscaphe | Orchidaceae |
Chondrostylis | Euphorbiaceae |
Chondrosum | Poaceae |
Chonemorpha | Apocynaceae |
Chonocentrum | Phyllanthaceae |
Chonopetalum | Sapindaceae |
Chordifex | Restionaceae |
Chordospartium | Leguminosae |
Choretrum | Santalaceae |
Choriantha | Boraginaceae |
Choricarpia | Myrtaceae |
Choriceras | Picrodendraceae |
Chorigyne | Cyclanthaceae |
Chorilaena | Rutaceae |
Choriptera | Amaranthaceae |
Chorisandrachne | Euphorbiaceae |
Chorisepalum | Gentianaceae |
Chorisis | Compositae |
Chorisiva | Compositae |
Chorisochora | Acanthaceae |
Chorispora | Brassicaceae |
Choristemon | Ericaceae |
Choristylis | Iteaceae |
Choritaenia | Apiaceae |
Chorizandra | Cyperaceae |
Chorizanthe | Polygonaceae |
Chorizema | Leguminosae |
Chortolirion | Asparagaceae |
Chosenia | Salicaceae |
Chouxia | Sapindaceae |
Chresta | Compositae |
Christensonella | Orchidaceae |
Christensonia | Orchidaceae |
Christia | Leguminosae |
Christiana | Malvaceae |
Christianella | Malpighiaceae |
Christisonia | Orobanchaceae |
Christolea | Brassicaceae |
Chroesthes | Acanthaceae |
Chromolaena | Compositae |
Chromolepis | Compositae |
Chromolucuma | Sapotaceae |
Chronanthos | Leguminosae |
Chroniochilus | Orchidaceae |
Chronopappus | Compositae |
Chrozophora | Euphorbiaceae |
Chrysactinia | Compositae |
Chrysactinium | Compositae |
Chrysanthellum | Compositae |
Chrysanthemoides | Compositae |
Chrysanthemum | Compositae |
Chrysanthoglossum | Compositae |
Chrysitrix | Cyperaceae |
Chrysobalanus | Chrysobalanaceae |
Chrysocephalum | Compositae |
Chrysochamela | Brassicaceae |
Chrysochlamys | Clusiaceae |
Chrysochloa | Poaceae |
Chrysocoma | Compositae |
Chrysocycnis | Orchidaceae |
Chrysoglossum | Orchidaceae |
Chrysogonum | Compositae |
Chrysolaena | Compositae |
Chrysolepis | Fagaceae |
Chrysoma | Compositae |
Chrysophthalmum | Compositae |
Chrysophyllum | Sapotaceae |
Chrysopogon | Poaceae |
Chrysopsis | Compositae |
Chrysosplenium | Saxifragaceae |
Chrysothamnus | Compositae |
Chrysothemis | Gesneriaceae |
Chthonocephalus | Compositae |
Chuanminshen | Apiaceae |
Chucoa | Compositae |
Chukrasia | Meliaceae |
Chunia | Hamamelidaceae |
Chuniophoenix | Arecaceae |
Chuquiraga | Compositae |
Chusquea | Poaceae |
Chydenanthus | Lecythidaceae |
Chylismia | Onagraceae |
Chylismiella | Onagraceae |
Chymsydia | Apiaceae |
Chysis | Orchidaceae |
Chytraculia | Myrtaceae |
Chytranthus | Sapindaceae |
Chytroglossa | Orchidaceae |
Cibirhiza | Apocynaceae |
Cicendia | Gentianaceae |
Cicer | Leguminosae |
Cicerbita | Compositae |
Ciceronia | Compositae |
Cichorium | Compositae |
Cicuta | Apiaceae |
Cienfuegosia | Malvaceae |
Ciliosemina | Rubiaceae |
Cimicifuga | Ranunculaceae |
Cinchona | Rubiaceae |
Cinchonopsis | Rubiaceae |
Cincinnobotrys | Melastomataceae |
Cineraria | Compositae |
Cinna | Poaceae |
Cinnadenia | Lauraceae |
Cinnamodendron | Canellaceae |
Cinnamomum | Lauraceae |
Cinnamonum | Lauraceae |
Cinnamosma | Canellaceae |
Cintia | Cactaceae |
Cionosicyos | Cucurbitaceae |
Cionura | Apocynaceae |
Cipadessa | Meliaceae |
Cipocereus | Cactaceae |
Cipoia | Podostemaceae |
Cipura | Iridaceae |
Circaea | Onagraceae |
Circaeaster | Circaeasteraceae |
Circandra | Aizoaceae |
Circinus | Leguminosae |
Cirrhaea | Orchidaceae |
Cirrhopetalum | Orchidaceae |
× Cirsiocarduus | Compositae |
Cirsium | Compositae |
Cischweinfia | Orchidaceae |
Cissampelopsis | Compositae |
Cissampelos | Menispermaceae |
Cissarobryon | Vivianiaceae |
Cissus | Vitaceae |
Cistanche | Orobanchaceae |
Cistanthe | Portulacaceae |
Cistus | Cistaceae |
Cithareloma | Brassicaceae |
Citharexylum | Verbenaceae |
Citriobatus | Pittosporaceae |
Citronella | Cardiopteridaceae |
Citropsis | Rutaceae |
Citrullus | Cucurbitaceae |
Citrus | Rutaceae |
Cladanthus | Compositae |
Claderia | Orchidaceae |
Cladium | Cyperaceae |
Cladobium | Orchidaceae |
Cladoceras | Rubiaceae |
Cladochaeta | Compositae |
Cladocolea | Loranthaceae |
Cladogelonium | Euphorbiaceae |
Cladogynos | Euphorbiaceae |
Cladomyza | Santalaceae |
Cladopus | Podostemaceae |
Cladoraphis | Poaceae |
Cladostemon | Capparaceae |
Cladrastis | Leguminosae |
Claoxylon | Euphorbiaceae |
Claoxylopsis | Euphorbiaceae |
Clappertonia | Malvaceae |
Clappia | Compositae |
Clara | Asparagaceae |
Clarisia | Moraceae |
Clarkeasia | Acanthaceae |
Clarkella | Rubiaceae |
Clarkia | Onagraceae |
Clastopus | Brassicaceae |
Clathrotropis | Leguminosae |
Clausena | Rutaceae |
Clausia | Brassicaceae |
Clausospicula | Poaceae |
Clavija | Primulaceae |
Clavulium | Leguminosae |
Claytonia | Montiaceae |
Cleghornia | Apocynaceae |
Cleidiocarpon | Euphorbiaceae |
Cleidion | Euphorbiaceae |
Cleisocentron | Orchidaceae |
Cleisomeria | Orchidaceae |
Cleisostoma | Orchidaceae |
Cleisostomopsis | Orchidaceae |
Cleistachne | Poaceae |
Cleistanthus | Phyllanthaceae |
Cleistes | Orchidaceae |
Cleistesiopsis | Orchidaceae |
Cleistocactus | Cactaceae |
Cleistochlamys | Annonaceae |
Cleistochloa | Poaceae |
Cleistogenes | Poaceae |
Cleistopetalum | Annonaceae |
Cleistopholis | Annonaceae |
Clematepistephium | Orchidaceae |
Clematicissus | Vitaceae |
Clematis | Ranunculaceae |
Clematoclethra | Actinidiaceae |
Clemensiella | Apocynaceae |
Clementsiella | Poaceae |
Cleobulia | Leguminosae |
Cleome | Cleomaceae |
Cleomella | Cleomaceae |
Cleonia | Lamiaceae |
Cleoserrata | Capparaceae |
Cleretum | Aizoaceae |
Clermontia | Campanulaceae |
Clerodendrum | Lamiaceae |
Clethra | Clethraceae |
Clevelandia | Orobanchaceae |
Cleyera | Pentaphylacaceae |
Clianthus | Leguminosae |
Clibadium | Compositae |
Clidemia | Melastomataceae |
Cliffortia | Rosaceae |
Cliftonia | Cyrillaceae |
Climacoptera | Amaranthaceae |
Clinacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Clinanthus | Amaryllidaceae |
× Clinomicromeria | Lamiaceae |
Clinopodium | Lamiaceae |
Clinosperma | Arecaceae |
Clinostigma | Arecaceae |
Clintonia | Asparagaceae |
Cliococca | Linaceae |
Clistax | Acanthaceae |
Clitandra | Apocynaceae |
Clitoria | Leguminosae |
Clitoriopsis | Leguminosae |
Clivia | Amaryllidaceae |
Cloezia | Myrtaceae |
Cloiselia | Compositae |
Clonodia | Malpighiaceae |
Clonostylis | Euphorbiaceae |
Clowesia | Orchidaceae |
Clusia | Clusiaceae |
Clusiella | Calophyllaceae |
Clutia | Peraceae |
Clymenia | Rutaceae |
Clypeola | Brassicaceae |
Cneoridium | Rutaceae |
Cneorum | Rutaceae |
Cnesmocarpon | Sapindaceae |
Cnesmone | Euphorbiaceae |
Cnestidium | Connaraceae |
Cnestis | Connaraceae |
Cnicothamnus | Compositae |
Cnicus | Compositae |
Cnidiocarpa | Apiaceae |
Cnidium | Apiaceae |
Cnidoscolus | Euphorbiaceae |
Coaxana | Apiaceae |
Cobaea | Polemoniaceae |
Cobana | Iridaceae |
Cobresia | Cyperaceae |
Coccineorchis | Orchidaceae |
Coccinia | Cucurbitaceae |
Coccochondra | Rubiaceae |
Coccocypselum | Rubiaceae |
Coccoloba | Polygonaceae |
Cocconerion | Euphorbiaceae |
Coccosperma | Ericaceae |
Coccothrinax | Arecaceae |
Cocculus | Menispermaceae |
Cochleanthes | Orchidaceae |
Cochlearia | Brassicaceae |
Cochlianthus | Leguminosae |
Cochlidiosperma | Plantaginaceae |
Cochlioda | Orchidaceae |
Cochliostema | Commelinaceae |
Cochlospermum | Bixaceae |
Cocos | Arecaceae |
Codariocalyx | Leguminosae |
Coddia | Rubiaceae |
Codia | Cunoniaceae |
Codiaeum | Euphorbiaceae |
Codiocarpus | Stemonuraceae |
Codon | Boraginaceae |
Codonacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Codonanthe | Gesneriaceae |
Codonanthopsis | Gesneriaceae |
Codonocarpus | Gyrostemonaceae |
Codonocephalum | Compositae |
Codonochlamys | Malvaceae |
Codonopsis | Campanulaceae |
Codonorchis | Orchidaceae |
Codonosiphon | Orchidaceae |
Coelachne | Poaceae |
Coelachyrum | Poaceae |
Coelanthum | Molluginaceae |
Coelia | Orchidaceae |
Coelidium | Leguminosae |
Coeliopsis | Orchidaceae |
Coelocarpum | Verbenaceae |
Coelocaryon | Myristicaceae |
Coelogyne | Orchidaceae |
Coeloneurum | Solanaceae |
Coelophragmus | Brassicaceae |
Coelopyrena | Rubiaceae |
Coelorachis | Poaceae |
Coelospermum | Rubiaceae |
Coelostegia | Malvaceae |
Coespeletia | Compositae |
Coffea | Rubiaceae |
Cogniauxia | Cucurbitaceae |
Cogswellia | Apiaceae |
Cohniella | Orchidaceae |
Coilochilus | Orchidaceae |
Coilostigma | Ericaceae |
Coincya | Brassicaceae |
Coix | Poaceae |
Cojoba | Leguminosae |
Cola | Malvaceae |
Colanthelia | Poaceae |
Colchicum | Colchicaceae |
Coldenia | Boraginaceae |
Colea | Bignoniaceae |
Coleactina | Rubiaceae |
Coleanthera | Ericaceae |
Coleanthus | Poaceae |
Colebrookea | Lamiaceae |
Coleocarya | Restionaceae |
Coleocephalocereus | Cactaceae |
Coleochloa | Cyperaceae |
Coleocoma | Compositae |
Coleonema | Rutaceae |
Coleosanthus | Compositae |
Coleostachys | Malpighiaceae |
Coleostephus | Compositae |
Coleotrype | Commelinaceae |
Coleus | Lamiaceae |
Colignonia | Nyctaginaceae |
Collabium | Orchidaceae |
Collaea | Leguminosae |
Colleteria | Rubiaceae |
Colletia | Rhamnaceae |
Colletoecema | Rubiaceae |
Colletogyne | Araceae |
Colliguaja | Euphorbiaceae |
Collinsia | Plantaginaceae |
Collinsonia | Lamiaceae |
Collomia | Polemoniaceae |
Collospermum | Asteliaceae |
Colobanthera | Compositae |
Colobanthus | Caryophyllaceae |
Colobocarpos | Euphorbiaceae |
Colocasia | Araceae |
Cologania | Leguminosae |
Cololobus | Compositae |
Colona | Malvaceae |
Colophospermum | Leguminosae |
Colpias | Scrophulariaceae |
Colpodium | Poaceae |
Colpogyne | Gesneriaceae |
Colpoon | Santalaceae |
Colpothrinax | Arecaceae |
Colquhounia | Lamiaceae |
Colubrina | Rhamnaceae |
Columbiadoria | Compositae |
Columellia | Columelliaceae |
Columnea | Gesneriaceae |
Coluria | Rosaceae |
Colutea | Leguminosae |
Coluteastrum | Leguminosae |
Coluteocarpus | Brassicaceae |
Colvillea | Leguminosae |
Comaclinium | Compositae |
Comandra | Santalaceae |
Comanthosphace | Lamiaceae |
Comarobatia | Rosaceae |
Comaropsis | Rosaceae |
Comarostaphylis | Ericaceae |
Comarum | Rosaceae |
Comastoma | Gentianaceae |
Combera | Solanaceae |
Comborhiza | Compositae |
Combretocarpus | Anisophylleaceae |
Combretum | Combretaceae |
Comesperma | Polygalaceae |
Cometes | Caryophyllaceae |
Cominsia | Marantaceae |
Comiphyton | Rhizophoraceae |
Commelina | Commelinaceae |
Commersonia | Malvaceae |
Commidendrum | Compositae |
Commiphora | Burseraceae |
Comocladia | Anacardiaceae |
Comolia | Melastomataceae |
Comoliopsis | Melastomataceae |
Comoranthus | Oleaceae |
Comospermum | Asparagaceae |
Comparettia | Orchidaceae |
Compsoneura | Myristicaceae |
Comptonella | Rutaceae |
Comptonia | Myricaceae |
Conandrium | Primulaceae |
Conandron | Gesneriaceae |
Conanthera | Tecophilaeaceae |
Conceveiba | Euphorbiaceae |
Conchidium | Orchidaceae |
Conchocarpus | Rutaceae |
Conchopetalum | Sapindaceae |
Condalia | Rhamnaceae |
Condaminea | Rubiaceae |
Condylidium | Compositae |
Condylocarpon | Apocynaceae |
Condylopodium | Compositae |
Congea | Lamiaceae |
Congolanthus | Gentianaceae |
Conicosia | Aizoaceae |
Conimitella | Saxifragaceae |
Conioselinum | Apiaceae |
Conium | Apiaceae |
Connarus | Connaraceae |
Connellia | Bromeliaceae |
Conobea | Plantaginaceae |
Conocalyx | Acanthaceae |
Conocarpus | Combretaceae |
Conocliniopsis | Compositae |
Conoclinium | Compositae |
Conomitra | Apocynaceae |
Conopholis | Orobanchaceae |
Conophytum | Aizoaceae |
Conopodium | Apiaceae |
Conosapium | Euphorbiaceae |
Conospermum | Proteaceae |
Conostegia | Melastomataceae |
Conostephium | Ericaceae |
Conostomium | Rubiaceae |
Conostylis | Haemodoraceae |
Conothamnus | Myrtaceae |
Conradia | Scrophulariaceae |
Conradina | Lamiaceae |
Conringia | Brassicaceae |
Consolea | Cactaceae |
Consolida | Ranunculaceae |
Constancea | Compositae |
Constantia | Orchidaceae |
Convallaria | Asparagaceae |
Convolvulus | Convolvulaceae |
Conyza | Compositae |
× Conyzigeron | Compositae |
Conzattia | Leguminosae |
Cooktownia | Orchidaceae |
Coopernookia | Goodeniaceae |
Copaiba | Leguminosae |
Copaifera | Leguminosae |
Copaiva | Leguminosae |
Copernicia | Arecaceae |
Copiapoa | Cactaceae |
Coprosma | Rubiaceae |
Coptidium | Ranunculaceae |
Coptis | Ranunculaceae |
Coptocheile | Gesneriaceae |
Coptophyllum | Rubiaceae |
Coptosapelta | Rubiaceae |
Coptosperma | Rubiaceae |
Corallocarpus | Cucurbitaceae |
Corallodendron | Leguminosae |
Corallodiscus | Gesneriaceae |
Corallorhiza | Orchidaceae |
Corallospartium | Leguminosae |
Corbichonia | Lophiocarpaceae |
Corchoropsis | Malvaceae |
Corchorus | Malvaceae |
Cordeauxia | Leguminosae |
Cordia | Boraginaceae |
Cordiera | Rubiaceae |
Cordiglottis | Orchidaceae |
Cordisepalum | Convolvulaceae |
Cordobia | Malpighiaceae |
Cordyla | Leguminosae |
Cordylanthus | Orobanchaceae |
Cordyline | Asparagaceae |
Cordyloblaste | Symplocaceae |
Cordylocarpus | Brassicaceae |
Cordylogyne | Apocynaceae |
Corema | Ericaceae |
Coreocarpus | Compositae |
Coreopsis | Compositae |
Corethamnium | Compositae |
Corethrodendron | Leguminosae |
Corethrogyne | Compositae |
Coriandrum | Apiaceae |
Coriaria | Coriariaceae |
Coris | Primulaceae |
Corispermum | Amaranthaceae |
Cormonema | Rhamnaceae |
Cormus | Rosaceae |
Cornucopiae | Poaceae |
Cornukaempferia | Zingiberaceae |
Cornulaca | Amaranthaceae |
Cornus | Cornaceae |
Cornutia | Lamiaceae |
Corokia | Argophyllaceae |
Corollonema | Apocynaceae |
Coronanthera | Gesneriaceae |
Coronidium | Compositae |
Coronilla | Leguminosae |
Corothamnus | Leguminosae |
Corothamus | Leguminosae |
Corpuscularia | Aizoaceae |
Correa | Rutaceae |
Corrigiola | Molluginaceae |
Corryocactus | Cactaceae |
Corsia | Corsiaceae |
Corsiopsis | Corsiaceae |
Cortaderia | Poaceae |
Cortia | Apiaceae |
Cortiella | Apiaceae |
Cortusa | Primulaceae |
Coryanthes | Orchidaceae |
Corybas | Orchidaceae |
Corycium | Orchidaceae |
Corydalis | Papaveraceae |
Corylopsis | Hamamelidaceae |
Corylus | Betulaceae |
Corymbia | Myrtaceae |
Corymbium | Compositae |
Corymborkis | Orchidaceae |
Corynabutilon | Malvaceae |
Corynaea | Balanophoraceae |
Corynanthe | Rubiaceae |
Corynanthera | Myrtaceae |
Corynephorus | Poaceae |
Corynocarpus | Corynocarpaceae |
Corynopuntia | Cactaceae |
Corynostylis | Violaceae |
Corynotheca | Asparagaceae |
Corypha | Arecaceae |
Coryphantha | Cactaceae |
Coryphothamnus | Rubiaceae |
Corythophora | Lecythidaceae |
Corytoplectus | Gesneriaceae |
Coscinium | Menispermaceae |
Cosmelia | Ericaceae |
Cosmianthemum | Acanthaceae |
Cosmibuena | Rubiaceae |
Cosmocalyx | Rubiaceae |
Cosmos | Compositae |
Cosmostigma | Apocynaceae |
Cossinia | Sapindaceae |
Costera | Ericaceae |
Costularia | Cyperaceae |
Costus | Costaceae |
Cota | Compositae |
Cotinus | Anacardiaceae |
Cotoneaster | Rosaceae |
Cotopaxia | Apiaceae |
Cottea | Poaceae |
Cottendorfia | Bromeliaceae |
Cottonia | Orchidaceae |
Cotula | Compositae |
Cotyledon | Crassulaceae |
Cotylelobium | Dipterocarpaceae |
Cotylolabium | Orchidaceae |
Couepia | Chrysobalanaceae |
Coula | Olacaceae |
Coulterella | Compositae |
Coulterophytum | Apiaceae |
Couma | Apocynaceae |
Coumarouna | Leguminosae |
Couratari | Lecythidaceae |
Couroupita | Lecythidaceae |
Coursetia | Leguminosae |
Courtoisina | Cyperaceae |
Cousinia | Compositae |
Cousiniopsis | Compositae |
Coussapoa | Urticaceae |
Coussarea | Rubiaceae |
Coutaportla | Rubiaceae |
Coutarea | Rubiaceae |
Coutoubea | Gentianaceae |
Cowania | Rosaceae |
Cowiea | Rubiaceae |
Crabbea | Acanthaceae |
Cracca | Leguminosae |
Cracosna | Gentianaceae |
Craepaloprumnon | Salicaceae |
Craibella | Annonaceae |
Craibia | Leguminosae |
Craibiodendron | Ericaceae |
Craigia | Malvaceae |
Crambe | Brassicaceae |
Crambella | Brassicaceae |
Cranichis | Orchidaceae |
Craniolaria | Martyniaceae |
Craniospermum | Boraginaceae |
Craniotome | Lamiaceae |
Cranocarpus | Leguminosae |
Crantzia | Gesneriaceae |
Craspedia | Compositae |
Craspedolobium | Leguminosae |
Craspedorhachis | Poaceae |
Craspidospermum | Apocynaceae |
Crassocephalum | Compositae |
Crassula | Crassulaceae |
Crataegus | Rosaceae |
Crataeva | Capparaceae |
Crateranthus | Lecythidaceae |
Craterispermum | Rubiaceae |
Craterocapsa | Campanulaceae |
Craterosiphon | Thymelaeaceae |
Craterostigma | Linderniaceae |
Crateva | Capparaceae |
Cratoxylum | Hypericaceae |
Cratylia | Leguminosae |
Cratystylis | Compositae |
Crawfurdia | Gentianaceae |
Cremanium | Melastomataceae |
Cremanthodium | Compositae |
Cremaspora | Rubiaceae |
Cremastopus | Cucurbitaceae |
Cremastosperma | Annonaceae |
Cremastra | Orchidaceae |
Cremersia | Gesneriaceae |
Cremnophila | Crassulaceae |
Cremnophyton | Amaranthaceae |
Cremnothamnus | Compositae |
Cremocarpon | Rubiaceae |
Cremolobus | Brassicaceae |
Cremosperma | Gesneriaceae |
Cremospermopsis | Gesneriaceae |
Crenea | Lythraceae |
Crenias | Podostemaceae |
Crenidium | Solanaceae |
× Crepi-Hieracium | Compositae |
× Crepidiastrixeris | Compositae |
Crepidiastrum | Compositae |
Crepidium | Orchidaceae |
Crepidorhopalon | Linderniaceae |
Crepidospermum | Burseraceae |
Crepis | Compositae |
Crescentia | Bignoniaceae |
Cressa | Convolvulaceae |
Cribbia | Orchidaceae |
Crinipes | Poaceae |
Crinitaria | Compositae |
Crinodendron | Elaeocarpaceae |
Crinonia | Orchidaceae |
Crinum | Amaryllidaceae |
Crioceras | Apocynaceae |
Criscia | Compositae |
Crispiloba | Alseuosmiaceae |
Cristaria | Malvaceae |
Cristonia | Leguminosae |
Crithopsis | Poaceae |
Critonia | Compositae |
Critoniadelphus | Compositae |
Critoniella | Compositae |
Critoniopsis | Compositae |
Croatiella | Araceae |
Crobylanthe | Rubiaceae |
Crocidium | Compositae |
Crocodeilanthe | Orchidaceae |
Crocosmia | Iridaceae |
Crocus | Iridaceae |
Crocyllis | Rubiaceae |
Croizatia | Phyllanthaceae |
Cromidon | Scrophulariaceae |
Croninia | Ericaceae |
Cronquistianthus | Compositae |
Croomia | Stemonaceae |
Croptilon | Compositae |
Crossandra | Acanthaceae |
Crossandrella | Acanthaceae |
Crosslandia | Cyperaceae |
Crossoglossa | Orchidaceae |
Crossonephelis | Sapindaceae |
Crossopetalum | Celastraceae |
Crossopteryx | Rubiaceae |
Crossosoma | Crossosomataceae |
Crossosperma | Rutaceae |
Crossostemma | Passifloraceae |
Crossostephium | Compositae |
Crossostylis | Rhizophoraceae |
Crossothamnus | Compositae |
Crossotoma | Goodeniaceae |
Crossyne | Amaryllidaceae |
Crotalaria | Leguminosae |
Croton | Euphorbiaceae |
Crotonogyne | Euphorbiaceae |
Crotonogynopsis | Euphorbiaceae |
Crowea | Rutaceae |
Crucianella | Rubiaceae |
Cruciata | Rubiaceae |
Crucicaryum | Boraginaceae |
Crucihimalaya | Brassicaceae |
Cruckshanksia | Rubiaceae |
Cruddasia | Leguminosae |
Crudia | Leguminosae |
Crumenaria | Rhamnaceae |
Crupina | Compositae |
Crusea | Rubiaceae |
Cryosophila | Arecaceae |
Crypsis | Poaceae |
Cryptadenia | Thymelaeaceae |
Cryptandra | Rhamnaceae |
Cryptantha | Boraginaceae |
Cryptanthus | Bromeliaceae |
Cryptarrhena | Orchidaceae |
Crypteronia | Crypteroniaceae |
Cryptocapnos | Papaveraceae |
Cryptocarpus | Nyctaginaceae |
Cryptocarya | Lauraceae |
Cryptocentrum | Orchidaceae |
Cryptochilus | Orchidaceae |
Cryptochloa | Poaceae |
Cryptocodon | Campanulaceae |
Cryptocoryne | Araceae |
Cryptolepis | Apocynaceae |
Cryptopus | Orchidaceae |
Cryptopylos | Orchidaceae |
Cryptosepalum | Leguminosae |
Cryptospora | Brassicaceae |
Cryptostegia | Apocynaceae |
Cryptostemma | Compositae |
Cryptostephanus | Amaryllidaceae |
Cryptostylis | Orchidaceae |
Cryptotaenia | Apiaceae |
Csapodya | Rubiaceae |
Ctenanthe | Marantaceae |
Ctenardisia | Primulaceae |
Ctenium | Poaceae |
Ctenolepis | Cucurbitaceae |
Ctenolophon | Ctenolophonaceae |
Ctenophyllum | Leguminosae |
Cuatrecasanthus | Compositae |
Cuatrecasasiella | Compositae |
Cuatresia | Solanaceae |
Cubanola | Rubiaceae |
Cubilia | Sapindaceae |
Cubitanthus | Gesneriaceae |
Cuchumatanea | Compositae |
Cucumella | Cucurbitaceae |
Cucumeropsis | Cucurbitaceae |
Cucumis | Cucurbitaceae |
Cucurbita | Cucurbitaceae |
Cucurbitella | Cucurbitaceae |
Cuenotia | Acanthaceae |
Cuervea | Celastraceae |
Cuitlauzina | Orchidaceae |
Culcasia | Araceae |
Culcitium | Compositae |
Cullen | Leguminosae |
Cullumia | Compositae |
Cuminia | Lamiaceae |
Cuminum | Apiaceae |
Cumulopuntia | Cactaceae |
Cuniculotinus | Compositae |
Cunila | Lamiaceae |
Cunonia | Cunoniaceae |
Cupania | Sapindaceae |
Cupaniopsis | Sapindaceae |
Cuphea | Lythraceae |
Cuphocarpus | Araliaceae |
Cuphonotus | Brassicaceae |
Curarea | Menispermaceae |
Curatella | Dilleniaceae |
Curculigo | Hypoxidaceae |
Curcuma | Zingiberaceae |
Curitiba | Myrtaceae |
Curtia | Gentianaceae |
Curtisia | Curtisiaceae |
Curupira | Olacaceae |
Cuscatlania | Nyctaginaceae |
Cuscuta | Convolvulaceae |
Cusickiella | Brassicaceae |
Cuspidaria | Bignoniaceae |
Cuspidia | Compositae |
Cussetia | Podostemaceae |
Cussonia | Araliaceae |
Cutandia | Poaceae |
Cuttsia | Rousseaceae |
Cuviera | Rubiaceae |
Cyamopsis | Leguminosae |
Cyanaeorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cyananthus | Campanulaceae |
Cyanastrum | Tecophilaeaceae |
Cyanea | Campanulaceae |
Cyanella | Tecophilaeaceae |
Cyanicula | Orchidaceae |
Cyanixia | Iridaceae |
Cyanoneuron | Rubiaceae |
Cyanostegia | Lamiaceae |
Cyanotis | Commelinaceae |
× Cyanthera | Orchidaceae |
Cyanthillium | Compositae |
Cyanus | Compositae |
Cyathobasis | Amaranthaceae |
Cyathocalyx | Annonaceae |
Cyathochaeta | Cyperaceae |
Cyathocline | Compositae |
Cyathocoma | Cyperaceae |
Cyathodes | Ericaceae |
Cyathomone | Compositae |
Cyathopsis | Ericaceae |
Cyathopus | Poaceae |
Cyathoselinum | Apiaceae |
Cyathostegia | Leguminosae |
Cyathostelma | Apocynaceae |
Cyathostemma | Annonaceae |
Cyathostemon | Myrtaceae |
Cyathula | Amaranthaceae |
Cybebus | Orchidaceae |
Cybianthus | Primulaceae |
Cybistax | Bignoniaceae |
Cyclacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Cycladenia | Apocynaceae |
Cyclamen | Primulaceae |
Cyclanthera | Cucurbitaceae |
Cyclantheropsis | Cucurbitaceae |
Cyclanthus | Cyclanthaceae |
Cyclea | Menispermaceae |
Cyclobalanopsis | Fagaceae |
Cyclocarpa | Leguminosae |
Cyclocarya | Juglandaceae |
Cyclocheilon | Orobanchaceae |
Cyclocodon | Campanulaceae |
Cyclocotyla | Apocynaceae |
Cyclolepis | Compositae |
Cyclolobium | Leguminosae |
Cycloloma | Amaranthaceae |
Cyclophyllum | Rubiaceae |
Cyclopia | Leguminosae |
Cyclopogon | Orchidaceae |
Cyclorhiza | Apiaceae |
Cyclospermum | Apiaceae |
Cyclostachya | Poaceae |
Cyclotrichium | Lamiaceae |
Cycniopsis | Orobanchaceae |
Cycnium | Orobanchaceae |
Cycnoches | Orchidaceae |
Cydonia | Rosaceae |
Cylactis | Rosaceae |
Cylicodiscus | Leguminosae |
Cylicomorpha | Caricaceae |
Cylindrocarpa | Campanulaceae |
Cylindrocline | Compositae |
Cylindrophyllum | Aizoaceae |
Cylindropsis | Apocynaceae |
Cylindropuntia | Cactaceae |
Cymaria | Lamiaceae |
Cymatocarpus | Brassicaceae |
Cymbalaria | Plantaginaceae |
Cymbaria | Orobanchaceae |
Cymbidiella | Orchidaceae |
Cymbidium | Orchidaceae |
Cymbocarpa | Burmanniaceae |
Cymbocarpum | Apiaceae |
Cymbolaena | Compositae |
Cymbonotus | Compositae |
Cymbopappus | Compositae |
Cymbopetalum | Annonaceae |
Cymbopogon | Poaceae |
Cymbosema | Leguminosae |
Cymodocea | Cymodoceaceae |
Cymophora | Compositae |
Cymophyllus | Cyperaceae |
Cymopterus | Apiaceae |
Cynanchum | Apocynaceae |
Cynara | Compositae |
Cynarospermum | Acanthaceae |
Cyne | Loranthaceae |
× Cynochloris | Poaceae |
Cynodon | Poaceae |
Cynoglossopsis | Boraginaceae |
Cynoglossum | Boraginaceae |
Cynoglottis | Boraginaceae |
Cynometra | Leguminosae |
Cynomorium | Cynomoriaceae |
Cynorkis | Orchidaceae |
Cynosciadium | Apiaceae |
Cynosurus | Poaceae |
Cypella | Iridaceae |
Cyperochloa | Poaceae |
Cyperocymbidium | Orchidaceae |
Cyperorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cyperus | Cyperaceae |
Cyphacanthus | Acanthaceae |
Cyphanthera | Solanaceae |
Cyphia | Campanulaceae |
Cyphocardamum | Brassicaceae |
Cyphocarpa | Amaranthaceae |
Cyphocarpus | Campanulaceae |
Cyphochilus | Orchidaceae |
Cyphochlaena | Poaceae |
Cyphokentia | Arecaceae |
Cypholophus | Urticaceae |
Cypholoron | Orchidaceae |
Cyphomandra | Solanaceae |
Cyphomeris | Nyctaginaceae |
Cyphophoenix | Arecaceae |
Cyphosperma | Arecaceae |
Cyphostemma | Vitaceae |
Cyphostigma | Zingiberaceae |
Cyphotheca | Melastomataceae |
Cypringlea | Cyperaceae |
Cypripedium | Orchidaceae |
Cypselea | Aizoaceae |
Cypselocarpus | Gyrostemonaceae |
Cyrilla | Cyrillaceae |
Cyrillopsis | Ixonanthaceae |
Cyrtandra | Gesneriaceae |
Cyrtandromoea | Gesneriaceae |
Cyrtanthus | Amaryllidaceae |
Cyrtidiorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtocarpa | Anacardiaceae |
Cyrtochiloides | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtochilum | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtochloa | Poaceae |
Cyrtococcum | Poaceae |
Cyrtocymura | Compositae |
Cyrtogonone | Euphorbiaceae |
Cyrtopodium | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtosia | Orchidaceae |
Cyrtosperma | Araceae |
Cyrtostachys | Arecaceae |
Cyrtostylis | Orchidaceae |
Cysticapnos | Papaveraceae |
Cystium | Leguminosae |
Cystorchis | Orchidaceae |
Cystostemon | Boraginaceae |
Cytinus | Cytinaceae |
Cytisanthus | Leguminosae |
Cytisogenista | Leguminosae |
Cytisophyllum | Leguminosae |
Cytisopsis | Leguminosae |
Cytisus | Leguminosae |
Cytogonidium | Restionaceae |
Cyttaranthus | Euphorbiaceae |
- ↑ 1 2 Families in Angiosperms. Statistics // The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Published on the Internet; http://www.theplantlist.org/ Архивная копия от 19 апреля 2017 на Wayback Machine (лат.) (англ.) (Дата обращения: 13 сентября 2016)
- Angiosperms (Flowering plants) — all genera // The Plant List (Дата обращения: 13 сентября 2016)
- The Plant List (2013). Version 1. Published on the Internet; http://www.theplantlist.org/ (accessed 1st January) (англ.) (Дата обращения: 13 сентября 2016)