Саураштра (язык)
Саураштра | |
Самоназвание | ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬꢵ |
Страны | Индия |
Общее число говорящих | 185 420 чел. |
Классификация | |
| |
Письменность | Саураштра |
Языковые коды | |
ISO 639-1 | — |
ISO 639-2 | — |
ISO 639-3 | saz |
Ethnologue | saz |
IETF | saz |
Glottolog | saur1248 |
Саураштра (саур. ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬꢵ; англ. Saurashtra ) — индоарийский язык, распространённый на юге Индии. Число носителей — около 185 тыс. (2001 г.). Используемая письменность — саураштра, при этом основной формой существования языка является устная.
- Pandit Lakshmanachariyar, Sourashtranadhi, Published by the Author, pp. 1–32 (1880).
- Rama Rai, T.M., Sourashtra Niti Sambhu, Published by the Author, pp. 1–48, (1900)
- Rama Rai, T.M., Sourashtra Primer, Published by the Author, pp. 1–47, (1899)
- Rama Rai, T.M., Sourashtra Second Book, Published by the Author, pp 1–84, (1903).
- Rama Rai, T.M., First Catechism of Sourashtra Grammar, Published by: the Author, pp. 1–48, (1905).
- Rama Rai, T.M., Sourashtra Nandi Nighantu, Published by the Author, pp. 1–32, (1908).
- Venkatachala Sarma, T.S., Sandhyavandana Bodhini, Published by Sourashtra Vidhya Bodhana Sala, Madura. pp. 1–19, (1915).
- Rengayyar, N.A.S., Sourashtra Sulu Kriya Vallari, Published by the Author, pp. 1–10, (1916).
- Saunders, Albert J., The Sourashtra Community in Madura, South India, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 787–799, (1927).
- Gramophone records of the languages and dialects of the Madras Presidency, Text Passages published by Government Museum, Madras, India, (1927).
- Randle, H.N., Saurashtra Bhasha – An Indo-Aryan language of South India, Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies, Part I, pp. 104–121, (1943).
- Randle, H.N., Saurashtra Bhasha – An Indo-Aryan language of South India, Bulletin of School of Oriental and African Studies, Part II, pp. 310–327, (1946).
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- Dringer David, The Alphabet – A key to the history of mankind, (1948).
- Ramanandam, O.K., Sri Ramarai Sourashtra Vachakamu, Published by: Sri Ramarai Patasala, Madurai, India, pp. 1–64, (1961).
- Gopalakrishnan, M.A., A brief study of The Saurashtra Community in the Madras State, Published by: The Institution of Traditional Cultures, Madras, India, pp. 1–43, (1966).
- Census of India 1961 Vol.I INDIA Part II –C (ii) Language Tables, Published by the Manager of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi, pp. CCXLIV + 554, (1967).
- Pandit, P.B., India as a Sociolinguistic Area, Presented at the Dr. P.D. Gune Memorial Lecture, Published by: University of Pune, Pune, India, pp. 92, (1972).
- Dave, I.R., The Saurashtrians in South India – their Language, Literature and Culture, Published by: Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India, pp. 312, (1976).
- Catalogue of the Saurashtra Books in the India Office Library, London, (1979).
- Rama Rai, T.M., Ramarai Ramayanu – Sourashtra Vachana Ramayanam, Edited by: O.S. Subramanian, T.V. Kubendran, R.A. Mohanram, Published by: Sreshta Sourashtra Sahitya Sabha, Madurai, Part I, pp. 88, (1979).
- Rama Rai, T.M., Ramarai Ramayanu – Sourashtra Vachana Ramayanam, Edited by: O.S. Subramanian, T.V. Kubendran, R.A. Mohanram, Published by: Sreshta Sourashtra Sahitya Sabha, Madurai, Part II pp. 1–124, (1980).
- Kubendran, T.V., Sourashtra Dictionary - Sourashtra-Tamil-English, Published by Bhashabhimani, Sourashtra Literary Monthly Journal, 99-B, West Masi Street, Madurai-625001.(June 2008) VIII+228+p50+p30+p6
- Sethuraman, K.R., Sethuraman Trilingual Saurashtra Dictionary (Saurashtram-Tamil-English), Published by Mrs. K.S.Meera, Raj Prabha Apartment, New #138, Old # 61-D, Vanniar Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai-600094. (January 2003) p. 418
- R. BHASKARA NARAYANAN, " Veda paLamayana Sourashtra" A short history of Sourashtra people. 139/150, II Agraharam, Salem- 636 001.
- R.Bhaskara Narayanan, " Samskrita Sourashtra Pada Ikyam" A comparison of words between Samskrit and Sourashtra. Available at 139/150, II Agraharam, Salem- 636 001.
- Uchida Norihiko, "A Saurashtra-English Dictioknary" with appendices by Muddan Nagabhushana and Obulan S.Subramanian, Otto Harrassowitz, wiesbaden, Germany (1990)(p. XXXI+279)
- Uchida Norihiko, "Oral Literature of the Saurashtrans", Simant Publications India,65/1A, Hindusthan Park, Calcutta-700029. (p.xiii+173
- Sankhu Ram, "Sourashtra Tirukkural" published by Siddhasramam, 4, Mariamman Teppakulam West, Madurai-625009. (1993)(p. 507)
- Sriman Natanagopala Nayaki's Sourashtra & Tamil kirtanaiagal Edited & Published By Dr. T.R. Damodaran, Dept. of Sanskrit, Sourashtra College, Madurai-625004.(2001 ?) (p. 312)
- Dr. K.R.Vittal Doss, "Surdas aur santkavi Natanagopal Naayaki svamigal ka tulnaatmak adhyayan" Vinoth Pusthak Mandir, Agra. (1981)(p. 383)
- Sapovadia, Vrajlal K., Saurashtra: A Language, Region, Culture & Community (April 3, 2012). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2033685