Список игр Koei Tecmo

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Список игр, разработанных и изданных компанией Tecmo Koei.

Платформы компьютерных игр
AmiCommodore Amiga
C64Commodore 64
CPCAmstrad CPC
GBGame Boy
GBAGame Boy Advance
GBCGame Boy Color
JagAtari Jaguar
LynxAtari Lynx
MacНеизвестная платформа
N64Nintendo 64
NDSNintendo DS
NESNintendo Entertainment System / Famicom
Pipp!nНеизвестная платформа
PS2PlayStation 2
PS3PlayStation 3
PSPPlayStation Portable
SatНеизвестная платформа
SMDSega Genesis / Mega Drive
SNESSuper Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom
STAtari ST
X360Xbox 360
ZXZX Spectrum

Изданные игры

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Название Японское название Разработчик Издательство Серия Жанр Платформы Дата первого выпуска
Aerobizエアーマネジメント 大空に賭ける Koei Koei Business simulation Super NES
Sega Genesis
5 апреля 1992
Attack On Titan: Wings of freedom 進撃の巨人:自由の翼 Koei Tecmo Koei Attack on titan Action\hack and slashWindows, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita2016
Attack on Titan 2 進撃の巨人 Koei Tecmo Koei Attack on titan Action\hack and slashWindows, PlayStation 415 марта 2018
Aerobiz SupersonicエアーマネジメントII 航空王をめざせ Koei Koei Business simulation Super NES
Mega Drive
2 апреля 1993
All Girl Wrestling: Ultimate AngelsTecmo
Atelier Iris series
Bad News Baseball激闘スタジアム Tecmo Tecmo Sports video game NES15 декабря 1989
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaNES, MS-DOS, Amiga OS & Macintosh[1]
Bastard!! OnlineTecmo
Bladestorm: Hundred Years Warブレイドストーム -百年戦争 Omega Force Koei Historical action/strategy PS3, Xbox 3602007
Bomb Jackボンジャック Tehkan Tehkan Platform Arcade 1984
Bomb Jack WorldTecmo
Brandish (Super NES port)
Captain Tsubasaキャプテン翼 Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Family Computer28 апреля 1988
Captain Tsubasa 2キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Family Computer20 июля 1990
Captain Tsubasa 3: Koutei no Chousenキャプテン翼III 皇帝の挑戦 Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Super Famicom17 июля 1992
Captain Tsubasa 4: Pro no Rival Tachiキャプテン翼Ⅳ プロのライバルたち Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Super Famicom3 апреля 1993
Captain Tsubasa (Mega-CD)キャプテン翼 Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Sega Mega-CD30 сентября 1994
Captain Tsubasa 5: Hasha no Shogo Campioneキャプテン翼Ⅴ 覇者の称号カンピオーネ Tecmo Tecmo Captain TsubasaTraditional soccer simulation Super Famicom9 декабря 1994
Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil EyeKoei Medieval fantasy simulation[2]
Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop RacerKoei Tecmo Koei Alternative sports PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Crimson SeaKoei Koei Crimson Sea Xbox2002
Crimson Sea 2Koei Koei Crimson Sea PlayStation 22004
Croc seriesKoei (JP) PlayStation
Colosseum: Road to FreedomGOSHOW/Ertain Koei Hack and slashPlayStation 2 17 февраля 2005
Danchi Zuma no Yuuwaku
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyballTeam Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Xbox 2003
Dead or Alive 3Team Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Xbox 2001
Dead or Alive 2Team Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2 2000
Dead or AliveTeam Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Arcade, Saturn, PlayStation 1996
Dead or Alive: Code ChronosTeam Ninja Tecmo Koei Dead or Alive TBA
Dead or Alive ParadiseTeam Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive PSP 2010
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2Team Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Xbox 360 2006
Dead or Alive 4Team Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Xbox 360 2005
Dead or Alive UltimateTeam Ninja Tecmo Dead or Alive Xbox 2004
Dead or Alive: DimensionsTeam Ninja Tecmo Koei Dead or Alive 3DS 2011
Deception III: Dark Delusion蒼魔灯 Tecmo Tecmo Deception series Strategy-RPG PlayStation9 декабря 1999
DestregaOmega Force Koei Fighting PlayStation1998
Disgaea series
Dokodemo Rasshou! Pachislo SengenTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation PlayStation PortableTBA
Dynasty Warriors: Gundamガンダム無双 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3 & Xbox 360 2007
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3ガンダム無双3 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3 & Xbox 360 2010
Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires真・三國無双4 Empires Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 & Xbox 360 2006
Dynasty Warriors 5 Special真・三國無双4 Special Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsXbox 360 & Windows 2005
Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends真・三國無双4 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2005
Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper真・三國無双3 ハイパー Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsWindows 2005
Dynasty Warriors Advance真・三國無双 ADVANCE Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsGame Boy Advance2005
Dynasty Warriors 5真・三國無双4 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 & Xbox2005
Dynasty Warriors真・三國無双 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPSP 2004
Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2真・三國無双 2nd Evolution Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPSP 2006
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 2真・三國無双 Multi Raid 2 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPSP2010
Dynasty Warriors 6真・三國無双5 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3, Xbox 360 & Windows 2007
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires真・三國無双5 Empires Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3, PSP & Xbox 3602009
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce真・三國無双 Multi Raid Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPSP2009
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2ガンダム無双2 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3 & Xbox 360 2008
Dynasty Warriors 6 Special真・三國無双5 Special Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS22008
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Specialガンダム無双 Special Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2008
Dynasty Warriors 7真・三國無双6 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS3 & Xbox 3602011[5]
Dynasty Warriors DS真・三國無双 DS Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsNintendo DS2007
Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires真・三國無双3 Empires Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2004
Dynasty Warriors Mahjongg雀・三國無双 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2003
Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends真・三國無双3 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2003
Dynasty Warriors 4真・三國無双3 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 & Xbox 2003
Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends真・三國無双2 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2002
Dynasty Warriors 3真・三國無双2 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 & Xbox 2001
Dynasty Warriors 2真・三國無双 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPS2 2000
Dynasty Warriors三國無双 Omega Force Koei Dynasty WarriorsPlayStation 1997
Everybody’s Golf NextTeam Ninja / Clap Hanz Tecmo Everybody's Golf NGP TBA 2011
Fatal FrameTecmo Tecmo Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II: Crimson ButterflyTecmo Tecmo Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly — Director’s CutTecmo Tecmo Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame III: The TormentedTecmo Tecmo Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame IVTecmo Tecmo Fatal Frame
Fatal Inertia
Final Star ForceTecmo
Fire 'N IceTecmo
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage北斗無双, Hokuto Musō Omega Force Koei PS3 & Xbox 3602010[5]
G1 JockeyKoei Koei G1 Jockey Horse racing simulation
G1 Jockey 3Koei Koei G1 Jockey Horse racing simulation PS2
G1 Jockey 4 2007Koei Koei G1 Jockey Horse racing simulation
Gallop RacerTecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 2Tecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 2001Tecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 2003: A New BreedTecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 2004Tecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 2006Tecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
Gallop Racer 3Tecmo Tecmo Gallop Racer Horse racing simulation
GemfireKoei Medieval fantasy simulation
Genghis KhanKoei Koei Historical Simulation Strategy turn-based SEGA, PC(DOS)
Gitaroo ManGitaroo Man Rhythm/music game
Gitaroo Man Lives!Gitaroo Man Rhythm/music game PSP
GunGriffon: Allied StrikeGame ArtsTecmo GunGriffon Mech sim Xbox14 декабря 2004
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de遙かなる時空の中で (From a Faraway Time)
Head OnTecmo
Inindo: Way of the Ninja伊忍道 打倒信長 (яп. {{{2}}})
Ishin no Arashi
J League Go Go GoalTecmo
Kagero: Deception IITecmo
KessenKoei Kessen Historical RTS PS2
Kessen IIKoei Kessen Historical RTS PS2
Kessen IIIKoei Kessen Historical RTS PS2
Kin'iro no Corda金色のコルダ, lit. Golden Corda
La Pucelle: Tactics
Leading CompanyBusiness simulation
L'EmpereurKoei Historical strategy NES
Liberty or Death
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred TomePhantom Kingdom (яп. ファントム・キングダム Fantomu Kingudamu)Nippon Ichi SoftwareNippon Ichi Software/Koei Tactical RPG PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable17 марта 2005
Metroid: Other MTeam Ninja / NintendoNintendo Wii 2010
Mighty BombjackTecmo
Monster RancherTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher 2Tecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher 3Tecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher 4Tecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher AdvanceTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher Advance 2Tecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher Battle Card GameTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode IITecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher EVOTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher ExplorerTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher Hop-A-BoutTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher POPTecmo Monster Rancher
Monster Rancher DSTecmo Monster Rancher
Mystic Heroes for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2.
Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2
Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ネオアンジェリーク
Ni-OhTeam Ninja Tecmo Koei Movie tie-in PlayStation 3TBA[6]
Night LifeKoei Koei Eroge NEC PC-8801 1982
Ninja Gaiden 3DTeam Ninja Tecmo Koei Ninja Gaiden3DS TBA[7]
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s EdgeTeam Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenWii U TBA 2012
Ninja Gaiden 3Team Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenXbox 360 TBA 2012
Ninja Gaiden (arcade)Tecmo Tecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden (NES)Tecmo Tecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Episode 1: DestinyTecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Hurricane Pack: Volume ITecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of ChaosTecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of DoomTecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden ShadowTecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden TrilogyTecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden: Hurricane Pack Vol. 2Tecmo Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2Team Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenPlayStation 3 2009
Ninja Gaiden IITeam Ninja Microsoft Game Studios Ninja GaidenXbox 360 2008
Ninja Gaiden Dragon SwordTeam Ninja Tecmo DS 2008
Ninja Gaiden SigmaTeam Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenPlayStation 3 2007
Ninja Gaiden BlackTeam Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenXbox 2005
Ninja GaidenTeam Ninja Tecmo Ninja GaidenXbox 2004
Nobunaga's Ambition
Operation Europe: Path to VictoryKoei Koei World War Series Strategy DOS, SNES, SEGA, PC, NES
Prey the StarsNintendo DS
P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations提督の決断 Koei Koei PTO Strategy Mega Drive
P.T.O. II: Pacific Theater of Operations提督の決断II Koei Koei PTO Strategy SNES 17 февраля 1995
P.T.O. IV: Pacific Theater of Operations提督の決断IV Koei Koei PTO Strategy PS2
Pinball ActionTecmo
Phantom Brave
Pop Cutie! Street Fashion SimulationBusiness simulation
Project ProgressiveTecmo
Quantum Theoryクウォンタム セオリー Team Tachyon Tecmo Third-person shooter PS3, Xbox 36028 сентября 2010
Radia Senki: ReimeihenTecmo
Rasshou! Pachislo SengenTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation PlayStation 2
Rasshou! Pachislo Sengen 2: DekadanTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation PlayStation 2
Rasshou! Pachislo Sengen 3: Rio de Carnival, Juujika 600 ShikiTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation PlayStation 2
Rasshou! Pachislo Sengen 4: Shin Mogu Mogu Fuurinkasan Rio de CarnivalTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation PlayStation 2
Real: Another EditionTecmo
Right Brain GameTecmo
Rise of the Phoenix
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy Amiga MSX MSX2 NES Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy Amiga MSX2 NES SNES Genesis Win Genesis WonderSwan
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy SNES Genesis Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy SNES Sega 32X Sega Saturn PlayStation Win Game Boy Advance
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI: Awakening of the Dragon Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy Dreamcast PlayStation Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy PlayStation 2 Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy PlayStation 2 Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy PlayStation 2 Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms X Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy PlayStation 2 Win
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI Koei Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms Historical turn-based strategy PlayStation 2 Win Wii
RygarTecmo Rygar
Rygar: The Battle of ArgusTecmo Rygar
Rygar: The Legendary AdventureTecmo Rygar
Rygar: The Battle of ArgusTeam Tachyon Tecmo Rygar Wii 2008
Saboten BombersTecmo
Saihai no Yukue采配のゆくえOmega Force Koei Nintendo DS 2008
Saiyuki: Journey West西遊記 Saiyuki
Samurai Warriors: Katana戦国無双 KATANA Omega Force Koei Wii 2007
Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme Legends戦国無双2 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei PS2 2007
Samurai Warriors 2: Empires戦国無双2 Empires Omega Force Koei PS2 & Xbox 360 2006
Samurai Warriors 2戦国無双2 Omega Force Koei PS2 & Xbox 360 2006
Samurai Warriors: State of War(激・戦国無双) Omega Force Koei PSP 2005
Samurai Warriors戦国無双 Omega Force Koei PS2 & Xbox 2004
Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends戦国無双 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei PS2 2004
Samurai Warriors: Chronicle戦国無双 Chronicle Omega Force Koei Nintendo 3DS2011[8]
Samurai Warriors 3 Z戦国無双3Z Omega Force Koei PS3 2011
Samurai Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends戦国無双3 猛将伝 Omega Force Koei Wii2011
Samurai Warriors 3戦国無双3 Omega Force Koei Wii2009
Sangokushi Eiketsuden
Sangokushi Koumeiden
Sangokushi Sousouden
Sasami KisscomiTeam Tachyon Tecmo iPhone, iPod Touch 2009
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Persona 3 FES
Solomon's Clubソロモンズ倶楽部 Tecmo Tecmo Action
Game Boy1991
Solomon's KeyTecmo
Soreike KokologyTecmo
Soreike Kokology 2Tecmo
Soul Master(ソウルマスター)
Star Forceスターフォース Tehkan Tehkan Shoot 'em up Arcade
Nintendo Entertainment System
Virtual Console
Stop That Roach!Koei Koei Action / puzzle Game Boy1994
Strato FighterTecmo
Strike Gunner S.T.G.Tecmo
Super BlackjackTecmo
Super Shot SoccerTecmo
Super Star Force: Jikūreki no HimitsuTecmo
Super Swing Golf Season 2Team Tachyon Tecmo Wii 11 декабря 2007
Super Swing Golf PangyaTecmo
Taikō Risshiden太閤立志伝
Tecmo BaseballTecmo
Tecmo BowlTecmo
Tecmo Bowl: KickoffTecmo
Tecmo Bowl ThrowbackTecmo
Tecmo Classic ArcadeTecmo
Tecmo Cup SoccerTecmo
Tecmo Hit ParadeTecmo
Tecmo KnightTecmo
Tecmo NBA BasketballTecmo
Tecmo Secret of the StarsTecmo
Tecmo Sports: Bakuretsu KingTecmo
Tecmo StackersTecmo
Tecmo Super BaseballTecmo
Tecmo Super BowlTecmo
Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special EditionTecmo
Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final EditionTecmo
Tecmo Super HockeyTecmo
Tecmo Super NBA BasketballTecmo
Tecmo World CupTecmo
Tecmo World Cup '90Tecmo
Tecmo World Cup '93Tecmo
Tecmo World Cup '98Tecmo
Tecmo World Cup SoccerTecmo NES 1990
Tecmo World GolfTecmo
Tecmo World Soccer '96Tecmo
Tecmo World WrestlingTecmo
Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to DarknessTecmo
Tehkan World CupTecmo
Teitoku no Ketsudan IIIKoei Koei PTO Strategy
Top ManagementBusiness simulation
Top Management IIBusiness simulation
Tōkidenshō Angel Eyes闘姫伝承 ANGEL EYES Tecmo Tecmo Fighting Arcade
TokobotTecmo Tecmo Tokobot Plaformer PlayStation Portable15 декабря 2005
Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the KarakuriTecmo Tecmo Tokobot Plaformer PlayStation 217 октября 2006
Touch de Rakushou! Pachislo Sengen: Rio de CarnivalTecmo Tecmo Rakushou! Pachi-Slot Sengen Slot machine simulation
Trinity: Souls of Zill O’llTrinity: Souls of Zill O’ll Omega Force Koei Zill O'll Action RPG PS32010[5]
Tsuppari Ōzumōつっぱり大相撲 Tecmo Tecmo Sports game Family Computer
Virtual Console
18 сентября 1987
Tsuppari Ōzumō: Risshin Shusse Henつっぱり大相撲 立身出世編 Tecmo Tecmo Sports game Super Famicom26 марта 1993
Uncharted Waters大航海時代 Dai Kōkai Jidai; lit. Great Navigation Era)
Uncharted Waters Online
Undead KnightsTeam Tachyon Tecmo PlayStation Portable 29 сентября 2009
V-Goal Soccer '96Tecmo
Warriors: Legends of Troy
Warriors Orochi無双 OROCHI Omega Force Koei PS2, Xbox 360, Windows & PSP 2007
Warriors Orochi 2無双 OROCHI 魔王再臨 Omega Force KoeiPS2, PSP & Xbox 360 2008
WinBack: Covert OperationsOmega Force Koei Nintendo 64 & PS21999
Winning PostHorse racing & breeding simulation
Winning Post 7 Maximum 2007
World Cup '94Tecmo
Yanya Caballista: City SkaterYanya Caballista featuring Gawoo (яп. ヤンヤ カバジスタ featuring Gawoo)KoeiKoeiSkateboarding PlayStation 25 июля 2001



  1. Bandit Kings of Ancient China - MobyGames. Дата обращения: 1 февраля 2009. Архивировано 24 сентября 2012 года.
  2. Dembo, Arinn; Aye, 'Tis a Bonny Land Indeed: Koei explores the Emerald Isle’s Myth and Magic in CELTIC TALES, p. 214. Computer Gaming World, Issue 134, September 1995
  3. Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo E3 Network. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2012. Архивировано из оригинала 8 января 2011 года.
  4. Dead Or Alive: Dimensions High Kicking To Nintendo 3DS // Siliconera. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2012. Архивировано 13 октября 2012 года.
  5. 1 2 3 TECMO KOEI AMERICA CORP. — Dead or Alive®5, Ninja Gaiden®3, Warriors OROCHI 3, Ninja Gaiden®3, Dynasty Warriors®7: Xtreme Legends®. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2012. Архивировано из оригинала 28 января 2013 года.
  6. Team Ninja reinvents itself with Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, News from GamePro
  7. Brian Ashcraft. This Is A List Of Nintendo 3DS Games (Some New, Most Old). Kotaku. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2012. Архивировано 24 сентября 2012 года.
  8. Nintendo 3DS Japanese launch line-up. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2012. Архивировано 24 сентября 2012 года.