Список публикаций Фреда Мелвилла

Список публикаций Фреда Мелвилла в основном включает книги по филателии, но Фред Мелвилл также является автором множества статей о филателии и, кроме того, был редактором популярных журналов «Heartsease Library», «Cosy Corner», «Good Words» и «Sunday Magazine»[1], для которых он, скорее всего, тоже писал статьи.
Melville Stamp Books
- British Central Africa and Nyasaland Protectorate, 1909, 84pp
- British New Guinea and Papua, 1909, 63pp
- Cape of Good Hope, 1913, 96pp
- Cayman Islands, 1912, 72pp
- Confederate States of America; Government Postage Stamps, 1913, 72pp
- Gambia, 1909, 84pp.
- Great Britain: Embossed Adhesive Stamps, 1910, 39pp
- Great Britain: King Edward VII Stamps, 1911, 83pp
- Holland, 1909, 77pp
- Jamaica, 1910, 89pp
- Nevis, 2nd edition 1910, 60pp (1st edition 1909)
- Portugal: Postage Stamps, 1880—1911, 1911, 85pp
- Portugal; The cameo stamps, 1911, 90pp
- St Helena, 1912, 92pp
- Tonga, 1909, 65pp
- United States Postage Stamps 1870—1893, 1910, 55pp
- United States Postage Stamps 1894—1910, 1910, 76pp
Публикации Филателистического института
- Aero Stamp Collecting: A Practical Guide and Descriptive Catalogue, 2nd edition, 1924, 62p. (1st edition, 1923, 56p.)
- Aero Stamps: A descriptive catalogue with prices, November 1920, 16p.
- Andorra, 1936, 48p.
- Antigua, 1929, 57p.
- Azerbaijan, n.d. (1924), 24p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 17.
- Baden, 1928, 59p.
- The Boys Own Guide to Stamp Collecting, 1924, 55p.
- The British Prisoners' Stamps of Ruhleben, 1919, 4p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 2.
- Brunei, 1932, 37p.
- Cape of Good Hope: The Fourpence Black Triangular Stamp, 1927, 7p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 19.
- The Complete Philatelist, 1924, 246p.
- The Grammar Of Philately, 1924, 18p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 8.
- Great Britain: The Line Engraved Stamps, 3rd Edition, 1925, 82p. (Previous editions: 1909 and 1910).
- History from the Stamp Album, 1924, 16p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 11.
- How to Collect War Stamps: practical and suggestive hints for the collector accompanying a representative collection of 100 different stamps issued during the Great War, 1919, 16p.
- Local Postage Stamps, 1924, 14p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 13.
- Oil Rivers and Niger Coast Protectorates, 1924, 58p.
- Origins of the Penny Post, 1930, 130p.
- Phantom Philately: A descriptive list of stamps that are not what they seem, 1923, 204p.
- Philatelic Accessories, 1924, 15p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 9.
- The Philatelic Library, 1924, 20p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 16.
- The Postage Stamps of the Mozambique Company, 1918, 9p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 3.
- Postal Stationery, c1924, 12p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 14.
- Postmarks, c1924, 11p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 15.
- A Simplified Collection, 1924, 8p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 12.
- Switzerland: The Children’s Stamps, Pro Juventute, 1925, 14p. Philatelic Institute papers; no. 10.
- United States Postage Stamps 1922—1925, 1925, 93p.
- The Victory Album Of War Stamps, 1920, 44p.
- Virgin Islands, 1928, 68p.
Другие публикации
- A Penny All the Way. The Story of Penny Postage, W H Peckitt, 2nd edition, 1908, 48pp
- A Penny All the Way. The Story of Penny Postage, Warren H Colson, American edition, 1908, 34pp
- Abyssinia, C Baldwin, 1909, 31pp
- All about Postage Stamps, T. Werner Laurie, London, 1914, 255pp
- An Historical Catalogue of the Stamps of the New Europe, 2nd edition 1919, 48pp
- An Innocent Afloat, F J Melville, 1926, 15pp
- Catalogue of War Stamps, 1914-15, J F Spriggs, 1st edition 1915, 16pp
- Catalogue of War Stamps, 1914-15, J F Spriggs, 2nd edition 1915, 48pp
- Chats on Postage Stamps, Fisher & Unwin, 1911, 362pp
- Chats on Postage Stamps, Frederick A Stokes Company, American edition, 1911, 362pp
- El nuevo ABC del coleccionista de sellos, Santiago de Cuba, Arroyo Hnos, Castilian edition of The New ABC of Stamp Collecting translated by J D Sague, 1926, 166pp
- Egypt, Stanley Gibbons, London, 1915, 84pp
- Frimärken Värda Förmögenheter, Sveriges Filatelist-Förenings Förlag, Swedish edition of Postage Stamps Worth Fortunes translated by L Harald Kjellstedt, 1910, 43pp
- Great Britain: Reel printing for postage stamps, 1924, 7pp
- Guide to Stamp Collecting, G F Rapkin, 1924, 60pp
- How to Start a Philatelic Society, Peckitt, 1910
- Latvia Map Stamps. A tentative check list, 1922
- Les premières emissions de timbres de la Grande-Bretagne, Mendel, French edition of Great Britain: The Line Engraved Stamps translated by Georges Brunel, 1912
- Les timbres de Gambie, Édition des publications modernes, French edition of Gambia translated by Georges Brunel, 1914
- Les timbres de la Jamaïque, Édition des publications modernes, French edition of Jamaica translated by Georges Brunel, 1914
- Modern Stamp Collecting, English Universities Press Ltd, 1940, 316pp
- New Hebrides, C Baldwin, c1910, 20pp
- Phantom Philately; a descriptive list of stamps that are not what they seem, Emile Bertrand, 1950, 204pp (with a foreword by Lowell Ragatz)
- Pioneer Stamp Men of Liverpool, W G Warner, 1926, 19pp
- Postage Stamp Printing, Pardy, 1925, 19pp
- Postage Stamps in the Making, Stanley Gibbons, 1916, 198pp
- Postage Stamps of the Hawaiian Islands in the Collection of Henry J. Crocker of San Francisco, Stamp Lover, 1908, 9pp
- Postage Stamps of the United States of America, Junior Philatelic Society, 1905, 116pp
- Postage Stamps worth Fortunes, (self published), 1908, 46pp
- Postage Stamps worth Fortunes, Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co, American edition, 1918
- Rare stamps: How to Recognize Them, Melville Book Co, 1922, 46pp
- Siam: Its Posts and Postage Stamps, Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, 1906, 53pp.
- Stamp Collecting, 1897.
- Stamp Collections for War Museums, Stanley Gibbons, 1918, 40pp
- Stamps of the Steamship Companies: A Rough List, 1915, 34pp
- The ABC of Stamp Collecting, Henry J Drane, 1903, 159pp
- The Boys Friend Book of Stamps of the British Empire, 1925, 19pp
- The Cradle of the Postage Stamp, Harmer Rooke, 1923 30pp
- The Lady Forger: an original play, Junior Philatelic Society, 1906
- The Mayfair find of Rare Stamps, H R Harmer, 1925, 44pp
- The Mystery Of the Shilling Green, Chas Nissen & Co Ltd, 1926, 16pp
- The New ABC of Stamp Collecting, Melville Stamp Company, 1922, 145pp
- The Postage Stamp in War, 1915, 160pp
- The Postage Stamps of British Central Africa, Severn-Wylie-Jewett, 1918, 28pp
- The postage stamps of China; with a history of the Chinese Imperial Post, 1908, 44pp
- The Postage Stamps of Great Britain, Junior Philatelic Society, 1904, 56pp
- The Postage Stamps of Hayti, C Nissen & Co, 1905, 69pp
- The Postage Stamps of Sarawak 1869—1906, C Nissen & Co, 1907, 84pp
- The Postage Stamps of the Cayman Islands, Severn-Wylie-Jewett, 1920, 22pp
- The Romance of Postage Stamps, W.H. Peckitt, London, 1910, 36pp
- The Romance of Postage Stamps: A Short Introduction to the Joys of the Stamp album, Peckitt, 1908, 30pp
- The Soldier and His Stamps Together with the Junior Philatelic Society’s Roll of Honour, Stanley Gibbons, 1918, 60pp.
- The Tapling Collection of Stamps and Postal Stationery at the British Museum, 1905.
- The Wm. H. Crocker Collection of rare stamps of the whole World, Harmer Rooke & Co., 1938, 42pp
- The World’s Stamp Errors Part I The British Empire, W H Peckitt, 1910, 59pp (under pseudonym Miss Fitte)
- The World’s Stamp Errors Part II Foreign Countries, W H Peckitt, 1910, 50pp (under pseudonym Miss Fitte)
- Then and Now, Whitfield King, 1938, 43pp
- United States Postage Stamps 1847—1869, Stanley Gibbons, 3rd edition 1915, 71pp
- United States Special Service Stamps, Stanley Gibbons, 1915, 69pp
- War Stamps of Salonika & Long Island, Stanley Gibbons, 1916, 54pp
См. также
- ↑ Goodman, Michael. Fred Melville Biography. // Furnell, Michael., ed. National Philatelic Society Centenary Handbook. — London: National Philatelic Society, 1999. — P. 8-10. ISBN 0-906291-02-X
- Williams, L.N. & M. A «Melville» Bibliography. — London: H.F. Johnson, 1941. (Reprinted with additions and amendments from The Stamp Lover, January to May, 1941.)