Список романов по вселенной «Звёздный путь»
В этом списке представлены все новеллы, новеллизации, сборники по мотивам Звёздного пути, опубликованные начиная с 1967 года. С тех пор в США выпуском книг по мотивам Звёздного пути занимались три издательства: Bantam Books (1967—1981), Ballantine Books (1974—1978), и с 1981 Pocket Books.
Звёздный путь

Whitman Books (1968)
- Миссия на Гораций (Мак Рейнольдс, иллюстрации Спарки Мура, ISBN отсутствует)
- Книга была переиздана в 1999 издательством Pocket Books, с введением от Джона Ордовера
Адаптации эпизодов от Bantam (1967—1978)
- Звёздный путь, 1967 (a.k.a. Звёздный путь 1)
- Звёздный путь 2, 1968
- Звёздный путь 3, 1969
- Звёздный путь 4, 1971
- Звёздный путь 5, 1972
- Звёздный путь 6, 1972
- Звёздный путь 7, 1972
- Звёздный путь 8, 1972
- Звёздный путь 9, 1973
- Звёздный путь 10, 1974
- Звёздный путь 11, 1975 (a.к.a. День голубя)
- Star Trek 12 (от Дж.A. Лауренса), 1977 — Джеймс Блиш умер при написании этой книги.
- Безумные ангелы (новелла) (Лауренс), май 1978 (a.k.a. Безумный Энтерпрайз)
«Оригинальные» новеллы Bantam (1970—1981)
- Звёздный путь:Новые путешествия (новелла) (редакция Сандры Маршак и Мирны Кулбрит), март 1976 — (Изначально фан-фикшн)
- Звёздный путь:Новые путешествия 2 (редакция Сандры Маршак и Мирны Кулбрит), Январь 1978 — (Изначально фан-фикшн)
название | автор | релиз |
Спок должен умереть! | Джеймс Блиш | февраль 1970 |
Мессия Спок! | Теодор Р. Когсвелл и Чарльз А.Спано,Дж. | сентябрь 1976 |
Цена Феникса ‡ | Сандра Маршак и Мирна Кулбрит | июль 1977 |
Планета правосудия ‡ | Джо Холдеман | Август 1977 |
Вулкан! ‡ | Кэтлин Скай | Сентябрь 1978 |
Беззвездный Мир ‡ | Гордон Экланд | ноябрь 1978 |
Путешествие к Безумному миру ‡ | Стивен Голдин | Январь 1979 |
Мир Без Конца ‡ | Джо Холдеман | Февраль 1979 |
Судьба Финикса ‡ | Сандра Маршак и Мирна Кулбрит | Май 1979 |
Дьявольский мир ‡ | Гордон Экланд | Ноябрь 1979 |
Планета Перри ‡ | Джек К. Холдеман II | Февраль 1980 |
Галактический Водоворот ‡ | Дэвид Герролд | Октябрь 1980 |
Смерть Ангела ‡ | Кэтлин Скай | Апрель 1981 |
† Переиздано Titan UK в 1990-х.
Новеллизация «Анимационных» серий Ballantine (1974—1978)
Все книги были адаптированы, и изданы под редакцией Алана Дин Фостера.
- Log One, 1974
- Марк Даниэльс. «Отсутствующая планета».
- Дороти К. Фонтана. «Прошлый год»
- Сэмюэль А. Пипльз. «Вне самых дальних звёзд»
- Log Two, 1974
- Джеймс Шермер. «Оставшийся в живых»
- Уолтер Коениг. «Бог Вулкана»
- Маргарет Армен. «Сигнал Сирены»
- Log Three, 1975
- Лэрри Бродай. Magicks of Megas-Tu
- Стивен Кандэль. Mudd’s Passion
- Лен Джансон,Чак Менвилл. «Однажды на планете…»
- Log Four, 1975
- Джойс Перри. «Западня времени»
- Дэвид Герролд. «Больше Триблов, больше неприятностей»
- Пол Шнеидер. «Тератинский инцидент».
- Log Five, 1975
- Маргарет Армен. «Элемент Амбры»
- Говард Вейнстайн. «Пираты Ориона»
- Стивен Кандэль. «Джихад»
- Log Six, 1976
- Дарио Финели. «Альбатрос»
- Расселл Бэйтс,Дэвид Виз."Острее змеиного зуба"
- Чак Менвилл. The Practical Joker
- Log Seven, 1976
- Джон Калвер, The Counter-Clock Incident
- Log Eight, 1976
- Дэвид П. Хармон, «Глаз Наблюдателя»
- Log Nine, 1977
- Дэвид Герролд, «BEM»
- Log Ten, 1978
- Ларри Нивен. «Slaver Weapon»
Wanderer Books (1982—1984)
- «Звёздный путь, рассказы, часть II» (Уильям Ротслер), 1982
- «Звёздный путь, рассказы, часть III» (Уильям Ротслер), 1984
Новеллы Pocket Books
Книга Звёздный путь: Фильм была опубликована более чем за год до того как завершилась серия Bantam books, после чего серия Pocket Books продолжилась с книги № 2. Многие новеллы были переизданы под изменёнными названиями, отражающими их включение в серии, такие как «Прошлогодняя сага», «Обособленные миры» и «Рихансу», которые стали включать новеллы ранее опубликованные отдельно.
Эти книги были переизданы Titan Books в Великобритании, с изменённой нумерацией, с 1987 по 1993.
номер. | название | автор | релиз | год действий |
1 | Звёздный путь: Фильм † | Джин Родденберри | декабрь 1979 | |
2 | Эффект энтропии | Вонда Макинтайр | июнь 1981 | |
3 | Клингонский гамбит | Роберт Э. Вардеман | октябрь 1981 | |
4 | Согласие короны | Говард Вейнстейн | декабрь 1981 | |
5 | Проект Прометей | Сандра Маршак и Мирна Кулбрит | март 1982 | |
6 | Обитель жизни | Ли Коррей | май 1982 | |
7 | Гнев Хана † | Вонда Макинтайр | июль 1982 | |
8 | Чёрный огонь | Сони Купер | январь 1983 | |
9 | Треугольник | Сандра Маршак и Мирна Кулбрит | март 1983 | |
10 | Ромуланская сеть | М. С. Мардок. | июнь 1983 | |
11 | Вчерашняя сага, книга 1 Сыны вчерашнего | А. К. Криспин | август 1983 | |
12 | Мятеж на Энтерпрайзе | Роберт Э. Вардеман | октябрь 1983 | |
13 | Раненное небо | Диана Дуан | декабрь 1983 | |
14 | Трелисансская конфронтация | Дэниел Дворкин | февраль 1984 | |
15 | Корона | Грег Бир | апрель 1984 | |
16 | Обособленные миры, книга 1 Последнее отражение | Джо. М. Форд | май 1984 | |
17 | Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока † | Вонда Макинтайр | июнь 1984 | |
18 | Рихансу, книга 1 Мой враг, мой союзник | Диана Дуан | июль 1984 | |
19 | Слёзы певцов | Мелинда Снодград | сентябрь 1984 | |
20 | Убийство вулканского академика | Джин Лорра | ноябрь 1984 | |
21 | Песнь Ухуры | Джанет Каган | январь 1985 | |
22 | Лорд теней | Лауренс Йэп. | март 1985 | |
23 | Ишмаэль | Барбара Хамблай | май 1985 | |
24 | Убитое время | Делла Ван Хайс | июль 1985 | |
25 | Люди и испытания | Маргарет Вандер Бонанно | September 1985 | |
26 | Заложники и символы | Majliss Larson | November 1985 | |
27 | Подозрительная тень | Дж.M.Диллард | January 1986 | |
28 | Кризис на Центавре | Бред Фергузон | март 1986 | |
29 | Удача на войне, книга 1 Дредноут | Диана Кэри | май 1986 | |
30 | Демоны | Дж. M.Диллард | июль 1986 | |
Энтерпрайз: Первое приключение | Вонда Макинтайр | сентябрь 1986 | ||
31 | Удача на войне, книга 2 Боевая станция | Диана Кэри | ноябрь 1986 | |
Звёздный путь 4: Путь домой † | Вонда Макинтайр | декабрь 1986 | ||
32 | Цепь атаки | Джин ДюИз | февраль 1987 | |
33 | Глубокий домен | Howard Weinstein | April 1987 | |
34 | Мечты ворона | Carmen Carter | June 1987 | |
Незнакомцы в небе | Маргарет Вандер Бонано | июль 1987 | ||
35 | Рихансу, книга 2 Ромуланский путь | Диана Дуан и Питер Морвуд | август 1987 | |
36 | Обособленные миры, книга 2 How Much for Just the Planet? | John M. Ford | October 1987 | |
37 | Жажда кровопролития | J.M. Dillard | December 1987 | |
Последняя граница | Diane Carey | January 1988 | ||
38 | Эпидемия IDIC | Jean Lorrah | February 1988 | |
39 | Вчерашняя сага, книга 2 Время вчерашнее | A.C. Crispin | April 1988 | |
40 | Западня Времени | David Dvorkin | June 1988 | |
41 | Трехминутная Вселенная | Barbara Paul | August 1988 | |
Мир Спока ‡ | Diane Duane | September 1988 | ||
42 | Worlds in Collision, Book One Memory Prime | Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Judith Reeves-Stevens | October 1988 | |
43 | Последний Нексус | Gene DeWeese | December 1988 | |
44 | Vulcan's Glory | D.C. Fontana | February 1989 | |
45 | Double, Double | Michael Jan Friedman | April 1989 | |
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier † | J. M. Dillard | June 1989 | ||
46 | The Cry of the Onlies | Judy Klass | October 1989 | |
The Lost Years Saga, Book One The Lost Years ‡ | J. M. Dillard | October 1989 | ||
47 | Кобояши Мару | Julia Ecklar | December 1989 | |
48 | Rules of Engagement | Peter Morwood | February 1990 | |
49 | Принцип Пандоры | Carolyn Clowes | April 1990 | |
50 | Doctor’s Orders | Diane Duane | June 1990 | |
Worlds in Collision, Book Two Prime Directive ‡ | Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens | September 1990 | ||
51 | Enemy Unseen | V.E. Mitchell | October 1990 | |
52 | Home is the Hunter | Dana Kramer-Rolls | December 1990 | |
53 | Ghost-Walker | Barbara Hambly | February 1991 | |
54 | The Lost Years Saga, Book Two A Flag Full of Stars | Brad Ferguson | April 1991 | |
55 | Renegade | Gene DeWeese | June 1991 | |
56 | Legacy | Michael Jan Friedman | August 1991 | |
57 | The Rift | Peter David | November 1991 | |
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country † | J. M. Dillard | January 1992 | ||
58 | Faces of Fire | Michael Jan Friedman | March 1992 | |
Probe ‡ | Margaret Wander Bonnano | April 1992 | ||
59 | The Disinherited | Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger | May 1992 | |
60 | Ice Trap | L.A. Graf | July 1992 | |
61 | Sanctuary | John Vornholt | September 1992 | |
62 | Death Count | L.A. Graf | November 1992 | |
Best Destiny ‡ | Diane Carey | November 1992 | ||
63 | Shell Game | Melissa Crandall | February 1993 | |
64 | The Starship Trap | Mel Gilden | April 1993 | |
65 | Windows on a Lost World | V.E. Mitchell | June 1993 | |
66 | From the Depths | Victor Milan | August 1993 | |
Shadows on the Sun ‡ | Michal Jan Friedman | August 1993 | ||
67 | The Great Starship Race | Diane Carey | October 1993 | |
68 | Firestorm | L.A. Graf | January 1994 | |
Sarek ‡ | A. C. Crispin | March 1994 | ||
69 | The Patrian Transgression | Simon Hawke | April 1994 | |
70 | The Lost Years Saga, Book Three Traitor Winds | L.A. Graf | June 1994 | |
71 | Crossroad | Barbara Hambly | September 1994 | |
Federation ‡ | Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens | November 1994 | ||
72 | The Better Man | Howard Weinstein | December 1994 | |
73 | The Lost Years Saga, Book Four Recovery | J.M. Dillard | March 1995 | |
74 | The Fearful Summons | Denny Martin Flynn | July 1995 | |
75 | First Frontier | Diane Carey and Dr. James Kirkland | August 1995 | |
76 | The Captain’s Daughter | Peter David | December 1995 | post-Star Trek VII |
77 | Twilight's End | Jerry Oltion | January 1996 | |
78 | The Rings of Tautee | Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш | May 1996 | |
79 | Invasion #1: First Strike | Diane Carey | July 1996 | |
80 | The Joy Machine | Theodore Sturgeon and James Gunn | September 1996 | |
81 | Mudd in Your Eye | Jerry Oltion | January 1997 | |
82 | Mind Meld | John Vornholt | June 1997 | |
Vulcan's Forge ‡ | Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz | August 1997 | post-Star Trek VII | |
83 | Сердце Солнца | Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski | November 1997 | |
84 | Assignment: Eternity | Greg Cox | January 1998 | |
85 | My Brother’s Keeper, Book One Republic | Michael Jan Friedman | January 1999 | pre-TOS |
86 | My Brother’s Keeper, Book Two Constitution | Michael Jan Friedman | January 1999 | pre-TOS |
87 | My Brother’s Keeper, Book Three Enterprise | Michael Jan Friedman | January 1999 | pre-TOS |
Vulcan's Heart ‡ | Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz | July 1999 | ||
88 | Across the Universe | Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski | October 1999 | |
89 | New Earth, Book One Wagon Train to the Stars | Diane Carey | June 2000 | |
90 | New Earth, Book Two Belle Terre | Dean Wesley Smith and Diane Carey | June 2000 | |
91 | New Earth, Book Three Rough Trails | L. A. Graf | July 2000 | |
92 | New Earth, Book Four The Flaming Arrow | Kathy Oltion and Jerry Oltion | July 2000 | |
93 | New Earth, Book Five Thin Air | Кристин Кэтрин Раш and Dean Wesley Smith | August 2000 | |
94 | New Earth, Book Six Challenger | Diane Carey | August 2000 | |
95 | Rihannsu, Book Three Swordhunt | Diane Duane | October 2000 | |
96 | Rihannsu, Book Four Honor Blade | Diane Duane | October 2000 | |
The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Book One ‡ | Greg Cox | July 2001 | ||
97 | In the Name of Honor | Dayton Ward | January 2002 | |
The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Book Two ‡ | Greg Cox | April 2002 | ||
The Janus Gate, Book One Present Tense | L. A. Graf | June 2002 | ||
The Janus Gate, Book Two Future Imperfect | L. A. Graf | June 2002 | ||
The Janus Gate, Book Three Future Imperfect | L. A. Graf | July 2002 | ||
Errand of Vengeance, Book One The Edge of the Sword | Kevin Ryan | July 2002 | ||
Errand of Vengeance, Book Two Killing Blow | Kevin Ryan | July 2002 | ||
Errand of Vengeance, Book Three River of Blood | Kevin Ryan | August 2002 | ||
The Last Roundup ‡ | Christie Golden | July 2003 | between Star Trek VI and Star Trek VII | |
Gemini | Mike W. Barr | February 2003 | ||
Garth of Izar | Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski | March 2003 | ||
The Case of the Colonist's Corpse | Tony Isabella and Bob Innll | January 2004 | ||
Vulcan’s Soul, Book One Exodus ‡ | Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz | July 2004 | TNG era | |
To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh ‡ | Greg Cox | January 2005 | between TOS and Star Trek II | |
Ex Machina | Christopher L. Bennett | January 2005 | post-TMP | |
Engines of Destiny | Gene DeWeese | March 2005 | ||
Errand of Fury, Book One Seeds of Rage | Kevin Ryan | April 2005 | ||
Vulcan’s Soul, Book Two Exiles ‡ | Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz | June 2006 | TNG era | |
Burning Dreams | Margaret Wander Bonanno | August 2006 | ||
Constellations | various (short story collection) | September 2006 | ||
Rihannsu, Book Five The Empty Chair | Diane Duane | December 2006 | ||
Происхождение Теней, Crucible: McCoy | David R. George III | November 2006 | ||
The Fire and the Rose, Crucible: Spock | David R. George III | December 2006 | ||
Rihannsu, Book Five The Bloodwing Voyages | Diane Duane and Peter Morwood | December 2006 | ||
Errand of Fury, Book Two Demands of Honor | Kevin Ryan | February 2007 | ||
The Star to Every Wandering, Crucible: Kirk | David R. George III | March 2007 | ||
Vulcan’s Soul, Book Three Epiphany ‡ | Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz | May 2007 | TNG era | |
Excelsior: Forged in Fire | Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels | 2007 |
† novelization of film ‡ hardcover
«Версия Шатнера»
Начиная с 1996 г. Уильям Шатнер (актёр сыгравший капитана Кирка в «оригинальных сериях» и фильме) начал выпуск своей сообственной книжной серии под названием «Версия Шатнера» — сюжет которой основан на предположении что после событий фильма «Поколения» Кирк всё таки вернулся к жизни и продолжил свои приключения.
- Oдиссея
- The Ashes of Eden, 1996
- The Return, 1997
- Avenger, 1998
- Трилогия Зеркальной вселенной
- Spectre, 1999
- Dark Victory, 2000
- Preserver, 2001
- Итог
- Captain's Peril, 2002
- Captain's Blood, 2003
- Captain's Glory, August 2006
электронные книги
In 2006, Pocket expanded its e-book program beyond the Corps of Engineers series to include other parts of the Trek universe, beginning with a 40th anniversary miniseries, Mere Anarchy:
- Mere Anarchy
- Book 1: Things Fall Apart by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore, August 2006
- Book 2: The Centre Cannot Hold by Mike W. Barr, September 2006
- Book 3: Shadows of the Indignant by Dave Galanter, October 2006
- Book 4: The Darkness Drops Again by Christopher L. Bennett, February 2007
- Book 5: The Blood-Dimmed Tide by Howard Weinstein, March 2007
- Book 6: Its Hour Come Round by Margaret Wander Bonanno, April 2007
Star Trek: Vanguard is a «spinoff» of the original series, set aboard a starbase and featuring a new mix of characters, e.g. instead of focusing on a first officer, engineer, and science officer, the main characters include an intelligence officer, a reporter, and a JAG officer.
номер. | название | автор | релиз | год действий |
1 | Harbinger | David Mack | August 2005 | c. TOS season 1 |
2 | Summon the Thunder | Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore | June 2006 | c. TOS season 1 |
3 | Reap the Whirlwind | David Mack | May 2007 |
Следующее поколение
номер. | название | автор | релиз | год действий |
0 | Встреча в дальней точке † | Дэвид Герролд | Октяб7 | |
1 | Призрачное Судно | Diane Carey | Июль 1988 | |
2 | Миротворец | Gene DeWeese | Сентябрь 1988 | |
3 | Дети Хамлина | Carmen Carter | Ноябрь 1988 | |
4 | Выжившие | Jean Lorrah | Январь 1989 | |
5 | Зона нанесения удара | Peter David | Март 1989 | |
6 | Жажда власти | Howard Weinstein | Май 1989 | |
7 | Маски | John Vornholt | Июль 1989 | |
8 | Капитанская честь | David Dvorkin and Daniel Dvorkin | Сентябрь 1989 | |
9 | Звонок в темноту | Michael Jan Friedman | Ноябрь 1989 | |
10 | A Rock and a Hard Place | Peter David | Январь 1990 | |
Метаморфозы | Jean Lorrah | Март 1990 | ||
11 | Gulliver's Fugitives | Keith Sharee | Май 1990 | |
12 | Мир судного дня | Carmen Carter, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger | Июль 1990 | |
13 | Глазами наблюдателя | A.C. Crispin | Сентябрь 1990 | |
14 | Изгнанники | Howard Weinstein | Ноябрь 1990 | |
15 | Fortune's Light | Michael Jan Friedman | January 1991 | |
16 | Contamination | John Vornholt | March 1991 | |
Vendetta | Peter David | May 1991 | ||
17 | Boogeymen | Mel Gilden | July 1991 | |
18 | Q-in-Law | Peter David | October 1991 | |
Reunion ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | November 1991 | ||
Unificiation † | Jeri Taylor | November 1991 | ||
19 | Perchance to Dream | Howard Weinstein | December 1991 | |
20 | Spartacus | T.L. Mancour | February 1992 | |
21 | Chains of Command | W.A. McCay and E.L. Flood | April 1992 | |
22 | Imbalance | V.E. Mitchell | June 1992 | |
Imzadi ‡ | Peter David | August 1992 | ||
23 | War Drums | John Vornholt | October 1992 | |
Relics † | Michael Jan Friedman | November 1992 | ||
24 | Nightshade | Laurell K. Hamilton | December 1992 | |
25 | Grounded | David Bischoff | March 1993 | |
The Devil's Heart | Carmen Carter ‡ | April 1993 | ||
26 | The Romulan Prize | Simon Hawke | May 1993 | |
27 | Guises of the Mind | Rebecca Neason | September 1993 | |
Descent † | Diane Carey | October 1993 | ||
28 | Here There Be Dragons | John Peel | December 1993 | |
Dark Mirror ‡ | Diane Duane | December 1993 | ||
29 | Sins of Commission | Susan Wright | March 1994 | |
30 | Debtors' Planet | W.R. Thompson | May 1994 | |
All Good Things † ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | June 1994 | ||
Q-Squared ‡ | Peter David | July 1994 | ||
31 | Foreign Foes | Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur | August 1994 | |
32 | Requiem | Michael Jan Friedman and Kevin Ryan | October 1994 | |
Star Trek: Generations † ‡ 1 | J. M. Dillard | December 1994 | ||
33 | Balance of Power | Dafydd ab Hugh | January 1995 | |
34 | Blaze of Glory | Simon Hawke | March 1995 | |
35 | The Romulan Strategem | Robert Greenberger | May 1995 | |
36 | Into the Nebula | Gene DeWeese | July 1995 | |
37 | The Last Stand | Brad Ferguson | October 1995 | |
Crossover ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | December 1995 | ||
38 | Dragon's Honor | Kij Johnson and Greg Cox | January 1996 | |
39 | Rogue Saucer | John Vornholt | March 1996 | between «All Good Things» and Generations |
40 | Possession | J.M. Dillard and Kathleen O'Malley | May 1996 | |
41 | Invasion #2: The Soldiers of Fear | Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш | July 1996 | |
Kahless ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | July 1996 | ||
42 | Infiltrator | W.R. Thompson | September 1996 | |
43 | A Fury Scorned | Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski | November 1996 | |
Star Trek: First Contact † ‡ | J. M. Dillard | December 1996 | ||
44 | The Death of Princes | John Peel | January 1997 | |
45 | Intellivore | Diane Duane | April 1997 | |
Ship of the Line ‡ | Diane Carey | October 1997 | between Generations and First Contact | |
46 | To Storm Heaven | Esther Friesner | December 1997 | |
The Best and the Brightest | Susan Wright | February 1998 | ||
Planet X | Michael Jan Friedman | May 1998 | ||
47 | The Q Continuum Book One Q-Space | Greg Cox | August 1998 | |
48 | The Q Continuum Book Two Q-Zone | Greg Cox | August 1998 | |
49 | The Q Continuum Book Three Q-Strike | Greg Cox | September 1998 | |
Triangle: Imzadi II ‡ | Peter David | December 1998 | ||
Star Trek: Insurrection † ‡ | J. M. Dillard | December 1998 | ||
50 | Dyson Sphere | Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski | April 1999 | |
51 | Double Helix, Book One Infection | John Gregory Betancourt | June 1999 | |
52 | Double Helix, Book Two Vectors | Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш | June 1999 | |
53 | Double Helix, Book Three Red Sector | Diane Carey | July 1999 | |
54 | Double Helix, Book Four Quarantine | John Vornholt | July 1999 | |
55 | Double Helix, Book Five Double or Nothing | Peter David | August 1999 | |
56 | Double Helix, Book Six The First Virtue | Michael Jan Friedman and Christine Golden | August 1999 | |
57 | The Forgotten War | William R. Forstchen (and Elizabeth Kitsteiner Salzer) | September 1999 | |
I, Q ‡ | John de Lancie and Peter David | September 1999 | ||
58 | Gemworld #1 | John Vornholt | February 2000 | |
59 | Gemworld #2 | John Vornholt | February 2000 | |
The Valiant ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | April 2000 | ||
Genesis Wave, Book One ‡ | John Vornholt | September 2000 | ||
60 | Tooth and Claw | Doranna Durgin | February 2001 | |
61 | Diplomatic Implausibility | Keith R.A. DeCandido | February 2001 | |
62 | Maximum Warp, Book One Dead Zone | Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur | March 2001 | |
63 | Maximum Warp, Book Two Forever Dark | Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur | March 2001 | |
Genesis Wave, Book Two | John Vornholt ‡ | April 2001 | ||
Genesis Wave, Book Three | John Vornholt ‡ | January 2002 | ||
Immortal Coil | Jeffrey Lang | February 2002 | ||
A Hard Rain | Dean Wesley Smith | March 2002 | ||
The Battle of Betazed | Charlotte Douglas and Susan Karney | February 2002 | ||
Star Trek: Nemesis † ‡ | J. M. Dillard | December 2002 | ||
Genesis Force ‡ | John Vornholt | July 2003 | ||
Do Comets Dream? | S. P. Somtow | July 2003 | ||
A Time to Be Born | John Vornholt | February 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Die | John Vornholt | March 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Sow | Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore | April 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Harvest | Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore | May 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Love | Robert Greenberger | June 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Hate | Robert Greenberger | July 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Kill | David Mack | August 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time to Heal | David Mack | September 2004 | before Nemesis | |
A Time for War, a Time for Peace | Keith R.A. DeCandido | October 2004 | before Nemesis | |
Post-Nemesis | ||||
Death in Winter ‡ | Michael Jan Friedman | February 2005 | after most of Nemesis | |
Resistance | J. M. Dillard | September 2007 | ||
Q & A | Keith R.A. DeCandido | October 2007 | ||
The Sky's the Limit | various (short story collection) | October 2007 | ||
Before Dishonor[1] | Peter David | November 2007 |
† novelization of episode or film
‡ initially published in hardback
1. the initial hardcover release had a different ending to the film as released. the subsequent paperback revised this.
Электронные книги
In 2006, Pocket expanded its e-book program beyond the Corps of Engineers series to include other parts of the Trek universe.
- Slings and Arrows
- Book 1: A Sea of Troubles by J. Steven York & Christina F. York, October 2007
- Book 2: The Oppressor’s Wrong by Phaedra M. Weldon, November 2007
- Book 3: The Insolence of Office by William Leisner, December 2007
- Book 4: That Sleep of Death by Terri Osborne, 2008
- Book 5: A Weary Life by Robert Greenberger, 2008
- Book 6: Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment by Keith R.A. DeCandido, 2008
Титан это книжное дополнение к общей книжной серии Следующих поколений, рассказывающая о приключениях капитана Райкера и его жены Трой Райкер после назначения Вильяма на крейсер Луна-класса USS Титан (действие разворачиваетсся после фильма: Звездный путь: Возмездие).
номер. | название | автор | релиз | год действий |
1 | Taking Wing | Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels | April 2005 | 2379 |
2 | The Red King | Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels | October 2005 | 2379 |
3 | Orion’s Hounds | Christopher L. Bennett | January 2006 | 2380 |
4 | Sword of Damocles | Geoffrey Thorne | December 2007 |
Глубокий космос 9
номер. | название | автор | релиз |
1 | Emissary † | J.M. Dillard | February 1993 |
2 | The Siege | Peter David | May 1993 |
3 | Bloodletter | K. W. Jeter | August 1993 |
4 | The Big Game | Сэнди Скофилд | November 1993 |
5 | Fallen Heroes | Dafydd ab Hugh | February 1994 |
6 | Betrayal | Lois Tilton | May 1994 |
7 | Warchild | Esther M. Friesner | September 1994 |
The Search † | Diane Carey | October 1994 | |
8 | Antimatter | John Vornholt | November 1994 |
9 | Proud Helios | Melissa Scott | February 1995 |
Warped | K. W. Jeter | March 1995 | |
10 | Valhalla | Натан Арчер | April 1995 |
11 | Devil in the Sky | Greg Cox & John Gregory Betancourt | June 1995 |
12 | The Laertian Gamble | Robert Sheckley | September 1995 |
The Way of the Warrior † | Diane Carey | October 1995 | |
13 | Station Rage | Diane Carey | November 1995 |
14 | The Long Night | Dean Wesley Smith & Кристин Кэтрин Раш | February 1996 |
15 | Objective: Bajor | John Peel | June 1996 |
16 | Invasion #3: Time's Enemy | L.A. Graf | August 1996 |
17 | The Heart of the Warrior | John Gregory Betancourt | October 1996 |
18 | Saratoga | Michael Jan Friedman | November 1996 |
Trials and Tribble-ations † | Diane Carey | December 1996 | |
19 | The Tempest | Susan Wright | February 1997 |
20 | Wrath of the Prophets | Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, & Robert Greenberger | May 1997 |
21 | Trial by Error | Mark Garland | November 1997 |
22 | Vengeance | Dafydd ab Hugh | February 1998 |
Far Beyond the Stars † | Steve Barnes | April 1998 | |
The Dominion War, Book One A Call to Arms † | Diane Carey | November 1998 | |
The Dominion War, Book Four Sacrifice of Angels † | Diane Carey | December 1998 | |
23 | The 34th Rule | Armin Shimerman & David R. George III, with Eric A. Stilwell | January 1999 |
24 | Rebels, Book One The Conquered | Dafydd ab Hugh | February 1999 |
25 | Rebels, Book Two The Courageous | Dafydd ab Hugh | February 1999 |
26 | Rebels, Book Three The Liberated | Dafydd ab Hugh | March 1999 |
What You Leave Behind † | Diane Carey | June 1999 | |
The Lives of Dax | various (short stories) | December 1999 | |
Millennium Book One The Fall of Terok Nor | Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens | March 2000 | |
Millennium Book Two The War of the Prophets | Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens | March 2000 | |
Millennium Book Three Inferno | Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens | April 2000 | |
DS9 Relaunch | |||
27 | A Stitch in Time | Andrew J. Robinson | May 2000 |
Avatar, Book One | S. D. Perry | May 2001 | |
Avatar, Book Two | S. D. Perry | May 2001 | |
Section 31: Abyss | David Weddle and Jeffrey Lang | July 2001 | |
Gateways: Demons of Air and Darkness | Keith R.A. DeCandido | September 2001 | |
Mission Gamma: Book One Twilight | David R. George III | September 2002 | |
Mission Gamma: Book Two The Gray Spirit | Heather Jarman | September 2002 | |
Mission Gamma: Book Three Cathedral | Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels | October 2002 | |
Mission Gamma: Book Four Lesser Evil | David R. George III | November 2002 | |
Rising Son | S. D. Perry | January 2003 | |
The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One | J. G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang | April 2003 | |
The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two | J. G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang | May 2003 | |
Prophecy and Change ‡ | various (short stories) | September 2003 | |
Unity | S. D. Perry | November 2003 | |
Worlds of Deep Space Nine: Volume One Cardassia & Andor | Una McCormack / Heather Jarman | June 2004 | |
Worlds of Deep Space Nine: Volume Two Trill & Bajor | Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin / J. Noah Kim | February 2005 | |
Worlds of Deep Space Nine: Volume Three Ferenginar & The Dominion | Keith R. DeCandido / David. R. George III | February 2005 | |
Hollow Men ‡ | Una McCormack | May 2005 | |
Warpath | David Mack | April 2006 | |
Fearful Symmetry | Leanna Morrow | August 2007 |
† novelization of episodes
‡ not part of DS9 relaunch
номер | название | автор | релиз |
1 | Опекун † | L.A. Graf | Февраль 1995 |
2 | Спасение | Dean Wesley Smith & Кристин Кэтрин Раш | Май 1995 |
3 | Гибель богов — (Рагнарёк) | Натан Арчер | Июль 1995 |
4 | Нарушения | Susan Wright | Сентябрь 1995 |
5 | Инцидент на Арбуке | John Gregory Betancourt | Ноябрь 1995 |
6 | Мёртвое Солнце | Christie Golden | Февраль 1996 |
7 | Призрачный шанс | Mark A. Garland & Charles G. McGraw | 1996 |
8 | Песнь киборга | S.N. Lewitt | Июнь 1996 |
9 | Вторжение #4: Последняя ярость | Dafydd ab Hugh | Август 1996 |
Мозаика | Jeri Taylor | Октябрь 1996 | |
Флешбэк † | Diane Carey | Октябрь 1996 | |
10 | Прославляйте животных | Karen Haber | Декабрь 1996 |
11 | Сад | Melissa Scott | Февраль 1997 |
12 | Куколка | David Niall Wilson | Март 1997 |
13 | Чёрный берег | Greg Cox | Май 1997 |
День славы † | Michael Jan Friedman | Ноябрь 1997 | |
14 | Marooned | Christie Golden | December 1997 |
15 | Echoes | Dean Wesley Smith, Кристин Кэтрин Раш, & Nina Kiriki Hoffman | January 1998 |
Pathways | Jeri Taylor | August 1998 | |
16 | Seven of Nine | Christie Golden | September 1998 |
17 | Death of a Neutron Star | Eric Kotani & Dean Wesley Smith | March 1999 |
18 | Battle Lines | Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur | May 1999 |
Equinox † | Diane Carey | October 1999 | |
Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth | D. W. «Prof» Smith | November 1999 | |
19 | Dark Matters Book One Cloak and Dagger | Christie Golden | November 2000 |
20 | Dark Matters Book Two Ghost Dance | Christie Golden | November 2000 |
21 | Dark Matters Book Three Shadow of Heaven | Christie Golden | November 2000 |
Endgame † | Diane Carey | July 2001 | |
The Nanotech War | Steven Piziks | November 2002 | |
Voyager relaunch | |||
Homecoming | Christie Golden | June 2003 | |
The Father Shore | Christie Golden | July 2003 | |
Spirit Walk Book One Old Wounds | Christie Golden | November 2004 | |
Spirit Walk Book Two Enemy of My Enemy | Christie Golden | December 2004 | |
String Theory #1 Cohesion ‡ | Jeffrey Lang | July 2005 | |
String Theory #2 Fusion | Kirsten Beyer | November 2005 | |
Distant Shores | various (short story collection) ‡ | November 2005 | |
String Theory #3 Evolution ‡ | Heather Jarman | March 2006 |
† novelisation ‡ not part of Voyager relaunch
название | автор | релиз |
Разорванный круг † | Diane Carey | October 2001 |
По правилам… | Dean Wesley Smith & Кристин Кэтрин Раш | Январь 2002 |
Ударная волна † | Paul Ruditis | October 2002 |
Какова цена почёта? | Dave Stern | November 2002 |
Дух Сурака | J.M. Dillard | March 2003 |
Пространство † | J.M. Dillard | October 2003 |
Дедал (Звёздный путь) | Dave Stern | Декабрь 2003 |
Дети Дедала | Dave Stern | Май 2004 |
Розетта | Dave Stern | February 2006 |
Последняя крайняя мера | Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin | May 2006 |
Польза от мужчин | Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin | Март 2007 |
† новеллизация по серии.
Фото новеллы
FotoNovels are adapatations in book form of actual television episodes. Other television series such as Battlestar Galatica also did this.
Listed below are books from Star Trek: The Original Series:
- FotoNovel 5: Metamorphosis
- FotoNovel 6: All Our Yesterdays
- FotoNovel 7: The Galileo Seven
- FotoNovel 9: The Devil in the Dark
- FotoNovel 11: The Deadly Years
«Базовые» фильмы
- «Звёздный путь», (Pocket Books #1) (Джин Родденберри)
- «Звёздный путь 2: Гнев Хана» (Pocket Books #7; Duty, Honor, Redemption — Book 1) (Вонда Макинтайр)
- «Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока» (Pocket Books #17; Duty, Honor, Redemption — Book 2) (Вонда Макинтайр)
- «Звёздный путь 4: Дорога домой» (Duty, Honor, Redemption — Book 3) Вонда Макинтайр), 1986
- «Звёздный путь 5: Последний рубеж» (Джей Эм Диллард), 1989
- «Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна» (Джей Эм Диллард), 1991
- «Звёздный путь: Поколения» (Джей Эм Диллард), 1994
- «Звёздный путь: Первый контакт» (Джей Эм Диллард), 1996
- «Звёздный путь: Восстание» (Джей Эм Диллард), 1998
- «Звёздный путь: Возмездие» (Джей Эм Диллард), 2002
«Базовые» телесериалы
Оригинальные серии
- Star Trek series by James Blish and J.A. Lawrence (1967-78; see above)
Анимационные серии
- Star Trek Logs series by Alan Dean Foster (1974-78; see above)
Следующее поколение
- Encounter at Farpoint (Дэвид Герролд), 1987
- Unification (Jeri Taylor)
- Relics (Michael Jan Friedman)
- Descent (Diane Carey)
- All Good Things… (Michael Jan Friedman), 1994
Глубокий космос 9
- Emissary DS9 #1 (Diane Carey), 1993
- The Way of the Warrior (Diane Carey)
- The Search (Diane Carey)
- Trials and Tribble-ations (Diane Carey)
- Far Beyond the Stars (Steven Barnes)
- The Dominion War, Book Two of Four: Call to Arms… (Diane Carey)
- The Dominion War, Book Four of Four: …Sacrifice of Angels (Diane Carey)
- What You Leave Behind (Diane Carey)
- Caretaker, (VOY #1) (L. A. Graf), 1995
- Flashback (Diane Carey)
- Day of Honor (Michael Jan Friedman)
- Equinox (Diane Carey)
- Endgame (Diane Carey)
- Broken Bow (Diane Carey), 2001
- Shockwave (Paul Ruditis), 2002
- Surak’s Soul, J.M. Dillard, март 2003
- The Expanse (J. M. Dillard), October 2003
«Базовые» игры
- Klingon (Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш), 1996
- Starfleet Academy (Diane Carey), 1997
Звёздный путь: Новая граница (с 1997)
Primarily written by Питер Дэвид, the New Frontier series marked the first time that an original Star Trek series had been created for the literary franchise.
No. | Title | Author | Released |
1 | House of Cards | Peter David | July 1997 |
2 | Into the Void | Peter David | July 1997 |
3 | The Two-Front War | Peter David | August 1997 |
4 | End Game | Peter David | August 1997 |
5 | Martyr | Peter David | March 1998 |
6 | Fire on High | Peter David | April 1998 |
Captain's Table: Once Burned | Peter David | October 1998 | |
Double Helix: Double or Nothing | Peter David | August 1999 | |
7 | The Quiet Place | Peter David | November 1999 |
8 | Dark Allies | Peter David | November 1999 |
9 | Excalibur #1: Requiem | Peter David | August 2000 |
10 | Excalibur #2: Renaissance | Peter David | August 2000 |
11 | Excalibur #3: Restoration | Peter David | November 2000 |
Gateways: Cold Wars | Peter David | October 2001 | |
12 | Being Human | Peter David | November 2001 |
13 | Gods Above | Peter David | October 2003 |
14 | Stone and Anvil | Peter David | October 2003 |
No Limits | various (short story collection) | October 2003 | |
15 | After the Fall | Peter David | November 2004 |
16 | Missing in Action | Peter David | February 2006 |
All books in this series were written by Michael Jan Friedman.
- 1: Gauntlet
- 2: Progenitor
- 3: Three
- 4: Oblivion
- 5: Enigma
- 6: Maker
I.K.S. Горкон (с 2003)
All books in this series were written by Keith R.A. DeCandido.
- A Good Day to Die, November 2003
- Honor Bound, December 2003
- Enemy Territory, March 2005
Вторжение (1996)
This series spanned the entire Star Trek series (at the time, so not including Star Trek: Enterprise) and was part of the numbered Pocket Books series.
- TOS: #1: First Strike (Diane Carey)
- TNG: #2: The Soldiers of Fear (Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш)
- DS9: #3: Time’s Enemy (L.A. Graf)
- VOY: #4: The Final Fury (Dafydd Ab Hugh)
День Чести (1997)
- 1: TNG: Ancient Blood (Diane Carey), 1997
- 2: DS9: Armageddon Sky (L.A. Graf)
- 3: VOY: Her Klingon Soul (Michael Jan Friedman)
- 4: TOS: Treaty's Law (Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш), 1997
- Unnumbered: Star Trek Voyager: Day of Honor: The Television Episode (Michael Jan Friedman) — episode novelization
The Captain’s Table (1998)
- 1: TOS: War Dragons (L.A. Graf), 1998
- 2: TNG: Dujonians Hoard (Michael Jan Friedman)
- 3: DS9: The Mist (Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш)
- 4: VOY: Fire Ship (Diane Carey)
- 5: NF: Once Burned (Peter David)
- 6: TOS (Pike): Where Sea Meets Sky (Jerry Oltion)
- Tales from the Captains Table edited by Keith R.A. DeCandido (anthology)
- «Introduction» by Dean Wesley Smith
- «William T. Riker, U.S.S. Titan: Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility» by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
- «Jean-Luc Picard, U.S.S. Stargazer: Darkness» by Michael Jan Friedman
- «Elizabeth Shelby, U.S.S. Trident: Pain Management» by Peter David
- «Klag, son of M’Raq, I.K.S. Gorkon: loDnI’pu' vavpu' je» by Keith R.A. DeCandido
- «Kira Nerys, Deep Space 9: The Officers' Club» by Heather Jarman
- «Jonathan Archer, Enterprise: Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos» by Louisa M. Swann
- «Demora Sulu, U.S.S. Enterprise-B: Iron and Sacrifice» by David R. George III
- «Chakotay, U.S.S. Voyager: Seduced» by Christie Golden
- «David Gold, U.S.S. da Vinci: An Easy Fast» by John J. Ordover
Война с Доминионом (1998)
- 1: TNG: Behind Enemy Lines (John Vornholt), 1998
- 2: DS9: Call to Arms (Diane Carey) — novelization of several Deep Space Nine episodes
- 3: TNG: Tunnel Through the Stars (John Vornholt)
- 4: DS9: Sacrifice of Angels (Diane Carey) — novelization of several Deep Space Nine episodes
Пустошь (2000)
- 1: TOS/TNG: Book 1 (Susan Wright)
- 2: DS9/VOY: Book 2 (Susan Wright)
Секция 31 (2001)
- TNG: Rogue (Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin), 2001
- VOY: Shadow (Dean Wesley Smith and Кристин Кэтрин Раш), 2001
- TOS: Cloak (S.D. Perry), 2001
- DS9: Abyss (David Weddle and Jeffrey Lang), July 2001
Темные Страсти (2001)
This two-part saga takes place within the Mirror Universe during the DS9-Voyager era.
- 1: Book 1 (Susan Wright)
- 2: Book 2 (Susan Wright)
Ворота (2001)
- 1: TOS: One Small Step (Susan Wright), 2001
- 2: Challenger: Chainmail (Diane Carey)
- 3: TNG: Doors into Chaos (Robert Greenberger)
- 4: DS9: Demons of Air and Darkness (Keith R.A. DeCandido)
- 5: VOY: No Man’s Land (Christine Golden)
- 6: NF: Cold Wars (Peter David)
- 7: What Lay Beyond (all above authors)
- 8: epilogue story; see Starfleet Corps of Engineers Vol. 10, below
The Brave and the Bold (2002)
These two books featured a prologue and four tales, covering all five TV series.
- 1: ENT/TOS/DS9: Book 1 (Keith R.A. DeCandido)
- 2: VOY/TNG: Book 2 (Keith R.A. DeCandido)
The Lost Era (с 2003)
Title | Author | Released | Set |
The Sundered | Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels | August 2003 | 2298 |
Serpents Among the Ruins | David R. George III | September 2003 | 2311 |
The Art of the Impossible | Keith R.A. DeCandido | October 2003 | 2328-2346 |
Well of Souls | Ilsa J. Bick | November 2003 | 2336 |
Deny Thy Father | Jeff Mariotte | December 2003 | 2355-2357 |
Catalyst of Sorrows | Margaret Wander Bonnano | January 2004 | 2360 |
The Buried Age | Christopher L. Bennett | August 2007 | 2355-2364 |
Звёздный флот: Инженерный корпус (с 2000)
Also known as SCE, this series of original novella-length stories are initially published in e-book format online; many of these stories are later reissued in printed collections. Through to summer 2007, the first 43 e-books have been collected into print form.
Printed books in the series include:
- Have Tech, Will Travel (2002)
- Miracle Workers (2002)
- Some Assembly Required (2003)
- No Surrender (2004)
- Foundations (2005)
- Wildfire (2005)
- Breakdowns (2006)
- Aftermath (2006)
In December 2006, the e-book series was relaunched under the title Corps of Engineers. See Starfleet Corps of Engineers#Books for a full list of books and e-books.
Разные работы
- Starfleet: Year One (Michael Jan Friedman), 2002 — originally published in serialized form in different Pocket Books releases; further volumes cancelled due to Star Trek: Enterprise rendering this historical account of Starfleet’s creation moot.
- Tales of the Dominion War (edited by Keith R.A. DeCandido), August 2004
- Engines of Destiny (Gene DeWeese), 2005
- Articles of the Federation (Keith R.A. DeCandido), 2005
- Glass Empires, 2007
- Age of the Empress, Mike Sussman with Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
- The Sorrows of Empire, David Mack
- The Worst of Both Worlds, Greg Cox
- Obsidian Alliances, 2007
- Saturn’s Children, Sarah Shaw
- The Mirror-Scaled Serpent, Keith R.A. DeCandido
- TBA, Peter David
- Strange New Worlds, an annual short story writing competition
- Strange New Worlds I (1998)
- Strange New Worlds II (1999)
- Strange New Worlds III (2000)
- Strange New Worlds IV (2001)
- Strange New Worlds V (2002)
- Strange New Worlds VI (2003)
- Strange New Worlds VII (2004)
- Strange New Worlds 8 (2005)
- Strange New Worlds 9 (2006)
- Strange New Worlds 10 (2007)
- Star Trek: The Amazing Stories (edited by John J. Ordover), 2002 — a collection of licensed short stories that were first published between 1998 and 2000 in the magazine Amazing Stories.
- Star Trek: The Manga (Shinsei Shinsei), 2006 — Published by Tokyopop to commemorate Star Trek’s 40th anniversary.
Книги для подростков
Title | Author | Released |
Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet Academ | ||
#1 Worf’s First Adventure | Peter David | 1993 |
#2 Line of Fire | Peter David | 1993 |
#3 Survival | Peter David | 1993 |
#4 Capture the Flag | John Vornholt | 1994 |
#5 Atlantis Station | V.E. Mitchell | 1994 |
#6 Mystery of the Missing Crew | Michael Jan Friedman | 1995 |
#7 Secret of the Lizard People | Michael Jan Friedman | 1995 |
#8 Starfall | Brad Strickland and Barbara Strickland | 1995 |
#9 Nova Command | Brad Strickland and Barbara Strickland | 1995 |
#10 Loyalties | Patricia Barnes-Svarney | 1996 |
#11 Crossfire | John Vornholt | 1996 |
#12 Breakaway | Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cosy Weiss | 1997 |
#13 The Haunted Starship | Brad Ferguson | 1997 |
#14 Deceptions | Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cosy Weiss | 1998 |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | ||
#1 The Star Ghost | Brad Strickland | 1994 |
#2 Stowaways | Brad Strickland | 1994 |
#3 Prisoners of Peace | John Peel | 1994 |
#4 The Pet | Mel Gilden and Ted Pedersen | 1994 |
#5 Arcade | Diana G. Gallagher | 1995 |
#6 Field Trip | John Peel | 1995 |
#7 Gypsy World | Ted Pedersen | 1996 |
#8 Highest Score | Kem Antilles | 1996 |
#9 Cardassian Imps | Mel Gilden | 1997 |
#10 Space Camp | Ted Pedersen | 1997 |
#11 Day of Honor: Honor Bound | Diana G. Gallagher | 1997 |
#12 Trapped in Time | Ted Pedersen | 1998 |
Star Trek: The Original Series | ||
#1 Crisis on Vulcan | Brad Strickland and Barbara Strickland | 1996 |
#2 Aftershock | John Vornholt | 1996 |
#3 Cadet Kirk | Diane Carey | 1996 |
Star Trek: Voyager | ||
#1 Lifeline | Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss | 1997 |
#2 The Chance Factor | Diana G. Gallagher and Martin R. Burke | 1997 |
#3 Quarantine | Patricia Barnes-Svarney | 1997 |
Many Star Trek novels have been adapted for audio, but these are the only original stories produced exclusively for audio.
- Transformations — A Captain Sulu adventure, by Dave Stern
- Cacophony — A Captain Sulu adventure, by JJ Malloy
- Envoy — A Captain Sulu adventure, by LA Graf
- Klingon — by Hilary Bader, based upon the videogame, but more than just an adaptation of the game’s novelization
- Borg — by Hilary Bader, based upon the videogame
- Spock vs. Q — Scripted by Cecelia Fannon; a battle of wits between Spock and Q with the fate of the Earth hanging in the balance, more of a radio play than an audio book
- Spock vs. Q: The Sequel — Scripted by Cecelia Fannon; Spock and Q meet again with surprising results.
- Star Trek: The Original Series Book Reviews
- Guide to the Bantam novels
- Psi Phi’s Star Trek Books Database
- Simon and Schuster
- Guide to the Early Star Trek Novels
- The Complete Starfleet Library
- ↑ Clark, Margaret. Upcoming Publications: January/Februry 2007 (12 января 2007). Дата обращения: 12 января 2007. Архивировано 13 ноября 2007 года.