Юханнессон, Магнус
Магнус Юханнессон | |
Дата рождения | 9 декабря 1964 (59 лет) |
Место рождения |
Страна | |
Род деятельности | экономист, исследователь |
Место работы | |
Альма-матер | |
Награды и премии |
Гуннар Магнус Юханнессон[3] (швед. Magnus Johannesson; род. 9 декабря 1964, Сунд[вд], Эстергётланд) — шведский экономист, профессор на экономическом факультете Стокгольмской школы экономики. В 2017 году был одним из членов Комитета по присуждению премии в области экономических наук памяти Альфреда Нобеля, вручивших премию Ричарду Талеру[4]. Активно занимается исследованиями в области поведенческой и экспериментальной экономике[5].
Магнус родился 9 декабря в 1964 году в городе Экшё, Швеция[6].
В 1989 году получил степень бакалавра искусств по экономике в Линчёпингском университете (Швеция). В этом же университете в 1991 году он получил ученую степень доктора философии по направлению здоровая экономика[6].
Являлся: Доцент кафедры экономики Стокгольмской школы экономики, 1992—1994 годы;
Доцент кафедры экономики Стокгольмской школы экономики, 1994—2006 годы;
Профессор кафедры экономики Стокгольмской школы экономики, 2006 год — настоящее время;
Заведующий кафедрой экономики Стокгольмской школы экономики, 2011—2014 годы
Был: Приглашенный доцент кафедры политики здравоохранения и менеджмента Гарвардского университета,
Школа общественного здравоохранения, 1992—1993 годы;
Адъюнкт-доцент кафедры политики здравоохранения и менеджмента Гарвардского университета,
Школа общественного здравоохранения, 1993—1996 годы;
Адъюнкт — профессор кафедры политики здравоохранения и менеджмента Гарвардского университета,
Школа общественного здравоохранения, 1996—1999 годы;
Приглашенный профессор кафедры менеджмента и инженерии Линчёпингского университета, 2010 год — настоящее время[6]
Вклад в науку
Оценка воспроизводимости социологических экспериментов в природе и науке в период с 2010 по 2015 гг. Nature Human Behavior, 2018
Данная статья легла в основу проекта, над которым работал Магнус Юханнессон со своими коллегами. Цель проекта: оценить воспроизводимость результатов лабораторных экспериментов в экономике и социальных науках.[7]
В данной статье авторы подчеркивают, что способность воспроизводить научные открытия имеет решающее значение для научного прогресса. Авторы отобрали и воспроизвели некоторые эксперименты в области социальных наук (всего выбрали 21 эксперимент), опубликованные в журнале Nature and Science в период с 2010 по 2015 год. Кроме того, размеры выборок были в среднем в 5 раз выше, чем в первоначальных исследованиях. Авторы нашли значительный эффект в том же направлении, что и исходное явление для 13 исследований, и размер эффекта повторений составил в среднем около 50 % от размера исходного эффекта. Реплицируемость варьировалась между 12 и 14 исследованиями по дополнительным показателям реплицируемости.[8]
Оценка воспроизводимости психологической науки. Наука, 2015
Данная статья является самой цитируемой статьей, в написании которой участвовал Магнус Юханнессон. Авторы данной статьи описали повторение 100 экспериментов, описанных в статьях, опубликованных в 2008 году в трех ведущих журналах по психологии. Оценивая, дали ли репликация (повторение эксперимента) и первоначальный эксперимент один и тот же результат в соответствие с несколькими критериями, они обнаружили, что примерно от трети до половины первоначальных результатов также наблюдались в исследовании репликации. Авторы сделали вывод, что даже исследования образцового качества могут иметь невоспроизводимые эмпирические результаты из-за случайной или систематической ошибки.[9]
Переопределите статистическую значимость. Nature Human Behavior, 2018
Данная статья непосредственно связана с вышеперечисленными статьями. Она является второй самой цитируемой статьей, соавтором которой является Магнус Юханнессон. Отсутствие воспроизводимости научных исследований вызвало растущую озабоченность по поводу достоверности утверждений о новых открытиях, основанных на «статистически значимых» результатах. Авторы считают, что главная причина невоспроизводимости до сих пор не решена должным образом: статистические стандарты доказательств для утверждения о новых открытиях во многих областях науки просто слишком низки. Для решения этой проблемы авторы в своей статье предлагают изменить порог p-значения по умолчанию для статистической значимости с 0,05 до 0,005 для заявлений о новых открытиях. По их мнению, этот простой шаг немедленно повысил бы воспроизводимость научных исследований во многих областях.[10]
Вытеснение донорства крови: прав ли был Титмусс? Журнал Европейской экономической ассоциации, 2008
Данная статья является одной из самых известных и цитируемых работ, написанных Юханнессоном, в области поведенческой экономики.
В своей книге 1970 года «Отношение дара: От донорства крови до общественной политики» Ричард Титмусс утверждал, что денежная компенсация за сдачу крови может вытеснить предложение доноров крови. Чтобы проверить это утверждение, Юханнессон и Carl Mellström провели полевой эксперимент с тремя различными воздействиями. В первом случае людям была предоставлена возможность стать донорами крови без какой-либо компенсации. Во втором случае испытуемые получали плату в размере 50 шведских крон (около 7 долларов) за то, чтобы стать донорами крови, а в третьем случае испытуемые могли выбирать между оплатой в размере 50 шведских крон и пожертвованием 50 шведских крон на благотворительность. Результаты заметно отличались у мужчин и женщин. У мужчин не наблюдалось значительного различия в донорстве крови в трех группах. У женщин наблюдался значительный вытесняющий эффект. Предложение донорства крови уменьшилось почти наполовину при введение денежной оплаты. Кроме того, был выявлен значительный эффект от того, что отдельным лицам можно было жертвовать деньги на благотворительность. Этот эффект полностью противодействует эффекту вытеснения.[11]
Гордость и предубеждение: человеческая сторона теории стимулов. Американский экономический обзор, 2008
Данная статья, написанная Юханнессоном и Эллингсеном, также является значимой работой в области поведенческой экономии
Авторы статьи разрабатывают модель, в которой полезность уважения актёров зависит от аудитории. В условиях принципала-агента они показывают, что модель может объяснить мотивационное вытеснение. Системы контроля и денежные стимулы подрывают моральный дух, сигнализируя агенту, что принципал не стоит того, чтобы его впечатлять. Модель также предлагает объяснение того, почему агенты мотивированы высокой оплатой труда и ориентированными на миссию руководителями.[12]
За свои достижения был неоднократно награждён[6]:
- 1992 — премия Фулбрайта;
- 2012 — член Шведской Королевской Академии наук (KVA);
- 2015 — премия Седерберга в области экономических наук;
- 2016—2017 — Рагнар Седерберг Профессор Исследований
- Публикации в международных научных журналах
- Forsell E, Viganola D, Pfeiffer T, Almenberg J, Wilson B, Chen Y, Nosek BA, Johannesson M, Dreber A. Predicting replication outcomes in the Many Labs 2 study. Journal of Economic Psychology, in press.
- Viganola D, Eitan O, Inbar Y, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Thau S, Uhlmann EL. Data descriptor: datasets from a research project examining the role of politics in social psychological research. Scientific Data 2018;5:180236.
- Camerer CF, Dreber A, Holzmeister F, Ho T-H, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Nave G, Nosek BA, Pfeiffer T, Altmejd A, Buttrick N, Chan T, Chen Y, Forsell E, Gampa A, Heikensten E, Hummer L, Imai T, Isaksson S, Manfredi D, Rose J, Wagenmakers E-J, Wu H. Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015. Nature Human Behaviour 2018;2:637-644.
- Lee JJ, et al. Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in 1.1 million individuals. Nature Genetics 2018;50:1112-1121.
- Eitan O, Viganola D, Inbar Y, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Thau S, Uhlmann EL. Is research in social psychology politically biased? Systematic empirical tests and a forecasting survey to address the controversy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2018;79:188- 199.
- Silberzahn R, et al. Many analysts, one dataset: making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2018;1:337-356.
- Ranehill E, Zethraeus N, Blomberg L, von Schoultz B, Lindén Hirschberg A, Johannesson M, Dreber A. Hormonal contraceptives do not impact economic preferences: evidence from a randomized trial. Management Science 2018;64:4515-4532.
- Born A, van Eck P, Johannesson M. An experimental investigation of election promises. Political Psychology 2018;39:685-705.
- Benjamin DJ, et al. Redefine statistical significance. Nature Human Behaviour 2018;2:6-10.
- Turley P, Walters RK, Maghzian O, Okbay A, Lee JJ, Fontana MA, Nguyen-Viet TA, Wedow R, Zacher M, Furlotte NA, Magnusson P, Oskarsson S, Johannesson M, Visscher PM, Laibson D, Cesarini D, Neale BM, Benjamin DJ. Multi-trait analysis of genome-wide association summary statistics using MTAG. Nature Genetics 2018;50:229-237.
- Karlsson Linnér R, et al. An epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of educational attainment. Molecular Psychiatry 2017;22:1680-1690.
- de Vlaming R, Okbay A, Rietveld CA, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Uitterlinden AG, van Rooij FJA, Hofman A, Groenen PJF, Thurik AR, Koellinger PD. Meta-GWAS accuracy and power (MetaGAP) calculator shows that hiding heritability is partially due to imperfect genetic correlations across studies. PLOS Genetics 2017;13(1): e1006495.
- Robinson MR, English G, Moser G, Lloyd-Jones LR, Triplett MA, Zhu Z, Nolte IM, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Snieder H, The Lifelines Cohort Study, Esko T, Milani L, Mägi R, Metspalu A, Magnusson PKE, Pedersen NL, Ingelsson E, Johannesson M, Yang J, Cesarini D, Visscher PM. Genotype covariate interaction effects and the heritability of adult body mass index. Nature Genetics 2017;49:1174-1181.
- Beauchamp JP, Cesarini D, Johannesson M. The psychometric and empirical properties of measures of risk preferences. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2017;54:203-237.
- Kirchler M, Andersson D, Bonn C, Johannesson M, Sorensen EO, Stefan M, Tinghög G, Västfjäll D. The effect of fast and slow decisions on risk taking. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2017;54:37-59.
- Sniekers S, Stringer S, Watanabe K, Jansen PR, Coleman JRI, Krapohl E, Taskesen E, Hammerschlag AR, Okbay A, Zabaneh D, Amin N, Breen G, Cesarini D, Chabris CF, Iacono WG, Ikram MA, Johannesson M, Koellinger P, Lee JJ, Magnusson PKE, McGue M, Miller MB, Ollier WER, Payton A, Pendleton N, Plomin R, Rietveld CA, Tiemeier H, van Duijn CM, Posthuma D. Genome-wide association meta-analysis of 78,308 individuals identifies new loci and genes influencing human intelligence. Nature Genetics 2017;49:1107-1112.
- Zethraeus N, Dreber A, Ranehill E, Blomberg L, Labrie F, von Schoultz B, Johannesson M, Lindén Hirschberg A. A first-choice combined oral contraceptive influences general wellbeing in healthy women: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Fertility and Sterility 2017;107:1238-1245.
- Bouwmeester S, et al. Registered Replication Report: Rand, Greene, and Nowak (2012). Perspectives on Psychological Science 2017;12:527-542.
- Oskarsson S, Dinesen PT, Dawes CT, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE. Education and social trust: testing a causal hypothesis using the discordant twin design. Political Psychology 2017;38:515-531.
- Andersson O, Miettinen T, Hytönen K, Johannesson M, Stephan U. Subliminal influence on generosity. Experimental Economics 2017;20:531-555.
- Amini M, Ekström M, Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Strömsten F. Does gender diversity promote non-conformity? Management Science 2017;63:1085-1096.
- Barban N, et al. Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive behavior. Nature Genetics 2016;48:1462-1472.
- Tinghög G, Andersson D, Bonn C, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Koppel L, Västfjäll D. Intuition and moral decision-making: the effect of time pressure and cognitive load on moral judgment and altruistic behavior. PLoS ONE 2016;11(10);e0164012.
- Zethraeus N, Dreber A, Ranehill E, Blomberg L, Labrie F, von Schoultz B, Johannesson M, Lindén Hirschberg A. Combined oral contraceptives and sexual function in women: a doubleblind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2016;101:4046-4053.
- Weiss A, et al. Personality polygenes, positive affect, and life satisfaction. Twin Research and Human Genetics 2016;19:407-417.
- Dinesen PT, Dawes CT, Johannesson M, Klemmensen R, Magnusson P, Norgaard AS, Petersen I, Oskarsson S. Estimating the impact of education on political participation: evidence from monozygotic twins in the United States, Denmark and Sweden. Political Behavior 2016;38:579-601.
- Okbay A, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment. Nature 2016;533:539-542.
- Okbay A, et al. Genetic variants associated with subjective well-being, depressive symptoms, and neuroticism identified through genome-wide analyses. Nature Genetics 2016;48:624-633.
- Eyting M, Hosemann A, Johannesson M. Can monetary incentives increase organ donations? Economics Letters 2016;142:56-58.
- Camerer CF, Dreber A, Forsell E, Ho TH, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Almenberg J, Altmejd A, Chan T, Heikensten E, Holzmeister F, Imai T, Isaksson S, Nave G, Pfeiffer T, Razen M, Wu H. Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics. Science 2016;351:1433-1436.
- Sun S, Chen J, Johannesson M, Kind P, Burström K. Subjective well-being and its association with subjective health status, age, sex, region, and socio-economic characteristics in a Chinese population study. Journal of Happiness Studies 2016;17:833-873.
- Dreber A, Pfeiffer T, Almenberg J, Isaksson S, Wilsson B, Chen Y, Nosek BA, Johannesson M. Using prediction markets to estimate the reproducibility of scientific research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015;112:15343-15347.
- Open Science Collaboration. Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science 2015;349:aac4716.
- Munafo MR, Pfeiffer T, Altmejd A, Heikensten E, Almenberg J, Bird A, Chen Y, Wilsson B, Johannesson M, Dreber A. Using prediction markets to forecast research evaluations. Royal Society Open Science 2015;2:150287.
- Power RA, Steinberg S, Bjornsdottir G, Rietveld CA, Abdellaoui A, Nivard NM, Johannesson M, Galesloot TE, Hottenga JJ, Willemsen G, Cesarini D, Benjamin DJ, Magnusson PKE, Ullén F, Tiemeier H, Hofman A, van Rooij FJA, Walters GB, Sigurdsson E, Thorgeirsson TE, Ingason A, Helgason A, Kong A, Kiemeney LA, Koellinger P, Boomsma DI, Gudbjartsson D, Stefansson H, Stefansson K. Polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder predict creativity. Nature Neuroscience 2015;18:953-955.
- Joshi PK, et al. Directional dominance on stature and cognition in diverse human populations. Nature 2015;523:459-462.
- Tyrefors Hinnerich B, Höglin E, Johannesson M. Discrimination against students with foreign backgrounds: evidence from grading in Swedish public high schools. Education Economics 2015;23:660-676.
- Dumanski JP, Rasi C, Lönn M, Davies H, Ingelsson M, Giedraitis V, Lannfelt L, Magnusson PKE, Lindgren CM, Morris AP, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Jansson ET, Lind L, Pedersen NL, Ingelsson E, Forsberg LA. Smoking is associated with mosaic loss of chromosome Y. Science 2015;347:81-83.
- Ranehill E, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Leiberg S, Sul S, Weber R. Assessing the robustness of power posing: no effect on hormones and risk tolerance in a large sample of men and women. Psychological Science 2015;26:653-656.
- Oskarsson S, Cesarini D, Dawes C, Fowler JH, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Teorell J. Linking genes and political orientations: testing the cognitive ability as mediator hypothesis. Political Psychology 2015;36:649-665.
- Rietveld CA, et al. Replicability and robustness of GWAS for behavioral traits. Psychological Science 2014;25:1975-1986.
- Rietveld CA, et al. Common genetic variants associated with cognitive performance identified using proxy-phenotype method. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2014;11:13790-13794.
- Dawes C, Cesarini D, Fowler JH, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Oskarsson S. The relationship between genes, psychological traits, and political participation. American Journal of Political Science 2014;58:888-903
- Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Oskarsson S. Pre-birth factors, post-birth factors and voting: evidence from Swedish adoption data. American Political Science Review 2014;108:71-87.
- Sandewall Ö, Cesarini D, Johannesson M. The co-twin methodology and returns to schooling: testing a critical assumption. Labour Economics 2014;26:1-10.
- Hatemi PK, Medland SE, Klemmensen R, Oskarsson S, Littvay L, Dawes CT, Verhulst B, McDermott R, Norgaard AS, Klofstad CA, Christensen K, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Eaves LJ, Martin NG. Genetic influences on political ideologies: twin analyses of 19 measures of political ideologies from five democracies and genome-wide findings from three populations. Behavior Genetics 2014;44:282-294.
- Burström K, Sun S, Gerdtham U-G, Henriksson M, Johannesson M, Levin L-Å, Zethraeus N. Swedish experience-based value sets for EQ-5D health states. Quality of Life Research 2014;23:431-442.
- Stephens SH, et al. Distinct loci in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster are associated with onset of regular smoking. Genetic Epidemiology 2013;37:846-859.
- Loewen PJ, Dawes CT, Mazar N, Johannesson M, Koellinger P, Magnusson PKE. The heritability of moral standards for everyday dishonesty. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2013;93:363-366.
- Rietveld CA, et al. GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment. Science 2013;340:1467-1471.
- Tinghög G, Andersson D, Bonn C, Böttiger H, Josephson C, Lundgren G, Västfjäll D, Kirchler M, Johannesson M. Intuition and cooperation reconsidered. Nature 2013;498;E1-E2.
- Rietveld CA, Cesarini D, Benjamin DJ, Koellinger PD, De Neve J-M, Tiemeier H, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Pedersen NL, Krueger RF, Bartels M. Molecular genetics and subjective well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2013;110:9692-9697.
- Dreber A, Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Rand DG. Do people care about social context? Framing effects in dictator games. Experimental Economics 2013;16:349-371.
- Van der Loos MJHM, et al. The molecular genetic architecture of self-employment. PLoS ONE 2013;8(4);e60542.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Möllerström J, Munkhammar S. Gender differences in social framing effects. Economics Letters 2013;118:470-472.
- Magnusson PKE, Almqvist C, Rahman I, Ganna A, Viktorin A, Walum H, Halldner L, Lundström S, Ullén F, Långström N, Larsson H, Nyman A, Gumpert CH, Råstam M, Anckarsäter H, Cnattingius S, Johannesson M, Ingelsson E, Klareskog L, de Faire U, Pedersen NL, Lichtenstein P. The Swedish Twin Registry: establishment of a biobank and other recent developments. Twin Research and Human Genetics 2013;16:317-329.
- Mosing MA, Pedersen NL, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Nakamura J, Madison G, Ullén F. Genetic and environmental influences on the relationship between flow proneness, locus of control and behavioral inhibition. PLoS ONE 2012;7(11);e47958.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Möllerström J, Munkhammar S. Social framing effects: preferences or beliefs? Games and Economic Behavior 2012;76:117-130.
- Eklund A, Andersson M, Josephson C, Johannesson M, Knutsson H. Does parametric fMRI analysis with SPM yield valid results? An empirical study of 1484 rest datasets. NeuroImage 2012;61:565-578.
- Benjamin DJ, Cesarini D, Chabris CF, Glaeser E, Laibson DI, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Launer LJ, Purcell S, Smith AV, Johannesson M, Beauchamp JP, Christakis NA, Atwood C, Herbert B, Freese J, Hauser RM, Hauser TS, Magnusson P, Grankvist A, Hultman C. The promise and pitfalls of genoeconomics. Annual Review of Economics 2012;4:627-662.
- Chabris CF, Hebert BM, Benjamin DJ, Beauchamp J, Cesarini D, van der Loos M, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Lichtenstein P, Atwood CS, Freese J, Hauser TS, Hauser RM, Christakis N, Laibson D. Most reported genetic associations with general intelligence are probably false positives. Psychological Science 2012;23:1314-1323.
- Oskarsson S, Dawes C, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE. The genetic origins of the relationship between psychological traits and social trust. Twin Research and Human Genetics 2012;15:21-33.
- Benjamin DJ, Cesarini D, van der Loos MJHM, Dawes CT, Koellinger PD, Magnusson PKE, Chabris CF, Conley D, Laibson D, Johannesson M, Visscher PM. The genetic architecture of economic and political preferences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012;109:8026-8031.
- Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Magnusson PKE, Wallace B. The behavioral genetics of behavioral anomalies. Management Science 2012;58:21-34.
- Beauchamp JP, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, van der Loos MJHM, Koellinger PD, Groenen PJF, Fowler JH, Rosenquist JN, Thurik AR, Christakis NA. Molecular genetics and economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives 2011;25(4):57-82.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Conspicuous generosity. Journal of Public Economics 2011;95:1131-1143.
- Gospic K, Mohlin E, Fransson P, Petrovic P, Johannesson M, Ingvar M. Limbic justice: amygdala involvement in immediate rejection in the ultimatum game. PLoS Biology 2011;9(5), e1001054.
- Tyrefors Hinnerich B, Höglin E, Johannesson M. Are boys discriminated in Swedish high schools? Economics of Education Review 2011;30:682-690.
- Sun S, Chen J, Johannesson M, Kind P, Xu L, Zhang Y, Burström K. Regional differences in health status in China: population health-related quality of life results from the National Health Services Survey 2008. Health & Place 2011;17:671-680.
- Sun S, Chen J, Johannesson M, Kind P, Xu L, Zhang Y, Burström K. Population health status in China: EQ-5D results, by age, sex and socio-economic status, from the National Health Services Survey 2008. Quality of Life Research 2011;20:309-320.
- Kocoska-Maras L, Zethraeus N, Flöter Rådestad A, Ellingsen T, von Schoultz B, Johannesson M, Lindén Hirschberg A. A randomized trial of the effect of testosterone and estrogen on verbal fluency, verbal memory, and spatial ability in healthy postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility 2011;95:152-157.
- Beauchamp JP, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Lindqvist E, Apicella C. On the sources of the height-intelligence correlation: new insights from a bivariate ACE model with assortative mating. Behavioral Genetics 2011;41:242-252.
- Johannesson M, Östling R, Ranehill E. The effect of competition on physical activity: a randomized trial. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & policy 2010;10(1): article 91.
- Apicella CL, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Dawes CT, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B, Beauchamp J, Westberg L. No association between oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene polymorphisms and experimentally elicited social preferences. PLoS ONE 2010;5(6): e11153.
- Bergman O, Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Svensson C. Anchoring and cognitive ability. Economics Letters 2010;107:66-68.
- Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Sandewall Ö, Wallace B. Genetic variation in financial decision making. Journal of Finance 2010;65:1725-1754.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Tjøtta S, Torsvik G. Testing Guilt Aversion. Games and Economic Behavior 2010;68:95-107.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Time is not money. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2009;72:96-102.
- Burnham TC, Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B. Higher cognitive ability is associated with lower entries in a p-beauty contest. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2009;72:171-175.
- Lindahl T, Johannesson M. Bargaining over a common good with private information. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2009;111:547-565.
- Cesarini D, Dawes CT, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B. Experimental game theory and behavior genetics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2009;1167:66-75.
- Cesarini D, Dawes CT, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B. Genetic variation in preferences for giving and risk-taking. Quarterly Journal of Economics 2009;124:809-842.
- Blomquist GC, Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Eliciting willingness to pay without bias using follow-up certainty statements: comparisons between probably/definitely and a 10-point certainty scale. Environmental and Resource Economics 2009;43:473-502.
- Cesarini D, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B. Heritability of overconfidence. Journal of the European Economic Association 2009;7:617-627.
- Zethraeus N, Kocoska-Maras L, Ellingsen T, von Schoultz B, Lindén Hirschberg A, Johannesson M. A randomized trial of the effect of estrogen and testosterone on economic behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2009;106:6535-6538.
- Lundquist T, Ellingsen T, Gribbe E, Johannesson M. The aversion to lying. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2009;70:81-92.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M, Lilja J, Zetterqvist H. Trust and truth. Economic Journal 2009;119:252-276.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Pride and prejudice: the human side of incentive theory. American Economic Review 2008;98:990-1008.
- Mellström C, Johannesson M. Crowding out in blood donation: was Titmuss right? Journal of the European Economic Association 2008;6:845-863.
- Cesarini D, Dawes CT, Fowler JH, Johannesson M, Lichtenstein P, Wallace B. Heritability of cooperative behavior in the trust game. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2008;105:3721-3726.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Anticipated verbal feedback induces altruistic behavior. Evolution and Human Behavior 2008;29:100-105.
- Dreber A, Johannesson M. Gender differences in deception. Economics Letters 2008;99:197- 199.
- Mohlin E, Johannesson M. Communication: content or relationship? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2008;65:409-419.
- Blumenschein K, Blomquist GC, Johannesson M, Horn N, Freeman P. Eliciting willingness to pay without bias: evidence from a field experiment. Economic Journal 2008;118:114-137.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Paying respect. Journal of Economic Perspectives 2007(Fall);21:135-149.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Rehnberg C. Deteriorating health status in Stockholm 1998 to 2002: results from repeated population surveys using the EQ-5D. Quality of Life Research 2007;16:1547-1553.
- Wallace B, Cesarini D, Lichtenstein P, Johannesson M. Heritability of ultimatum game responder behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2007;104:15631-15634.
- Jacobsson F, Johannesson M, Borgquist L. Is altruism paternalistic? Economic Journal 2007;117:761-781.
- Broberg T, Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Is generosity involuntary? Economics Letters 2007;94:32-37.
- Cesarini D, Sandewall Ö, Johannesson M. Confidence interval estimation tasks and the economics of overconfidence. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2006;61:453- 470.
- Domeij D, Johannesson M. Consumption and health. Contributions to Macroeconomics 2006;6(1): article 6.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Diderichsen F. A comparison of individual and social time tradeoff values for health states in the general population. Health Policy 2006;76:359-370.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Diderichsen F. Increasing socio-economic inequalities in life expectancy and QALYs in Sweden 1980—1997. Health Economics 2005;14:831-850.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Does impartial deliberation breed fair behavior? An experimental test. Rationality and Society 2005;17:116-136.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Sunk costs and fairness in incomplete information bargaining. Games and Economic Behavior 2005;50:155-177.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. Business cycles and mortality: results from Swedish micro data. Social Science and Medicine 2005;60:205-218.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Is there a hold-up problem? Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004;106:475-494.
- Ellingsen T, Johannesson M. Promises, threats and fairness. Economic Journal 2004;114:397- 420.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. Absolute income, relative income, income inequality and mortality. Journal of Human Resources 2004;39:228-247.
- Kartman B, Gatz G, Johannesson M. Health state utilities in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients with heartburn: a study in Germany and Sweden. Medical Decision Making 2004;24:40- 52.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Diderichsen F. The value of the change in health in Sweden 1980/81 to 1996/97. Health Economics 2003;12:637-654.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. A note on the effect of unemployment on mortality. Journal of Health Economics 2003;22:505-518.
- Zethraeus N, Johannesson M, Jönsson B, Löthgren M, Tambour M. Advantages of using the net-benefit approach for analysing uncertainty in economic evaluation studies. PharmacoEconomics 2003;21:39-48.
- Weinstein MC, O’Brien B, Hornberger J, Jackson J, Johannesson M, McCabe C, Luce BR. Principles of good practice for decision analytic modelling in health care evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices-Modeling Studies. Value in Health 2003;6:9-17.
- Clarke PM, Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Bingefors K, Smith L. On the measurement of relative and absolute income-related health inequality. Social Science and Medicine 2002;55:1923-1928.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. Do life-saving regulations save lives? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2002;24:231-249.
- Zillich AJ, Blumenschein K, Johannesson M, Freeman P. Assessment of the relationship between measures of disease severity, quality of life, and willingness to pay in asthma. PharmacoEconomics 2002;20:257-265.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. The relationship between happiness, health and socioeconomic factors: results based on Swedish micro data. Journal of Socio-Economics 2001;30:553-557.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Diderichsen F. Swedish population health-related quality of life results using the EQ-5D. Quality of Life Research 2001:10:621-635.
- Johannesson M. Should we aggregate relative or absolute changes in QALYs? Health Economics 2001;10:573-577.
- Johannesson M. At what coronary risk level is it cost-effective to initiate cholesterol lowering drug treatment in primary prevention? European Heart Journal 2001;22:919-925.
- Bleichrodt H, Johannesson M. Time preference for health: a test of stationarity versus decreasing timing aversion. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2001;45:265-282.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M, Yokoyama KK, Freeman PR. Hypothetical versus real willingness to pay in the health care sector: results from a field experiment. Journal of Health Economics 2001;20:441-457.
- Burström K, Johannesson M, Diderichsen F. Health-related quality of life by disease and socioeconomic group in the general population in Sweden. Health Policy 2001;55:51-69.
- Lundberg L, Johannesson M, Silverdahl M, Hermansson C, Lindberg M. Health-related quality of life in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis measured with SF-36, DLQI and a subjective measure of disease activity. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 2000;80:430-434.
- Johannesson M, Persson B. Non-reciprocal altruism in dictator games. Economics Letters 2000;69:137-142.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. Income-related inequality in life-years and quality-adjusted lifeyears. Journal of Health Economics 2000;19:1007-1026.
- Claesson L, Gosman-Hedström G, Johannesson M, Fagerberg B, Blomstrand C. Resource utilization and costs of stroke unit care integrated in a care continuum: a 1-year controlled, prospective, randomized study in elderly patients. Stroke 2000;31:2569-2577.
- Almbrand B, Johannesson M, Sjöstrand B, Malmberg K, Rydén L. Cost-effectiveness of intense insulin treatment after acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes mellitus: results from the DIGAMI study. European Heart Journal 2000;21:733-739.
- Lundberg L, Johannesson M, Silverdahl M, Hermansson C, Lindberg M. Quality of life, healthstate utilities and willingness to pay in patients with psoriasis and atopic eczema. British Journal of Dermatology 1999;141:1067-1075.
- Meltzer D, Johannesson M. On the role of theory in cost-effectiveness analysis: a response to Garber, Russell, and Weinstein. Medical Decision Making 1999;19:383-384.
- Meltzer D, Johannesson M. Inconsistencies in the «societal perspective» on costs of the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. Medical Decision Making 1999;19:371-377.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Lundberg L, Isacson D. The demand for health: results from new measures of health capital. European Journal of Political Economy 1999;15:501-521.
- Zethraeus N, Johannesson M. A comparison of patient and social tariff values derived from the time trade-off method. Health Economics 1999;8:541-545.
- Lundberg L, Johannesson M, Isacson DGL, Borgquist L. Health-state utilities in a general population in relation to age, gender and socioeconomic factors. European Journal of Public Health 1999;9:211-217.
- Zethraeus N, Johannesson M, Jönsson B. A computer model to analyze the cost-effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1999;15:352-365.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. New estimates of the demand for health: results based on a categorical health measure and Swedish micro data. Social Science & Medicine 1999;49:1325- 1332.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Use of contingent valuation to place a monetary value on pharmacy services: an overview and review of the literature. Clinical Therapeutics 1999;21:1402-1417.
- Johannesson M, Blomquist GC, Blumenschein K, Johansson P-O, Liljas B, O’Conor RM. Calibrating hypothetical willingness to pay responses. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1999;18:21-32.
- Bleichrodt H, van Rijn J, Johannesson M. Probability weighting and utility curvature in QALY-based decision making. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1999;43:238-260.
- Jönsson B, Johannesson M. Cost benefit of treating hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 1999;21:987-997.
- Lundberg L, Johannesson M, Isacson DGL, Borgquist L. The relationship between health-state utilities and the SF-12 in a general population. Medical Decision Making 1999;19:128-140.
- Johannesson M. On aggregating QALYs: a comment on Dolan. Journal of Health Economics 1999;18:381-386.
- O’Conor RM, Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. Stated preferences, real behaviour and anchoring: some empirical evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics 1999;13:235- 248.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Lundberg L, Isacson DGL. A note on validating Wagstaff and van Doorslaer’s health measure in the analysis of inequalities in health. Journal of Health Economics 1999;18:117-124.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. An experimental test of question framing in health state utility assessment. Health Policy 1998;45:187-193.
- Tambour M, Zethraeus N, Johannesson M. A note on confidence intervals in costeffectiveness analysis. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1998;14:467-471.
- O’Conor RM, Johannesson M, Hass SL, Kobelt-Nguyen G. Urge incontinence: quality of life and patients’ valuation of symptom reduction. PharmacoEconomics 1998;14:531-539.
- Lee SJ, Liljas B, Neumann PJ, Weinstein MC, Johannesson M. The impact of risk information on patients’ willingness to pay for autologous blood donation. Medical Care 1998;36:1162-1173.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Söderqvist T. Time spent on waiting lists for medical care: an insurance approach. Journal of Health Economics 1998;17:627-644.
- Lee SJ, Liljas B, Churchill WH, Popovsky MA, Stowell CP, Cannon ME, Johannesson M. Perceptions and preferences of autologous blood donors. Transfusion 1998;38:757-763.
- Lundberg L, Johannesson M, Isacson DGL, Borgquist L. Effects of user charges on the use of prescription medicines in different socioeconomic groups. Health Policy 1998;44:123-134.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M, Blomquist GC, Liljas B, O’Conor RM. Experimental results on expressed certainty and hypothetical bias in contingent valuation. Southern Economic Journal 1998;65:169-177.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Relationship between quality of life instruments, health state utilities, and willingness to pay in patients with asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 1998;80:189-194.
- Johannesson M, Liljas B, Johansson P-O. An experimental comparison of dichotomous choice contingent valuation questions and real purchase decisions. Applied Economics 1998;30:643- 647.
- Karlsson G, Johannesson M. Cost-effectiveness analysis and capital costs. Social Science & Medicine 1998;46:1183-1191.
- Johannesson M, Meltzer D. Some reflections on cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Economics 1998;7:1-7.
- Johannesson M, O’Brien BJ. Economics, pharmaceuticals, and pharmacoeconomics. Medical Decision Making 1998; 18(supplement):S1-S3.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Gunnarson B, Marcusson M, Henriksson F. The effect of changes in treatment patterns on drug expenditure. PharmacoEconomics 1998;13:127-134.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Gunnarson B, Marcusson M, Henriksson F. Price indices of drugs and the switching to new drugs: two empirical examples. PharmacoEconomics 1998;13:71-80.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. The overall expected quality of life in the Swedish population in relation to age and other socioeconomic factors. Disease Management and Clinical Outcomes 1997;1:101-103.
- Kartman B, Stålhammar N-O, Johannesson M. Contingent valuation with an open-ended follow-up question: a test of scope effects. Health Economics 1997;6:637-639.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. Is the valuation of a QALY gained independent of age? Some empirical evidence. Journal of Health Economics 1997;16:589-599.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M, Blomquist GC, Liljas B, O’Conor RM. Hypothetical versus real payments in Vickrey auctions. Economics Letters 1997;56:177-180.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Löfgren K-G. On the value of changes in life expectancy: blips versus parametric changes. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1997;15:221-239.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. Saving lives in the present versus saving lives in the future: is there a framing effect? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1997;15:167-176.
- Bleichrodt H, Wakker P, Johannesson M. Characterizing QALYs by risk neutrality. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1997;15:107-114.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. Quality of life and the WTP for an increased life expectancy at an advanced age. Journal of Public Economics 1997;65:219-228.
- Zethraeus N, Johannesson M, Henriksson P, Strand RT. The impact of hormone replacement therapy on quality of life and willingness to pay. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;104:1191-1195.
- Johannesson M, O’Conor RM, Kobelt-Nguyen G, Mattiason A. Willingness to pay for reduced incontinence symptoms. British Journal of Urology 1997;80:557-562.
- Johannesson M, Meltzer D, O’Conor RM. Incorporating future costs in medical costeffectiveness analysis: implications for the cost-effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension. Medical Decision Making 1997;17:382-389.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. A note on prevention versus cure. Health Policy 1997;41:181-187.
- Johannesson M. Some further experimental results on hypothetical versus real willingness to pay. Applied Economics Letters 1997;4:535-536.
- Salkeld G, Phongsavan P, Oldenburg B, Johannesson M, Convery P, Graham-Clark P, Walker S, Shaw J. The cost-effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk reduction program in general practice. Health Policy 1997;41:105-119.
- Johannesson M, Karlsson G. The friction cost method: a comment. Journal of Health Economics 1997;17:249-255.
- Bleichrodt H, Johannesson M. Standard gamble, time-trade-off and rating scale: experimental results on the ranking properties of QALYs. Journal of Health Economics 1997;17:155-175.
- Johannesson M. Avoiding double-counting in pharmacoeconomic studies. PharmacoEconomics 1997;11:385-388.
- Bleichrodt H, Johannesson M. An experimental test of a theoretical foundation for rating-scale valuations. Medical Decision Making 1997;17:208-216.
- Johannesson M, Liljas B, O’Conor RM. Hypothetical versus real willingness to pay: some experimental results. Applied Economics Letters 1997;4:149-151.
- Lee SJ, Neumann PJ, Churchill WH, Malachowski ME, Weinstein MC, Johannesson M. Patients’ willingness to pay for autologous blood donation. Health Policy 1997;40:1-12.
- Johannesson M, O’Conor RM. A second opinion: cost-utility analysis and varying preferences for health. Reply to Gavin Mooney and Stephen Jan. Health Policy 1997;41:203-205.
- Johannesson M, O’Conor RM. Cost-utility analysis from a societal perspective. Health Policy 1997;39:241-253.
- Johannesson M, Jönsson B, Kjekshus J, Olsson AG, Pedersen TR, Wedel H. Cost effectiveness of simvastatin treatment to lower cholesterol levels in patients with coronary heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine 1997;336:332-336.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. The value of life extension and the marginal rate of time preference: a pilot study. Applied Economics Letters 1997;4:53-55.
- Karlsson G, Johannesson M. Cost effectiveness and allocation of therapies in a treating population. PharmacoEconomics 1997;11:606.
- Jönsson B, Johannesson M. Cost-benefit analysis of lipid lowering therapy. European Heart Journal 1997;18:165-166.
- Bleichrodt H, Johannesson M. The validity of QALYs: an experimental test of constant proportional trade-off and utility independence. Medical Decision Making 1997;17:21-32.
- Kartman B, Stålhammar N-O, Johannesson M. Valuation of health changes with the contingent valuation method: a test of scope and question order effects. Health Economics 1996;5:531-541.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, O’Conor RM. The value of private safety versus the value of public safety. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1996;13:263-275.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. To be, or not to be, that is the question: an empirical study of the WTP for an increased life expectancy at an advanced age. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1996;13:163-174.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. The economics of ageing: on the attitude of Swedish people to the distribution of health care resources between the young and the old. Health Policy 1996;37:153-161.
- Stucki G, Daltroy L, Katz JN, Johannesson M, Liang MH. Interpretation of change scores in ordinal clinical scales and health status measures: the whole may not equal the sum of the parts. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49:711-717.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O. The discounting of lives saved in future generations: some empirical results. Health Economics 1996;5:329-332.
- Johannesson M, Jönsson B, Karlsson G. Outcome measurement in economic evaluation. Health Economics 1996;5:279-296.
- Johannesson M. The cost-effectiveness of hypertension treatment in Sweden: an analysis of the criteria for intervention and the choice of drug treatment. Journal of Human Hypertension 1996;10(supplement 2):S23-S26.
- Johannesson M, Le Lorier J. How to assess the economics of hypertension control programmes. Journal of Human Hypertension 1996;10(supplement 1):S93-S94.
- Johannesson M, Borgquist L, Jönsson B, Lindholm LH. The cost-effectiveness of lipid lowering in Swedish primary health care. Journal of Internal Medicine 1996;240:23-29.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Economic evaluation in health care: a brief history and future directions. PharmacoEconomics 1996;10:114-122.
- Jönsson B, Johannesson M, Kjekshus J, Olsson AG, Pedersen TR, Wedel H. Cost-effectiveness of cholesterol lowering: results from the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S). European Heart Journal 1996;17:1001-1007.
- Kartman B, Andersson F, Johannesson M. The willingness to pay for a reduction in angina pectoris attacks. Medical Decision Making 1996;16:248-253.
- Johannesson M, Gerdtham U-G. A note on the estimation of the equity-efficiency trade-off for QALYs. Journal of Health Economics 1996;15:359-368.
- Johannesson M. The willingness to pay for health changes, the human-capital approach and the external costs. Health Policy 1996;36:231-244.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Incorporating quality of life changes into economic evaluations of health care. Reply to Stephen McKenna. Health Policy 1996;37:201-204.
- Blumenschein K, Johannesson M. Incorporating quality of life changes into economic evaluations of health care: an overview. Health Policy 1996;36:155-166.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M. The impact of user charges on the consumption of drugs: empirical evidence and economic implications. PharmacoEconomics 1996;9:478-483.
- Johannesson M. The contingent valuation controversy in environmental economics and its relevance to health services research. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 1996;1:116- 177.
- Stucki G, Johannesson M, Liang MH. Use of misoprostol in the elderly: is the expense justified? Drugs & Aging 1996;8:84-88.
- Karlsson G, Johannesson M. The decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. PharmacoEconomics 1996;9:113-120.
- Johannesson M. A note on the relationship between ex ante and expected willingness to pay for health care. Social Science & Medicine 1996;42:305-311.
- Johannesson M, Gerdtham U-G. A pilot test of using the veil of ignorance approach to estimate a social welfare function for income. Applied Economics Letters 1995;2:400-402.
- Eckerlund I, Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Tambour M, Zethraeus N. Value for money? A contingent valuation study of the optimal size of the Swedish health care budget. Health Policy 1995;34:135-143.
- Johannesson M. Economic evaluation of drugs: potential uses in policymaking. PharmacoEconomics 1995;8:190-198.
- Johannesson M. Economic evaluation of health care and policymaking. Health Policy 1995;33:179-190.
- Johannesson M. The relationship between cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis. Social Science & Medicine 1995;41:483-489.
- Johannesson M. A note on the depreciation of the societal perspective in economic evaluation of health care. Health Policy 1995;33:59-66.
- Johannesson M. Quality-adjusted life-years versus healthy-years equivalents: a comment. Journal of Health Economics 1995;14:9-16.
- Johannesson M. A second opinion: On the estimation of cost-effectiveness ratios. Health Policy 1995;31:225-229.
- Johannesson M. The ranking properties of healthy-years equivalents and quality-adjusted lifeyears under certainty and uncertainty. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1995;11:40-48.
- Stucki G, Johannesson M, Liang MH. The cost-effectiveness of misoprostol. Reply to Fort & Hoffman and Gabriel. Archives of Internal Medicine 1995;155:1451-1452.
- Lindholm LH, Johannesson M. Cost-benefit aspects of treatment of hypertension in the elderly. Blood Pressure 1995;4(supplement 3):11-14.
- Johannesson M. The cost-effectiveness of hypertension treatment in Sweden. PharmacoEconomics 1995;7:242-250.
- Johannesson M. QALYs: a comment. Journal of Public Economics 1995;56:327-328.
- Tomson Y, Johannesson M, Åberg H. The costs and effects of two different lipid intervention programmes in primary health care. Journal of Internal Medicine 1995;237:13-17.
- Johannesson M, Agewall S, Hartford M, Hedner T, Fagerberg B. The cost-effectiveness of a multiple cardiovascular risk factor intervention programme in treated hypertensive men. Journal of Internal Medicine 1995;237:19-26.
- Johannesson M. The concept of cost in the economic evaluation of health care: a theoretical inquiry. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1994;10:675-682.
- Stucki G, Johannesson M, Liang MH. Is misoprostol cost-effective in the prevention of NSAIDinduced gastropathy in patients with chronic arthritis?: a review of conflicting economic evaluations. Archives of Internal Medicine 1994;154:2020-2025.
- Johannesson M. QALYs, HYEs, and individual preferences: a graphical illustration. Social Science & Medicine 1994;39:1623-1632.
- Neumann PJ, Johannesson M. The willingness to pay for in vitro fertilization: a pilot study using contingent valuation. Medical Care 1994;32:686-699.
- Neumann PJ, Johannesson M. From principle to public policy: using cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Affairs 1994;13:206-214.
- Johannesson M. The impact of age on the cost-effectiveness of hypertension treatment: an analysis of randomized drug trials. Medical Decision Making 1994;14:236-244.
- Johannesson M. The cost-effectiveness of the switch towards more expensive antihypertensive drugs. Health Policy 1994;28:1-13.
- Johannesson M, Pliskin JP, Weinstein MC. A note on QALYs, time-tradeoff, and discounting. Medical Decision Making 1994;14:188-193.
- Johannesson M, Weinstein MC. On the decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis. Journal of Health Economics 1993;12:459-467.
- Johannesson M. The contingent valuation method: appraising the appraisers. Health Economics 1993;2:357-359.
- Johannesson M, Borgquist L, Nilsson-Ehle P, Jönsson B, Ekbom T, Lindholm L. The cost of screening for hypercholesterolaemia: results from a clinical trial in Swedish primary health care. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 1993;53:725-732.
- Johannesson M. The contingent valuation method. Medical Decision Making 1993;13:311-312.
- Johannesson M, Pliskin JP, Weinstein MC. Are healthy years equivalents an improvement over quality adjusted life-years? Medical Decision Making 1993;13:281-286.
- Gerdtham U-G, Johannesson M, Jönsson B. Drug expenditure and new drug introductions: the Swedish experience. PharmacoEconomics 1993;4:215-225.
- Johannesson M, Dahlöf B, Lindholm LH, Ekbom T, Hansson L, Odén A, Scherstén B, Wester P-O, Jönsson B. The cost-effectiveness of treating hypertension in the elderly: an analysis of the Swedish trial in old patients with hypertension (STOP-HYPERTENSION). Journal of Internal Medicine 1993;234:317-323.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Kriström B, Borgquist L, Jönsson B. Willingness to pay for lipid lowering: a health production function approch. Applied Economics 1993;25:1023-1031.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Kriström B, Gerdtham U-G. Willingness to pay for antihypertensive therapy: further results. Journal of Health Economics 1993;12:95-108.
- Johannesson M, Jönsson B. Economic evaluation of osteoporosis prevention. Health Policy 1993;24:103-124.
- Johannesson M, Wikstrand J, Jönsson B, Berglund G, Tuomilehto J. Cost-effectiveness of antihypertensive treatment: metoprolol versus thiazide diuretics. PharmacoEconomics 1993;3:36-44.
- Johannesson M. The Australian guidelines for subsidisation of pharmaceuticals. Reply to David Henry. PharmacoEconomics 1992;2:425-426.
- Johannesson M. The Australian guidelines for subsidisation of pharmaceuticals: the road to costeffective drug prescribing? PharmacoEconomics 1992;2:355-362.
- Johannesson M, Fagerberg G. A health economic comparison of diet and drug treatment in obese men with mild hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 1992;10:1063-1070.
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- Johannesson M. Economic evaluation of lipid lowering: a feasibility test of the contingent valuation approach. Health Policy 1992;20:309-320.
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- Johannesson M, Jönsson B. Economic evaluation in health care: is there a role for cost-benefit analysis? Health Policy 1991;17:1-23.
- Книги и книжные главы
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- Johannesson M. Theory and methods of economic evaluation of health care. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- Johannesson M, Weinstein MC. Designing and conducting cost-benefit analyses. In: Spilker B (ed.). Quality of life and pharmacoeconomics in clinical trials. Second Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1996:1085-1092.
- Johannesson M, Johansson P-O, Jönsson B, Söderqvist T. Valuing changes in health: theoretical and empirical issues. In: Johansson P-O, Kriström B, Mäler K-G (eds.). Current issues in environmental economics. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995:78-97.
- Johannesson M. Economic evaluation of hypertension treatment: methods and empirical results. In: Swales JD (ed.). Textbook of Hypertension. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1994:1292-1302.
- Johannesson M, Jönsson B. Economic evaluation of osteoporosis prevention. In Chytil MK, Duru G, Eimeren WV, Flagle CD (eds.). Health systems: the challenge of change. Prague: Omnipress, 1992:543-546.
- Johannesson M. Economic evaluation of hypertension treatment. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science 67. Linköping: Linköping University, 1991 (PhD thesis)[6]
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